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Console Variables and Commands
Console Variables and Commands
TheOnly8Z edited this page 2022-07-25 15:28:43 -05:00
Table of Contents
Console Variables
ConVar | Default | Description |
arccw_enable_customization | 1 | Enable customization. Set to 0 to disable and -1 to also hide the customization HUD entirely. |
arccw_enable_penetration | 1 | Enable bullet penetration. |
arccw_enable_ricochet | 1 | Enable bullet ricocheting off surfaces. |
arccw_enable_dropping | 1 | Enable attachment dropping (right click attachment in menu). |
arccw_enable_sway | 1 | Enable weapon aim sway. |
arccw_bodydamagemult_cancel | 1 | Cancel gamemode-specific limb damage multipliers if the weapon has its own multiplier table. |
arccw_attinv_lockmode | 0 | Once owned, players can use attachments as much as they like. |
arccw_attinv_free | 1 | All attachments can always be used. |
arccw_attinv_loseondie | 1 | All attachments reset on death. If set to 2, drops all attachments in a box. |
arccw_atts_spawnrand | 0 | Randomly give attachments to player spawned SWEPs. |
arccw_atts_ubglautoload | 0 | Automatically load underbarrel weapons when attached. |
arccw_atts_pickx | 0 | Limit weapons to this many maximum attachments. 0 = disable system. |
arccw_npc_replace | 0 | Replace NPC weapons with ArcCW weapons. |
arccw_npc_atts | 1 | Randomly give NPC weapons attachments. |
arccw_truenames | 1 | Use true names instead of fake names, where applicable. Requires restart. |
arccw_equipmentammo | 1 | Generate unique ammo types for throwables. |
arccw_equipmentsingleton | 0 | Make grenades and equipment not use ammo, and remove themselves on use. |
arccw_equipmenttime | 180 | How long equipment such as Claymores will remain on the map before self-destructing. |
arccw_mult_damage | 1 | Multiplier for damage done by all weapons. |
arccw_mult_npcdamage | 1 | Multiplier for damage done by weapons used by NPCs. |
arccw_mult_hipfire | 1 | Multiplier for hip fire spread. |
arccw_mult_reloadtime | 1 | Multiplier for how long weapons take to reload. |
arccw_mult_sighttime | 1 | Multiplier for how long weapons take to enter sights. |
arccw_mult_rpm | 1 | Multiplier for how fast weapons fire. May be disastrous on performance. |
arccw_mult_range | 1 | Multiplier for range of all weapons. |
arccw_mult_recoil | 1 | Multiplier for recoil of all weapons. |
arccw_mult_accuracy | 1 | Multiplier for mechanical inprecision of weapons. |
arccw_mult_movedisp | 1 | Multiplier for moving inaccuracy of weapons. |
arccw_mult_penetration | 1 | Multiplier for how far weapons should penetrate. |
arccw_mult_startunloaded | 0 | All weapons spawn unloaded. |
arccw_mult_shootwhilesprinting | 0 | Allow any weapon to shoot while sprinting. |
arccw_mult_defaultammo | 3 | Multiplier for default ammo supply. |
arccw_mult_attchance | 1 | Multiplier for random attachment chance on NPCs and in TTT. |
arccw_mult_heat | 1 | Multiplier for how much heat increases per shot on certain weapons. |
arccw_mult_sway | 1 | Multiplier for how much sway exists when in sights. |
arccw_mult_malfunction | 1 | Multiplier for how often malfunctions occur. |
arccw_mult_meleedamage | 1 | Multiplier for melee damage. |
arccw_mult_meleetime | 1 | Multiplier for melee speed. |
arccw_add_sway | 0 | Add this much sway to all weapons. |
arccw_mult_bottomlessclip | 0 | Enable bottomless clip. |
arccw_mult_infiniteammo | 0 | Enable infinite reserve ammo. |
arccw_mult_crouchdisp | 1 | Multiplier for hip dispersion while crouching. |
arccw_mult_crouchrecoil | 1 | Multiplier for recoil while crouching. |
arccw_mult_movespeed | 1 | Multiplier for how much weapons should affect your regular movespeed. |
