ULX's workshop ID is `557962280`. You can subscribe to ULX via Workshop [here](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=557962280).
Don't forget you'll also need ULib, whose workshop ID is `557962238` and can be found [here](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=557962238).
To access the commands and settings in ULX, you can open the GUI with `ulx menu` in console. It is recommended to bind this command to a keyboard key. Additionally, you can use console commands in the form of `ulx (command) (arguments)` or chat commands in the form of `!(command) (arguments)`.
To add users to usergroups, navigate to the "Groups" tab of the GUI and select a group. Then use the "Add" button to add connected players. You can also use the `ulx adduser (user) (group)` command. If you absolutely need to, you can also edit the `data/lib/users.txt` file.
A word about superadmins: Superadmins are considered the highest usergroup. They have access to all the commands in ULX, the ability to override other user's immunity, and are shown log messages which are hidden from other players (EG, they are shown rcon commands admins are running). Superadmins also have the power to give and revoke access to commands using userallow and userdeny.
A big thanks to JamminR for listening to the rest of the team (especially Megiddo) ramble on, never giving up on us, and for giving the project fresh insights.