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What is Prop2Mesh?
The purpose of this addon is to reduce server entity counts and client draw calls by converting selections of props into one rendered model. It does this by storing a list of models, positions, angles and other information, and then combines the vertices of these models with their specific manipulations to generate a completely new model. It does not generate a collision mesh or hitbox. Unfortunately, these meshes are limited to one per material/color pair, however, any number of controllers can be stored on a single entity.
Basic usage steps
left click with the tool to spawn an entity
right click that entity to select it
select props by right clicking them (or shift right click to area filter select)
hover on spawned entity with the first option selected to add a controller *
right click with the desired controller highlighted
- alternatively, you can hold shift and left click to automatically add controllers for each color/material pair
Supported tools
This addon has full duplicator support. Various other tools can be used on the entity to manipulate the attached controllers. These include:
Default Garry's Mod tools
- Remover (to remove controllers from the entity)
- Material (to set the material of a controller)
- Color (to set the color of a controller)
Third-party tools
Proper Clipping (can clip controllers, will also store clip data for selected props)
Visual Clip (can clip controllers, will also store clip data for selected props)
Resizer (can resize controllers, will also store scale data for selected props)
Supported properties
When selecting supported entities for conversion, these properties set by other tools are saved and carried over to the mesh data.
Controllers and meshes can be affected in further specific detail by using the P2M Editor. This is a full list of fields stored per part in the data:
prop -- modelpath
holo -- modelpath
objd -- crc of uncompressed data
pos -- local pos
ang -- local ang
scale -- x y z scales
bodygroup -- mask
vsmooth -- unset to use model normals, 0 to use flat shading, degrees to calculate
vinvert -- flip normals
vinside -- render inside
objn -- prettyprint
submodels -- lookup table of bools that hides submeshes by index
Supported entities
The following entity classes can be selected for mesh conversion. If you have a suggestion for more support, please open an issue.