arccw_mult_movespeedads | 1 | Multiplier for how much weapons should affect your movespeed while aiming down sights. |
arccw_mult_movespeedfire | 1 | Multiplier for how much weapons should affect your movespeed while firing them. |
arccw_override_crosshair_off | 0 | Set to true to force everyone's crosshairs off. |
arccw_override_hud_off | 0 | Set to true to force everyone's HUDs off. |
arccw_override_nearwall | 1 | Disable barrel length and near-walling. |
arccw_override_lunge_off | 0 | Disable melee lunging. |
arccw_ammo_detonationmode | 2 | The type of ammo detonation to use. -1 = don't explode, 0 = simple explosion, 1 = fragmentation, 2 = full |
arccw_ammo_autopickup | 1 | Whether to pick up ammo when walking over in addition to pressing Use. |
arccw_ammo_largetrigger | 1 | Whether to use larger trigger boxes for ammo, similar to HL2. Only useful when autopickup is true. |
arccw_ammo_rareskin | 0.08 | Chance for a rare skin to appear. Only specific models have these. |
arccw_ammo_chaindet | 1 | Whether to allow ammoboxes to detonate each other. If disabled, they will still be destroyed but !explode. |
arccw_ammo_replace | 0 | If enabled, all vanilla ammo entities will be forcefully replaced with ArcCW equivalents. |
arccw_mult_ammohealth | 1 | Multiplier for how much health ammo boxes have. Set to -1 for indestructible boxes. |
arccw_mult_ammoamount | 1 | Multiplier for how much ammo are in ammo boxes. |
arccw_limityear_enable | 0 | Limit the maximum year for weapons. |
arccw_limityear | 0 | Limit the maximum year for weapons. |
arccw_doorbust | 0 | Whether to allow door busting. 1 - break down, 2 - open only |
arccw_doorbust_threshold | 80 | The amount of damage needed to bust a normal sized door. |
arccw_doorbust_time | 180 | The amount of time to keep the door busted by. |
arccw_driveby | 0 | Enable special checks that allow you to fire out of vehicles (assuming some vehicle weaponizer addon exists). |
arccw_clicktocycle | 0 | Whether to make it so left clicking after shooting cycles instead of on mouse release. |
arccw_throwinertia | 1 | Set to make throwable equipment inherit the player's velocity. |
arccw_bullet_enable | 0 | Use physical bullets with drop and travel time. |
arccw_bullet_velocity | 1 | Multiplier for physical bullet muzzle velocity. |
arccw_bullet_drag | 1 | Use physical bullets with drop and travel time. |
arccw_bullet_lifetime | 10 | Maximum physical bullet lifetime. |
arccw_bullet_gravity | 600 | Default gravity of physical bullets. |
arccw_weakensounds | 0 | Reduce all weapons' firing volume by this much decibels, making it easier to hide shooting sounds. Clamped to 60-150dB. |
arccw_desync | 0 | Turning this on prevents cheaters from predicting the bullet direction/spread, making the nospread cheat useless. |
arccw_aimassist | 0 | Enable A I M B O T |
arccw_aimassist_head | 0 | My advice for you: aim for the head! |
arccw_aimassist_cone | 5 | The angle of the cone within which targets can be seeked. |
arccw_aimassist_distance | 1024 | The distance within which aim assist will trigger. |
arccw_aimassist_intensity | 0.5 | How strong the assist is. |
arccw_malfunction | 1 | Enable random malfunctions. Set to 2 to enable on weapons without jam animations as well. |
arccw_attinv_giveonspawn | 0 | Give this many random attachments to players on spawn. |
arccw_reloadincust | 0 | Allow players to reload when customizing. |
arccw_freeaim | 0 | Enable free aim (also reduces hip dispersion to compensate). Set to 2 to not compensate for hip dispersion. |
arccw_reloadatts_mapcleanup | 0 | Whether to reload ArcCW attachments on admin clean up. |
arccw_reloadatts_registerentities | 1 | Register attachment entities. This may increase time to reload attachments. |
