implement saved searches, move user boolean settings to bitprefs

This commit is contained in:
r888888888 2014-06-03 15:54:22 -07:00
parent 901aa1264c
commit f02f72fac1
27 changed files with 547 additions and 105 deletions

View File

@ -497,6 +497,13 @@
Danbooru.Post.save_search = function() {
{"saved_search[tag_query]": $("#tags").val()}
$(document).ready(function() {

View File

@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ {
overflow: hidden;
#saved-searches-nav {
margin-top: 1em;
a.blacklisted-active {
font-weight: bold;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
class SavedSearchesController < ApplicationController
respond_to :html, :js
def index
@saved_searches = saved_searches.order("name")
def create
@saved_search = saved_searches.create(:tag_query => params[:tags])
def destroy
@saved_search = saved_searches.find(params[:id])
def edit
@saved_search = saved_searches.find(params[:id])
def update
@saved_search = saved_searches.find(params[:id])
flash[:notice] = "Saved search updated"
respond_with(@saved_search, :location => saved_searches_path)
def saved_searches

View File

@ -209,6 +209,18 @@ class AnonymousUser
def saved_searches
def has_saved_searches?
def show_saved_searches?
%w(member banned gold builder platinum contributor janitor moderator admin).each do |name|
define_method("is_#{name}?") do

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
class SavedSearch < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
validates :tag_query, :presence => true
validate :validate_count
attr_accessible :tag_query, :category
before_create :update_user_on_create
after_destroy :update_user_on_destroy
validates_uniqueness_of :tag_query, :scope => :user_id
def self.tagged(tags)
where(:tag_query => tags).first
def validate_count
if user.saved_searches.count + 1 > user.max_saved_searches
self.errors[:user] << "can only have up to #{user.max_saved_searches} " + "saved search".pluralize(user.max_saved_searches)
def update_user_on_create
if !user.has_saved_searches?
user.update_attribute(:has_saved_searches, true)
def update_user_on_destroy
if user.saved_searches.count == 0
user.update_attribute(:has_saved_searches, false)

View File

@ -16,6 +16,22 @@ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
ADMIN = 50
:is_banned => 0x0001,
:has_mail => 0x0002,
:receive_email_notifications => 0x0004,
:always_resize_images => 0x0008,
:enable_post_navigation => 0x0010,
:new_post_navigation_layout => 0x0020,
:enable_privacy_mode => 0x0040,
:enable_sequential_post_navigation => 0x0080,
:hide_deleted_posts => 0x0100,
:style_usernames => 0x0200,
:enable_auto_complete => 0x0400,
:show_deleted_children => 0x0800,
:has_saved_searches => 0x1000
attr_accessor :password, :old_password
attr_accessible :enable_privacy_mode, :enable_post_navigation, :new_post_navigation_layout, :password, :old_password, :password_confirmation, :password_hash, :email, :last_logged_in_at, :last_forum_read_at, :has_mail, :receive_email_notifications, :comment_threshold, :always_resize_images, :favorite_tags, :blacklisted_tags, :name, :ip_addr, :time_zone, :default_image_size, :enable_sequential_post_navigation, :per_page, :hide_deleted_posts, :style_usernames, :enable_auto_complete, :custom_style, :show_deleted_children, :as => [:moderator, :janitor, :contributor, :gold, :member, :anonymous, :default, :builder, :admin]
attr_accessible :level, :as => :admin
@ -45,6 +61,7 @@ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :subscriptions, lambda {order("")}, :class_name => "TagSubscription", :foreign_key => "creator_id"
has_many :note_versions, :foreign_key => "updater_id"
has_many :dmails, lambda {order(" desc")}, :foreign_key => "owner_id"
has_many :saved_searches
belongs_to :inviter, :class_name => "User"
after_update :create_mod_action
@ -417,6 +434,20 @@ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
module LimitMethods
def max_saved_searches
if is_platinum?
elsif is_gold?
def show_saved_searches?
id < 1_000
def can_upload?
if is_contributor?
@ -703,6 +734,24 @@ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include CountMethods
extend SearchMethods
BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES.each do |boolean_attribute, bit_flag|
define_method(boolean_attribute) do
bit_prefs & bit_flag > 0
define_method("#{boolean_attribute}?") do
bit_prefs & bit_flag > 0
define_method("#{boolean_attribute}=") do |val|
if val.to_s =~ /t|1|y/
self.bit_prefs = bit_prefs | bit_flag
self.bit_prefs = bit_prefs - bit_flag
def initialize_default_image_size
self.default_image_size = "large"

