version: "3" x-environment: &common-env DATABASE_URL: postgresql://danbooru:@postgres DANBOORU_HOSTNAME: http://localhost:3000 DANBOORU_REDIS_URL: redis://redis DANBOORU_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST: elastic DANBOORU_MEMCACHED_SERVERS: memcached DANBOORU_IQDBS_SERVER: http://iqdb:4567 # These are just development secrets, do not use them in production SECRET_TOKEN: 1c58518a891eff4520cadc59afa9e378a9325f1247544ff258096e497f095f45 SESSION_SECRET_KEY: 44b4f44e9f253c406cbe727d403d500c1cecff943e4d2aea8f5447f28846fffe x-depends-on: &common-depends-on elastic: condition: service_healthy memcached: condition: service_started postgres: condition: service_started redis: condition: service_started services: e621: build: context: ./ args: COMPOSE_PROFILES: ${COMPOSE_PROFILES-} image: e621 volumes: - .:/app - node_modules:/app/node_modules - public_packs:/app/public/packs - post_data:/app/public/data - ./docker/cron_tasks/daily:/etc/periodic/daily environment: <<: *common-env RAILS_ENV: development depends_on: <<: *common-depends-on iqdb: condition: service_started tty: true nginx: image: nginx:stable-alpine volumes: - ./public:/app/public - post_data:/app/public/data - public_packs:/app/public/packs - ./docker/default.conf.template:/etc/nginx/templates/default.conf.template environment: NGINX_HOST: localhost NGINX_PORT: 3000 depends_on: - e621 ports: - "3000:3000" postgres: build: ./docker/postgres environment: - POSTGRES_USER=danbooru - POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust volumes: - db_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data ports: - "34517:5432" redis: image: redis:4.0.9-alpine command: redis-server --save 10 1 --loglevel warning volumes: - redis_data_v2:/data memcached: image: memcached:1.5.6-alpine elastic: image: elasticsearch:7.14.2 environment: - discovery.type=single-node - - logger.level=WARN - ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1g -Xmx1g volumes: - elastic_data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data healthcheck: interval: 10s timeout: 2s test: nc -z elastic 9200 iqdb: build: ./docker/iqdb environment: - IQDB_HOSTNAME=localhost - IQDB_PORT=62125 # Hardcoded in iqdbs Procfile - IQDB_DATABASE_FILE=/home/vagrant/iqdbs/e621.db - SINATRA_PORT=4567 - IMAGES_FOLDER=/data - REDIS_URL=redis://redis # Sinatra only binds to localhost in development, but to for anything else - APP_ENV=docker depends_on: - redis volumes: - post_data:/data - iqdb_data:/home/vagrant/iqdbs # Useful for development tests: image: e621 environment: <<: *common-env # Hide annoying output from libvips on corrupt files VIPS_WARNING: "0" volumes: - .:/app - node_modules:/app/node_modules depends_on: <<: *common-depends-on entrypoint: bundle exec rails test profiles: - tests rubocop: image: e621 volumes: - .:/app - rubocop_cache:/rubocop_cache entrypoint: bundle exec rubocop --cache-root /rubocop_cache profiles: - rubocop solargraph: image: e621 entrypoint: solargraph socket -h working_dir: $PWD volumes: - .:$PWD ports: - 7658:7658 profiles: - solargraph volumes: post_data: iqdb_data: elastic_data: db_data: redis_data_v2: node_modules: public_packs: public_packs_test: rubocop_cache: