Specific wiki pages requiring 'e621:' prefix #3

opened 2024-11-07 13:23:56 -05:00 by edshot99 · 1 comment

As seen in #2, wiki pages are using the 'help:' prefix instead of the 'e621:' prefix.

However these pages require the 'e621:' prefix:

If the 'e621:' prefix is not used they will not be displayed when using the links in the footer to access these pages.
To keep the website specific wiki pages consistent it may be a good idea to modify the code to change this to use the more generic 'help:' prefix.

However, since this 'e621:' prefix is not shown anywhere besides people digging through the wiki listing i've generally don't see an urgent need to do this.

As seen in #2, wiki pages are using the 'help:' prefix instead of the 'e621:' prefix. However these pages require the 'e621:' prefix: e621:avoid_posting_notice e621:terms_of_service e621:takedown e621:privacy_policy e621:advertising e621:contact If the 'e621:' prefix is not used they will not be displayed when using the links in the footer to access these pages. To keep the website specific wiki pages consistent it may be a good idea to modify the code to change this to use the more generic 'help:' prefix. However, since this 'e621:' prefix is not shown anywhere besides people digging through the wiki listing i've generally don't see an urgent need to do this.

Fixed in commit: 2233d1380f

Fixed in commit: https://git.groovyexpress.com/edshot99/eBooru/commit/2233d1380fdb12a0a16c20d30a54d1e721703e2c
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Reference: edshot99/eBooru#3
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