View File

@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
<li><%= link_to "Hot", posts_path(:tags => "order:rank") %></li>
<% unless CurrentUser.is_anonymous? %>
<li><%= link_to "Favorites", favorites_path %></li>
<% if CurrentUser.user.has_saved_searches? %>
<li><%= link_to "Saved searches", saved_searches_path %></li>
<% end %>
<li><%= link_to "Subscriptions", posts_path(:tags => "sub:#{}") %></li>
<% end %>
<li class="nonessential"><%= link_to "Changes", post_versions_path %></li>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
<div id="posts">
<%= post_set.presenter.post_previews_html(self) %>
<div style="overflow: hidden;">
<%= post_set.presenter.post_previews_html(self) %>
<% if params[:tags] %>
<div id="saved-searches-nav">
<%= render "saved_searches/interface", :saved_searches => CurrentUser.user.saved_searches %>
<% end %>
<%= numbered_paginator(post_set.posts) %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<% if CurrentUser.user.show_saved_searches? %>
<% if CurrentUser.user.has_saved_searches? && saved_searches.tagged(params[:tags]) %>
<%= button_to "Remove this saved search", saved_search_path(saved_searches.tagged(params[:tags]), :tags => params[:tags]), :remote => true, :method => :delete %>
<% elsif CurrentUser.user.is_member? %>
<%= button_to "Save this search", saved_searches_path(:tags => params[:tags]), :remote => true, :method => :post %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<% if @saved_search.errors.any? %>
Danbooru.error("<%= j @saved_search.errors.full_messages.join(', ') %>");
<% else %>
Danbooru.notice("Search '<%= j @saved_search.tag_query %>' was saved");
$("#saved-searches-nav").html("<%= j render('saved_searches/interface', :saved_searches => CurrentUser.user.saved_searches) %>");
<% end %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Danbooru.notice("Search '<%= j @saved_search.tag_query %>' was deleted");
$("#saved-searches-nav").html("<%= j render('saved_searches/interface', :saved_searches => CurrentUser.user.saved_searches) %>");
$("#saved-search-<%= %>").remove();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<div id="c-saved-searches">
<div id="a-edit">
<h1>Edit Saved Search</h1>
<%= error_messages_for :saved_search %>
<%= simple_form_for(@saved_search) do |f| %>
<%= f.input :tag_query %>
<%= f.input :category %>
<%= f.button :submit %>
<% end %>
<%= render "users/secondary_links" %>
<% content_for(:page_title) do %>
Edit Saved Search - <%= Danbooru.config.app_name %>
<% end %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<div id="c-saved-searches">
<div id="a-index">
<h1>Saved Searches</h1>
<table class="striped" width="100%">
<th width="80%">Tags</th>
<th width="10%">Category</th>
<th width="10%"></th>
<% @saved_searches.each do |saved_search| %>
<tr id="saved-search-<%= %>">
<td><%= link_to saved_search.tag_query, posts_path(:tags => saved_search.tag_query) %></td>
<td><%= saved_search.category %></td>
<%= link_to "edit", edit_saved_search_path(saved_search) %> |
<%= link_to "delete", saved_search_path(saved_search), :method => :delete, :remote => true %>
<% end %>
<%= render "users/secondary_links" %>
<% content_for(:page_title) do %>
Saved Searches - <%= Danbooru.config.app_name %>
<% end %>

