# frozen_string_literal: true module Danbooru class Configuration # The version of this Danbooru. def version "2.1.0" end # The name of this Danbooru. def app_name "e621" end def description "Find good furry art, fast" end def domain "e621.net" end # Force rating:s on this version of the site. def safe_mode? false end def adult_content? true end # The canonical hostname of the site. def hostname Socket.gethostname end # Contact email address of the admin. def contact_email "management@#{domain}" end def takedown_email "management@#{domain}" end # System actions, such as sending automated dmails, will be performed with # this account. This account must have Moderator privileges. # # Run `rake db:seed` to create this account if it doesn't already exist in your install. def system_user "auto_moderator" end def source_code_url "https://github.com/e621ng/e621ng" end # Stripped of any special characters. def safe_app_name app_name.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/, "_") end # The default name to use for anyone who isn't logged in. def default_guest_name "Anonymous" end def levels { "Anonymous" => 0, "Blocked" => 10, "Member" => 20, "Privileged" => 30, "Former Staff" => 34, "Janitor" => 35, "Moderator" => 40, "Admin" => 50 } end # Prevent new users from going above 80k while allowing those currently above # it to continue adding new favorites with the old limit. # { 123 => 200_000 } def legacy_favorite_limit {} end # Set the default level, permissions, and other settings for new users here. def customize_new_user(user) user.blacklisted_tags = default_blacklist.join("\n") user.comment_threshold = -10 user.enable_auto_complete = true user.enable_keyboard_navigation = true user.per_page = records_per_page user.show_post_statistics = true user.style_usernames = true end def default_blacklist [] end def safeblocked_tags [] end # This allows using statically linked copies of ffmpeg in non default locations. Not universally supported across # the codebase at this time. def ffmpeg_path "/usr/bin/ffmpeg" end # Thumbnail size def small_image_width 150 end # Large resize image width. Set to nil to disable. def large_image_width 850 end def large_image_prefix "sample-" end def protected_path_prefix "deleted" end def protected_file_secret "abc123" end def replacement_path_prefix "replacements" end def replacement_file_secret "abc123" end def deleted_preview_url "/images/deleted-preview.png" end # When calculating statistics based on the posts table, gather this many posts to sample from. def post_sample_size 300 end # List of memcached servers def memcached_servers %w( end def alias_implication_forum_category 1 end # After a post receives this many comments, new comments will no longer bump the post in comment/index. def comment_threshold 40 end def disable_throttles? false end def disable_age_checks? false end def disable_cache_store? false end # Members cannot post more than X comments in an hour. def member_comment_limit 15 end def comment_vote_limit 10 end def post_vote_limit 3_000 end def dmail_minute_limit 1 end def dmail_limit 10 end def dmail_day_limit 50 end def tag_suggestion_limit 15 end def forum_vote_limit 50 end # Blips created in the last hour def blip_limit 25 end # Artists creator or edited in the last hour def artist_edit_limit 25 end # Wiki pages created or edited in the last hour def wiki_edit_limit 60 end # Notes applied to posts edited or created in the last hour def note_edit_limit 50 end # Pools created in the last hour def pool_limit 2 end # Pools created or edited in the last hour def pool_edit_limit 10 end # Pools that you can edit the posts for in the last hour def pool_post_edit_limit 30 end # Members cannot create more than X post versions in an hour. def post_edit_limit 150 end def post_flag_limit 20 end # Flat limit that applies to all users, regardless of level def hourly_upload_limit 30 end def ticket_limit 30 end # Members cannot change the category of pools with more than this many posts. def pool_category_change_limit 30 end def post_replacement_per_day_limit 2 end def post_replacement_per_post_limit 5 end def remember_key "abc123" end def tag_type_change_cutoff 100 end # Users cannot search for more than X regular tags at a time. def tag_query_limit 40 end # Return true if the given tag shouldn't count against the user's tag search limit. def is_unlimited_tag?(tag) !!(tag =~ /\A(-?status:deleted|rating:s.*|limit:.