arccw_reloadatts_showignored | 0 | Whether to include attachments set to Ignore. |
arccw_dev_debug | 0 | Developer debug HUD showing cool time shit. |
arccw_dev_shootinfo | 0 | Show debug overlay firing information. Only works when developer is set to 1. |
arccw_dev_alwaysready | 0 | Always draw using the ready animation. |
ConVar | Default | Description |
arccw_bullet_imaginary | 1 | Draw imaginary physical bullets outside of the skybox. |
arccw_crosshair | 1 | Enable crosshair. |
arccw_crosshair_clr_r | 255 | Crosshair color (red) |
arccw_crosshair_clr_g | 255 | Crosshair color (green) |
arccw_crosshair_clr_b | 255 | Crosshair color (blue) |
arccw_crosshair_clr_a | 255 | Crosshair color (alpha) |
arccw_crosshair_length | 4 | Crosshair length |
arccw_crosshair_thickness | 1 | Crosshair thickness |
arccw_crosshair_gap | 1 | Crosshair gap size multiplier |
arccw_crosshair_static | 0 | Use static crosshair (does not change from dispersion) |
arccw_crosshair_clump | 0 | Draw CW2-styled clump circle, showing pellet spread. |
arccw_crosshair_clump_outline | 0 | Whether to draw an outline on the clump circle |
arccw_crosshair_clump_always | 0 | Always draw clump circle, even when weapon has only one pellet. |
arccw_crosshair_outline | 2 | Crosshair outline thickness |
arccw_crosshair_outline_r | 0 | Crosshair outline color (red) |
arccw_crosshair_outline_g | 0 | Crosshair outline color (green) |
arccw_crosshair_outline_b | 0 | Crosshair outline color (blue) |
arccw_crosshair_outline_a | 255 | Crosshair outline color (alpha) |
arccw_crosshair_dot | 1 | Draw crosshair dot |
arccw_crosshair_shotgun | 1 | Use shotgun prongs (square instead of cross) when weapon has multiple pellets |
arccw_crosshair_equip | 1 | Use equipment prongs (dots instead of cross) when weapon is an equipment (grenade, deployable etc) |
arccw_crosshair_aa | 1 | Crosshair color changes on aim assist. |
arccw_crosshair_trueaim | 0 | Use true origin to calculate a more accurate crosshair position. |
arccw_crosshair_prong_top | 1 | Draw top crosshair prong |
arccw_crosshair_prong_left | 1 | Draw left crosshair prong |
arccw_crosshair_prong_right | 1 | Draw right crosshair prong |
arccw_crosshair_prong_bottom | 1 | Draw bottom crosshair prong |
arccw_crosshair_tilt | 0 | Tilt crosshair 45 degrees and draw triangle crosshair if possible. |
arccw_attinv_simpleproscons | 0 | Simplify autostat display to not use numbers. |
arccw_attinv_onlyinspect | 0 | Do not draw the customize hud and only show the weapon. |
arccw_attinv_hideunowned | 0 | Unowned attachments are not shown in attachment list. |
arccw_attinv_darkunowned | 0 | Unowned attachments are dark instead of red in attachment list. |
arccw_attinv_closeonhurt | 0 | If we take damage, close the customize menu. |
arccw_attinv_gamemodebuttons | 1 | Show some gamemode-specific buttons for DarkRP and TTT. |
arccw_language | "" | Language override |
arccw_font | "" | Font override |
arccw_ammonames | 0 | Use realistic ammo names. |
arccw_cheapscopes | 1 | Use cheaper scope drawing method instead of Picture-in-Picture |
arccw_cheapscopesv2_ratio | 0.05 | FOV boost ratio for cheap scope drawing. |
arccw_scopepp | 1 | Scope chromatic aberration |
arccw_thermalpp | 1 | Thermal scope post-processing effects |
arccw_scopepp_refract | 0 | Scope lens refract effect (experimental) |
arccw_scopepp_refract_ratio | 0.75 | Scope lens refract ratio |
arccw_cheapscopesautoconfig | 0 | Set to automatically check if cheap scopes is needed (based on config). |
arccw_shake | 1 | Screen shake when firing |
arccw_shakevm | 1 | Viewmodel shake when firing |
arccw_muzzleeffects | 1 | Enable World Muzzle Effects |
arccw_shelleffects | 1 | Enable World Case Effects |
arccw_shelltime | 0 | Casing Lifetime |
arccw_att_showothers | 1 | Show Others' Attachments |
arccw_att_showground | 1 | Show Ground Attachments |
arccw_visibility | 8000 | Attachments will not render past this distance. -1 means always draw. |
arccw_fastmuzzles | 0 | Low Performance Muzzle Effects |
arccw_fasttracers | 0 | Low Performance Tracer Effects |
arccw_2d3d | 1 | Floating help text over dropped weapons, attachments and ammo |
arccw_hud_3dfun | 0 | 3D2D ammo HUD (shows next to weapon muzzle) |
arccw_hud_3dfun_lite | 0 | HUD only shows up when pressing reload (instead of whenever it changes). |
arccw_hud_3dfun_ammotype | 0 | Show ammo type in HUD. |
arccw_hud_forceshow | 0 | Always show HUD, even if other hooks disable us. |
arccw_hud_fcgbars | 1 | Show firemode bars. |
arccw_hud_fcgabbrev | 0 | Use abbreviated firemode names (SEMI instead of Semi-Automatic). |
arccw_hud_minimal | 1 | Draw backup HUD if default hud isn't shown. |
arccw_hud_deadzone_x | 0 | Horizontal deadzone |
arccw_hud_deadzone_y | 0 | Vertical deadzone |
arccw_hud_3dfun_decaytime | 3 | HUD fade time. Set 0 to never fade |
arccw_hud_3dfun_right | 2 | 3D2D HUD right offset |
arccw_hud_3dfun_up | 1 | 3D2D HUD up offset |
arccw_hud_3dfun_forward | 0 | 3D2D HUD forward offset |
arccw_hud_size | 1 | HUD size multiplier |
arccw_cust_sounds | 1 | Cool sounds in customization menu |
arccw_scope_r | 255 | Scope color (red) |
arccw_scope_g | 0 | Scope color (blue) |
arccw_scope_b | 0 | Scope color (green) |
arccw_blur | 0 | Customization Blur |
arccw_blur_toytown | 1 | Aim Blur |
arccw_adjustsensthreshold | 0 | If your total magnification is less than this, your sensitivity will not be adjusted while in sights. |
arccw_drawbarrel | 0 | Draw barrel in RT scopes (experimental) |
arccw_glare | 1 | Glare visible on your scope lens when aiming. |
arccw_autosave | 1 | Autosave attachments on weapons. |
arccw_vm_right | 0 | Viewmodel position offset (right) |
arccw_vm_up | 0 | Viewmodel position offset (up) |
arccw_vm_forward | 0 | Viewmodel position offset (forward) |
arccw_vm_pitch | 0 | Viewmodel angle offset (pitch) |
arccw_vm_yaw | 0 | Viewmodel angle offset (yaw) |
arccw_vm_roll | 0 | Viewmodel angle offset (roll) |
arccw_vm_fov | 0 | Viewmodel FOV offset |
arccw_vm_add_ads | 0 | Viewmodel FOV in ADS |
arccw_vm_sway_sprint | 3 | Viewmodel sprint bob (intentionally flipped) |
arccw_vm_bob_sprint | 3 | Viewmodel sprint sway |
arccw_vm_coolsway | 1 | Custom sway |
arccw_vm_coolview | 1 | Custom camera movement |
arccw_vm_coolview_mult | 1 | Custom camera movement multiplier |
arccw_vm_look_xmult | 1 | Vertical Look Sway |
arccw_vm_look_ymult | 1 | Horizontal Look Sway |
arccw_vm_sway_xmult | 1 | View Bob Right |
arccw_vm_sway_ymult | 1 | View Bob Forward |
arccw_vm_sway_zmult | 1 | View Bob Up |
arccw_vm_sway_speedmult | 1 | text |
arccw_vm_nearwall | 1 | Near-wall viewmodel movement |
arccw_toggleads | 0 | Toggle sights |
arccw_altubglkey | 0 | USE + RMB Toggles Underbarrel (Default double tap suitzoom) |
arccw_altfcgkey | 0 | USE + RELOAD Toggles Firemode (Default suitzoom) |
arccw_altlaserkey | 0 | USE + WALK To Toggle Laser (Default WALK + USE) |
arccw_altbindsonly | 0 | Only use custom binds and disable default ones. |
arccw_altsafety | 0 | Hold WALK to toggle safety |
arccw_automaticreload | 0 | Automatically reload when empty |
arccw_nohl2flash | 0 | Toggle attachments modes through flashlight bind |
arccw_aimassist_cl | 0 | Enable aim assist (if enabled serverside) |
arccw_noinspect | 0 | Disable inspect animations |
Console Commands
ArcCW is made by a team of pretty good modders.
Contribute at https://github.com/HaodongMo/ArcCW