View File

@ -30,8 +30,11 @@
<%= f.input :time_zone, :include_blank => false %>
<%= f.input :receive_email_notifications, :as => :select, :include_blank => false %>
<%= f.input :receive_email_notifications, :as => :select, :include_blank => false, :collection => [["Yes", "true"], ["No", "false"]] %>
<%= f.input :comment_threshold, :hint => "Comments below this score will be hidden by default" %>
<%= f.input :default_image_size, :hint => "Show original image or show resized #{Danbooru.config.large_image_width} pixel version", :label => "Default image width", :collection => [["850px", "large"], ["original", "original"]], :include_blank => false %>
<% if CurrentUser.user.is_gold? %>
@ -43,23 +46,33 @@
<fieldset id="advanced-settings-section">
<%= f.input :style_usernames, :as => :select, :label => "Colored usernames", :hint => "Color each user's name depending on their level", :include_blank => false, :collection => [["Yes", "true"], ["No", "false"]] %>
<%= f.input :always_resize_images, :as => :select, :include_blank => false, :label => "Fit images to window", :hint => "Use JavaScript to resize images to fit window" %>
<%= f.input :enable_post_navigation, :as => :select, :include_blank => false, :label => "Enable keyboard shortcuts" %>
<%= f.input :enable_sequential_post_navigation, :as => :select, :label => "Enable slideshow mode", :hint => "Show prev/next links when viewing a post", :include_blank => false %>
<%= f.input :always_resize_images, :as => :select, :include_blank => false, :label => "Fit images to window", :hint => "Use JavaScript to resize images to fit window", :collection => [["Yes", "true"], ["No", "false"]] %>
<%= f.input :enable_post_navigation, :as => :select, :include_blank => false, :label => "Enable keyboard shortcuts", :collection => [["Yes", "true"], ["No", "false"]] %>
<%= f.input :enable_sequential_post_navigation, :as => :select, :label => "Enable slideshow mode", :hint => "Show prev/next links when viewing a post", :include_blank => false, :collection => [["Yes", "true"], ["No", "false"]] %>
<%= f.input :new_post_navigation_layout, :as => :select, :label => "Navigation bar position", :include_blank => false, :collection => [["Below", "true"], ["Above", "false"]], :hint => "When browsing pools or slideshows, place navigation links above or below the image" %>
<%= f.input :hide_deleted_posts, :as => :select, :label => "Deleted post filter", :hint => "Remove deleted posts from search results", :include_blank => false, :collection => [["Yes", "true"], ["No", "false"]] %>
<%= f.input :show_deleted_children, :as => :select, :label => "Show deleted children", :hint => "Indicate that a post has children even if the children are deleted", :include_blank => false, :collection => [["Yes", "true"], ["No", "false"]] %>
<%= f.input :enable_auto_complete, :as => :select, :collection => [["Yes", "true"], ["No", "false"]], :include_blank => false %>
<div class="input text optional field_with_hint">
<label class="text optional" for="user_favorite_tags">Frequent tags</label>
<textarea id="user_favorite_tags" class="text optional" rows="5" name="user[favorite_tags]" cols="40"><%= raw @user.favorite_tags %></textarea>
<span class="hint">A list of tags that you use often. They will appear when using the list of Related Tags.</span>
<%= f.input :custom_style, :label => "Custom <a href=''>CSS</a> style".html_safe, :hint => "Style to apply to the whole site.", :input_html => {:size => "40x5"} %>
<fieldset id="change-password-section">
<%= f.input :password, :hint => "Leave blank if you don't want to change your password", :label => "New password", :input_html => {:autocomplete => "off"} %>
<%= f.input :old_password, :as => :password, :input_html => {:autocomplete => "off"} %>

View File

@ -34,4 +34,7 @@ en:
uploader_id: "You"
creator: "You"
creator_id: "You"
creator_id: "You"
user: "You"
user_id: "You"

View File

@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :artist_commentary_versions, :only => [:index]
resource :related_tag, :only => [:show]
get "reports/user_promotions" => "reports#user_promotions"
resources :saved_searches
resource :session do
collection do
get :sign_out

