1 List of Conditions
8Z edited this page 2023-08-04 14:28:45 -05:00

Used these in attachment stats, e.g. AimDownSightsTimeMultCrouch to multiply ADS time when crouching.

Binary Conditions

  • NPC: Enabled when the owner is an NPC.
  • True: Enabled when TrueNames is active.
  • Silenced: Enabled when a silencer is installed.
  • UBGL: Enabled when an underbarrel weapon is active.
  • MidAir: Enabled when in mid-air.
  • Crouch: Enabled when crouching.
  • FirstShot: Enabled on the first shot.
  • Empty: Enabled on the last shot of a magazine.
  • EvenShot: Enabled on even shots.
  • OddShot: Enabled on odd shots.
  • EvenReload: Enabled on even reloads.
  • OddReload: Enabled on odd reloads.
  • Bipod: Enabled while weapon is mounted with a bipod.
  • Heated: Enabled when heat is at capacity.
    • Takes priority over Hot for the same modifier.
  • Sighted: Enabled when fully sighted.
    • Takes priority over both Sights and HipFire for the same modifier.

Scalar Conditions

  • Sights: Enabled when at least partially sighted. Scales with sight amount.
  • HipFire: Enabled when not sighted at all. Scales inversely with sight amount.
  • Hot: Enabled when there is heat in the weapon. Scales with heat amount.
  • Shooting: Enabled when constantly shooting. Applies fully on firing, then scales with time since last shot relative to fire rate.
  • Move: Enabled when moving. Scales with velocity, up to the player's walk speed or 250HU/s on non-players.

Unique Conditions

  • Recoil: Enabled while weapon is affected by recoil. Multiplied by recoil amount, up to the value of RecoilModiferCap.
    • To avoid infinite loops, RecoilModiferCap cannot have the Recoil condition.