# frozen_string_literal: true require "test_helper" class UsersControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest context "The users controller" do setup do @user = create(:user) end context "index action" do should "list all users" do get users_path assert_response :success end should "redirect for /users?name=" do get users_path, params: { name: "some_username" } assert_redirected_to(user_path(id: "some_username")) end should "list all users (with search)" do get users_path, params: {:search => {:name_matches => @user.name}} assert_response :success end should "list all users (with blank search parameters)" do get users_path, params: { search: { level: "", name: "test" } } assert_redirected_to users_path(search: { name: "test" }) end end context "show action" do setup do # flesh out profile to get more test coverage of user presenter. as(@user) do create(:post, uploader: @user, tag_string: "fav:#{@user.name}") end end should "render" do get user_path(@user) assert_response :success end should "show hidden attributes to the owner" do get_auth user_path(@user), @user, params: {format: :json} json = JSON.parse(response.body) assert_response :success assert_not_nil(json["last_logged_in_at"]) end should "not show hidden attributes to others" do @another = create(:user) get_auth user_path(@another), @user, params: {format: :json} json = JSON.parse(response.body) assert_response :success assert_nil(json["last_logged_in_at"]) end end context "new action" do setup do Danbooru.config.stubs(:enable_recaptcha?).returns(false) end should "render" do get new_user_path assert_response :success end end context "create action" do should "create a user" do assert_difference(-> { User.count }, 1) do post users_path, params: { user: { name: "xxx", password: "nePD.3L4", password_confirmation: "nePD.3L4" } } end created_user = User.find(session[:user_id]) assert_equal("xxx", created_user.name) assert_equal(Danbooru.config.records_per_page, created_user.per_page) assert_not_nil(created_user.last_ip_addr) end context "with sockpuppet validation enabled" do setup do Danbooru.config.unstub(:enable_sock_puppet_validation?) @user.update(last_ip_addr: "") end should "not allow registering multiple accounts with the same IP" do assert_difference("User.count", 0) do post users_path, params: {:user => {:name => "dupe", :password => "xxxxx1", :password_confirmation => "xxxxx1"}} end end end context "with a duplicate username" do setup do create(:user, name: "test123") end should "prevent creation" do assert_no_difference(-> { User.count }) do post users_path, params: { user: { name: "TEst123", password: "xxxxx1", password_confirmation: "xxxxx1" } } assert_match(/Name already exists/, flash[:notice]) end end end context "with email validation" do setup do Danbooru.config.stubs(:enable_email_verification?).returns(true) end should "reject invalid emails" do assert_no_difference(-> { User.count }) do post users_path, params: { user: { name: "test", password: "xxxxxx", password_confirmation: "xxxxxx" } } assert_match(/Email can't be blank/, flash[:notice]) post users_path, params: { user: { name: "test", password: "xxxxxx", password_confirmation: "xxxxxx", email: "invalid" } } assert_match(/Email is invalid/, flash[:notice]) end end should "reject duplicate emails" do create(:user, email: "valid@e621.net") assert_no_difference(-> { User.count }) do post users_path, params: { user: { name: "test2", password: "xxxxxx", password_confirmation: "xxxxxx", email: "VaLid@E621.net" } } assert_match(/Email has already been taken/, flash[:notice]) end end end end context "edit action" do setup do @user = create(:user) end should "render" do get_auth edit_user_path(@user), @user assert_response :success end end context "update action" do setup do @user = create(:user) end should "update a user" do put_auth user_path(@user), @user, params: {:user => {:favorite_tags => "xyz"}} @user.reload assert_equal("xyz", @user.favorite_tags) end context "changing the level" do setup do @cuser = create(:user) end should "not work" do put_auth user_path(@user), @cuser, params: {:user => {:level => 40}} @user.reload assert_equal(20, @user.level) end end context "for an user with blank email" do setup do @user = create(:user, email: "") Danbooru.config.stubs(:enable_email_verification?).returns(true) end should "force them to update their email" do put_auth user_path(@user), @user, params: { user: { comment_threshold: "-100" } } assert_match(/Email can't be blank/, flash[:notice]) end end end context "custom css" do should "return the correct styling" do @user.update(custom_style: "body { display:none; }") get_auth custom_style_users_path(format: :css), @user assert_response :success assert_equal("body { display:none !important; }", @response.body.strip) end end end end