Error applying entity modifer, "MakeSphericalCollisions". ERROR:
[@addons/makespherical/lua/autorun/MakeSpherical.lua:109] bad argument
#1 to 'Vector' (Vector expected, got nil)
( Error occurred when pasting a dupe that uses the old format )
+ Moved most of the main code off into another file to keep things clean
+ Split the constraints copying/applying into their own functions
+ Added the ability to offset the prop's render position
+ Improved legacy dupe support, now converts to the new data for
duplications ( just copy+save your contraptions to update to the newer
format )
+ Fixed a bug involving the controllers of wire hydraulics and wire
+Added E2 functions for MakeSpherical, they behave the same as the main
E:makeSpherical( radius )
+Optimised some code
Fixed the error [@weapons\gmod_tool\stools\makespherical.lua:178] Tried
to use invalid object (type IPhysicsObject) (Object was NULL or not of
the right type) ocurring on the client when the tool was used in