Added "convarblanklabel" to xlib.makecombobox to specify a choice that should signify an empty value.
Removed some trailing whitespace.
Bumped version and updated readme.
If NOT set to local, it causes problems with addons that use the GLOBAL data variable for holding DATA... This is the issue with my networking system which uses networking and data globals where data = data || { }; on my end but others have had issues with this causing it to overwrite my data table each time it is called.
This fix doesn't cause any negative side-effects with ULX that I saw and allows my networking system to work for those using it.
* [ADD] A list of players is presented when a target string for getUser matches more than one player (Thanks, @RhapsodySL).
* [FIX] Some fiddly-bits with group case-sensitivity (Thanks, @BryanFlannery).
[CHANGE] ULX vote variable is now global so other addons can tell if a vote is in progress. ulx.doVote() also returns whether or not it actually started a vote (Thanks for the ideas, @arduinium).
Entire banlist is no longer sent to clients.
Ban page is now paginated. The client is sent a "page" when requested,
or when the data needs to be refreshed.
Ban updates are only sent while XGUI is open. Opening XGUI will trigger
a refresh if the data has been invalidated.
Added more sort and filter options. Tables are sorted and cached when
needed, invalidated when ban information changes.
Ban menu shows total bans or number of filtered results.
ULX bans and other bans (or "Source Bans") are no longer separated, but
can be filtered via the "Incomplete" filter option.
"Source Bans" menu and related data stuff have been removed.
Split "Freezeban" checkbox into a separate button to add bans for
Added "Custom" event handling of data to XGUI's data system.
Added tooltip option to DButtons in xlib.
Other Bans UI improvements.
Lots of old code cleanup.
- Changed "ulx groupallow" to no longer lowercase access tags.
- Changed ULib's ucl.groupAllow to also no longer lowercase access tag.
- Changed ULib to not lowercase groups' allows upon reading groups.txt.
- Changed ULib's targeting system to only lowercase when matching player names.
Spelling fixes in comments in XGUI!