diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5d8ad22..7a8fdc6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,65 +5,53 @@ A comprehensive restyle of e621, made to be easier on the eyes while being compa
# Notes
+- The colorful nav bar links isn't because of this style, it's because of re621!
+- This is made to be used in combination with Re621, check it out [here!](https://e621.net/forum_topics/25872)
+- This is mostly finished! At this point it's mostly being maintained to keep up with e621's updates, with bigger updates coming when I get inspiredddd!
+- Mind the old and kinda messy code, I tried to comment any important info that you'd want to change in order to make it relatively easy to find at leasttt!
+# Brief list of main featuressssss
+- Customizable Deleted and Blacklisted placeholders (per theme, via the respective theme's :root section)
+- Profile page overhaul
+- Large, space taking (Learn more) links changed to a simple question mark SVG
+- Re621 post preview favorite icon changed to a heart
+- Something most other styles don't support, full compatibility with e6's built in themes!
+ - For the muted and popular text editor theme packs Serpent and Hotdog are replaced with themes that are actually usableeee
+# Themes available
+- Muted - the default
+ - Classic blue
+ - Pony
+ - Discord-esque
+ - Forest
+ - Hot Coffee
+- Classic - the originals
+ - Hexagon
+ - Pony
+ - Bloodlust
+ - Serpent
+ - Hotdog
+- Popular - popular text editor themes
+ - Nord
+ - Rosé Pine
+ - Sonokai - Shusia
+ - Everforest
+ - Gruvbox
+# Previews
-This theme was designed with the re621 userscript in mind. Should work mostly fine without, tho it is recommended.
To install re621 look here~ (like frfr install it, it's pretty sick n stufffff)
-**This theme is *mostly* complete at this point.**
There's probably gonna be a small hiccup here and there with an element that isn't getting styled or something. See below on how you can help with those~
- So the code is fairly messy, even after a rewrite lolll
-# (very) Brief list of main featuressssss
- Customizable Deleted and Blacklisted placeholders (per theme, via the respective theme's :root section~)
- Profile page overhaul
- Large, space taking (Learn more) links changed to a simple question mark SVG
(see: search bar in the posts page preview~)
- Re621 post preview favorite icon changed to a heart
- e621 "logo" changed to be, y'know, a logo~
- Something most other styles don't support, full compatibility with e6's built in themes!
I tried to make them all useable on their own, though I decided to completely replace hotdog with a lil somethin' I call "Hot-Coffee" x3
- # Previews
-# Individual theme previews!
-# Wait, I like what you did with the UI n stuff, but what about the old colorsss???
- Well you're in luck! With this latest update you can now choose every classic theme via the userstyle's settings menu!
-we dont talk about serpent and hotdog
# Bug reporting (this applies to suggestions too I supposeeee)
If you see an element that is unstyled, or if a styled element is behaving in a way that it shouldn't be,
**Create an issue, I'd like to keep my other socials free from random css element DMsssss lolll**
Preferably with the url, element and it's classes included (inspect element to get those~)
+ Create an issue! I usually try to deal with 'em pretty quicklyyyyyy!