.github/workflows | ||
.readme | ||
ci | ||
cmake | ||
components | ||
css | ||
dialogs | ||
discord | ||
res | ||
thirdparty | ||
windows | ||
.clang-format | ||
.gitignore | ||
.gitmodules | ||
abaddon.cpp | ||
abaddon.hpp | ||
CMakeLists.txt | ||
emojis.cpp | ||
emojis.hpp | ||
filecache.cpp | ||
filecache.hpp | ||
http.cpp | ||
http.hpp | ||
imgmanager.cpp | ||
imgmanager.hpp | ||
MurmurHash3.cpp | ||
MurmurHash3.h | ||
README.md | ||
settings.cpp | ||
settings.hpp | ||
util.cpp | ||
util.hpp |
Alternative Discord client made in C++ with GTK

Current features:
- Not Electron
- Handles most types of chat messages including embeds, images, and replies
- Completely styleable/customizable with CSS (if you have a system GTK theme it won't really use it though)
- Identifies to gateway as the web client unlike other clients so less likely to be falsely flagged as spam1
- Set status
- Start new DMs and group DMs
- View user profiles (notes, mutual servers, mutual friends)
- Kick, ban, and unban members
- Modify roles and modify members' roles
- Manage invites
- View audit log
- Emojis2
- Animated avatars, server icons, emojis (can be turned off)
1 - Other third-party clients send the IDENTIFY message that bots use which makes Discord more likely to think you are selfbotting or spamming. However, Discord still loves to ban people's accounts for no good reason, even users of the official clients. If you want to be really careful avoid joining servers really fast or cold DMing people.
2 - Getting emojis to function properly on GTK is still something I've yet to figure out (#5). Unicode emojis are manually searched for and replaced in several places as opposed to allowing GTK to figure it out since GTK's way of doing it doesn't work very well.
Building manually (recommended if not on Windows):
git clone https://github.com/uowuo/abaddon && cd abaddon
vcpkg install gtkmm:x64-windows nlohmann-json:x64-windows ixwebsocket:x64-windows zlib:x64-windows simpleini:x64-windows sqlite3:x64-windows openssl:x64-windows curl:x64-windows
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=c:\path\to\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows ..
- Build with Visual Studio
Or, do steps 1 and 2, and open CMakeLists.txt in Visual Studio if vcpkg integrate install
was run
git clone https://github.com/uowuo/abaddon && cd abaddon
brew install gtkmm3 nlohmann-json
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
- Install dependencies:
, and nlohmann-json git clone https://github.com/uowuo/abaddon && cd abaddon
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
Downloads (from CI):
- Windows: here
- MacOS: here unsigned, unpackaged, requires gtkmm3 (e.g. from homebrew)
- Linux: here unpackaged (for now), requires gtkmm3. built on Ubuntu 18.04 + gcc9
⚠️ Make sure you start from the directory where css
and res
are or else stuff will be broken
- Voice support
- Unread indicators
- User activities
- Nicknames
- More server management stuff
- Manage friends
- A bunch of other stuff
CSS selectors
.app-window - Applied to all windows. This means the main window and all popups
.app-popup - Additional class for .app-window
s when the window is not the main window
.channel-list - Container of the channel list
.channel-row - All rows within the channel container
.channel-row-channel - Only rows containing a channel
.channel-row-category - Only rows containing a category
.channel-row-guild - Only rows containing a guild
.channel-row-label - All labels within the channel container
.nsfw - Applied to channel row labels and their container for NSFW channels
.messages - Container of user messages
.message-container - The container which holds a user's messages
.message-container-author - The author label for a message container
.message-container-timestamp - The timestamp label for a message container
.message-container-avatar - Avatar for a user in a message
.message-container-extra - Label containing BOT/Webhook
.message-text - The text of a user message
.message-attachment-box - Contains attachment info
.message-reply - Container for the replied-to message in a reply (these elements will also have .message-text set)
.message-input - Applied to the chat input container
.reaction-box - Contains a reaction image and the count
.reacted - Additional class for reaction-box when the user has reacted with a particular reaction
.reaction-count - Contains the count for reaction
.completer - Container for the message completer
.completer-entry - Container for a single entry in the completer
.completer-entry-label - Contains the label for an entry in the completer
.completer-entry-image - Contains the image for an entry in the completer
.embed - Container for a message embed
.embed-author - The author of an embed
.embed-title - The title of an embed
.embed-description - The description of an embed
.embed-field-title - The title of an embed field
.embed-field-value - The value of an embed field
.embed-footer - The footer of an embed
.members - Container of the member list
.members-row - All rows within the members container
.members-row-label - All labels in the members container
.members-row-member - Rows containing a member
.members-row-role - Rows containing a role
.members-row-avatar - Contains the avatar for a row in the member list
.status-indicator - The status indicator
.online - Applied to status indicators when the associated user is online
.idle - Applied to status indicators when the associated user is away
.dnd - Applied to status indicators when the associated user is on do not disturb
.offline - Applied to status indicators when the associated user is offline
.typing-indicator - The typing indicator
Used in reorderable list implementation:
Used in guild settings popup:
.guild-members-pane-list - Container for list of members in the members pane
.guild-members-pane-info - Container for member info
.guild-roles-pane-list - Container for list of roles in the roles pane
Used in profile popup:
.mutual-friend-item - Applied to every item in the mutual friends list
.mutual-friend-item-name - Name in mutual friend item
.mutual-friend-item-avatar - Avatar in mutual friend item
.mutual-guild-item - Applied to every item in the mutual guilds list
.mutual-guild-item-name - Name in mutual guild item
.mutual-guild-item-icon - Icon in mutual guild item
.mutual-guild-item-nick - User nickname in mutual guild item
.profile-connection - Applied to every item in the user connections list
.profile-connection-label - Label in profile connection item
.profile-connection-check - Checkmark in verified profile connection items
.profile-connections - Container for profile connections
.profile-notes - Container for notes in profile window
.profile-notes-label - Label that says "NOTE"
.profile-notes-text - Actual note text
.profile-info-pane - Applied to container for info section of profile popup
.profile-info-created - Label for creation date of profile
.profile-main-container - Inner container for profile
.profile-switcher - Buttons used to switch viewed section of profile
.profile-stack - Container for profile info that can be switched between
.profile-badges - Container for badges
Settings are configured (for now) by editing abaddon.ini
You should edit these while the client is closed even though there's an option to reload while running
This listing is organized by section.
For example, memory_db would be set by adding memory_db = true
under the line [discord]
- memory_db (true or false, default false) - if true, Discord data will be kept in memory as opposed to on disk
- token (string) - Discord token used to login, this can be set from the menu
- prefetch (true or false, default false) - if true, new messages will cause the avatar and image attachments to be automatically downloaded
- user_agent (string) - sets the user-agent to use in HTTP requests to the Discord API (not including media/images)
- concurrent (int, default 10) - how many images can be concurrently retrieved
- member_list_discriminator (true or false, default true) - show user discriminators in the member list
- emojis (true or false, default true) - resolve unicode and custom emojis to images. this needs to be false to allow GTK to render emojis by itself
- css (string) - path to the main CSS file
- animations (true or false, default true) - use animated images where available (e.g. server icons, emojis, avatars). false means static images will be used
- owner_crown (true or false, default true) - show a crown next to the owner
- linkcolor (string) - color to use for links in messages