+)\z/i) end # After this many pages, the paginator will switch to sequential mode. def max_numbered_pages 750 end def blip_max_size 1_000 end def comment_max_size 10_000 end def dmail_max_size 50_000 end def forum_post_max_size 50_000 end def note_max_size 1_000 end def pool_descr_max_size 10_000 end def post_title_max_size 128 end def post_descr_max_size 50_000 end def post_trasc_max_size 50_000 end def ticket_max_size 5_000 end def user_about_max_size 50_000 end def wiki_page_max_size 250_000 end def user_feedback_max_size 20_000 end def pool_post_limit(_user) 1_000 end def set_post_limit(_user) # rubocop:disable Naming/AccessorMethodName 10_000 end def discord_site end def discord_secret end # Maximum size of an upload. If you change this, you must also change # `client_max_body_size` in your nginx.conf. def max_file_size 100.megabytes end def max_file_sizes { 'jpg' => 100.megabytes, 'png' => 100.megabytes, 'gif' => 20.megabytes, 'webm' => 100.megabytes, 'mp4' => 100.megabytes } end def max_apng_file_size 20.megabytes end # Measured in seconds def max_video_duration 3600 end # Maximum resolution (width * height) of an upload. Default: 441 megapixels (21000x21000 pixels). def max_image_resolution 15000 * 15000 end # Maximum width of an upload. def max_image_width 15000 end # Maximum height of an upload. def max_image_height 15000 end def max_tags_per_post 2000 end # Permanently redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS. # # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Strict_Transport_Security # http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionDispatch/SSL.html def ssl_options { redirect: { exclude: ->(request) { request.subdomain == "insecure" } }, hsts: { expires: 1.year, preload: true, subdomains: false, }, } end # The method to use for storing image files. def storage_manager # Store files on the local filesystem. # base_dir - where to store files (default: under public/data) # base_url - where to serve files from (default: http://#{hostname}/data) # hierarchical: false - store files in a single directory # hierarchical: true - store files in a hierarchical directory structure, based on the MD5 hash StorageManager::Local.new(base_dir: "#{Rails.root}/public/data", hierarchical: true) # Select the storage method based on the post's id and type (preview, large, or original). # StorageManager::Hybrid.new do |id, md5, file_ext, type| # if type.in?([:large, :original]) && id.in?(0..850_000) # StorageManager::Local.new(base_dir: "/path/to/files", hierarchical: true) # else # StorageManager::Local.new(base_dir: "/path/to/files", hierarchical: true) # end # end end # The method to use for backing up image files. def backup_storage_manager # Don't perform any backups. StorageManager::Null.new # Backup files to /mnt/backup on the local filesystem. # StorageManager::Local.new(base_dir: "/mnt/backup", hierarchical: false) end # If enabled, users must verify their email addresses. def enable_email_verification? false end def enable_signups? true end def flag_reasons [ { name: "uploading_guidelines", reason: "Does not meet the [[uploading_guidelines|uploading guidelines]]", text: "This post fails to meet the site's standards, be it for artistic worth, image quality, relevancy, or something else.\nKeep in mind that your personal preferences have no bearing on this. If you find the content of a post objectionable, simply [[e621:blacklist|blacklist]] it.", }, { name: "young_human", reason: "Young [[human]]-[[humanoid|like]] character in an explicit situation", text: "Posts featuring human and human-like characters depicted in a sexual or explicit nude way, are not acceptable on this site.", }, { name: "dnp_artist", reason: "The artist of this post is on the \"avoid posting list\":/static/avoid_posting", text: "Certain artists have requested that their work is not to be published on this site, and were granted [[avoid_posting|Do Not Post]] status.\nSometimes, that status comes with conditions; see [[conditional_dnp]] for more information", }, { name: "pay_content", reason: "Paysite, commercial, or subscription content", text: "We do not host paysite or commercial content of any kind. This includes Patreon leaks, reposts from piracy websites, and so on.", }, { name: "trace", reason: "Trace of another artist's work", text: "Images traced from other artists' artwork are not accepted on this site. Referencing from something is fine, but outright copying someone else's work is not.\nPlease, leave more information in the comments, or simply add the original artwork as the posts's parent if it's hosted on this site.", }, { name: "previously_deleted", reason: "Previously deleted", text: "Posts usually get removed for a good reason, and reuploading of deleted content is not acceptable.\nPlease, leave more information in the comments, or simply add the original post as this post's parent.", }, { name: "real_porn", reason: "Real-life pornography", text: "Posts featuring real-life pornography are not acceptable on this site. No exceptions.\nNote that images featuring non-erotic photographs are acceptable.", }, { name: "corrupt", reason: "File is either corrupted, broken, or otherwise does not work", text: "Something about this post does not work quite right. This may be a broken video, or a corrupted image.\nEither way, in order to avoid confusion, please explain the situation in the comments.", }, { name: "inferior", reason: "Duplicate or inferior version of another post", text: "A superior version of this post already exists on the site.