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synced 2025-03-04 03:13:26 -05:00
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entity = the vehicle base entity, NOT THE SEAT
ply:GetSimfphys() -- called on a player, returns the simfphys base entity (gmod_sent_vehicle_fphysics_base)
ply:IsDrivingSimfphys() -- called on a player, returns true when the player is DRIVING the simfphys vehicle. returns false for passengers.
------ shared
entity:GetSteerSpeed() -- returns a number
entity:GetFastSteerConeFadeSpeed() -- returns a number
entity:GetFastSteerAngle() -- returns a number
entity:GetFrontSuspensionHeight() -- returns a number
entity:GetRearSuspensionHeight() -- returns a number
entity:GetEngineSoundPreset() -- returns a number
entity:GetRPM() -- gets the current engine rpm. returns a number
entity:GetIdleRPM() -- returns a number
entity:GetLimitRPM() -- returns a number
entity:GetPowerBandStart() -- returns a number
entity:GetPowerBandEnd() -- returns a number
entity:GetMaxTorque() -- returns a number
entity:GetRevlimiter() -- returns a bool
entity:GetTurboCharged() -- returns a bool
entity:GetSuperCharged() -- returns a bool
entity:GetBackFire() -- returns a bool
entity:GetDoNotStall() -- returns a bool
entity:GetClutch() -- returns a number
entity:GetThrottle() -- returns a number
entity:GetGear() -- returns a number (1 = reverse, 2 = neutral, 3 = first gear, 4 = second gear, 5 = third gear, ..., ...)
entity:GetDifferentialGear() -- returns a number
entity:GetBrakePower() -- returns a number
entity:GetPowerDistribution() -- returns a number (1 = rear wheel drive, -1 = front wheel drive, 0 = all wheel drive with power distributed equally on front and rear wheels)
entity:GetEfficiency() -- returns a number
entity:GetMaxTraction() -- returns a number
entity:GetTractionBias() -- returns a number
entity:GetTireSmokeColor() -- returns a vector
entity:GetIsCruiseModeOn() -- returns a bool, is the cruise control enabled?
entity:GetIsBraking() -- returns true when braking
entity:GetLightsEnabled() -- returns true when the lowbeams are active
entity:GetLampsEnabled() -- returns true when the highbeams are active
entity:GetEMSEnabled() -- returns true when the emergency system is active
entity:GetFogLightsEnabled() -- returns true when the fog lights are active
entity:GetHandBrakeEnabled() -- returns true when the handbrake is active
entity:GetVehicleSteer() -- returns a number, (from -1 to 1, its used for the steering poseparameter for the player)
entity:GetDriver() -- returns an entity
entity:GetDriverSeat() -- returns an entity
entity:GetActive() -- returns true when the vehicle is active. note that the engine can still be inactive even when the vehicle itself is active
entity:GetSpawn_List() -- returns the vehicle spawnname as string
entity:GetLights_List() -- returns the lights listname as string
entity:GetSoundoverride() -- returns an string
entity:GetCurHealth() -- returns the current health as number
entity:GetMaxHealth() -- returns the max health as number
-- server
entity:SteerVehicle( number ) -- sets the ANGLE of the steering.
entity:Lock() -- locks the vehicle
entity:UnLock() -- unlocks the vehicle
entity:EngineActive() -- returns true if the engine is running. false when not
entity:StopEngine() -- stops the engine
entity:StartEngine( bKeepGear = false ) -- starts the engine and resets to neutral gear if bKeepGear is nil or false
entity:StallAndRestart( ntime = 1, bKeepGear = false ) -- stalls the engine and restarts it after set amount of time.
entity:DamagedStall() -- stalls the engine and restarts with backfiring
entity:SetMaxHealth( nHealth ) -- sets the max health
entity:SetCurHealth( nHealth ) -- sets the current health
-- vehicle controling without driver
there is no support for vehicle controlling yet but there is a hacky way to do by overriding the joystick controls:
first step is to decide if the vehicle should be manual or automatic.
Every vehicle without driver is in automatic transmission mode by default.
If you want to change that you have to do:
entity.ForceTransmission = 2 --(1 = automatic, 2 = manual)
Now we have to set the vehicle to active.
Note that an active vehicle doesn't mean that the engine will be running. Its just so the car sets itself into "waiting" state and sets the physics correctly:
entity:SetActive( true )
next step is to start the engine
ok. Now the vehicle should be running and be moveable with the physgun without the wheels locking up.
To control the vehicle you have overwrite these variables (they go from 0 - 1):
entity.PressedKeys["joystick_steer_left"] = 0
entity.PressedKeys["joystick_steer_right"] = 0
entity.PressedKeys["joystick_brake"] = 0 -- this is also used as "reverse throttle" when in automatic mode
entity.PressedKeys["joystick_throttle"] = 0
entity.PressedKeys["joystick_gearup"] = 0 -- only used on manual transmission
entity.PressedKeys["joystick_geardown"] = 0 -- only used on manual transmission
entity.PressedKeys["joystick_handbrake"] = 0
entity.PressedKeys["joystick_clutch"] = 0 -- only used on manual transmission
entity.PressedKeys["joystick_air_w"] = 0
entity.PressedKeys["joystick_air_a"] = 0
entity.PressedKeys["joystick_air_s"] = 0
entity.PressedKeys["joystick_air_d"] = 0
i think its obvious which variable does what.
for steering you can use both the joystick variables or the function:
entity:SteerVehicle( number ) -- sets the steering ANGLE. Unlike the joystick variables this sets the actual steering angle