[comment]: <> (## For more information, go to the [GitHub Page][GitHub Page]) [comment]: <> (To convert this file in Steam format, use this website: https://steamdown.vercel.app/) # PlayerCore It's the PlyCore, an extension for the Expression 2 that add functions to manipulate players. All functions can be called on yourself or on other players if you have their prop protection rights. ## Workshop Installation The PlayerCore is available on the Steam Workshop! Go to the [PlayerCore Workshop Page][PlayerCore Workshop Page] and press `Subscribe`. For can go to the [Expression 2 Core Collection][Expression 2 Core Collection] for more extensions. ## Manual Installation Clone this repository into your `steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons` folder using this command if you are using git: git clone https://github.com/sirpapate/playercore.git ## Documentation ### Console Commands `sbox_e2_plycore` * "1" - Everyone can use the functions on Everyone. * "2" - People can use the functions only on their friends. * "3" - Only admins can use functions. * "4" - The functions of players setting are disabled. ### Lua __Hook__ `PlyCoreCommand(ply, target, command)` Called when a player use a command of PlyCore. __Arguments__ * "Player" - originator * "Player" - target * "string" - command __Return__ "boolean" - Return true to block the command. ## Functions The following functions are protected by Protection Prop. To use them on another player, you must have their rights. Look the command "sbox_e2_plycore". ### Basic Getters and Setters | Function | Return | Description | |-----------------------------------|:------:|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | E:plyGetMass() | N | Returns the mass of the player. | | E:plyGetJumpPower() | N | Returns the jump power of the player. | | E:plyGetGravity() | N | Returns the gravity of the player. | | E:plyGetSpeed() | N | Returns the walk speed of the player. | | E:plySetPos(vector pos) | | Sets the position of the player. | | E:plySetAng(angle ang) | | Sets the angle of the player's camera. | | E:plySetHealth(N) | | Sets the health of the player. | | E:plySetArmor(N) | | Sets the armor of the player. | | E:plySetMass(N) | | Sets the mass of the player. default 85 | | E:plySetJumpPower(N) | | Sets the jump power, eg. the velocity the player will applied to when he jumps. default 200 | | E:plySetGravity(N) | | Sets the gravity of the player. default 600 | | E:plySetSpeed(N) | | Sets the walk and run speed of the player. (run speed is double of the walk speed) default 200 | | E:plySetRunSpeed(N) | | Sets the run speed of the player. default 400 | | E:plySetWalkSpeed(N) | | Sets the walk speed of the player. default 200 | | E:plyResetSettings() | | Resets the settings of the player. | ### Actions | Function | Return | Description | |-----------------------------------|:------:|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | E:plyApplyForce(vector force) | | Sets the velocity of the player. | | E:plyNoclip(N) | | Enable or disable the player's noclip. | | E:plyDisableNoclip(N) | | Disables the noclip of the player. | | E:plyEnterVehicle(entity vehicle) | | Force the player to enter a vehicle. | | E:plyExitVehicle() | | Force the player to exit the vehicle he is in. | | E:plySpawn() | | Respawns the player. | | E:plyFreeze(N) | | Freezes the player. | | E:plyIsFrozen() | N | Returns 1 if the player is frozen, 0 otherwise. | | E:plyGod(N) | | Enables of disables the godmode of the player. | | E:plyHasGod() | N | Returns 1 if the player has godmode, 0 otherwise. | | E:plyIgnite(N) | | Ignites the player for a specific time. (in seconds) | | E:plyIgnite() | | Returns 1 if the player is ignited, 0 otherwise. | | E:plyExtinguish() | | Extinguishes the player. | ### Message Functions | Function | Return | Description | |-----------------------------------|:------:|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | sendMessage(S) | | Sends a message to every player. | | sendMessageCenter(S) | | Sends a message to every player in the center of the screen. | | E:sendMessage(S) | | Sends a message to the player. | | E:sendMessageCenter(S) | | Sends a message to the player in the center of the screen. | | R:sendMessage(S) | | Sends a message to a list of players. | | R:sendMessageCenter(S) | | Sends a message to a list of players in the center of the screen. | | sendMessageColor(R) | | Sends a colored message to every player. | | sendMessageColor(...) | | Sends a colored message to every player. | | E:sendMessageColor(R) | | Sends a colored message to a player. | | E:sendMessageColor(...) | | Sends a colored message to a player. | | R:sendMessageColor(R) | | Sends a colored message to a list of players. | | R:sendMessageColor(...) | | Sends a colored message to a list of players. | ### Other Functions | Function | Return | Description | |-----------------------------------|:------:|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | E:ip() | S | Returns the ip of the player. (only if the player is admin) | [PlayerCore Workshop Page]: [Expression 2 Core Collection]: [GitHub Page]: