9 ConVars
Katie edited this page 2023-07-16 11:09:38 -07:00


sitting_use_walk: (Default: 1)

Use the walk key when sitting anywhere, disable this to sit by just pressing use.

sitting_force_left_alt: (Default: 0)

Makes the code check for straight left alt instead of walk

sitting_allow_on_me: (Default: 1)

Allow people to sitting on you (Default: 0)

sitting_ground_sit: (Default: 1)

Enable the Ground Sit feature


sitting_ent_mode: (Default: 3)

Changes what entities you can sit on (1&2 will act like 3 without a CPPI compatible Prop Protection)

Value Effect
0 Cannot sit on ANY entity
1 Cannot sit on any PLAYER owned entities
2 Can only sit on your own entities, world entities, or entities that are not owned
3 Can sit on any entity

sitting_can_sit_on_players: (Default: 1)

Allow sitting on other players that are sitting down

sitting_can_sit_on_player_ent: (Default: 1)

Allows sitting on the player entity itself

sitting_can_damage_players_sitting: (Default: 0)

Incredibly hacky way to enable damage on player sitting, this isn't at all perfect and probably won't work for you. I WILL NOT PROVIDE SUPPORT IF THE ISSUE YOU ARE EXPERIENCED IS FIXED BY DISABLING THIS CONVAR.

sitting_allow_weapons_in_seat: (Default: 0)

Enables the use of sweps in sit any where seats

sitting_admin_only: (Default: 0)

Lock Sit Anywhere to admins (uses PLAYER:IsAdmin)

sitting_anti_prop_surf: (Default: 1)

Disables using physgun on sit anywhere props

sitting_anti_tool_abuse: (Default: 1)

Disables using tools on any entity with someone sitting on it

sitting_allow_ground_sit: (Default: 1)

Allows ground sitting on your server

sitting_allow_tight_places: (Default: 0)

Allows sitting in places where a player cannot physically stand

Enabling this will enable a ceiling clipping exploit!

sitting_force_no_walk: (Default: 0)

Disables the need for using walk to sit anywhere on your server.