It just works.
Requires a bit of a workaround for the .rubocop.yml env setup currently in use but thats alright.
The companion ruby-lsp-rails doesn't do much right now but I imagine that to become quite powerful in the future.
Removing the app root already happens by default, in a more correct manner.
Fixes the following type of backtraces:
app/decoratorslication_decorator.rb:1:in `<main>'
app/decorators/application_decorator.rb:1:in `<main>'
Run the following commands to import data into OpenSearch:
* Add opensearch client
* Add url param to force use opensearch
* Switch import method over to opensearch
* Index to opensearch as well
* Add option to gradually roll out os
* Index os with separate queue
* Move os post creation to job as well
* Exclusively use the OpenSearch client
* Stop enqueuing OsIndexUpdateJob
* Remove remaining elasticsearch code
Bump faraday since v2 is no longer blocked
There is no counterpart for OpenSearch.
`elasticsearch-model` needs to go too but that is more involved than
just removing something that only facilitates logging in dev.
This was responsible for
* displaying the time elasticsearch queries took per request
* logging the search parameters being sent to elasticsearch per query
The implementation isn't that complex and I could roll something myself but
considering that I haven't sought that information out by now I'll just don't.
Logging queries is trivial since we craft these manually ourselves.
The constraint applies to all user routes, which includes `custom_style`.
Also fixes a constant redefinition warning in the console when doing `reload!`
There is no proper show action for api keys. Just do a redirect instead.
Remove a duplicate view action from the routes, be explicit that a show action exists
Most of that is not easily configurable and requires db fields, css classes etc.
Everything in TagCategory was also pretty much incomprehensible for me
thanks to the indirection, so I moved it all inline instead.
I'll clean that up in later commits.
Execute the following commands, before pulling:
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec postgres pg_dump danbooru2 -U danbooru > backup.sql
docker-compose down
docker volume rm e621ng_db_data
Execute the following commands, after pulling:
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec -T postgres psql -d e621_development -U e621 < backup.sql
This also changes the name of the database and role.
Now seems like a nice opportunity to do so.
Should make it easier to understand why random failures are happening.
Remove the manual logging in the application controller. Just look in your logs instead.
This also reduces the log level for tests.
Log files are now 700KB instead of 28MB per run.
This is only used as a subselect, which means that there is no need to order.
The source metatag uses a non-existant function, remove it.
No need to check for deleted posts, it's desired to show deleted thumbnails
on the post flag index for example.
Notes are formatted using dtext only. Even though the existance of this
class suggests that some html elements are allowed, it doesn't actually do anything.
Link relativization also didn't work, same with dtext colors.
Also see #439
I was confused about wrap_parameters_by_default. It's actually not relevant
for us since every controller params are wrapped in params.require(:model),
which means that wrapping is forced through that.
wrap_parameters.rb was setting the new default through other means already
though, so even if it's required somewhere there are no functional differences.
Remove whenever, it's not used in prod. Prod uses systemd timers.
This executes the daily task on container startup. My PC isn't going to
run when this would execute 99% of the time.
* to_s(:format) is deprecated, use to_fs(:format)
* ActiveRecord::Associations::Preloader is gone
* Don't use CurrentUser in config, it's not autoloaded anymore
* Defer elastic initialization to after the module is loaded
Truly the end of an era. This page was trash and nobody was using it.
This will make it easier to make changes to the approval flow people actually use.