mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 03:03:06 -05:00
fix duplicator
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,4 +18,17 @@ if CLIENT then
tte_controllers = tte_controllers or {}
local tte_controllers = tte_controllers
hook.Add( "PostDrawTranslucentRenderables", "tanktracktool_tte_renderer", function()
if not next( tte_controllers ) then return end
for k, v in pairs( tte_controllers ) do
if v and IsValid( k ) then
end )
@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ ENT.Category = "TankTrackTool"
ENT.Spawnable = true
ENT.AdminOnly = false
local pbc_vars = NeedMoreEdits.New()
local tte_vars = NeedMoreEdits.New()
function ENT:SetupNME()
return pbc_vars
return tte_vars
function ENT:DefaultNME( update )
@ -47,42 +47,42 @@ function ENT:DefaultNME( update )
pbc_vars:Category( "Setup" )
pbc_vars:Var( "pointCount", "Int", { min = 2, max = 20, def = 5, title = "point count" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "pointSpread", "Float", { min = 0, max = 64, def = 1, title = "randomize point spread" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "pointStutter", "Float", { min = 0, max = 1, def = 0, title = "randomize point missfire" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "pointMulti", "Int", { min = 1, max = 4, def = 1, title = "beam count" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "pointDelay", "Float", { min = 0, max = 1, def = 0, title = "beam velocity delay" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "pointSag", "Float", { min = 0, max = 1, def = 0, title = "beam sag percent" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "pointTrace", "Bool", { def = 0, title = "enable beam intersection" } )
tte_vars:Category( "Setup" )
tte_vars:Var( "pointCount", "Int", { min = 2, max = 20, def = 5, title = "point count" } )
tte_vars:Var( "pointSpread", "Float", { min = 0, max = 64, def = 1, title = "randomize point spread" } )
tte_vars:Var( "pointStutter", "Float", { min = 0, max = 1, def = 0, title = "randomize point missfire" } )
tte_vars:Var( "pointMulti", "Int", { min = 1, max = 4, def = 1, title = "beam count" } )
tte_vars:Var( "pointDelay", "Float", { min = 0, max = 1, def = 0, title = "beam velocity delay" } )
tte_vars:Var( "pointSag", "Float", { min = 0, max = 1, def = 0, title = "beam sag percent" } )
tte_vars:Var( "pointTrace", "Bool", { def = 0, title = "enable beam intersection" } )
pbc_vars:Category( "source" )
pbc_vars:Var( "sourceEnable", "Bool", { def = 1, title = "enabled" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "sourceSize1", "Float", { min = 1, max = 64, def = 12, title = "inner size" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "sourceColor1", "Color", { def = "", title = "inner color" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "sourceSize2", "Float", { min = 1, max = 64, def = 12, title = "outer size" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "sourceColor2", "Color", { def = "", title = "outer color" } )
tte_vars:Category( "source" )
tte_vars:Var( "sourceEnable", "Bool", { def = 1, title = "enabled" } )
tte_vars:Var( "sourceSize1", "Float", { min = 1, max = 64, def = 12, title = "inner size" } )
tte_vars:Var( "sourceColor1", "Color", { def = "", title = "inner color" } )
tte_vars:Var( "sourceSize2", "Float", { min = 1, max = 64, def = 12, title = "outer size" } )
tte_vars:Var( "sourceColor2", "Color", { def = "", title = "outer color" } )
pbc_vars:Category( "Point" )
pbc_vars:Var( "pointEnable", "Bool", { def = 1, title = "enabled" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "pointSize1", "Float", { min = 1, max = 64, def = 12, title = "inner size" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "pointColor1", "Color", { def = "", title = "inner color" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "pointSize2", "Float", { min = 1, max = 64, def = 12, title = "outer size" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "pointColor2", "Color", { def = "", title = "outer color" } )
tte_vars:Category( "Point" )
tte_vars:Var( "pointEnable", "Bool", { def = 1, title = "enabled" } )
