Fixed - active tags not having a background in the related tags section (uses --bg-300 as the background, *should* look fine on all themessss?)
Tweaked - Borders on idem's Sourcing Suite to be less harsh, now uses --base-text-faded for the sections and --bg-300 for the buttons/inputs~
(also I remembered to increment the version number this timeeee lmaooo)
Tweaked - Logo SVG improvements, smaller size, better looking lines, etc.
Fixed - the old 'logo' text appearing on Chrome
Fixed - placement issues of logo from fixing the logo on Chrome
Fixed - Banner ad taking up *way* too much space when re621 isn't enabled (I totally left this unfixed because I wanted everyone to see the ads 100% trusttttt)
Fixed - Colored usernames being always enabled because I forgor(💀) there was a specific class for having it enabled
Fixed - Blip reply link not being a button when the buttons are enabled
Fixed - Popular page not being styled properly after a recent site update
Added - A specific icon to see replies to a blip
Added - When selecting text on the site it now uses non-default colors
-For the muted colorscheme it uses the --elements-highlight variable
-For the classic colorscheme it used the --base-text variable
Added - Custom colors for the scrollbar on Chrome
Nothing actually changed aside from making this thing more readableeeee
Spaces are now tabs, proper industry standard formatting, ya know *normal* stufffffff
don't try to make your code look ""cooler"" when you're writing it in the middle of the night when you're tired af, you'll just have to go through 3k+ lines of code months later after procrastinating it *hard* to make it look normal againnnnnnn
my hand hurtyyyyy
* Add contributor user colors which seemed to be missed out, currently the same shade of green as privileged.
* Add link color to dtext previews, excluding the wiki dtext previews because those links aren't themed.
Tweaked - the order of options in the stylus config menu
Tweaked - @author links
Added - the ability to change between the default circle profile pictures and "new" square profile pictures
Fixed - hopefully most of the issues that arise from that
(Hopefully) fixed animated posts flair thing being way too big when in the little child window thing
I'm good with wordssss
Also fixed/tweaked the blacklisted banner not fully covering up the "You cannot view this image" text on a deleted image.
(hopefully the author thing actually works, the Stylus wiki doesn't say explicitly if you can or not soooooo)
Been sitting on this for a bit but it's getting released nowwww
Fixed - .rounded selector is now paired with .stats-rounded, this will stay until the main site fully switches over to the .stats-rounded selector~ - Pointed out by faucet
Tweaked - Comment quotes background color, now each quote has a slightly brighter background color to distinguish each one more.
Note: Tho if there is like, a *bunch* of quotes in each other it *will* eventually become unreadable so this might not stayyyyy
Tweaked - Comment search avatars now use the same appearance as other comments and forum posts instead of the more vanilla e6 style - Pointed out by Dripen Arn
Tweaked - Viewing comments below the user set threshold is now a two step process where you hover over the comment, and then the content to reveal what was said.
Added - More modern icons for comment/forum post actions instead of text.
Note: This can be disabled in the theme's settings~
Moved both video duration and sound indicators
Video duration is now right above the favorite icon, sound indicator is now higher, sitting above the video duration elementtttt
Tweaked - Made pools page match more closely with the popular page in style
Hotfix - Made the new video duration indicator not push some media out of their respective container *Will keep an eye on this feature and try to fix any other bugs that come from its inclusion
Fixed - Profile page being messed up royally when viewing with a small browser window/on a mobile phone
Tweaked - Help & wiki pages being off center when viewing with a small browser window/on a mobile phone
Just found out there's a fork of Firefox on mobile that supports non-android addons so this is the start of properly making this mobile friendly I guessssss
Fixed - Text being the wrong color in re621 menus
Fixed - Buttons being unseeable, appearing more like links in re621 menus
Fixed - Overflow in certain forums pages while browsing on mobile
Fixed - Overflow on posts page & image content pages while on mobile
(Note: those mobile things are *hopefully* fixed, not sure if they actually are because I can't live test on mobile specificallyyyy, can only use a small browser window for live stuffff)
1.Additional theme pack that lets users use the color schemes of the normal site
2.The ability to class users as a Café Dev and add a developer badge next to their username similar to the one 5+ bug reporters get
Tweaks and fixes:
1.Fixed - A Brief flash of an incorrect border color when loading the site map
2.Fixed - Made site map more responsive
3.Fixed - Wrong color background being visible on tables when browser window is small enough
4.Tweaked - Nav bar now has a min-width to make the size change less drastic
5.Tweaked - User page now only displays 3 favorites/uploads when browser window has a width of less than 800px
6.Tweaked - Content now tries to fill as much space as possible when browser window has a width of less than 800px
7.Tweaked - Comments and forum posts now have a blurred, transparent version of the user's avatar as their background when browser window has a width of less than 800px
Tweaked appearance of bug reporter badges
Tag categories in autocomplete search results are colored correctly now - Pointed out by faucet
Pending approval notice should show all information now - Pointed out by faucet
Fixed spoiler contents sometimes showing due to a text-shadow rule that's in there for some reasonnnnn
Tweaked reply button on forums to be larger and more noticeable
Fixed 'Deleted' thumbnails in comments and forum posts using the profile variant
Upped saturation on artist tag when using the 'hotdog' / 'hot-coffee' theme uwu - Pointed out by Dripen Arn
Made auto-complete entries use '--bg' instead of '--bg-400' for better contrast - Pointed out by Dripen Arn
Fixed like and dislike buttons on posts not changing color - Pointed out by Dripen Arn
Fixed re621 notification settings not allowing scrolling - Pointed out by Dripen Arn
Added bug reporter badges for users who report 5+ bugs with the userstyle
(Can remove this if users think it's not a good addition~)
they looked terrible and I was putting them off for *way* too long
and tbh it wasn't that bad of a fix I'm just dumb lmaooo
also I fixed the margin right on the .last-page class causing the locked topic icon to be way farther right than it needed to be
Removed the #sidebar portion of tag category colors, fixing tag categories not being styled site-wide. Thanks again faucet~
Improved positioning of sticky and unread message icons
Added a locked topic icon, replacing the "(locked)" text indicator
Applied '--base-text-faded' to the time element in forum links
Made the sidebar in help pages fixed, to help with empty space on the longer help pages
Better forums links
Better site map
Blacklisted images in dtext don't center themselves anymore
User profiles should now be more consistently positioned
Very small wiki page button border color fix
1.1.1 release:
fixed edit mode weirdness
made everyone's names center on profile screen instead of just mineeee????
made uploads use 'flex-direction: row' instead of 'row-reverse' as it normally does
why is there a -1px top rule for the headerrrrr?????
inverted colors of e6 logo because I remembered transparent black is a color that existssss
made "blahblah said:" link use var(--base-link) instead of var(--content-link), maybe this'll extend to include all links that stay within the site in the futureeee?
fixed about info links using wrong color
report links now use var(--flagged) as their color
fixed user feedback page banned user links using var(--flagged), now uses var(--base-link)
Fixed spoiler tag links showing when not hovered
'User received a warning for this message' info now uses var(--flagged) for it's color
Lessened opacity on user rank and post time
Temporarily made blocked users and banned user's name's user var(--flagged) as the color, will probably flesh out those as it could lead to visibility issues otherwiseeee