Update CAMI, and ignored some bad data passed by other addons. This addresses #504, but won't fix the underlying issue of another addon trying to do something bad.

This commit is contained in:
Nayruden 2015-08-23 10:17:24 -04:00
parent d24b8e48f3
commit 2e7d06958d
2 changed files with 32 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,9 @@
local function onGroupRegistered( camiGroup, originToken )
-- Ignore if ULX is the source, or if we receive bad data from another addon
if originToken == CAMI.ULX_TOKEN then return end
if ULib.findInTable( {"superadmin", "admin", "user"}, camiGroup.Name ) then return end
if not ULib.ucl.groups[ camiGroup.Name ] then
ULib.ucl.addGroup( camiGroup.Name, nil, camiGroup.Inherits, true )
@ -25,7 +27,9 @@ end
hook.Add( "CAMI.OnUsergroupRegistered", "ULXCamiGroupRegistered", onGroupRegistered )
local function onGroupRemoved( camiGroup, originToken )
-- Ignore if ULX is the source, or if we receive bad data from another addon
if originToken == CAMI.ULX_TOKEN then return end
if ULib.findInTable( {"superadmin", "admin", "user"}, camiGroup.Name ) then return end
ULib.ucl.removeGroup( camiGroup.Name, true )

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Structures:
-- Version number in YearMonthDay format.
local version = 20150820
local version = 20150823
if CAMI and CAMI.Version >= version then return end
@ -345,9 +345,8 @@ CAMI.PlayerHasAccess
-- Default access handler
local defaultAccessHandler = {["CAMI.PlayerHasAccess"] =
function(_, actorPly, privilegeName, callback, _, extraInfoTbl)
if not IsValid(actorPly) then return callback(false, "Fallback.") end
-- The server always has access in the fallback
if actorPly:EntIndex() == 0 then return callback(true, "Fallback.") end
if not IsValid(actorPly) then return callback(true, "Fallback.") end
local priv = privileges[privilegeName]
@ -500,3 +499,29 @@ CAMI.SignalUserGroupChanged
function CAMI.SignalUserGroupChanged(ply, old, new, source)
hook.Call("CAMI.PlayerUsergroupChanged", nil, ply, old, new, source)
Signify that your admin mod has changed the usergroup of a disconnected
player. This communicates to other admin mods what it thinks the usergroup
of a player should be.
Listen to the hook to receive the usergroup changes of other admin mods.
The steam ID of the player for which the usergroup is changed
The previous usergroup of the player.
The new usergroup of the player.
Identifier for your own admin mod. Can be anything.
function CAMI.SignalSteamIDUserGroupChanged(steamId, old, new, source)
hook.Call("CAMI.SteamIDUsergroupChanged", nil, steamId, old, new, source)