samuelWilliams99 c80f3f1de3 Update readme
2019-12-24 03:50:20 +00:00

756 B


Custom interface to display when the server crashes or the client loses connection
You get to play the dinosaur game from Google Chrome!


  • First set DEV_MODE in lua/cfc_disconnect_interface/client/cl_api.lua to true
  • Then run any of the follow console commands:
    • cfc_di_testcrash - This imitates the server crashing
    • cfc_di_testnointernet - This imitates the client losing internet connection
    • cfc_di_testrestart - This imitates the server rebooting (but not recovering)
    • cfc_di_testrecover - This imitates the server recovering without crashing (basically a big lag spike)
  • You should run cfc_di_testrecover if you want behaviour to return to normal, or before opening another menu