Table of Contents
References you should know before using:
type - The type of restriction or limit you are using. They will be listed under each command that uses them.
item - This refers to what you wish to restrict. It could be a prop, swep, anything. It is only used in restrictions.
group(s) - The group or groups you wish this to be applied to. If plural, use spaces to separate. You may use steamIDs for individuals.
weapon(s) - The same as groups only with weapons.
number - Simply a number value to specify. Only used in setlimit.
[0/1] - If something has a forward slash like so, this simply means it is limited to these choices and the list is small enough to fit.
Fast Travel
- restrict
- unrestrict
- setlimit
- loadoutadd
- loadoutremove
- xgui_urs
- ulx_echo_commands
- ulx_echo_spawns
- ulx_urs_weaponpickups
- ulx_urs_overwrite_sbox
ulx restrict [type] [item] [groups]
ulx unrestrict [type] [item] [groups]
The types of restrictions are limited to: prop, tool, vehicle, effect, swep, npc, ragdoll, sent, pickup, advdupe, and all. Use * to invert the list making it a whitelist.
advdupe - Refers to misc stuff (not props, sents, etc.) spawned by Wiremod's Advanced Duplicator or the Advanced Duplicator 2. You use the entity's classname.
swep - Weapons spawned.
pickup - Weapon pickups.
all - Everything of a specific type. Limited to the above types as well.
Example Usages:
ulx restrict swep weapon_ak47 admin
ulx restrict all swep user
ulx restrict tool gmod_dynamite * superadmin (restricts from everyone except superadmin)
ulx setlimit [type] [group] [number]
Use this to set custom limits for different types of entities. If there is no custom limit, it will default to the default sbox limit. You can use -1 to set it back to the default sbox limit. The types are limited to : vehicle, effect, npx, ragdoll, prop, and sent.
Example Usages:
ulx setlimit prop superadmin 1337
ulx setlimit prop superadmin -1 (resets to default sbox limits)
ulx loadoutadd [group] [weapons]
ulx loadoutremove [group] [weapons]
Separate the groups with spaces. First weapon listed is the one the player will spawn with.
Example Usages:
ulx loadoutadd superadmin weapon_physgun weapon_crowbar
ulx loadoutremove superadmin * (Deletes the entire loadout)
Gives access to the XGUI URS menu.
ulx_echo_commands [0/1]
Decides whether to echo URS commands silently or not. (1=Yes, 0=No)
ulx_echo_spawns [0/1]
Decides whether to echo tool usage, swep spawns, or restricted items spawned. (1=Yes, 0=No)
ulx_urs_weaponpickups [0/1/2]
0=Disabled, 1=Include with swep restrictions, 2=Separate restrictions (pickups)
ulx_urs_overwrite_sbox [0/1]
Use URS limits over default sbox limits (1=Yes, 0=No)