This removes the need for all the ruby-lsp setup stuff.
ruby-lsp will try to install the debug gem which contains native code, add that to the gemfile so it doesn't cause trouble.
I'm probably going to remove the rubocop/test compose services at some point. With devcontainers you are just able to run the commands directly.
It just works.
Requires a bit of a workaround for the .rubocop.yml env setup currently in use but thats alright.
The companion ruby-lsp-rails doesn't do much right now but I imagine that to become quite powerful in the future.
* Allow modifying .env without git complainging about changes to commit
* Require COMPOSE_PROFILE=solargraph for solargraph to be included in the image
* Set required vscode settings for solargraph to correctly work in docker
* Clean up .solargraph.yml. All these removed values are the default
* Disable autocomplete in the rails console
* Add a compose service to run rubocop
* Upddate rubocop config
Added some, removed some, ordered alphabetically.
Before: 844 files inspected, 6871 offenses detected, 6095 offenses autocorrectable
After: 844 files inspected, 8024 offenses detected, 7538 offenses autocorrectable
Most of the new offences are because of Style/StringLiterals (1312)