Added - Custom theme name in the theme selector title bar, to hopefully make custom themes less confusingggg!
Added - Popular text editor themes!
- Nord
- Rose Pine
- Sonokai - Shusia
- Everforest
- Gruvbox
Fixed - Re621 modals' title bar titles being too dark
Fixed - Nav bar hover pseudo elements conflicting with re621's notification dots
Fixed - Select elements arrows being black, I'm assuming this is a firefox issueeeee?
Fixed - Spacing issues on the buttons
Fixed - View responses button overriding the hide blip button
Hopefully that's the last issue *knock on wooddddd*
Fixed - Descriptions being unstyled because of an html tag change
Removed - that 'fancy' little arrow rotation because I couldn't get it to work for some reason with the "::marker" selector for some reasonnnnn?
Fixed - Header logo not appearing
Fixed - Re621 options menu not being styled
Tweaked - New logo in the site's footer now uses the same SVG as the header's logo
Not too fancy, but once the site is back I might add a second image to make it more interestingggg
(also hopefully this doesn't break the style as a wholeeeee, it doesn't seem to be messing with any of the pages that i have cached, but I have a backup just in case it does uwu)
Plus I made it so that when the border rank option is turned on the background will be tinted when in the mobile view, because there aren't borders to colorrrrr
Also fixed the blacklisted image being way to big in comments againnnn? Dunno if it broke again or if the fix got reverted in an update accidentallyyyyy
Tweaked classic Hexagon theme's border color, now uses the --user-member var, might change the actual color later~
Fixed a slight color issue with square borders when using the ranked border colors option
I finally decided to actually try out the :has() selector to see how if it'd be able to do the thing that I've wanted to do since I started working on this style, and it can!
You are now able to make the borders around users avatars change color based on their rank!
⚠️⚠️ For this to work on Firefox you must set the "layout.css.has-selector.enabled" flag to true in the 'about:config' page! ⚠️⚠️
(also I added a min-width to the avatars so they should always be the same size nowwww)