# frozen_string_literal: true require "test_helper" class PoolTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup do @user = create(:user, created_at: 1.month.ago) CurrentUser.user = @user end context "A name" do setup do @pool = create(:pool, name: "xxx") end should "be mapped to a pool id" do assert_equal(@pool.id, Pool.name_to_id("xxx")) end end context "A multibyte character name" do setup do @mb_pool = create(:pool, name: "àáâãäå") end should "be mapped to a pool id" do assert_equal(@mb_pool.id, Pool.name_to_id("àáâãäå")) end end context "An id number" do setup do @pool = create(:pool) end should "be mapped to a pool id" do assert_equal(@pool.id, Pool.name_to_id(@pool.id.to_s)) end end context "Creating a pool" do setup do @posts = create_list(:post, 5) @pool = create(:pool, post_ids: @posts.map(&:id)) end should "initialize the post count" do assert_equal(@posts.size, @pool.post_count) end should "synchronize the posts with the pool" do assert_equal(@posts.map(&:id), @pool.post_ids) @posts.each(&:reload) assert_equal(["pool:#{@pool.id}"] * @posts.size, @posts.map(&:pool_string)) end end context "Reverting a pool" do setup do @pool = create(:pool) @p1 = create(:post) @p2 = create(:post) @p3 = create(:post) as(@user, "") do @pool.add!(@p1) @pool.reload end as(@user, "") do @pool.add!(@p2) @pool.reload end as(@user, "") do @pool.add!(@p3) @pool.reload end as(@user, "") do @pool.remove!(@p1) @pool.reload end as(@user, "") do version = @pool.versions[1] @pool.revert_to!(version) @pool.reload end end should "have the correct versions" do assert_equal(6, @pool.versions.size) assert_equal([], @pool.versions.all[0].post_ids) assert_equal([@p1.id], @pool.versions.all[1].post_ids) assert_equal([@p1.id, @p2.id], @pool.versions.all[2].post_ids) assert_equal([@p1.id, @p2.id, @p3.id], @pool.versions.all[3].post_ids) assert_equal([@p2.id, @p3.id], @pool.versions.all[4].post_ids) end should "update its post_ids" do assert_equal([@p1.id], @pool.post_ids) end should "update any old posts that were removed" do @p2.reload assert_equal("", @p2.pool_string) end should "update any new posts that were added" do @p1.reload assert_equal("pool:#{@pool.id}", @p1.pool_string) end end context "Updating a pool" do setup do @pool = create(:pool, category: "series") @p1 = create(:post) @p2 = create(:post) end context "by adding a new post" do setup do @pool.add!(@p1) end context "by #attributes=" do setup do @pool.attributes = {post_ids: [@p1.id, @p2.id]} @pool.synchronize @pool.save end should "initialize the post count" do assert_equal(2, @pool.post_count) end end should "add the post to the pool" do assert_equal([@p1.id], @pool.post_ids) end should "add the pool to the post" do assert_equal("pool:#{@pool.id}", @p1.pool_string) end should "increment the post count" do assert_equal(1, @pool.post_count) end context "to a pool that already has the post" do setup do @pool.add!(@p1) end should "not double add the post to the pool" do assert_equal([@p1.id], @pool.post_ids) end should "not double add the pool to the post" do assert_equal("pool:#{@pool.id}", @p1.pool_string) end should "not double increment the post count" do assert_equal(1, @pool.post_count) end end end context "by removing a post" do setup do @pool.add!(@p1) end context "that is in the pool" do setup do @pool.remove!(@p1) end should "remove the post from the pool" do assert_equal([], @pool.post_ids) end should "remove the pool from the post" do assert_equal("", @p1.pool_string) end should "update the post count" do assert_equal(0, @pool.post_count) end end context "that is not in the pool" do setup do @pool.remove!(@p2) end should "not affect the pool" do assert_equal([@p1.id], @pool.post_ids) end should "not affect the post" do assert_equal("pool:#{@pool.id}", @p1.pool_string) end should "not affect the post count" do assert_equal(1, @pool.post_count) end end end context "by changing the category" do setup do Danbooru.config.stubs(:pool_category_change_limit).returns(1) @pool.add!(@p1) @pool.add!(@p2) end should "not allow Members to change the category of large pools" do @member = create(:member_user) as(@member) { @pool.update(category: "collection") } assert_equal(["You cannot change the category of pools with greater than 1 posts"], @pool.errors[:base]) end should "allow janitors to change the category of large pools" do @janitor = create(:janitor_user) as(@janitor) { @pool.update(category: "collection") } assert_equal(true, @pool.valid?) assert_equal("collection", @pool.category) assert_equal("pool:#{@pool.id}", @p1.reload.pool_string) assert_equal("pool:#{@pool.id}", @p2.reload.pool_string) end end should "create new versions for each distinct user" do assert_equal(1, @pool.versions.size) user2 = create(:user, created_at: 1.month.ago) as(user2, "") do @pool.post_ids = [@p1.id] @pool.save end @pool.reload assert_equal(2, @pool.versions.size) assert_equal(user2.id, @pool.versions.last.updater_id) assert_equal("", @pool.versions.last.updater_ip_addr.to_s) as(user2, "") do @pool.post_ids = [@p1.id, @p2.id] @pool.save end @pool.reload assert_equal(3, @pool.versions.size) assert_equal(user2.id, @pool.versions.last.updater_id) assert_equal("", @pool.versions.last.updater_ip_addr.to_s) end should "should create a version if the name changes" do assert_difference("@pool.versions.size", 1) do @pool.update(name: "blah") assert_equal("blah", @pool.versions.last.name) end assert_equal(2, @pool.versions.size) end should "know what its post ids were previously" do @pool.post_ids = [@p1.id] assert_equal([], @pool.post_ids_was) end should "normalize its name" do @pool.update(:name => " A B ") assert_equal("A_B", @pool.name) @pool.update(:name => "__A__B__") assert_equal("A_B", @pool.name) end should "normalize its post ids" do @pool.update(category: "collection", post_ids: [1, 2, 2, 3, 1]) assert_equal([1, 2, 3], @pool.post_ids) end context "when validating names" do ["foo,bar", "foo*bar", "123", "--", "___", " ", "any", "none", "series", "collection"].each do |bad_name| should_not allow_value(bad_name).for(:name) end ["_-_", " - "].each do |good_name| should allow_value(good_name).for(:name) end end end context "An existing pool" do setup do @pool = create(:pool) @p1 = create(:post) @p2 = create(:post) @p3 = create(:post) @pool.add!(@p1) @pool.add!(@p2) @pool.add!(@p3) end context "that is synchronized" do setup do @pool.reload @pool.post_ids = [@p2.id] @pool.synchronize! end should "update the pool" do @pool.reload assert_equal(1, @pool.post_count) assert_equal([@p2.id], @pool.post_ids) end should "update the posts" do @p1.reload @p2.reload @p3.reload assert_equal("", @p1.pool_string) assert_equal("pool:#{@pool.id}", @p2.pool_string) assert_equal("", @p3.pool_string) end end should "find the neighbors for the first post" do assert_nil(@pool.previous_post_id(@p1.id)) assert_equal(@p2.id, @pool.next_post_id(@p1.id)) end should "find the neighbors for the middle post" do assert_equal(@p1.id, @pool.previous_post_id(@p2.id)) assert_equal(@p3.id, @pool.next_post_id(@p2.id)) end should "find the neighbors for the last post" do assert_equal(@p2.id, @pool.previous_post_id(@p3.id)) assert_nil(@pool.next_post_id(@p3.id)) end end end