• 9.8.0-Beta 95f97501b8

    MySQLOO 9.8 Beta Pre-Release

    FredyH released this 2024-09-09 18:44:51 -04:00 | 1 commits to master since this release

    Changes from MySQLOO 9.7.6

    • Added Database:onDisconnect() callback (#135)
    • Added options to set database timeout values (#138)
  • 9.7.6 3b87ab2255

    MySQLOO 9.7.6 Stable

    FredyH released this 2022-09-01 13:59:08 -04:00 | 5 commits to master since this release

    Changes from MySQLOO 9.7.5

    • Fixed SQL string not being provided to error callbacks (#115)
  • 9.7.5 b1d29b5a4f

    MySQLOO 9.7.5 Stable

    FredyH released this 2022-05-22 10:37:23 -04:00 | 7 commits to master since this release

    Changes from MySQLOO 9.7.4

    • Added support for auto-reconnect after wait_timeout was exceeded with MySQL Server 8.0.24+
  • 9.7.4 1152181b20

    MySQLOO 9.7.4 Stable

    FredyH released this 2022-04-20 20:37:55 -04:00 | 10 commits to master since this release

    Changes from MySQLOO 9.7.3

    • Fixed auto-reconnect behaviour
      • The first query after the connection was lost will no longer fail if it was possible to reconnect
    • Significantly improved performance/behaviour of prepared statements after the connection was lost
  • 9.7.3 a2b5f29c52

    MySQLOO 9.7.3 Stable

    FredyH released this 2022-01-24 17:58:06 -05:00 | 11 commits to master since this release

    Changes from MySQLOO 9.7.2

    • Fixed query:ping() and query:wait() potentially freezing the server
      • Using query:ping() and query:wait() should never be able to cause a deadlock now, however you should still not rely on this being the case.
    • Fixed a memory leak involving db:ping()
    • Added mysqloo.referenceCreatedCount() and mysqloo.referenceFreedCount() debug functions to test for memory leaks
  • 9.7.2 a634b117c9

    MySQLOO 9.7.2 Stable

    FredyH released this 2021-11-29 15:47:21 -05:00 | 16 commits to master since this release

    Changes from MySQLOO 9.7.1

    • Potentially fixed a rare crash on map change (#95)
    • Fixed changing SSL Settings crashing the server
  • 9.7.2-beta-1 0e953640cd

    MySQLOO 9.7.2 Beta 1 Pre-Release

    FredyH released this 2021-11-27 23:49:40 -05:00 | 17 commits to master since this release

    Potentially fixed a crash on map change

  • 9.7.1 4cdd12e805

    MySQLOO 9.7.1 Stable

    FredyH released this 2021-11-21 11:06:36 -05:00 | 18 commits to master since this release

    Changes from 9.7.0:

    • Fixed setAutoReconnect not being a function (#97)
    • Fixed prepared statements not attempting to re-prepare the statement after an auto-reconnect when run in a transaction.
  • 9.7.0 ff4e9d06de

    MySQLOO 9.7.0 Stable

    FredyH released this 2021-11-17 12:52:30 -05:00 | 25 commits to master since this release

    Changes from 9.6.1:

    • Switched to MariaDB client which supports both 32 and 64 bit version
      • MySQL 8 is now fully supported, including the new native authentication (#60, #67)
    • Added ConVar to disable version check (#59)
    • Fixed not being able to add prepared query to transactions more than once (#31)
    • Added new functions to configure SSLSettings: db:setSSLSettings(key, cert, ca, capath, cipher)
    • Fixed database escape not working on strings including null characters (#42)
    • Completely restructured the code
      • Mysql and Lua classes are now separated
      • Lua is now fully in charge of the lifetime of Userdata/Lua objects
    • Switched to the CMake building system (CLion, Visual Studio and more now be used to develop/build this module)
    • Severely improved garbage collection performance
      • You can now create thousands of queries in one go without any lag
    • Improved performance when launching the same prepared query many times in a row
    • Added integration test of (almost) all functionality in Lua, including basic memory leak checks
    • Fixed several bugs, including some possible heap corruption on map change

    Breaking Changes

    • Due to mysqloo now properly using metatables, some libraries/wrappers that relied on this not being the case might break.
      • older versions of the mysqloolib.lua and tmysql wrapper libraries included in this project will not work with mysqloo 9.7.0+. If your server/script uses this library, please use the latest version contained in the repository, which are compatible with all mysqloo 9 versions.
  • 9.7.0-beta-7 bc52bc0f11

    9.7.0-beta-7 Pre-Release

    FredyH released this 2021-11-08 22:30:56 -05:00 | 1 commits to mariadb-connector since this release

    Changes from 9.7.0-beta-6:

    • Switched to the CMake building system (CLion, Visual Studio and more now be used to develop/build this module)
    • Completely restructured the code
      • Mysql and Lua classes are now separated
      • Lua is now fully in charge of the lifetime of Userdata/Lua objects
    • Severely improved garbage collection performance
      • You can now create thousands of queries in one go without any lag
    • Improved performance when launching the same prepared query many times in a row
    • Added integration test of (almost) all functionality in Lua, including basic memory leak checks
    • Fixed several bugs, including some possible heap corruption on map change
    • Fixed a memory leak that could lead to out of memory errors after running for a long time