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class AddLastCommentBumpedAtToPosts < ActiveRecord::Migration
execute "SET statement_timeout = 0"
rename_column :posts, :last_commented_at, :last_comment_bumped_at
rename_index :posts, "index_posts_on_last_commented_at", "index_posts_on_last_comment_bumped_at"
# rename_index :posts, :index_posts_on_last_commented_at, :index_posts_on_last_comment_bumped_at
add_column :posts, :last_commented_at, :datetime
add_column :comments, :do_not_bump_post, :boolean, :null => false, :default => false
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class AddLastCommentBumpedAtToPosts < ActiveRecord::Migration
remove_column :posts, :last_commented_at
rename_column :posts, :last_comment_bumped_at, :last_commented_at
rename_index :posts, "index_posts_on_last_comment_bumped_at", "index_posts_on_last_commented_at"
# rename_index :posts, "index_posts_on_last_comment_bumped_at", "index_posts_on_last_commented_at"
remove_column :comments, :do_not_bump_posts

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
class CreateSavedSearches < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :saved_searches do |t|
t.integer :user_id
t.text :tag_query
t.text :name
t.string :category
add_index :saved_searches, :user_id
add_index :saved_searches, :tag_query
add_index :saved_searches, :category

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
class AddBitPrefsToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
execute "set statement_timeout = 0"
add_column :users, :bit_prefs, "bigint", :null => false, :default => 0
execute "update users set bit_prefs = bit_prefs | 1 where is_banned = true"
execute "update users set bit_prefs = bit_prefs | 2 where has_mail = true"
execute "update users set bit_prefs = bit_prefs | 4 where receive_email_notifications = true"
execute "update users set bit_prefs = bit_prefs | 8 where always_resize_images = true"
execute "update users set bit_prefs = bit_prefs | 16 where enable_post_navigation = true"
execute "update users set bit_prefs = bit_prefs | 32 where new_post_navigation_layout = true"
execute "update users set bit_prefs = bit_prefs | 64 where enable_privacy_mode = true"
execute "update users set bit_prefs = bit_prefs | 128 where enable_sequential_post_navigation = true"
execute "update users set bit_prefs = bit_prefs | 256 where hide_deleted_posts = true"
execute "update users set bit_prefs = bit_prefs | 512 where style_usernames = true"
execute "update users set bit_prefs = bit_prefs | 1024 where enable_auto_complete = true"
execute "update users set bit_prefs = bit_prefs | 2048 where show_deleted_children = true"
remove_column :users, :is_banned
remove_column :users, :has_mail
remove_column :users, :receive_email_notifications
remove_column :users, :always_resize_images
remove_column :users, :enable_post_navigation
remove_column :users, :new_post_navigation_layout
remove_column :users, :enable_privacy_mode
remove_column :users, :enable_sequential_post_navigation
remove_column :users, :hide_deleted_posts
remove_column :users, :style_usernames
remove_column :users, :enable_auto_complete
remove_column :users, :show_deleted_children
def down
execute "set statement_timeout = 0"
add_column :users, :is_banned, :boolean
add_column :users, :has_mail, :boolean
add_column :users, :receive_email_notifications, :boolean
add_column :users, :always_resize_images, :boolean
add_column :users, :enable_post_navigation, :boolean
add_column :users, :new_post_navigation_layout, :boolean
add_column :users, :enable_privacy_mode, :boolean
add_column :users, :enable_sequential_post_navigation, :boolean
add_column :users, :hide_deleted_posts, :boolean
add_column :users, :style_usernames, :boolean
add_column :users, :enable_auto_complete, :boolean
add_column :users, :show_deleted_children, :boolean
execute "update users set is_banned = true where bit_prefs & 1 > 0"
execute "update users set has_mail = true where bit_prefs & 2 > 0"
execute "update users set receive_email_notifications = true where bit_prefs & 4 > 0"
execute "update users set always_resize_images = true where bit_prefs & 8 > 0"
execute "update users set enable_post_navigation = true where bit_prefs & 16 > 0"
execute "update users set new_post_navigation_layout = true where bit_prefs & 32 > 0"
execute "update users set enable_privacy_mode = true where bit_prefs & 64 > 0"
execute "update users set enable_sequential_post_navigation = true where bit_prefs & 128 > 0"
execute "update users set hide_deleted_posts = true where bit_prefs & 256 > 0"
execute "update users set style_usernames = true where bit_prefs & 512 > 0"
execute "update users set enable_auto_complete = true where bit_prefs & 1024 > 0"
execute "update users set show_deleted_children = true where bit_prefs & 2048 > 0"
remove_column :users, :bit_prefs, :integer, :null => false, :default => 0

