forked from TeamUlysses/ulib
Merge branch 'master' into master
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,5 +12,6 @@
argv - The table of arguments
function ULib.redirect( ply, command, argv )
RunConsoleCommand( "_u", command, unpack( argv ) )
local totalArgv = table.Add( ULib.explode( " ", command ), argv )
RunConsoleCommand( "_u", unpack( totalArgv ) )
@ -1071,8 +1071,9 @@ cmds.TranslateCommand = inheritsFrom( nil )
command is used?
no_space_in_say - *(Optional, defaults to false)* Is a space between
the chat command and arguments required?
unsafe - *(Optional, defaults to false)* Flag for ULib.execString, which disallows execution from untrusted config.
function cmds.TranslateCommand:instantiate( cmd, fn, say_cmd, hide_say, no_space_in_say )
function cmds.TranslateCommand:instantiate( cmd, fn, say_cmd, hide_say, no_space_in_say, unsafe )
ULib.checkArg( 1, "ULib.cmds.TranslateCommand", "string", cmd, 5 )
if SERVER then
ULib.checkArg( 2, "ULib.cmds.TranslateCommand", "function", fn, 5 )
@ -1082,13 +1083,14 @@ function cmds.TranslateCommand:instantiate( cmd, fn, say_cmd, hide_say, no_space
ULib.checkArg( 3, "ULib.cmds.TranslateCommand", {"nil", "string", "table"}, say_cmd, 5 )
ULib.checkArg( 4, "ULib.cmds.TranslateCommand", {"nil", "boolean"}, hide_say, 5 )
ULib.checkArg( 5, "ULib.cmds.TranslateCommand", {"nil", "boolean"}, no_space_in_say, 5 )
ULib.checkArg( 6, "ULib.cmds.TranslateCommand", {"nil", "boolean"}, unsafe, 5 )
self.args = {}
self.fn = fn
self.cmd = cmd -- We need this for usage print
translatedCmds[ cmd:lower() ] = self
cmds.addCommand( cmd, translateCmdCallback, translateAutocompleteCallback, cmd, say_cmd, hide_say, no_space_in_say )
cmds.addCommand( cmd, translateCmdCallback, translateAutocompleteCallback, cmd, say_cmd, hide_say, no_space_in_say, unsafe )
@ -1235,6 +1237,93 @@ local routedCmds = {}
local sayCmds = {}
local sayCommandCallback
Function: cmds.getCommandTableAndArgv
Transforms a command and argument list as passed by the source engine into a ULib command table.
commandName - The *string* top-level command. IE, "ulx".
argv - The argument list, as a *list of strings*.
valveErrorCorrection - An *optional boolean* of whether to correct for source engine command line mangling.
1 - The command table, as contained in ULib.cmds.routedCmds. If none found, returns nil.
2 - The final computed command name
3 - The argv table, stripped of ULX command portions.
v2.62 - Initial
function cmds.getCommandTableAndArgv( commandName, argv, valveErrorCorrection )
if valveErrorCorrection then
local args = ""
for k, v in ipairs( argv ) do
args = string.format( '%s"%s" ', args, v )
args = string.Trim( args ) -- Remove that last space we added
args = args:gsub( "\" \":\" \"", ":" ) -- Valve error correction.
args = args:gsub( "\" \"'\" \"", "'" ) -- Valve error correction.
argv = ULib.splitArgs( args ) -- We're going to go ahead and reparse argv to fix the errors.
argv = table.Copy( argv )
-- Find the most specific command we have defined
local currTable = routedCmds[ commandName:lower() ]
if not currTable then return nil end
local nextWord = table.remove( argv, 1 )
while nextWord and currTable[ nextWord:lower() ] do
commandName = commandName .. " " .. nextWord
currTable = currTable[ nextWord:lower() ]
nextWord = table.remove( argv, 1 )
table.insert( argv, 1, nextWord ) -- Stick it in again, the last one was invalid
-- Done finding
return currTable, commandName, argv
Function: cmds.execute
Given a ULib command table and the information to pass to the command callback, execute the command.
Also routes server commands appropriately and executes ULib command hooks.
cmdTable - The command *table*, internal to ULib.
ply - The *player* calling the command.
commandName - The *string* of the command name.
argv - The argument list, as a *list of strings*.
v2.62 - Initial
function cmds.execute( cmdTable, ply, commandName, argv )
if CLIENT and not cmdTable.__client_only then
ULib.redirect( ply, commandName, argv )
if not cmdTable.__fn then
return error( "Attempt to call undefined command: " .. commandName )
local return_value = hook.Call( ULib.HOOK_COMMAND_CALLED, _, ply, commandName, argv )
if return_value ~= false then
cmdTable.__fn( ply, commandName, argv )
local function routedCommandCallback( ply, commandName, argv )
local curtime = CurTime()
if not ply.ulib_threat_level or ply.ulib_threat_time <= curtime then
@ -1258,43 +1347,8 @@ local function routedCommandCallback( ply, commandName, argv )
local orig_argv = argv
local orig_commandName = commandName
-- Valve error-correction
local args = ""
for k, v in ipairs( argv ) do
args = string.format( '%s"%s" ', args, v )
args = string.Trim( args ) -- Remove that last space we added
args = args:gsub( "\" \":\" \"", ":" ) -- Valve error correction.
args = args:gsub( "\" \"'\" \"", "'" ) -- Valve error correction.
argv = ULib.splitArgs( args ) -- We're going to go ahead and reparse argv to fix the errors.
-- End Valve error-correction
-- Find the most specific command we have defined
local currTable = routedCmds[ commandName:lower() ]
local nextWord = table.remove( argv, 1 )
while nextWord and currTable[ nextWord:lower() ] do
commandName = commandName .. " " .. nextWord
currTable = currTable[ nextWord:lower() ]
nextWord = table.remove( argv, 1 )
table.insert( argv, 1, nextWord ) -- Stick it in again, the last one was invalid
-- Done finding
if CLIENT and not currTable.__client_only then
ULib.redirect( ply, orig_commandName, orig_argv )
if not currTable.__fn then
return error( "Attempt to call undefined command: " .. commandName )
local return_value = hook.Call( ULib.HOOK_COMMAND_CALLED, _, ply, commandName, argv )
if return_value ~= false then
currTable.__fn( ply, commandName, argv )
currTable, commandName, argv = cmds.getCommandTableAndArgv( commandName, argv, true )
cmds.execute( currTable, ply, commandName, argv )
if SERVER then
@ -1394,6 +1448,7 @@ end
command is used?
no_space_in_say - *(Optional, defaults to false)* Is a space between
the chat command and arguments required?
unsafe - Flag the command as unsafe to execute for <execStringULib>.
@ -1415,9 +1470,10 @@ end
v2.63 - Added unsafe flag
v2.40 - Initial
function cmds.addCommand( cmd, fn, autocomplete, access_string, say_cmd, hide_say, no_space_in_say )
function cmds.addCommand( cmd, fn, autocomplete, access_string, say_cmd, hide_say, no_space_in_say, unsafe )
ULib.checkArg( 1, "ULib.cmds.addCommand", "string", cmd )
if SERVER then
ULib.checkArg( 2, "ULib.cmds.addCommand", "function", fn )
@ -1429,6 +1485,7 @@ function cmds.addCommand( cmd, fn, autocomplete, access_string, say_cmd, hide_sa
ULib.checkArg( 5, "ULib.cmds.addCommand", {"nil", "string", "table"}, say_cmd )
ULib.checkArg( 6, "ULib.cmds.addCommand", {"nil", "boolean"}, hide_say )
ULib.checkArg( 7, "ULib.cmds.addCommand", {"nil", "boolean"}, no_space_in_say )
ULib.checkArg( 8, "ULib.cmds.addCommand", {"nil", "boolean"}, unsafe )
local words = ULib.explode( "%s", cmd )
local currTable = routedCmds
@ -1443,6 +1500,7 @@ function cmds.addCommand( cmd, fn, autocomplete, access_string, say_cmd, hide_sa
currTable.__fn = fn
currTable.__autocomplete = autocomplete
currTable.__access_string = access_string
currTable.__unsafe = unsafe
local dummy, dummy, prefix = cmd:find( "^(%S+)" )
concommand.Add( prefix, routedCommandCallback, autocompleteCallback )
@ -1472,12 +1530,14 @@ end
v2.63 - Added unsafe flag
v2.40 - Initial
function cmds.addCommandClient( cmd, fn, autocomplete )
function cmds.addCommandClient( cmd, fn, autocomplete, unsafe )
ULib.checkArg( 1, "ULib.cmds.addCommandClient", "string", cmd )
ULib.checkArg( 2, "ULib.cmds.addCommandClient", {"nil", "function"}, fn )
ULib.checkArg( 3, "ULib.cmds.addCommandClient", {"nil", "function"}, autocomplete )
ULib.checkArg( 4, "ULib.cmds.addCommandClient", {"nil", "boolean"}, unsafe )
local words = ULib.explode( "%s", cmd )
local currTable = routedCmds
@ -1492,6 +1552,7 @@ function cmds.addCommandClient( cmd, fn, autocomplete )
currTable.__fn = fn
currTable.__autocomplete = autocomplete
currTable.__client_only = true
currTable.__unsafe = unsafe
local dummy, dummy, prefix = cmd:find( "^(%S+)" )
concommand.Add( prefix, routedCommandCallback, autocompleteCallback )
@ -277,6 +277,72 @@ function ULib.execString( f, queueName )
Function: execFileULib
Just like <execFile>, except only for ULib-defined commands. It avoids the source engine
command queue, and has an additional option to only execute commands marked as "safe" (up to the
command author to properly define these).
f - The file, relative to the garrysmod folder.
safeMode - If set to true, does not run "unsafe" commands.
noMount - *(Optional)* If true, will not look in mounted directories.
v2.62 - Initial.
function ULib.execFileULib( f, safeMode, noMount )
if not ULib.fileExists( f, noMount ) then
ULib.error( "Called execFileULib with invalid file! " .. f )
ULib.execStringULib( ULib.fileRead( f, noMount ), safeMode )
Function: execStringULib
Just like <execString>, except only for ULib-defined commands. It avoids the source engine
command queue, and has an additional option to only execute commands marked as "safe" (up to the
command author to properly define these).
f - The string.
safeMode - If set to true, does not run "unsafe" commands.
v2.62 - Initial.
function ULib.execStringULib( f, safeMode )
local lines = string.Explode( "\n", f )
local srvPly = Entity( -1 ) -- Emulate the console callback object
for _, line in ipairs( lines ) do
line = string.Trim( line )
if line ~= "" then
local argv = ULib.splitArgs( line )
local commandName = table.remove( argv, 1 )
local cmdTable, commandName, argv = ULib.cmds.getCommandTableAndArgv( commandName, argv )
if not cmdTable then
Msg( "Error executing " .. tostring( commandName ) .. "\n" )
elseif cmdTable.__unsafe then
Msg( "Not executing unsafe command " .. commandName .. "\n" )
ULib.cmds.execute( cmdTable, srvPly, commandName, argv )
Function: serialize
@ -1 +1 @@
Reference in New Issue
Block a user