tte_vars:Var( "pointSize1", "Float", { min = 1, max = 64, def = 12, title = "inner size" } )
tte_vars:Var( "pointColor1", "Color", { def = "", title = "inner color" } )
tte_vars:Var( "pointSize2", "Float", { min = 1, max = 64, def = 12, title = "outer size" } )
tte_vars:Var( "pointColor2", "Color", { def = "", title = "outer color" } )
pbc_vars:Category( "Beam" )
pbc_vars:Var( "beamEnable", "Bool", { def = 1, title = "enabled" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "beamSize1", "Float", { min = 1, max = 64, def = 12, title = "inner size" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "beamColor1", "Color", { def = "", title = "inner color" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "beamSize2", "Float", { min = 1, max = 64, def = 12, title = "outer size" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "beamColor2", "Color", { def = "", title = "outer color" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "beamMaterial", "Combo", { def = "tripmine_laser", title = "material" } )
tte_vars:Category( "Beam" )
tte_vars:Var( "beamEnable", "Bool", { def = 1, title = "enabled" } )
tte_vars:Var( "beamSize1", "Float", { min = 1, max = 64, def = 12, title = "inner size" } )
tte_vars:Var( "beamColor1", "Color", { def = "", title = "inner color" } )
tte_vars:Var( "beamSize2", "Float", { min = 1, max = 64, def = 12, title = "outer size" } )
tte_vars:Var( "beamColor2", "Color", { def = "", title = "outer color" } )
tte_vars:Var( "beamMaterial", "Combo", { def = "tripmine_laser", title = "material" } )
local edit = pbc_vars:GetVar( "beamMaterial" ).edit
local edit = tte_vars:GetVar( "beamMaterial" ).edit
edit.values = {
["tripmine_laser"] = 1,
["trails/electric"] = 2,
@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ edit.values = {
pbc_vars:Category( "particle" )
pbc_vars:Var( "particleEnable", "Bool", { def = 1, title = "enabled" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "particleSize1", "Float", { min = 0, max = 64, def = 12, title = "start size" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "particleSize2", "Float", { min = 0, max = 64, def = 12, title = "end size" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "particleColor", "Color", { def = "", title = "color" } )
pbc_vars:Var( "particleMaterial", "Combo", { def = "effects/spark", title = "material" } )
tte_vars:Category( "particle" )
tte_vars:Var( "particleEnable", "Bool", { def = 1, title = "enabled" } )
tte_vars:Var( "particleSize1", "Float", { min = 0, max = 64, def = 12, title = "start size" } )
tte_vars:Var( "particleSize2", "Float", { min = 0, max = 64, def = 12, title = "end size" } )
tte_vars:Var( "particleColor", "Color", { def = "", title = "color" } )
tte_vars:Var( "particleMaterial", "Combo", { def = "effects/spark", title = "material" } )
local edit = pbc_vars:GetVar( "particleMaterial" ).edit
local edit = tte_vars:GetVar( "particleMaterial" ).edit
edit.values = {
["effects/spark"] = 1,
@ -113,20 +113,11 @@ if CLIENT then
local pi = math.pi
pbc_controllers = pbc_controllers or {}
local tte_controllers = tte_controllers
local matbeam = Material( "tripmine_laser" )
local matpoint = Material( "sprites/gmdm_pickups/light" )
hook.Add( "PostDrawTranslucentRenderables", "pbc_renderer", function()
if not next( pbc_controllers ) then return end
for k, v in pairs( pbc_controllers ) do
if v and IsValid( k ) then
end )
function ENT:TriggerNME(type, ...)
@ -136,7 +127,7 @@ if CLIENT then
editor.DTree.RootNode:ExpandRecurse( true )
self.pbc_reset = true
self.tte_reset = true
@ -198,42 +189,44 @@ if CLIENT then
function ENT:Think()
if self.pbc_reset then
self.pbc_reset = nil
self.BaseClass.Think( self )
if self.tte_reset then
self.tte_reset = nil
function ENT:OnRemove()
self.pbc_reset = true
self.tte_reset = true
timer.Simple( 0, function()
if ( self and self:IsValid() ) then
pbc_controllers[self] = nil
tte_controllers[self] = nil
end )
function ENT:pbc_visible()
function ENT:tte_visible()
if FrameTime() == 0 or self:GetNW2Bool( "beamDisable", false ) then return false end -- gui.IsConsoleVisible()
return true
function ENT:pbc_render()
if not self.pbc_ready then
function ENT:tte_render()
