update permission logic and throw when in strict mod

This commit is contained in:
Sir Papate 2023-06-18 21:03:01 -04:00
parent c49d202b1a
commit 5495641788

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@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
local function isFriend(owner, player)
if owner == player then
return true
if CPPI then
for _, friend in pairs(player:CPPIGetFriends()) do
if friend == owner then
return true
return false
return E2Lib.isFriend(owner, player)
local function isOwner(chip, entity, canTargetPlayers)
if CPPI then
if entity:IsPlayer() and canTargetPlayers then
return isFriend(chip.player, entity)
return entity:CPPICanTool(chip.player, "wire_expression2")
return E2Lib.isOwner(chip, entity)
E2Lib.RegisterExtension("damagecore", true)
@ -102,10 +133,10 @@ registerType("damage", "xdm", DamageInfo(),
if retval == nil then return end
if !istable(retval) then error("Return value is neither nil nor a table, but a "..type(retval).."!",0) end
if not istable(retval) then error("Return value is neither nil nor a table, but a "..type(retval).."!",0) end
return !istable(v)
return not istable(v)
@ -114,11 +145,11 @@ registerOperator("ass", "xdm", "xdm", function(self, args)
local rhs = op2[1](self, op2)
local Scope = self.Scopes[scope]
if !Scope.lookup then Scope.lookup = {} end
if not Scope.lookup then Scope.lookup = {} end
local lookup = Scope.lookup
if (lookup[rhs]) then lookup[rhs][lhs] = nil end
if (!lookup[rhs]) then lookup[rhs] = {} end
if (not lookup[rhs]) then lookup[rhs] = {} end
lookup[rhs][lhs] = true
Scope[lhs] = rhs
@ -126,8 +157,9 @@ registerOperator("ass", "xdm", "xdm", function(self, args)
return rhs
e2function number operator_is(damage dmg)
if dmg and table.ToString(dmg) != table.ToString(DEFAULT) then return 1 else return 0 end
if dmg and table.ToString(dmg) ~= table.ToString(DEFAULT) then return 1 else return 0 end
@ -217,7 +249,7 @@ end
--- If set to 1, E2 will run when specified entity takes damage.
[nodiscard, deprecated = "Use the damage event instead"]
e2function void runOnDmg(number activate, entity entity)
if not IsValid(entity) then return nil end
if not IsValid(this) then return self:throw("Invalid entity", nil) end
if activate ~= 0 then
self.data.dmgtriggerents[entity] = true
@ -252,7 +284,8 @@ end
--- E2 will run when the specified entity takes damage.
e2function void entity:trackDamage()
if not IsValid(this) then return nil end
if not IsValid(this) then return self:throw("Invalid entity", nil) end
registered_e2s[self.entity] = true
self.data.dmgtriggerents[this] = true
@ -260,20 +293,21 @@ end
--- E2 will run when the specified entities take damage.
e2function void array:trackDamage()
if not istable(this) then return end
if not istable(this) then return self:throw("Invalid array", nil) end
for _, ent in pairs(this) do
if not IsValid(ent) then return self:throw("Invalid entity", nil) end
for _,ent in pairs(this) do
if IsValid(ent) and isentity(ent) then
registered_e2s[self.entity] = true
self.data.dmgtriggerents[ent] = true
--- E2 will no longer run when the specified entity takes damage.
e2function void entity:stopTrackDamage()
if not IsValid(this) then return nil end
if not IsValid(this) then return self:throw("Invalid entity", nil) end
self.data.dmgtriggerents[this] = nil
@ -284,13 +318,14 @@ end
--- E2 will no longer run when the specified entities take damage.
e2function void array:stopTrackDamage()
if not istable(this) then return end
if not istable(this) then return self:throw("Invalid array", nil) end
for _, ent in pairs(this) do
if not IsValid(ent) then return self:throw("Invalid entity", nil) end
for _,ent in pairs(this) do
if IsValid(ent) and isentity(ent) then
self.data.dmgtriggerents[ent] = nil
if not table.Count(self.data.dmgtriggerents) then
registered_e2s[self.entity] = nil
@ -312,6 +347,8 @@ end
--- Returns 1 if the entity is tracked. Returns 0 otherwise.
e2function number entity:isDamageTracked()
if not IsValid(this) then return self:throw("Invalid entity", nil) end
return self.data.dmgtriggerents[this] and 1 or 0
@ -380,48 +417,26 @@ end
local function isfriend(ply1, ply2)
if not CPPI then
return true
for k, v in pairs( ply2:CPPIGetFriends() ) do
if v == ply1 then
return true
return false
local sbox_E2_Dmg_Simple = CreateConVar( "sbox_E2_Dmg_Simple", "2", FCVAR_ARCHIVE )
[nodiscard, deprecated = "Use takeDamage instead"]
e2function void entity:dmgApplyDamage(number damage)
if not IsValid(this) then return nil end
if not IsValid(this) then return self:throw("Invalid entity", nil) end
if sbox_E2_Dmg_Simple:GetInt() == 2 then
if this:IsPlayer() then
if not isfriend(self.player, this) then
return nil
if CPPI then
if this.CPPICanDamage then
if not this:CPPICanDamage(self.player) then
return nil
return self:throw("You do not own this entity", nil)
if not isfriend(this:CPPIGetOwner(), self.player) then
return nil
if not isOwner(self, this, true) then
return self:throw("You do not own this entity", nil)
elseif sbox_E2_Dmg_Simple:GetInt() == 3 and not self.player:IsAdmin() then
return nil
return self:throw("You do not have access", nil)
elseif sbox_E2_Dmg_Simple:GetInt() == 4 then
return nil
return self:throw("Deactivated", nil)
local dmginfo = DamageInfo()
@ -467,7 +482,7 @@ end
-- if sbox_E2_Dmg_Override:GetInt() == 2 then
-- if victim:IsPlayer() then
-- if not isfriend(self.player, victim) then
-- if not isFriend(self.player, victim) then
-- return nil
-- end
-- else
@ -589,7 +604,7 @@ end
--- Sets the attacker of the damage. Returns itself.
e2function damage damage:setAttacker(entity attacker)
if not IsValid(attacker) then return end
if not IsValid(attacker) then return self:throw("Invalid entity", nil) end
if not this or not IsValid(attacker) then return nil end
this.Attacker = attacker
@ -626,7 +641,7 @@ end
--- Sets the inflictor of the damage for example a weapon. Returns itself.
e2function damage damage:setInflictor(entity inflictor)
if not IsValid(inflictor) then return end
if not IsValid(inflictor) then return self:throw("Invalid entity", nil) end
if not this or not inflictor then return nil end
this.Inflictor = inflictor
@ -638,21 +653,16 @@ end
local sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv = CreateConVar( "sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv", "2", FCVAR_ARCHIVE )
local function candamage(ply, ent)
local function candamage(self, ent)
local ply = self.player
if sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv:GetInt() == 2 and CPPI then
if ent:IsPlayer() then
if not isfriend(ply, ent) then
return false
if ent.CPPICanDamage then
if not ent:CPPICanDamage(ply) then
return false
local owner = ent:CPPIGetOwner()
return candamage(ply, owner)
return isOwner(self, ent, true)
elseif sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv:GetInt() == 3 and not ply:IsAdmin() then
return false
@ -665,16 +675,16 @@ end
--- Returns 1 if the entity can be damaged by the player.
e2function number canDamage(entity target)
if not candamage(self.player, target) then return 0 end
if not candamage(self, target) then return 0 end
return 1
--- Applies the damage specified by the damage info to the entity.
