forked from mandorinn/eSix-Cafe
eSixCafe.user.css generation for Stylus
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
@ -1,18 +1,108 @@
all: eSixCafe eSixCafeStylus
mkdir -p release/
${S} ${SFLAGS} src/eSixCafe.scss release/eSixCafe.css
sed -i 's^\/\*@-moz-document domain.*^^g' release/eSixCafe.css
mkdir -p release/
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cp -a src/eSixCafe.scss src/eSixCafe.user.scss
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src/common/main_layout_theme_*.scss \
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src/specific/comments_rank_border.scss \
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sed -i 's^@import \"common\/main_layout_theme_.*^^g' src/eSixCafe.user.scss
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sed -i 's^@import \"specific\/comments_rank_border.*^^g' src/eSixCafe.user.scss
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${S} ${SFLAGS} release/tmp/main_layout_theme_classic.scss release/tmp/main_layout_theme_classic.css
${S} ${SFLAGS} release/tmp/main_layout_theme_muted.scss release/tmp/main_layout_theme_muted.css
${S} ${SFLAGS} release/tmp/blips_buttons.scss release/tmp/blips_buttons.css
${S} ${SFLAGS} release/tmp/ release/tmp/comments_rank_border.css
${S} ${SFLAGS} src/eSixCafe.user.scss release/eSixCafe.user.css
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echo "}" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "if roundness == circle {" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
cat release/tmp/_comment_container_profile_picture_circle.css >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "}" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "if roundness == square {" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
cat release/tmp/_comment_container_profile_picture_square.css >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "}" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "if borderRank {" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
cat release/tmp/_comment_container_rank_border.css >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "}" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "if themep == classic {" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
cat release/tmp/main_layout_theme_classic.css >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "}" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "if themep == muted {" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
cat release/tmp/main_layout_theme_muted.css >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "}" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "if buttons {" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
cat release/tmp/blips_buttons.css >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "}" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "if borderRank {" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
cat release/tmp/comments_rank_border.css >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "}" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
printf "$$%s\n" "theme-pack: \"classic\";" >src/eSixCafe.user.scss
echo "@import \"base/themable\";" >>src/eSixCafe.user.scss
${S} ${SFLAGS} src/eSixCafe.user.scss release/tmp/theme_classic.css
printf "$$%s\n" "theme-pack: \"muted\";" >src/eSixCafe.user.scss
echo "@import \"base/themable\";" >>src/eSixCafe.user.scss
${S} ${SFLAGS} src/eSixCafe.user.scss release/tmp/theme_muted.css
printf "$$%s\n" "theme-pack: \"popular\";" >src/eSixCafe.user.scss
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${S} ${SFLAGS} src/eSixCafe.user.scss release/tmp/theme_popular.css
echo "if themep == classic {" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
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echo "}" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "if themep == muted {" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
cat release/tmp/theme_muted.css >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "}" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "if themep == pThemes {" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
cat release/tmp/theme_popular.css >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "}" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
sed -i 's^\/\*@-moz-document domain^@-moz-document domain^g' release/eSixCafe.user.css
sed -i 's^\") {\*\/^\") {^g' release/eSixCafe.user.css
echo "}" >>release/eSixCafe.user.css
rm -rf release/tmp
rm -f release/eSixCafe.css
rm -f release/eSixCafe.user.css
rm -f src/eSixCafe.user.scss
yarn add sass@1.42.1
@ -1,3 +1,27 @@
/* ==UserStyle==
@name eSix Café
@namespace mandorinn
@version 3.0.0
@description Muted and easy on the eyes style for e621. Big credits to Faucet for the bug reports so far, thank you!
@author mandorinn [(], faucet [(], edshot99 [(]
@preprocessor stylus
@var select themep "Theme Pack" {
"Muted": "muted",
"Classic": "classic",
"Popular": "pThemes"
@var select roundness "Profile picture shape" {
"Circle": "circle",
"Square": "square"
@var checkbox buttons "Comment Buttons" 1
@var checkbox borderRank "Name Rank Border Colors" 1
==/UserStyle== */
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@ -25,314 +25,6 @@
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@ -362,29 +54,3 @@
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Normal file
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
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Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
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Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user