edshot99 4928747b83 add transcript support
it could be possible to load closed captions and subtitles from the transcript div via javascript, but I hate javascript so perhaps some other time.
2024-11-10 13:58:15 -06:00

109 lines
2.9 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
module PostVersionIndex
def self.included(base)
base.document_store.index = {
settings: {
index: {
number_of_shards: 8,
number_of_replicas: 1,
mappings: {
dynamic: false,
properties: {
id: { type: "integer" },
post_id: { type: "integer" },
version: { type: "integer" },
updater_id: { type: "integer" },
parent_id: { type: "integer" },
rating: { type: "keyword" },
source: { type: "keyword" },
title: { type: "text" },
description: { type: "text" },
transcript: { type: "text" },
reason: { type: "text" },
title_changed: { type: "boolean" },
description_changed: { type: "boolean" },
transcript_changed: { type: "boolean" },
parent_id_changed: { type: "boolean" },
source_changed: { type: "boolean" },
rating_changed: { type: "boolean" },
tags_added: { type: "keyword" },
tags_removed: { type: "keyword" },
tags: { type: "keyword" },
updated_at: { type: "date" },
locked_tags_added: { type: "keyword" },
locked_tags_removed: { type: "keyword" },
locked_tags: { type: "keyword" },
base.document_store.extend ClassMethods
module ClassMethods
def import(options = {})
q = all
q = q.where("id >= ?", options[:from]) if options[:from]
q = q.where("id <= ?", options[:to]) if options[:to]
q = q.where(options[:query]) if options[:query]
cnt = 0
q.find_in_batches(batch_size: 10000) do |batch|
puts cnt+=1
batch.map! do |pv|
index: {
_id: pv.id,
data: pv.as_indexed_json(),
index: index_name,
body: batch
def as_indexed_json(options = {})
id: id,
post_id: post_id,
updated_at: updated_at,
version: version,
updater_id: updater_id,
parent_id: parent_id,
rating: rating,
source: source,
title: title,
description: description,
transcript: transcript,
reason: reason,
title_changed: title_changed,
description_changed: description_changed,
transcript_changed: transcript_changed,
parent_id_changed: parent_changed,
source_changed: source_changed,
rating_changed: rating_changed,
tags_added: added_tags,
tags_removed: removed_tags,
tags: tag_array,
locked_tags_added: added_locked_tags,
locked_tags_removed: removed_locked_tags,
locked_tags: locked_tag_array