if not self.tte_ready then
for i = 1, #self.pbc_beams do
local beam = self.pbc_beams[i]
for i = 1, #self.tte_beams do
local beam = self.tte_beams[i]
local data = beam.data
local points = beam.points
@ -337,20 +330,20 @@ if CLIENT then
self.pbc_beams[#self.pbc_beams + 1] = beam
self.tte_beams[#self.tte_beams + 1] = beam
function ENT:pbc_think()
if not pbc_controllers[self] then
self.pbc_reset = true
function ENT:tte_think()
if not tte_controllers[self] then
self.tte_reset = true
self.pbc_ready = nil
self.tte_ready = nil
if not self:pbc_visible() or ( not self.pbc_data.sourceEnable and not self.pbc_data.pointEnable and not self.pbc_data.beamEnable ) then return end
if self.pbc_data.randomDisable and math.random( 0, 100 ) > self.pbc_data.randomDisable then return end
if not self:tte_visible() or ( not self.tte_data.sourceEnable and not self.tte_data.pointEnable and not self.tte_data.beamEnable ) then return end
if self.tte_data.randomDisable and math.random( 0, 100 ) > self.tte_data.randomDisable then return end
local ent1 = self:GetNW2Entity( "beamEntity1", self )
local ent2 = self:GetNW2Entity( "beamEntity2", self )
@ -361,55 +354,55 @@ if CLIENT then
local pos1 = ent1:LocalToWorld( self:GetNW2Vector( "beamOffset1" ), Vector() )
local pos2 = ent2:LocalToWorld( self:GetNW2Vector( "beamOffset2" ), Vector() )
if self.pbc_data.pointDelay then
self.pbc_data.velocity = Lerp( self.pbc_data.pointDelay, self.pbc_data.velocity or Vector(), ( ent1:GetVelocity() + ent2:GetVelocity() ) * -0.01 )
if self.tte_data.pointDelay then
self.tte_data.velocity = Lerp( self.tte_data.pointDelay, self.tte_data.velocity or Vector(), ( ent1:GetVelocity() + ent2:GetVelocity() ) * -0.01 )
self.pbc_beams = {}
self.pbc_data.split = nil
self.tte_beams = {}
self.tte_data.split = nil
if self.pbc_data.pointTrace then
if self.tte_data.pointTrace then
local hit1 = util.TraceLine( { start = pos1, endpos = pos2, filter = { self, ent1, ent2 } } )
local hit2 = util.TraceLine( { start = pos2, endpos = pos1, filter = { self, ent1, ent2 } } )
local multi = self.pbc_data.pointMulti
local multi = self.tte_data.pointMulti
if IsValid( hit1.Entity ) then
local fx = EffectData()
if hit1.Entity:IsPlayer() then
for i = 1, multi do CreateBeam( self, ent1, ent2, pos1, hit1.HitPos, self.pbc_data, fx ) end
for i = 1, multi do CreateBeam( self, ent1, ent2, pos1, hit1.HitPos, self.tte_data, fx ) end
for i = 1, multi do CreateBeam( self, ent1, ent2, pos1, hit1.Entity:NearestPoint( pos1 ), self.pbc_data, fx ) end
for i = 1, multi do CreateBeam( self, ent1, ent2, pos1, hit1.Entity:NearestPoint( pos1 ), self.tte_data, fx ) end
self.pbc_data.split = true
self.tte_data.split = true
if IsValid( hit2.Entity ) then
local fx = EffectData()
if hit2.Entity:IsPlayer() then
for i = 1, multi do CreateBeam( self, ent1, ent2, pos2, hit2.HitPos, self.pbc_data, fx ) end
for i = 1, multi do CreateBeam( self, ent1, ent2, pos2, hit2.HitPos, self.tte_data, fx ) end
for i = 1, multi do CreateBeam( self, ent1, ent2, pos2, hit2.Entity:NearestPoint( pos2 ), self.pbc_data, fx ) end
for i = 1, multi do CreateBeam( self, ent1, ent2, pos2, hit2.Entity:NearestPoint( pos2 ), self.tte_data, fx ) end
self.pbc_data.split = true
self.tte_data.split = true
if not self.pbc_data.split then
for i = 1, multi do CreateBeam( self, ent1, ent2, pos1, pos2, self.pbc_data ) end
if not self.tte_data.split then
for i = 1, multi do CreateBeam( self, ent1, ent2, pos1, pos2, self.tte_data ) end
for i = 1, self.pbc_data.pointMulti do CreateBeam( self, ent1, ent2, pos1, pos2, self.pbc_data ) end
for i = 1, self.tte_data.pointMulti do CreateBeam( self, ent1, ent2, pos1, pos2, self.tte_data ) end
self.pbc_ready = true
self.tte_ready = true
function ENT:pbc_update()
function ENT:tte_update()
local info = self.NMEVals
local data = {}
@ -475,14 +468,14 @@ if CLIENT then
data.particleMaterial = info.particleMaterial or "effects/spark"
self.pbc_data = data
self.tte_data = data
pbc_controllers[self] = true
tte_controllers[self] = true
function ENT:pbc_remove()
pbc_controllers[self] = nil
function ENT:tte_remove()
tte_controllers[self] = nil
Reference in New Issue
Block a user