\nThis may include images with better visual quality (larger, less compressed), but may also feature \"fixed\" versions, with visual mistakes accounted for by the artist.\nNote that edits and alternate versions do not fall under this category.", parent: true, }, ] end def deletion_reasons [ "Inferior version/duplicate of post #%PARENT_ID%", "Previously deleted (post #%PARENT_ID%)", "Excessive same base image set", "Colored base", "Advertisement", "Underage artist", "", "Does not meet minimum quality standards (Artistic)", "Does not meet minimum quality standards (Resolution)", "Does not meet minimum quality standards (Compression)", "Does not meet minimum quality standards (Trivial or low quality edit)", "Does not meet minimum quality standards (Bad digitization of traditional media)", "Does not meet minimum quality standards (Photo)", "Does not meet minimum quality standards (%OTHER_ID%)", "Broken/corrupted file", "JPG resaved as PNG", "", "Irrelevant to site (Human only)", "Irrelevant to site (Screencap)", "Irrelevant to site (Zero pictured)", "Irrelevant to site (AI assisted/generated)", "Irrelevant to site (%OTHER_ID%)", "Young [[human]]-[[humanoid|like]] character in an explicit situation", "", "Paysite/commercial content", "Traced artwork", "Traced artwork (post #%PARENT_ID%)", "Takedown #%OTHER_ID%", "The artist of this post is on the \"avoid posting list\":/static/avoid_posting", "[[conditional_dnp|Conditional DNP]] (Only the artist is allowed to post)", "[[conditional_dnp|Conditional DNP]] (%OTHER_ID%)", ] end # Any custom code you want to insert into the default layout without # having to modify the templates. def custom_html_header_content nil end def flag_notice_wiki_page "help:flag_notice" end def replacement_notice_wiki_page "help:replacement_notice" end # The number of records displayed per page. Posts use `user.per_page` which is configurable by the user def records_per_page 75 end def is_post_restricted?(post) false end # TODO: Investigate what this does and where it is used. def is_user_restricted?(user) !user.is_privileged? end def can_user_see_post?(user, post) return false if post.is_deleted? && !user.is_janitor? if is_user_restricted?(user) && is_post_restricted?(post) false else true end end def user_needs_login_for_post?(post) false end def select_posts_visible_to_user(user, posts) posts.select {|x| can_user_see_post?(user, x)} end def enable_dimension_autotagging? true end # The default headers to be sent with outgoing http requests. Some external # services will fail if you don't set a valid User-Agent. def http_headers { user_agent: "#{safe_app_name}/#{version}", } end # https://lostisland.github.io/faraday/#/customization/connection-options def faraday_options { request: { timeout: 10, open_timeout: 10, }, headers: http_headers, } end # you should override this def email_key "zDMSATq0W3hmA5p3rKTgD" end def mailgun_api_key '' end def mailgun_domain '' end def mail_from_addr 'noreply@localhost' end # disable this for tests def enable_sock_puppet_validation? true end def iqdb_server end def opensearch_host end # Use a recaptcha on the signup page to protect against spambots creating new accounts. # https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/intro def enable_recaptcha? Rails.env.production? && Danbooru.config.recaptcha_site_key.present? && Danbooru.config.recaptcha_secret_key.present? end def recaptcha_site_key end def recaptcha_secret_key end def enable_image_cropping? true end def redis_url end def bypass_upload_whitelist?(user) user.is_admin? end def ads_enabled? false end # These tags will be sent to the revive server to do filtering on def ads_keyword_tags [] end def ads_zone_desktop {zone: nil, revive_id: nil, checksum: nil} end def ads_zone_mobile {zone: nil, revive_id: nil, checksum: nil} end # Additional video samples will be generated in these dimensions if it makes sense to do so # They will be available as additional scale options on applicable posts in the order they appear here def video_rescales {'720p' => [1280, 720], '480p' => [640, 480]} end def image_rescales [] end def enable_visitor_metrics? false end def janitor_reports_discord_webhook_url nil end def moderator_stats_discord_webhook_url nil end def aibur_stats_discord_webhook_url nil end def no_results_message "Nobody here but us chicken!" end end class EnvironmentConfiguration def custom_configuration @custom_configuration ||= CustomConfiguration.new end def env_to_boolean(method, var) is_boolean = method.to_s.end_with? "?" return true if is_boolean && var.truthy? return false if is_boolean && var.falsy? var end def method_missing(method, *) var = ENV["DANBOORU_#{method.to_s.upcase.chomp("?")}"] if var.present? env_to_boolean(method, var) else custom_configuration.send(method, *) end end end def config @configuration ||= EnvironmentConfiguration.new end module_function :config end