@echo off REM This script will create a GMA file and publish it to the workshop. FOR /F "tokens=*" %%g IN ('jq ".id" .\addon.json') do (SET ID=%%g) if "%ID%" == "" goto no-id gmad create -folder .\ -out .\addon.gma if "%1" == "-m" goto with-message if "%1" == "-message" goto with-message if "%1" == "-msg" goto with-message if "%1" == "" goto without-message :with-message gmpublish.exe update -id %ID% -addon .\addon.gma [-changes %2] goto after :without-message gmpublish.exe update -id %ID% -addon .\addon.gma goto after :no-id echo "No ID found in addon.json" goto after :after del .\addon.gma