[FIX] A bug with being able to update replicated variables after running a listen server and then joining another server.

This commit is contained in:
Nayruden 2013-07-27 16:16:14 -06:00
parent 545d4f191b
commit 9d03c8ad68
2 changed files with 4 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ v2.51 - *(00/00/00)*
* [FIX] Invalid time restrictions throwing an error (Thanks, Scratch).
* [FIX] A problem with targeting in single player (Effected XGUI. Thanks, bender180).
* [FIX] A problem with self-target restrictions breaking commands under certain conditions (Thanks, iSnipeu).
* [FIX] A bug with being able to update replicated variables after running a listen server and then joining another server.
* [REMOVED] Temp garry-patch for reading from the data directory that appears to be fixed now.
v2.50 - *(01/27/13)*

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@ -249,7 +249,9 @@ local function clientChangeCvar( ply, command, argv )
RunConsoleCommand( sv_cvar, newvalue )
hook.Call( ULib.HOOK_REPCVARCHANGED, _, sv_cvar, repcvars[ sv_cvar ].cl_cvar, ply, oldvalue, newvalue )
concommand.Add( "ulib_update_cvar", clientChangeCvar )
concommand.Add( "ulib_update_cvar", clientChangeCvar, nil, nil, FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE )
-- Adding FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE above prevents an odd bug where if a user hosts a listen server, this command gets registered,
-- but when they join another server they can't change any replicated cvars.
repCvarServerChanged = function( sv_cvar, oldvalue, newvalue )
if not repcvars[ sv_cvar ] then -- Bad value or we need to ignore it