# frozen_string_literal: true require "test_helper" class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase context "A user" do setup do # stubbed to true in test_helper.rb Danbooru.config.stubs(:disable_throttles?).returns(false) @user = create(:user) CurrentUser.user = @user end context "promoting a user" do setup do CurrentUser.user = create(:moderator_user) end should "change the users level and flags" do @user.promote_to!(User::Levels::PRIVILEGED, can_approve_posts: true) @user.reload assert_equal(User::Levels::PRIVILEGED, @user.level) assert(@user.can_approve_posts?) assert_not(@user.can_upload_free?) @user.promote_to!(User::Levels::PRIVILEGED, can_approve_posts: false, can_upload_free: true) @user.reload assert_equal(User::Levels::PRIVILEGED, @user.level) assert_not(@user.can_approve_posts?) assert(@user.can_upload_free?) end end should "not validate if the originating ip address is banned" do assert_raises ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid do as(User.anonymous, "") do create(:ip_ban, ip_addr: '') create(:user, last_ip_addr: '') end end end should "limit post uploads" do assert_equal(:REJ_UPLOAD_NEWBIE, @user.can_upload_with_reason) @user.update_columns(created_at: 15.days.ago, base_upload_limit: 2) assert_equal(true, @user.can_upload_with_reason) assert_equal(2, @user.upload_limit) create_list(:post, @user.base_upload_limit - 1, uploader: @user, is_pending: true) @user = User.find(@user.id) assert_equal(1, @user.upload_limit) assert_equal(true, @user.can_upload_with_reason) create(:post, uploader: @user, is_pending: true) @user = User.find(@user.id) assert_equal(:REJ_UPLOAD_LIMIT, @user.can_upload_with_reason) end should "limit comment votes" do # allow creating one more comment than votes so creating a vote can fail later on Danbooru.config.stubs(:comment_vote_limit).returns(1) Danbooru.config.stubs(:member_comment_limit).returns(Danbooru.config.comment_vote_limit + 1) assert_equal(@user.can_comment_vote_with_reason, :REJ_NEWBIE) @user.update_column(:created_at, 1.year.ago) user2 = create(:user, created_at: 1.year.ago) comments = as(user2) do create_list(:comment, Danbooru.config.comment_vote_limit) end comments.each { |c| VoteManager.comment_vote!(comment: c, user: @user, score: -1) } assert_equal(@user.can_comment_vote_with_reason, :REJ_LIMITED) comment = as(user2) do create(:comment) end assert_raises ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid do VoteManager.comment_vote!(comment: comment, user: @user, score: -1) end CommentVote.update_all("created_at = '1990-01-01'") assert_equal(@user.can_comment_vote_with_reason, true) end should "limit comments" do Danbooru.config.stubs(:member_comment_limit).returns(2) assert_equal(@user.can_comment_with_reason, :REJ_NEWBIE) @user.update_column(:level, User::Levels::PRIVILEGED) assert(@user.can_comment_with_reason) @user.update_column(:level, User::Levels::MEMBER) @user.update_column(:created_at, 1.year.ago) assert(@user.can_comment_with_reason) create_list(:comment, Danbooru.config.member_comment_limit) assert_equal(@user.can_comment_with_reason, :REJ_LIMITED) end should "limit forum post/topics" do assert_equal(@user.can_forum_post_with_reason, :REJ_NEWBIE) @user.update_column(:created_at, 1.year.ago) topic = create(:forum_topic) # Creating a topic automatically creates a post (Danbooru.config.member_comment_limit - 1).times do create(:forum_post, topic_id: topic.id) end assert_equal(@user.can_forum_post_with_reason, :REJ_LIMITED) end should "verify" do assert(@user.is_verified?) @user = create(:user) @user.mark_unverified! assert(!@user.is_verified?) assert_nothing_raised {@user.mark_verified!} assert(@user.is_verified?) end should "authenticate" do assert(User.authenticate(@user.name, "6cQE!wbA"), "Authentication should have succeeded") assert_not(User.authenticate(@user.name, "password2"), "Authentication should not have succeeded") end should "normalize its level" do user = create(:user, level: User::Levels::ADMIN) assert(user.is_moderator?) assert(user.is_privileged?) user = create(:user, level: User::Levels::MODERATOR) assert(!user.is_admin?) assert(user.is_moderator?) assert(user.is_privileged?) user = create(:user, level: User::Levels::PRIVILEGED) assert(!user.is_admin?) assert(!user.is_moderator?) assert(user.is_privileged?) user = create(:user) assert(!user.is_admin?) assert(!user.is_moderator?) assert(!user.is_privileged?) end context "name" do should "be #{Danbooru.config.default_guest_name} given an invalid user id" do assert_equal(Danbooru.config.default_guest_name, User.id_to_name(-1)) end should "not contain whitespace" do # U+2007: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Figure_space user = build(:user, name: "foo\u2007bar") user.save assert_equal(["Name must contain only alphanumeric characters, hypens, apostrophes, tildes and underscores"], user.errors.full_messages) end should "not contain a colon" do user = build(:user, name: "a:b") user.save assert_equal(["Name must contain only alphanumeric characters, hypens, apostrophes, tildes and underscores"], user.errors.full_messages) end should "not begin with an underscore" do user = build(:user, name: "_x") user.save assert_equal(["Name must not begin with a special character", "Name cannot begin or end with an underscore"], user.errors.full_messages) end should "not end with an underscore" do user = build(:user, name: "x_") user.save assert_equal(["Name cannot begin or end with an underscore"], user.errors.full_messages) end should "be fetched given a user id" do @user = create(:user) assert_equal(@user.name, User.id_to_name(@user.id)) end should "be updated" do @user = create(:user) @user.update_attribute(:name, "danzig") assert_equal(@user.name, User.id_to_name(@user.id)) end end context "ip address" do setup do @user = create(:user) end context "in the json representation" do should "not appear" do assert(@user.to_json !~ /addr/) end end end context "password" do # FIXME: Broken because of special password handling in tests # should "match the confirmation" do # @user = create(:user) # @user.old_password = "password" # @user.password = "zugzug5" # @user.password_confirmation = "zugzug5" # @user.save # @user.reload # assert(User.authenticate(@user.name, "zugzug5"), "Authentication should have succeeded") # end should "fail if the confirmation does not match" do @user = create(:user) @user.password = "6cQE!wbA" @user.password_confirmation = "7cQE!wbA" @user.save assert_equal(["Password confirmation doesn't match Password"], @user.errors.full_messages) end should "not be too short" do @user = create(:user) @user.password = "x5" @user.password_confirmation = "x5" @user.save assert_equal(["Password is too short (minimum is 8 characters)", "Password is insecure"], @user.errors.full_messages) end should "not be insecure" do @user = create(:user) @user.password = "qwerty123" @user.password_confirmation = "qwerty123" @user.save assert_equal(["Password is insecure: This is similar to a commonly used password"], @user.errors.full_messages) end # should "not change the password if the password and old password are blank" do # @user = create(:user, password: "567890", password_confirmation: "567890") # @user.update(:password => "", :old_password => "") # assert(@user.bcrypt_password == "567890") # end # should "not change the password if the old password is incorrect" do # @user = create(:user, password: "567890", password_confirmation: "567890") # @user.update(:password => "123456", :old_password => "abcdefg") # assert(@user.bcrypt_password == "567890") # end # should "not change the password if the old password is blank" do # @user = create(:user, password: "567890", password_confirmation: "567890") # @user.update(:password => "123456", :old_password => "") # assert(@user.bcrypt_password == "567890") # end # should "change the password if the old password is correct" do # @user = create(:user, password: "567890", password_confirmation: "567890") # @user.update(:password => "123456", :old_password => "567890") # assert(@user.bcrypt_password == "123456") # end context "in the json representation" do setup do @user = create(:user) end should "not appear" do assert(@user.to_json !~ /password/) end end end context "that might be a sock puppet" do setup do @user = create(:user, last_ip_addr: "") Danbooru.config.unstub(:enable_sock_puppet_validation?) end should "not validate" do as(nil, "") do @user = build(:user) @user.save assert_equal(["Last ip addr was used recently for another account and cannot be reused for another day"], @user.errors.full_messages) end end end context "that might have a banned email" do setup do @blacklist = EmailBlacklist.create(domain: ".xyz", reason: "what", creator_id: @user.id) end should "not validate" do as(nil, "") do @user = build(:user) @user.email = "what@mine.xyz" @user.save assert_equal(["Email address may not be used"], @user.errors.full_messages) end end end context "when searched by name" do should "match wildcards" do user1 = create(:user, name: "foo") user2 = create(:user, name: "foobar") user3 = create(:user, name: "bar123baz") assert_equal([user2.id, user1.id], User.search(name_matches: "foo*").map(&:id)) assert_equal([user2.id], User.search(name_matches: "foo\*bar").map(&:id)) assert_equal([user3.id], User.search(name_matches: "bar\*baz").map(&:id)) end end context "when fixing counts" do should "not raise" do assert_nothing_raised { @user.refresh_counts! } end end end end