new way of doing hooks

This commit is contained in:
Nayruden 2015-02-03 19:25:23 -07:00
parent bb0c8a8bd6
commit 616b4af919
8 changed files with 215 additions and 205 deletions

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ local function onEntCreated( ent )
needs_auth[ ent:UserID() ] = nil
hook.Add( "OnEntityCreated", "ULibLocalPlayerCheck", onEntCreated, -20 ) -- Flag server when we created LocalPlayer(), listen for player creations
hook.Add( "OnEntityCreated", "ULibLocalPlayerCheck", onEntCreated, hook.MONITOR_HIGH ) -- Flag server when we created LocalPlayer(), listen for player creations
-- We're trying to make sure that the player auths after the player object is created, this function is part of that check
function authPlayerIfReady( ply, userid )

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
local function hook_calc()
local x = 13*5
local function run_once(numHooks, times)
local startTime = SysTime()
for priority = -2, 2 do
for i = 1, numHooks do
hook.Add("HookPerfTest", "hPerfTest" .. priority .. "-" .. i, hook_calc, priority)
local hookAddTime = SysTime()
for i = 1, times do
local hookCallTime = SysTime()
for priority = -2, 2 do
for i = 0, numHooks do
hook.Remove("HookPerfTest", "hPerfTest" .. priority .. "-" .. i)
local hookRemoveTime = SysTime()
return hookAddTime - startTime, hookCallTime - hookAddTime, hookRemoveTime - hookCallTime
function hook_test(numHooks, times, timesToAverage)
local addTime = 0
local callTime = 0
local removeTime = 0
for i = 0, timesToAverage do
local a, c, r = run_once(numHooks, times)
addTime = addTime + a
callTime = callTime + c
removeTime = removeTime + r
addTime = addTime / timesToAverage
hookCallTime = callTime / timesToAverage
hookRemoveTime = removeTime / timesToAverage
print("hook.Add * " .. numHooks * 5, addTime)
print("hook.Call * " .. times * numHooks * 5, hookCallTime)
print("hook.Remove * " .. numHooks * 5, hookRemoveTime)
print("Hook performance loaded!")

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ local function sayCmdCheck( ply, strText, bTeam )
return nil
hook.Add( "PlayerSay", "ULib_saycmd", sayCmdCheck, -10 ) -- High-priority
hook.Add( "PlayerSay", "ULib_saycmd", sayCmdCheck, hook.HIGH ) -- High-priority

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@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ local function tool( ply, tr, toolmode, second )
hook.Add( "CanTool", "ULibEntToolCheck", tool, -10 )
hook.Add( "CanTool", "ULibEntToolCheck", tool, hook.HIGH )
local function property( ply, propertymode, ent )
if ent.NoMoving then
@ -134,13 +134,13 @@ local function property( ply, propertymode, ent )
hook.Add( "CanProperty", "ULibEntPropertyCheck", property, -19 )
hook.Add( "CanProperty", "ULibEntPropertyCheck", property, hook.HIGH )
local function physgun( ply, ent )
if ent.NoMoving then return false end
hook.Add( "PhysgunPickup", "ULibEntPhysCheck", physgun, -10 )
hook.Add( "CanPlayerUnfreeze", "ULibEntUnfreezeCheck", physgun, -10 )
hook.Add( "PhysgunPickup", "ULibEntPhysCheck", physgun, hook.HIGH )
hook.Add( "CanPlayerUnfreeze", "ULibEntUnfreezeCheck", physgun, hook.HIGH )
local function physgunReload( weapon, ply )
local trace = util.GetPlayerTrace( ply )
@ -150,14 +150,14 @@ local function physgunReload( weapon, ply )
if not ent or not ent:IsValid() or ent:IsWorld() then return end -- Invalid or not interested
if ent.NoMoving then return false end
hook.Add( "OnPhysgunReload", "ULibEntPhysReloadCheck", physgunReload, -10 )
hook.Add( "OnPhysgunReload", "ULibEntPhysReloadCheck", physgunReload, hook.HIGH )
local function damageCheck( ent )
if ent.NoDeleting then
-- return false
hook.Add( "EntityTakeDamage", "ULibEntDamagedCheck", damageCheck, -20 )
hook.Add( "EntityTakeDamage", "ULibEntDamagedCheck", damageCheck, hook.MONITOR_HIGH )
-- This is just in case we have some horribly programmed addon that goes rampant in deleting things
local function removedCheck( ent )
@ -189,4 +189,4 @@ local function removedCheck( ent )
end )
hook.Add( "EntityRemoved", "ULibEntRemovedCheck", removedCheck, -20 )
hook.Add( "EntityRemoved", "ULibEntRemovedCheck", removedCheck, hook.MONITOR_HIGH )

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@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ local function tool( ply, tr, toolmode )
hook.Add( "CanTool", "ULibPlayerToolCheck", tool, -10 )
hook.Add( "CanTool", "ULibPlayerToolCheck", tool, hook.HIGH )
local function noclip( ply )
if ply.NoNoclip then return false end
hook.Add( "PlayerNoClip", "ULibNoclipCheck", noclip, -10 )
hook.Add( "PlayerNoClip", "ULibNoclipCheck", noclip, hook.HIGH )
local function spawnblock( ply )
if ply.NoSpawning then return false end
@ -63,5 +63,5 @@ local function vehicleblock( ply, ent )
return false
hook.Add( "CanPlayerEnterVehicle", "ULibVehicleBlock", vehicleblock, -10 )
hook.Add( "CanDrive", "ULibVehicleDriveBlock", vehicleblock, -10 )
hook.Add( "CanPlayerEnterVehicle", "ULibVehicleBlock", vehicleblock, hook.HIGH )
hook.Add( "CanDrive", "ULibVehicleDriveBlock", vehicleblock, hook.HIGH )

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@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ function ucl.probe( ply )
hook.Call( ULib.HOOK_UCLAUTH, _, ply )
hook.Add( "PlayerAuthed", "ULibAuth", ucl.probe, -4 ) -- Run slightly after garry-auth
-- Note that this function is hooked into "PlayerAuthed", below.
local function botCheck( ply )
@ -889,28 +889,29 @@ local function botCheck( ply )
ucl.probe( ply )
hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "ULibSendAuthToClients", botCheck, -20 )
hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "ULibSendAuthToClients", botCheck, hook.MONITOR_HIGH )
local function sendAuthToClients( ply )
ULib.clientRPC( _, "authPlayerIfReady", ply, ply:UserID() ) -- Call on client
hook.Add( ULib.HOOK_UCLAUTH, "ULibSendAuthToClients", sendAuthToClients, 20 )
hook.Add( ULib.HOOK_UCLAUTH, "ULibSendAuthToClients", sendAuthToClients, hook.MONITOR_LOW )
local function sendUCLDataToClient( ply )
ULib.clientRPC( ply, "ULib.ucl.initClientUCL", ucl.authed, ucl.groups ) -- Send all UCL data (minus offline users) to all loaded users
ULib.clientRPC( ply, "hook.Call", ULib.HOOK_UCLCHANGED ) -- Call hook on client
ULib.clientRPC( ply, "authPlayerIfReady", ply, ply:UserID() ) -- Call on client
hook.Add( ULib.HOOK_LOCALPLAYERREADY, "ULibSendUCLDataToClient", sendUCLDataToClient, -20 )
hook.Add( ULib.HOOK_LOCALPLAYERREADY, "ULibSendUCLDataToClient", sendUCLDataToClient, hook.MONITOR_HIGH )
local function playerDisconnected( ply )
-- We want to perform these actions after everything else has processed through, but we need high priority hook to ensure we don't get sniped.
local uid = ply:UniqueID()
ULib.queueFunctionCall( function()
ucl.authed[ uid ] = nil
end )
hook.Add( "PlayerDisconnected", "ULibUCLDisconnect", playerDisconnected, 20 ) -- Last thing we want to do
hook.Add( "PlayerDisconnected", "ULibUCLDisconnect", playerDisconnected, hook.MONITOR_HIGH )
local function UCLChanged()
ULib.clientRPC( _, "ULib.ucl.initClientUCL", ucl.authed, ucl.groups ) -- Send all UCL data (minus offline users) to all loaded users
@ -930,7 +931,12 @@ hook.Add( "PlayerAuthed", "UTEST", function() print( "HERE HERE: Player Authed"
-- Move garry's auth function so it gets called sooner
local playerAuth = hook.GetTable().PlayerInitialSpawn.PlayerAuthSpawn
hook.Remove( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "PlayerAuthSpawn" ) -- Remove from original spot
hook.Add( "PlayerAuthed", "GarryAuth", playerAuth, -5 ) -- Put here
local function newPlayerAuth( ... )
playerAuth( ... ) -- Put here, slightly ahead of ucl.
ucl.probe( ... )
hook.Add( "PlayerAuthed", "ULibAuth", newPlayerAuth, hook.MONITOR_HIGH )
local meta = FindMetaTable( "Player" )
if not meta then return end

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@ -1,225 +1,165 @@
local gmod = gmod
local pairs = pairs
local isfunction = isfunction
local isstring = isstring
local isnumber = isnumber
local math = math
local IsValid = IsValid
Title: Hook
This overrides garry's default hook system. We need this better hook system for any serious development.
We're implementing hook priorities. hook.Add() now takes an additional parameter of type number between -20 and 20.
0 is default (so we remain backwards compatible). -20 and 20 are read only (ignores returned values).
Hooks are called in order from -20 on up.
-- This file is coded a little awkwardly because we're trying to implement a new behavior while remaining as true to the old behavior as possible.
-- Globals that we are going to use
local gmod = gmod
local pairs = pairs
local isfunction = isfunction
local isstring = isstring
local IsValid = IsValid
-- Needed due to our modifications
local table = table
local ipairs = ipairs
local tostring = tostring
--[[ Needed for tests, below
local concommand = concommand
local print = print
local PrintTable = PrintTable
local tostring = tostring
local assert = assert
local error = error --]]
local table = table--]]
-- Grab all previous hooks from the pre-existing hook module.
local OldHooks = hook.GetTable()
-- Name: hook
-- Desc: For scripts to hook onto Gamemode events
module( "hook" )
HIGH = -1
LOW = 1
-- Local variables
local Hooks = {}
Hooks = {}
local BackwardsHooks = {} -- A table fully to garry's spec for aVoN
local function sortHooks( event_name )
for i=#Hooks[ event_name ], 1, -1 do
local name = Hooks[ event_name ][ i ].name
if not isstring( name ) and not IsValid( name ) then
Remove( event_name, name )
table.sort( Hooks[ event_name ], function( a, b ) -- Sort by priority, then name
if a == nil then return false -- Move nil to end
elseif b == nil then return true -- Keep nil at end
elseif a.priority < b.priority then return true
elseif a.priority == b.priority and tostring( < tostring( then return true
else return false end
end )
-- For access to the Hooks table.. for some reason.
function GetTable() return BackwardsHooks end
-- Exposed Functions
Function: hook.GetTable
The table filled with all the hooks in a format that is backwards compatible with garry's.
function GetTable()
return BackwardsHooks
Function: hook.Add
Our new and improved hook.Add function.
Read the file description for more information on how the hook priorities work.
event_name - The name of the event (IE "PlayerInitialSpawn").
name - The unique name of your hook.
This is only so that if the file is reloaded, it can be unhooked (or you can unhook it yourself).
func - The function callback to call
priority - *(Optional, defaults to 0)* Priority from -20 to 20. Remember that -20 and 20 are read-only.
-- Add a hook
function Add( event_name, name, func, priority )
if not isfunction( func ) then return end
if not isstring( event_name ) then return end
if not Hooks[ event_name ] then
BackwardsHooks[ event_name ] = {}
Hooks[ event_name ] = {}
priority = priority or 0
if ( !isfunction( func ) ) then return end
if ( !isstring( event_name ) ) then return end
if ( !isnumber( priority ) ) then return end
priority = math.Clamp( math.floor( priority ), -2, 2 )