View File

@ -80,6 +80,9 @@ if Post.count == 0
Upload.all.each do |upload|
if Post.count == 0
raise "Uploads failed conversion"
puts "Skipping posts"

View File

@ -422,8 +422,8 @@ CREATE TABLE advertisement_hits (
id integer NOT NULL,
advertisement_id integer NOT NULL,
ip_addr inet NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -460,8 +460,8 @@ CREATE TABLE advertisements (
height integer NOT NULL,
file_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
is_work_safe boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -491,8 +491,8 @@ ALTER SEQUENCE advertisements_id_seq OWNED BY;
CREATE TABLE amazon_backups (
id integer NOT NULL,
last_id integer,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -526,8 +526,8 @@ CREATE TABLE artist_commentaries (
original_description text,
translated_title text,
translated_description text,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -563,8 +563,8 @@ CREATE TABLE artist_commentary_versions (
original_description text,
translated_title text,
translated_description text,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -596,8 +596,8 @@ CREATE TABLE artist_urls (
artist_id integer NOT NULL,
url text NOT NULL,
normalized_url text NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -635,8 +635,8 @@ CREATE TABLE artist_versions (
group_name character varying(255),
url_string text,
is_banned boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -672,8 +672,8 @@ CREATE TABLE artists (
other_names text,
other_names_index tsvector,
group_name character varying(255),
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -706,8 +706,8 @@ CREATE TABLE bans (
reason text NOT NULL,
banner_id integer NOT NULL,
expires_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -773,8 +773,8 @@ CREATE TABLE comment_votes (
comment_id integer NOT NULL,
user_id integer NOT NULL,
score integer NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -809,8 +809,8 @@ CREATE TABLE comments (
ip_addr inet NOT NULL,
body_index tsvector NOT NULL,
score integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
updater_id integer,
updater_ip_addr inet,
do_not_bump_post boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL
@ -850,8 +850,8 @@ CREATE TABLE delayed_jobs (
locked_at timestamp without time zone,
failed_at timestamp without time zone,
locked_by character varying(255),
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
queue character varying(255)
@ -889,8 +889,8 @@ CREATE TABLE dmails (
message_index tsvector NOT NULL,
is_read boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
is_deleted boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
creator_ip_addr inet DEFAULT ''::inet NOT NULL
@ -1956,8 +1956,8 @@ CREATE TABLE forum_posts (
body text NOT NULL,
text_index tsvector NOT NULL,
is_deleted boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -1994,8 +1994,8 @@ CREATE TABLE forum_topics (
is_locked boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
is_deleted boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
text_index tsvector NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
category_id integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
@ -2028,8 +2028,8 @@ CREATE TABLE ip_bans (
creator_id integer NOT NULL,
ip_addr inet NOT NULL,
reason text NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2061,8 +2061,8 @@ CREATE TABLE janitor_trials (
creator_id integer NOT NULL,
user_id integer NOT NULL,
original_level integer NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2093,8 +2093,8 @@ CREATE TABLE key_values (
id integer NOT NULL,
key character varying(255) NOT NULL,
value text,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2125,8 +2125,8 @@ CREATE TABLE mod_actions (
id integer NOT NULL,
creator_id integer NOT NULL,
description text NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2158,8 +2158,8 @@ CREATE TABLE news_updates (
message text NOT NULL,
creator_id integer NOT NULL,
updater_id integer NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2198,8 +2198,8 @@ CREATE TABLE note_versions (
height integer NOT NULL,
is_active boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
body text NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
version integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
@ -2238,8 +2238,8 @@ CREATE TABLE notes (
is_active boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
body text NOT NULL,
body_index tsvector NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
version integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
@ -2273,8 +2273,8 @@ CREATE TABLE pool_versions (
post_ids text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL,
updater_id integer NOT NULL,
updater_ip_addr inet NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
name character varying(255)
@ -2311,8 +2311,8 @@ CREATE TABLE pools (
post_ids text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL,
post_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
is_deleted boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
category character varying(255) DEFAULT 'series'::character varying NOT NULL
@ -2346,8 +2346,8 @@ CREATE TABLE post_appeals (
creator_id integer NOT NULL,
creator_ip_addr integer NOT NULL,
reason text,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2378,8 +2378,8 @@ CREATE TABLE post_disapprovals (
id integer NOT NULL,
user_id integer NOT NULL,
post_id integer NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2413,8 +2413,8 @@ CREATE TABLE post_flags (
creator_ip_addr inet NOT NULL,
reason text,
is_resolved boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2443,8 +2443,8 @@ ALTER SEQUENCE post_flags_id_seq OWNED BY;
CREATE TABLE post_versions (
id integer NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
post_id integer NOT NULL,
tags text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL,
rating character(1),
@ -2483,8 +2483,8 @@ CREATE TABLE post_votes (
post_id integer NOT NULL,
user_id integer NOT NULL,
score integer NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2513,8 +2513,8 @@ ALTER SEQUENCE post_votes_id_seq OWNED BY;
id integer NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
up_score integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
down_score integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
score integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
@ -2574,6 +2574,40 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE posts_id_seq
-- Name: saved_searches; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE saved_searches (
id integer NOT NULL,
user_id integer,
tag_query text,
name text,
category character varying(255),
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
