Since VS2015 and Visual Studio Code, they create this folder which store cache/options stuff, when opening a repository folder.
Removing the folder is not really possible, because file inside is being used by editor.
It becomes annoying to use stashing all the time while contributing.
Currently there are many files which are ignored by .gitignore but also
tracked - such as every file in the root of the repository. This was
done to make it harder for developers to accidentally commit files that
shouldn't be in the repository, but it also upsets many tools and
editors. (For example, Atom won't navigate to any file ignored by
.gitignore, even if it's also in the Git index.)
Given this, and given that this isn't something I've seen any other
projects do and I've never seen it recommended anywhere, I'm replacing
the .gitignore with a much simpler one. All it ignores is a .svn
directory (as the old one did), and any file generated by luac (as `luac
filename.lua` can be used to quickly check that a file is syntactically
valid Lua).