Earlopain 8ec4027d58
[Cleanup] Use actual characters instead of html entities
Converts almost all, except a few were they make sense like nbsp
2023-08-06 18:07:15 +02:00

33 lines
931 B

<div id="c-blips">
<div id="a-show">
<div id="blip" class="response-list">
<% unless params[:page].to_i > 1 %>
<%= render partial: "blips/partials/show/blip", locals: {blip: @blip} %>
<% end %>
<% unless @children.nil? %>
<% @children.each do |c| %>
<% next unless c.visible_to?(CurrentUser.user) %>
<%= render partial: "blips/partials/show/blip", locals: {blip: c} %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if CurrentUser.is_anonymous? %>
<h5 id="respond-link"><%= link_to "Login to respond »", new_session_path %></h5>
<% else %>
<%= render "form", blip: @blip.responses.new %>
<% end %>
<% unless @children.nil? %>
<%= numbered_paginator(@children) %>
<% end %>
<%= render partial: "secondary_links" %>
<% content_for(:page_title) do %>
Blip #<%= @blip.id %>
<% end %>