-- Name: saved_searches_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE SEQUENCE saved_searches_id_seq
-- Name: saved_searches_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: -
ALTER SEQUENCE saved_searches_id_seq OWNED BY;
-- Name: schema_migrations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace:
@ -2595,8 +2629,8 @@ CREATE TABLE tag_aliases (
creator_ip_addr inet NOT NULL,
forum_topic_id integer,
status text DEFAULT 'pending'::text NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2632,8 +2666,8 @@ CREATE TABLE tag_implications (
creator_ip_addr inet NOT NULL,
forum_topic_id integer,
status text DEFAULT 'pending'::text NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2669,8 +2703,8 @@ CREATE TABLE tag_subscriptions (
is_public boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
last_accessed_at timestamp without time zone,
is_opted_in boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2704,8 +2738,8 @@ CREATE TABLE tags (
category integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
related_tags text,
related_tags_updated_at timestamp without time zone,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
is_locked boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL
@ -2738,8 +2772,8 @@ CREATE TABLE transaction_log_items (
category character varying(255),
user_id integer,
data text,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2779,8 +2813,8 @@ CREATE TABLE uploads (
backtrace text,
post_id integer,
md5_confirmation character varying(255),
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
server text,
parent_id integer
@ -2815,8 +2849,8 @@ CREATE TABLE user_feedback (
creator_id integer NOT NULL,
category character varying(255) NOT NULL,
body text NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2852,8 +2886,8 @@ CREATE TABLE user_name_change_requests (
desired_name character varying(255),
change_reason text,
rejection_reason text,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2884,8 +2918,8 @@ CREATE TABLE user_password_reset_nonces (
id integer NOT NULL,
key character varying(255) NOT NULL,
email character varying(255) NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone
@ -2914,42 +2948,31 @@ ALTER SEQUENCE user_password_reset_nonces_id_seq OWNED BY user_password_reset_no
id integer NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
password_hash character varying(255) NOT NULL,
email character varying(255),
email_verification_key character varying(255),
inviter_id integer,
is_banned boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
level integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
base_upload_limit integer DEFAULT 10 NOT NULL,
last_logged_in_at timestamp without time zone,
last_forum_read_at timestamp without time zone,
has_mail boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
recent_tags text,
post_upload_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
post_update_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
note_update_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
favorite_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
receive_email_notifications boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
comment_threshold integer DEFAULT (-1) NOT NULL,
always_resize_images boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
default_image_size character varying(255) DEFAULT 'large'::character varying NOT NULL,
favorite_tags text,
blacklisted_tags text,
time_zone character varying(255) DEFAULT 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'::character varying NOT NULL,
bcrypt_password_hash text,
enable_post_navigation boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
new_post_navigation_layout boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
enable_privacy_mode boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
enable_sequential_post_navigation boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
per_page integer DEFAULT 20 NOT NULL,
hide_deleted_posts boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
style_usernames boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
enable_auto_complete boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
custom_style text,
show_deleted_children boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL
bit_prefs bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
@ -2984,8 +3007,8 @@ CREATE TABLE wiki_page_versions (
title character varying(255) NOT NULL,
body text NOT NULL,
is_locked boolean NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
other_names text
@ -3020,8 +3043,8 @@ CREATE TABLE wiki_pages (
body text NOT NULL,
body_index tsvector NOT NULL,
is_locked boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
updater_id integer,
other_names text,
other_names_index tsvector
@ -3971,6 +3994,13 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY post_votes ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('post_votes_id_s
ALTER TABLE ONLY posts ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('posts_id_seq'::regclass);
-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY saved_searches ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('saved_searches_id_seq'::regclass);
-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: -
@ -4311,6 +4341,14 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY posts
-- Name: saved_searches_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY saved_searches
ADD CONSTRAINT saved_searches_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: tag_aliases_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace:
@ -6381,6 +6419,27 @@ CREATE INDEX index_posts_on_uploader_id ON posts USING btree (uploader_id);
CREATE INDEX index_posts_on_uploader_ip_addr ON posts USING btree (uploader_ip_addr);
-- Name: index_saved_searches_on_category; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX index_saved_searches_on_category ON saved_searches USING btree (category);
-- Name: index_saved_searches_on_tag_query; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX index_saved_searches_on_tag_query ON saved_searches USING btree (tag_query);
-- Name: index_saved_searches_on_user_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX index_saved_searches_on_user_id ON saved_searches USING btree (user_id);
-- Name: index_tag_aliases_on_antecedent_name; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace:
@ -6800,5 +6859,9 @@ INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('20140428015134');
INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('20140505000956');
INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('20140603225334');
INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('20140604002414');
INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('20140613004559');

