# frozen_string_literal: true # This script populates the database with random data for testing or development purposes. # Usage: docker exec -it e621ng-e621-1 /app/bin/populate require "faker" # Environmental variables that govern how much content to generate presets = { users: ENV.fetch("USERS", 0).to_i, posts: ENV.fetch("POSTS", 0).to_i, comments: ENV.fetch("COMMENTS", 0).to_i, favorites: ENV.fetch("FAVORITES", 0).to_i, forums: ENV.fetch("FORUMS", 0).to_i, postvotes: ENV.fetch("POSTVOTES", 0).to_i, pools: ENV.fetch("POOLS", 0).to_i, } if presets.values.sum == 0 puts "DEFAULTS" presets = { users: 10, posts: 100, comments: 100, favorites: 100, forums: 100, postvotes: 100, pools: 100, } end USERS = presets[:users] POSTS = presets[:posts] COMMENTS = presets[:comments] FAVORITES = presets[:favorites] FORUMS = presets[:forums] POSTVOTES = presets[:postvotes] POOLS = presets[:pools] DISTRIBUTION = ENV.fetch("DISTRIBUTION", 10).to_i DEFAULT_PASSWORD = ENV.fetch("PASSWORD", "hexerade") CurrentUser.user = User.system def api_request(path) response = Faraday.get("https://e621.net#{path}", nil, user_agent: "e621ng/seeding") JSON.parse(response.body) end def populate_users(number, password: DEFAULT_PASSWORD) return [] unless number > 0 puts "* Creating #{number} users\n This may take some time." output = [] number.times do user_name = generate_username puts " - #{user_name}" user_obj = User.create do |user| user.name = user_name user.password = password user.password_confirmation = password user.email = "#{user_name}@e621.local" user.level = User::Levels::MEMBER user.created_at = Faker::Date.between(from: "2007-02-10", to: 2.weeks.ago) user.profile_about = Faker::Hipster.paragraph_by_chars(characters: rand(100..2_000), supplemental: false) if Faker::Boolean.boolean(true_ratio: 0.2) user.profile_artinfo = Faker::Hipster.paragraph_by_chars(characters: rand(100..2_000), supplemental: false) if Faker::Boolean.boolean(true_ratio: 0.2) end if user_obj.errors.empty? output << user_obj puts " user ##{user_obj.id}" else puts " error: #{user_obj.errors.full_messages.join('; ')}" end end output end def generate_username loop do @username = [ Faker::Adjective.positive.split.each(&:capitalize!), Faker::Creature::Animal.name.split.each(&:capitalize!), ].concat.join("_") next unless @username.length >= 3 && @username.length <= 20 next unless User.find_by(name: @username).nil? break end @username end def populate_posts(number, users: [], batch_size: 320) return [] unless number > 0 puts "* Creating #{number} posts" admin = User.find(1) users = User.where("users.created_at < ?", 7.days.ago).limit(DISTRIBUTION).order("random()") if users.empty? output = [] # Generate posts in batches of 200 (by default) number.times.each_slice(batch_size).map(&:size).each do |count| posts = api_request("/posts.json?tags=rating:s+order:random+score:>250+-grandfathered_content&limit=#{count}")["posts"] posts.each do |post| post["tags"].each do |category, tags| Tag.find_or_create_by_name_list(tags.map { |tag| "#{category}:#{tag}" }) end CurrentUser.user = users.sample # Stupid, but I can't be bothered CurrentUser.user = users.sample unless CurrentUser.user.can_upload_with_reason puts " - #{CurrentUser.user.name} : #{post['file']['url']}" Post.transaction do service = UploadService.new(generate_upload(post)) @upload = service.start! end if @upload.invalid? || @upload.post.nil? puts " #{@upload.errors.full_messages.join('; ')}" else puts " post: ##{@upload.post.id}" CurrentUser.scoped(admin) do @upload.post.approve! end output << @upload.post end end end output end def generate_upload(post) { uploader: CurrentUser.user, uploader_ip_addr: "", direct_url: post["file"]["url"], tag_string: post["tags"].values.flatten.join(" "), source: post["sources"].join("\n"), description: post["description"], rating: post["rating"], } end def fill_avatars(users = [], posts = []) return if users.empty? puts "* Filling in #{users.size} avatars" posts = Post.limit(users.size).order("random()") if posts.empty? puts posts users.each do |user| post = posts.sample puts "post: #{post}" puts " - #{user.name} : ##{post.id}" user.update({ avatar_id: post.id }) end end def populate_comments(number, users: []) return unless number > 0 puts "* Creating #{number} comments" users = User.where("users.created_at < ?", 14.days.ago).limit(DISTRIBUTION).order("random()") if users.empty? posts = Post.limit(DISTRIBUTION).order("random()") number.times do post = posts.sample CurrentUser.user = users.sample comment_obj = Comment.create do |comment| comment.creator = CurrentUser.user comment.updater = CurrentUser.user comment.post = post comment.body = Faker::Hipster.paragraph_by_chars(characters: rand(100..2_000), supplemental: false) comment.creator_ip_addr = "" end puts " - ##{comment_obj.id} by #{CurrentUser.user.name}" end end def populate_favorites(number, users: []) return unless number > 0 puts "* Creating #{number} favorites" users = User.limit(DISTRIBUTION).order("random()") if users.empty? number.times do |index| CurrentUser.user = users[index % DISTRIBUTION] post = Post.order("random()").first puts " - ##{post.id} faved by #{CurrentUser.user.name}" begin Favorite.create do |fav| fav.user = CurrentUser.user fav.post = post end rescue StandardError puts " Favorite already exists" end end end def populate_forums(number, users: []) return unless number > 0 number -= 1 # Accounts for the first post in the thread puts "* Creating a topic with #{number} replies" users = User.where("users.created_at < ?", 14.days.ago).limit(DISTRIBUTION).order("random()") if users.empty? category = ForumCategory.find_or_create_by!(name: "General") do |cat| cat.can_view = 0 end CurrentUser.user = users.sample CurrentUser.ip_addr = "" forum_topic = ForumTopic.create do |topic| topic.creator = CurrentUser.user topic.creator_ip_addr = "" topic.title = Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: 3, supplemental: true, random_words_to_add: 4) topic.category = category topic.original_post_attributes = { creator: CurrentUser.user, body: Faker::Lorem.paragraphs.join("\n\n"), } end puts " topic ##{forum_topic.id} by #{CurrentUser.user.name}" unless forum_topic.valid? puts " #{forum_topic.errors.full_messages.join('; ')}" end number.times do CurrentUser.user = users.sample forum_post = ForumPost.create do |post| post.creator = CurrentUser.user post.topic_id = forum_topic.id post.body = Faker::Hipster.paragraph_by_chars(characters: rand(100..2_000), supplemental: false) end puts " - #{CurrentUser.user.name} | forum post ##{forum_post.id}" unless forum_post.valid? puts " #{forum_post.errors.full_messages.join('; ')}" end end end def populate_post_votes(number, users: [], posts: []) return unless number > 0 puts "* Generating votes" users = User.where("users.created_at < ?", 14.days.ago).limit(DISTRIBUTION).order("random()") if users.empty? posts = Post.limit(100).order("random()") if posts.empty? number.times do CurrentUser.user = users.sample post = posts.sample vote = VoteManager.vote!( user: CurrentUser.user, post: post, score: Faker::Boolean.boolean(true_ratio: 0.2) ? -1 : 1, ) if vote == :need_unvote puts " error: #{vote}" next else puts " vote ##{vote.id} on post ##{post.id}" end end end def populate_pools(number, posts: []) return unless number > 0 puts "* Generating pools" CurrentUser.user = User.find(1) posts = Post.limit(number).order("random()") if posts.empty? pool_obj = Pool.create do |pool| pool.name = Faker::Lorem.sentence pool.category = "collection" pool.post_ids = posts.pluck(:id) end puts pool_obj if pool_obj.errors.empty? puts " pool ##{pool_obj.id}" else puts " error: #{pool_obj.errors.full_messages.join('; ')}" end end puts "Populating the Database" CurrentUser.user = User.find(1) CurrentUser.ip_addr = "" users = populate_users(USERS) posts = populate_posts(POSTS, users: users) fill_avatars(users, posts) populate_comments(COMMENTS, users: users) populate_favorites(FAVORITES, users: users) populate_forums(FORUMS, users: users) populate_post_votes(POSTVOTES, users: users, posts: posts) populate_pools(POOLS, posts: posts)