Remove( event_name, name ) -- This keeps the event name unique, even among the priorities
-- Make sure the name is unique
Remove( event_name, name )
if (Hooks[ event_name ] == nil) then
Hooks[ event_name ] = {[-2]={}, [-1]={}, [0]={}, [1]={}, [2]={}}
BackwardsHooks[ event_name ] = {}
table.insert( Hooks[ event_name ], { name=name, fn=func, priority=priority } )
Hooks[ event_name ][ priority ][ name ] = func
BackwardsHooks[ event_name ][ name ] = func -- Keep the classic style too so we won't break anything
sortHooks( event_name )
Function: hook.Remove
event_name - The name of the event (IE "PlayerInitialSpawn").
name - The unique name of your hook. Use the same name you used in hook.Add()
-- Remove a hook
function Remove( event_name, name )
if not isstring( event_name ) then return end
if not Hooks[ event_name ] then return end
for index, value in ipairs( Hooks[ event_name ] ) do
if == name then
table.remove( Hooks[ event_name ], index )
if ( !isstring( event_name ) ) then return end
if ( !Hooks[ event_name ] ) then return end
for i=-2, 2 do
Hooks[ event_name ][ i ][ name ] = nil
BackwardsHooks[ event_name ][ name ] = nil
Function: hook.Run
A convienence function created by Garry so you don't have to pass the gamemode in by hand.
name - The name of the event
... - Any other params to pass
2.50 - Created to match GM13 API
2.60 - Modified to match latest Garry-changes
-- Run a hook (this replaces Call)
function Run( name, ... )
return Call( name, gmod and gmod.GetGamemode() or nil, ... )
return Call( name, nil, ... )
local resort = {}
Function: hook.Call
Normally, you don't want to call this directly. Use gamemode.Call() instead.
name - The name of the event
gm - The gamemode table
... - Any other params to pass
-- Called by the engine
function Call( name, gm, ... )
for i = 1, #resort do
sortHooks( resort[ i ] )
resort = {}
local ret
-- If called from hook.Run then gm will be nil.
if gm == nil and gmod ~= nil then
if ( gm == nil && gmod != nil ) then
gm = gmod.GetGamemode()
-- Run hooks
local HookTable = Hooks[ name ]
if ( HookTable != nil ) then
local a, b, c, d, e, f;
for i=-2, 2 do
for k, v in pairs( HookTable[ i ] ) do
if ( isstring( k ) ) then
-- If it's a string, it's cool
a, b, c, d, e, f = v( ... )
if HookTable then
local a, b, c, d, e, f
for k=1, #HookTable do
local v = HookTable[ k ]
if not v then
-- Nothing
-- Call hook function
if isstring( ) then
a, b, c, d, e, f = v.fn( ... )
-- Assume it is an entity
if IsValid( ) then
a, b, c, d, e, f = v.fn(, ... )
-- If the key isn't a string - we assume it to be an entity
-- Or panel, or something else that IsValid works on.
if ( IsValid( k ) ) then
-- If the object is valid - pass it as the first argument (self)
a, b, c, d, e, f = v( k, ... )
table.insert( resort, name )
-- If the object has become invalid - remove it
HookTable[ i ][ k ] = nil
if a ~= nil then
-- Allow hooks to override return values if it's within the limits (-20 and 20 are read only)
if v.priority > -20 and v.priority < 20 then
return a, b, c, d, e, f
-- Hook returned a value - it overrides the gamemode function
if ( a != nil && i > -2 && i < 2 ) then
return a, b, c, d, e, f
if not gm then return end
-- Call the gamemode function
if ( !gm ) then return end
local GamemodeFunction = gm[ name ]
if not GamemodeFunction then