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
bundle exec rake db:drop db:create
psql -c 'create language plpgsql;' danbooru2
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:seed

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
require 'test_helper'
class SavedSearchesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
# test "the truth" do
# assert true
# end

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ FactoryGirl.define do
level 20
last_logged_in_at {}
favorite_count 0
bit_prefs 0
factory(:banned_user) do
is_banned true

test/fixtures/saved_searches.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Read about fixtures at
user_id: 1
tag_query: MyText
name: MyText
user_id: 1
tag_query: MyText
name: MyText

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
require 'test_helper'
class SavedSearchesHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
require 'test_helper'
class SavedSearchTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
context "Creating a saved search" do
setup do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@saved_search = @user.saved_searches.create(:tag_query => "xxx")
should "update the bitpref on the user" do
assert(@user.has_saved_searchs?, "should have saved_searches bitpref set")
context "Destroying a saved search" do
setup do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@saved_search = @user.saved_searches.create(:tag_query => "xxx")
should "update the bitpref on the user" do
assert(!@user.has_saved_searches?, "should not have the saved_searches bitpref set")
context "A user with max saved searches" do
setup do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@saved_search = @user.saved_searches.create(:tag_query => "xxx")
should "not be able to create another saved search" do
assert_equal(["User can only have up to 0 saved searches"], @saved_search.errors.full_messages)