Fix - search not being styled fully
Fix - enable/disable blacklist link not being positioned correctly
Fix - enable/disable blacklist link not being colored correctly
Fixed - styling not being applied to new nav menu
Fixed - nav logo not appearing due to aforementioned new nav menu
Fixed - some forms not having correct background color
Fix - Desktop logo when not using re621 not having any top padding
Fix - Mobile logo not being centered and the a element being too wide
Fix - Desktop search help link not being positioned correctly when not using re621
Fix - Mobile search help link text on mobile overflowing off screen when not using re621
Fix - Nav bar toggle being invisible when using re621
Fix - re621 extras menu not being positioned or styled correctly on mobile
Fix - Swapped tags and post layout to better match vanilla e621 on mobile
Fix - Multiple search bars on mobile when not using re621
Fix - Animated post thumbnail tag thing on popular page not being positioned correctly
Tweak - Post page on mobile is no longer centered, makes for easier left handed use, might add an option for stuff to be on the right in the future now that I think about itttttt
Tweak - Navigation links above/below a post (pool title/previous/next) now have a uniform 8px border radius if not using re621
Tweak - Increased font size on mobile for things that were kinda smallllll
New - layout for popular page, all post thumbnails are now the same size.
Fixed - remove post icon not having a background in the re621 notifications window
Fixed - arrow to the left of the blacklist ui being black instead of the normal text color
Fixed - Post navigation on top and bottom of a post not having a border radius
Tweaked - Sidebar post navigation is now styled similarly to the search bar and parent/children section
Added - Custom theme name in the theme selector title bar, to hopefully make custom themes less confusingggg!
Added - Popular text editor themes!
- Nord
- Rose Pine
- Sonokai - Shusia
- Everforest
- Gruvbox
Fixed - Re621 modals' title bar titles being too dark
Fixed - Nav bar hover pseudo elements conflicting with re621's notification dots
Fixed - Select elements arrows being black, I'm assuming this is a firefox issueeeee?
Fixed - Spacing issues on the buttons
Fixed - View responses button overriding the hide blip button
Hopefully that's the last issue *knock on wooddddd*
Fixed - Descriptions being unstyled because of an html tag change
Removed - that 'fancy' little arrow rotation because I couldn't get it to work for some reason with the "::marker" selector for some reasonnnnn?
Fixed - Header logo not appearing
Fixed - Re621 options menu not being styled
Tweaked - New logo in the site's footer now uses the same SVG as the header's logo