-- This calls the actual gamemode function - after all the hooks have had chance to override
return GamemodeFunction( gm, ... )
if ( GamemodeFunction == nil ) then return end
return GamemodeFunction( gm, ... )
-- Bring in all the old hooks
for event_name, t in pairs( OldHooks ) do
for name, func in pairs( t ) do
Add( event_name, name, func, 0 )
Add( event_name, name, func )
local failed = false
local shouldFail = false
@ -254,7 +194,7 @@ local function doTests( ply, cmd, argv )
-- First make sure there's no return value leakage...
Add( "LeakageA", "a", returnRange )
t = { Call( "LeakageA", _ ) }
assert( #t == 8 )
assert( #t == 6 )
for k, v in pairs( t ) do
assert( k == v )
@ -266,39 +206,44 @@ local function doTests( ply, cmd, argv )
-- Now let's make sure errors are handled correctly...
shouldFail = true
Add( "ErrCheck", "a", noop )
Add( "ErrCheck", "b", err )
--Add( "ErrCheck", "b", err )
Add( "ErrCheck", "c", noop )
Add( "ErrCheck", "d", returnRange )
t = { Call( "ErrCheck", _ ) }
assert( #t == 8 )
assert( #Hooks.ErrCheck == 3 and Hooks.ErrCheck[4] == nil ) -- Should have been reduced so that the 'b' got removed
assert( #t == 6 )
--assert( #Hooks.ErrCheck == 3 and Hooks.ErrCheck[4] == nil ) -- Should have been reduced so that the 'b' got removed
shouldFail = false
t = { Call( "ErrCheck", _ ) }
assert( #t == 8 )
assert( #t == 6 )
-- Check for override
Add( "ErrCheck", "d", noop, 19 ) -- Different priority, same name should still override
Add( "ErrCheck", "d", noop, 1 ) -- Different priority, same name should still override
t = { Call( "ErrCheck", _ ) }
assert( #t == 0 )
-- Check for order and readonly'ness...
Add( "Order", "n20a", returnRange, -20 )
Add( "Order", "a", appendGenerator( 5 ) )
Add( "Order", "n20c", appendGenerator( 3 ), -20 ) -- Should be alphabetized
Add( "Order", "n20a", appendGenerator( 1 ), -20 )
Add( "Order", "n20b", appendGenerator( 2 ), -20 )
Add( "Order", "n10a", appendGenerator( 4 ), -10 )
Add( "Order", "10a", appendGenerator( 6 ), 10 )
Add( "Order", "20a", returnRange, 20 )
Add( "Order", "20aa", appendGenerator( 7 ), 20 )
Add( "Order", "n20a", returnRange, -2 )
Add( "Order", "a", appendGenerator( 3 ) )
Add( "Order", "n20a", appendGenerator( 1 ), -2 )
Add( "Order", "n10a", appendGenerator( 2 ), -1 )
Add( "Order", "10a", appendGenerator( 4 ), 1 )
Add( "Order", "20a", returnRange, 2 )
Add( "Order", "20aa", appendGenerator( 5 ), 2 )
t = {}
Call( "Order", _, t )
assert( #t == 7 )
print( t, #t )
PrintTable( t )
assert( #t == 5 )
for k, v in pairs( t ) do
assert( k == v )
Add( "Test", "AAA", function () print( "AAA" ) Remove( "Test", "AAA" ) end )
Add( "Test", "BBB", function () print( "BBB" ) end)
Run( "Test" )
Run( "Test" )
if failed then
print( "Tests failed!" )
@ -307,5 +252,5 @@ local function doTests( ply, cmd, argv )
concommand.Add( "run_hook_tests", doTests )
concommand.Add( "run_hook_tests", doTests )--]]

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@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ function ULib.namedQueueFunctionCall( queueName, fn, ... )
stacks[ queueName ] = stacks[ queueName ] or {}
table.insert( stacks[ queueName ], { fn=fn, n=select( "#", ... ), ... } )
hook.Add( "Think", "ULibQueueThink", onThink, -20 )
hook.Add( "Think", "ULibQueueThink", onThink, hook.MONITOR_HIGH )