Earlopain dac62bbc78
[Docker] Fix build
The nice to have packages I removed weren't actually  just nice to have.
Shoreman requires a bash installation
2022-04-22 18:25:01 +02:00

28 lines
723 B

FROM ruby:2.7.3-alpine
# Dependencies for setup and runtime
RUN apk --no-cache add nodejs yarn postgresql-client ffmpeg vips tzdata \
git build-base postgresql-dev glib-dev bash
RUN wget -O - https://github.com/jemalloc/jemalloc/releases/download/5.2.1/jemalloc-5.2.1.tar.bz2 | tar -xj && \
cd jemalloc-5.2.1 && \
./configure && \
make && \
make install
ENV LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libjemalloc.so.2
# Install js packages and gems
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
RUN yarn install
COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock ./
RUN bundle install
# shoreman
RUN wget -O /usr/bin/shoreman https://github.com/chrismytton/shoreman/raw/master/shoreman.sh \
&& chmod +x /usr/bin/shoreman
CMD [ "shoreman" ]