e2function void entity:takeDamage(damage damage)
if not IsValid(this) then return nil end
if not this or not damage then return nil end
if not candamage(self.player, this) then return nil end
if not IsValid(this) then return self:throw("Invalid entity", nil) end
if not candamage(self, this) then self:throw("You do not own this entity", nil) end
if not IsValid(damage.Attacker) then
@ -691,9 +701,9 @@ end
--- Applies the specified amount of damage to the entity. (Damage Amount)
e2function void entity:takeDamage(number damageAmount)
if not IsValid(this) then return nil end
if not this or not damageAmount then return nil end
if not candamage(self.player, this) then return nil end
if not IsValid(this) then return self:throw("Invalid entity", nil) end
if not candamage(self, this) then self:throw("You do not own this entity", nil) end
attacker = self.player
inflictor = self.entity
@ -703,9 +713,9 @@ end
--- Applies the specified amount of damage to the entity. (Damage Amount, Attacker)
e2function void entity:takeDamage(number damageAmount, entity attacker)
if not IsValid(this) then return nil end
if not this or not damageAmount then return nil end
if not candamage(self.player, this) then return nil end
if not IsValid(this) then return self:throw("Invalid entity", nil) end
if not candamage(self, this) then self:throw("You do not own this entity", nil) end
if not IsValid(attacker) then
attacker = self.player
@ -717,9 +727,9 @@ end
--- Applies the specified amount of damage to the entity. (Damage Amount, Attacker, Inflictor)
e2function void entity:takeDamage(number damageAmount, entity attacker, entity inflictor)
if not IsValid(this) then return nil end
if not this or not damageAmount then return nil end
if not candamage(self.player, this) then return nil end
if not IsValid(this) then return self:throw("Invalid entity", nil) end
if not candamage(self, this) then self:throw("You do not own this entity", nil) end
if not IsValid(attacker) then
attacker = self.player
@ -733,32 +743,32 @@ e2function void entity:takeDamage(number damageAmount, entity attacker, entity i
--- Applies spherical damage based on damage info to all entities in the specified radius. (Damage, Position, Radius)
e2function void blastDamage(damage damageAmount, vector position, number radius)
if sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv:GetInt() == 2 and not self.player:IsAdmin() then return nil
elseif sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv:GetInt() == 3 and not self.player:IsAdmin() then return nil
elseif sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv:GetInt() == 4 then return nil end
e2function void blastDamage(damage damage, vector position, number radius)
if sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv:GetInt() == 2 and not self.player:IsAdmin() then return self:throw("You do not have access", nil)
elseif sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv:GetInt() == 3 and not self.player:IsAdmin() then return self:throw("You do not have access", nil)
elseif sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv:GetInt() == 4 then return self:throw("You do not have access", nil) end
if not IsValid(damageAmount.Attacker) then
damageAmount.Attacker = self.player
if not IsValid(damage.Attacker) then
damage.Attacker = self.player
if not IsValid(damageAmount.Inflictor) then
damageAmount.Inflictor = self.entity
if not IsValid(damage.Inflictor) then
damage.Inflictor = self.entity
local dmginfo = tabtodamage(damageAmount)
local dmginfo = tabtodamage(damage)
local pos = Vector(position[1], position[2], position[3])
util.BlastDamageInfo(dmginfo, pos, radius)
--- Applies explosion damage to all entities in the specified radius. (Attacker, Inflictor, Position, Radius, Damage Amount)
e2function void blastDamage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, vector position, number radius, number damageAmount)
if not IsValid(inflictor) then return end
if not IsValid(attacker) then return end
if not IsValid(inflictor) then return self:throw("Invalid entity", nil) end
if not IsValid(attacker) then return self:throw("Invalid entity", nil) end
if sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv:GetInt() == 2 and not self.player:IsAdmin() then return nil
elseif sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv:GetInt() == 3 and not self.player:IsAdmin() then return nil
elseif sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv:GetInt() == 4 then return nil end
if sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv:GetInt() == 2 and not self.player:IsAdmin() then return self:throw("You do not have access", nil)
elseif sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv:GetInt() == 3 and not self.player:IsAdmin() then return self:throw("You do not have access", nil)
elseif sbox_E2_Dmg_Adv:GetInt() == 4 then return self:throw("You do not have access", nil) end
if not IsValid(attacker) then
attacker = self.player