Flood remade for garrysmod
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2023-10-08 16:33:24 +08:00
flood Update sv_player.lua 2023-10-08 16:33:24 +08:00
LICENSE.txt Update LICENSE.txt 2018-04-18 10:47:54 -07:00
README.md Update README.md 2023-10-07 13:23:05 +08:00


Flood 2.0 Credits:

  1. [MS] Mythic (Mythikos) - for development of serverside and clientside code.
  2. Freezebug - for development of serverside code.
  3. Nebual - for the development of NADMOD and permission to use it in our gamemode.

Flood 2.2 Credits:

  1. [TW]Rain_bob Fix bugs and add new things


  1. Drop the flood folder into your gamemode folder. Simple as that.


flood_build_time - Time allowed for building (def: 240)
flood_flood_time - Time between build phase and fight phase (def: 20)
flood_fight_time - Time allowed for fighting (def: 300)
flood_reset_time - Time after fight phase to allow water to drain and other ending tasks (def: 40 - Dont recommend changing)

flood_participation_cash - Amount of cash given to a player every 5 seconds of being alive (def: 50)
flood_damage_cashmul - Higher means more cash on hit props 0 to disable (def: 1)
flood_bonus_cash - Amount of cash given to the winner of a round (def: 300)

flood_wh_enabled - Does the water hurt players - 1=true 2=false (def: 1)
flood_wh_damage - How much damage a player takes per cycle (def: 1)
flood_wh_tick - Water Hurt delay

Flood 2.0 Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=474900236
Flood 2.2 Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3016332015

EDIT server/sv_entitieshealth.lua if you want
EDIT init.lua if you want (line 142:wepsdamagealt is weapon damage alt table,entitesdmg.. yeah you know what does this does,line 235 is can damage player table,edit this to make some weapon able to damage player!)

Projects to use flood 2.0: https://github.com/WTC-GhostCommunity/The-Purge-Gamemode