* Allow modifying .env without git complainging about changes to commit
* Require COMPOSE_PROFILE=solargraph for solargraph to be included in the image
* Set required vscode settings for solargraph to correctly work in docker
* Clean up .solargraph.yml. All these removed values are the default
* Disable autocomplete in the rails console
* Add a compose service to run rubocop
* Upddate rubocop config
Added some, removed some, ordered alphabetically.
Before: 844 files inspected, 6871 offenses detected, 6095 offenses autocorrectable
After: 844 files inspected, 8024 offenses detected, 7538 offenses autocorrectable
Most of the new offences are because of Style/StringLiterals (1312)
It's used in prod, should be done here too then.
Alpine doesn't provide this package, so we'll need to compile it ourself.
Confirmed working with `MALLOC_CONF=stats_print:true ruby -e "exit"`
To see the changes persisted into the container run `docker-compose` build
`docker-compose down -v` no longer requires to reinstall gems/packages
It's also possible to have branches with different gemfiles, without having
to install between them constantly