forked from e621ng/e621ng

Fail loudly if we forget to whitelist a param instead of silently ignoring it. misc models: convert to strong params. artist commentaries: convert to strong params. * Disallow changing or setting post_id to a nonexistent post. artists: convert to strong params. * Disallow setting `is_banned` in create/update actions. Changing it this way instead of with the ban/unban actions would leave the artist in a partially banned state. bans: convert to strong params. * Disallow changing the user_id after the ban has been created. comments: convert to strong params. favorite groups: convert to strong params. news updates: convert to strong params. post appeals: convert to strong params. post flags: convert to strong params. * Disallow users from setting the `is_deleted` / `is_resolved` flags. ip bans: convert to strong params. user feedbacks: convert to strong params. * Disallow users from setting `disable_dmail_notification` when creating feedbacks. * Disallow changing the user_id after the feedback has been created. notes: convert to strong params. wiki pages: convert to strong params. * Also fix non-Builders being able to delete wiki pages. saved searches: convert to strong params. pools: convert to strong params. * Disallow setting `post_count` or `is_deleted` in create/update actions. janitor trials: convert to strong params. post disapprovals: convert to strong params. * Factor out quick-mod bar to shared partial. * Fix quick-mod bar to use `Post#is_approvable?` to determine visibility of Approve button. dmail filters: convert to strong params. password resets: convert to strong params. user name change requests: convert to strong params. posts: convert to strong params. users: convert to strong params. * Disallow setting password_hash, last_logged_in_at, last_forum_read_at, has_mail, and dmail_filter_attributes[user_id]. * Remove initialize_default_image_size (dead code). uploads: convert to strong params. * Remove `initialize_status` because status already defaults to pending in the database. tag aliases/implications: convert to strong params. tags: convert to strong params. forum posts: convert to strong params. * Disallow changing the topic_id after creating the post. * Disallow setting is_deleted (destroy/undelete actions should be used instead). * Remove is_sticky / is_locked (nonexistent attributes). forum topics: convert to strong params. * merges * lock pg gem to 0.21 (1.0.0 is incompatible with rails 5.1.4) * switch to factorybot and change all references Co-authored-by: r888888888 <> Co-authored-by: evazion <> add diffs
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85 lines
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gem 'dotenv-rails', :require => "dotenv/rails-now"
gem "sass-rails"
gem "sprockets-rails", :require => "sprockets/railtie"
gem "uglifier"
gem "therubyracer", :platforms => :ruby
gem "rails", "~> 5.1"
gem "pg"
gem "dalli", :platforms => :ruby
gem "memcache-client", :platforms => [:mswin, :mingw, :x64_mingw]
gem "tzinfo-data", :platforms => [:mswin, :mingw, :x64_mingw]
gem "delayed_job"
gem "delayed_job_active_record"
gem "simple_form"
gem "mechanize"
gem "whenever", :require => false
gem "sanitize"
gem 'ruby-vips'
gem 'net-sftp'
gem 'term-ansicolor', :require => "term/ansicolor"
gem 'diff-lcs', :require => "diff/lcs/array"
gem 'bcrypt', :require => "bcrypt"
gem 'statistics2'
gem 'capistrano', '~> 3.10'
gem 'capistrano-rails'
gem 'capistrano-rbenv'
gem 'radix62', '~> 1.0.1'
gem 'streamio-ffmpeg'
gem 'rubyzip', :require => "zip"
gem 'stripe'
gem 'twitter'
gem 'aws-sdk', '~> 2'
gem 'responders'
gem 'highline'
gem 'dtext_rb', :git => "", :require => "dtext"
gem 'google-api-client'
gem 'cityhash'
gem 'bigquery', :git => "", :ref => "b92b4e0b54574e3fde7ad910f39a67538ed387ad"
gem 'memcache_mock'
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gem 'httparty'
gem 'rakismet'
gem 'recaptcha', require: "recaptcha/rails"
gem 'activemodel-serializers-xml'
gem 'ptools'
# needed for looser jpeg header compat
gem 'ruby-imagespec', :require => "image_spec", :git => "", :branch => "exif-fixes"
group :production, :staging do
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gem 'capistrano3-unicorn'
group :production do
gem 'unicorn-worker-killer'
gem 'newrelic_rpm'
gem 'capistrano-deploytags', '~> 1.0.0', require: false
group :development, :test do
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gem 'pry-byebug'
gem 'ruby-prof'
gem 'foreman'
gem 'listen'
group :test do
gem "shoulda-context"
gem "shoulda-matchers"
gem "factory_bot"
gem "mocha", :require => "mocha/setup"
gem "ffaker"
gem "simplecov", :require => false
gem "timecop"
gem "webmock"