This is a highly customizable entity meant to lessen the load on servers by rendering fake wheels on the client. The idea is to have an invisible physical chassis with a low amount of wheels (2 or 3 pairs) while having as many fake wheels as you want (up to the current maximum).
Setting Values With Expression2
The setter functions can be somewhat confusing to use, so here are some basic tips and examples
Finding the variable name
The values used as the variable names are the netvar keys found in this file
# Edit wheel color and submaterial
E:tanktracktoolSetValue("wheelColor", "255 0 0 255")
Submat = array()
Submat[2, string] = "sprops/sprops_grid_12x12"
Submat[3, string] = "sprops/sprops_grid_orange_12x12"
E:tanktracktoolSetValue("wheelMaterial", Submat)
# Edit an individual wheel
E:tanktracktoolSetValue("whnOverride", 3, 1)
E:tanktracktoolSetValue("whnRadius", 3, 15)
E:tanktracktoolSetValue("whnWidth", 3, 10)
E:tanktracktoolSetValue("whnModel", 3, "models/sprops/trans/miscwheels/wt2_road_12.mdl")