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- All Files
- (45.88% )
- 141 files in total.
- 3579 relevant lines.
- 1642 lines covered and
- 1937 lines missed
- Controllers
- (52.48% )
- 37 files in total.
- 524 relevant lines.
- 275 lines covered and
- 249 lines missed
- Models
- (50.26% )
- 44 files in total.
- 1906 relevant lines.
- 958 lines covered and
- 948 lines missed
- Helpers
- (59.26% )
- 31 files in total.
- 81 relevant lines.
- 48 lines covered and
- 33 lines missed
- Libraries
- (35.55% )
- 5 files in total.
- 301 relevant lines.
- 107 lines covered and
- 194 lines missed
- Plugins
- (35.69% )
- 4 files in total.
- 283 relevant lines.
- 101 lines covered and
- 182 lines missed
- Ungrouped
- (33.12% )
- 24 files in total.
- 767 relevant lines.
- 254 lines covered and
- 513 lines missed
- ./app/controllers/admin/posts_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module Admin
- 1
- 2
- class PostsController
- 1
- 3
- def edit
- 1
- 4
- end
- 5
- end
- 6
- end
- ./app/controllers/admin/users_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class Admin::UsersController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def edit
- 1
- 3
- end
- 4
- 5
- def update
- 1
- 6
- end
- 7
- end
- ./app/controllers/advertisement_hits_controller.rb
- 50.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class AdvertisementHitsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def create
- 1
- 3
- advertisement = Advertisement.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 4
- advertisement.hits.create(:ip_addr => request.remote_ip)
- 0
- 5
- redirect_to advertisement.referral_url
- 0
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- protected
- 1
- 9
- def set_title
- 1
- 10
- @page_title = Danbooru.config.app_name + "/advertisements"
- 0
- 11
- end
- 12
- end
- ./app/controllers/advertisements_controller.rb
- 33.33 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class AdvertisementsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- before_filter :advertiser_only
- 1
- 3
- 4
- def new
- 1
- 5
- @advertisement = Advertisement.new(
- 0
- 6
- :ad_type => "vertical",
- 7
- :status => "active"
- 8
- )
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def edit
- 1
- 12
- @advertisement = Advertisement.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 13
- end
- 14
- 15
- def index
- 1
- 16
- @advertisements = Advertisement.all
- 0
- 17
- @start_date = 1.month.ago.to_date
- 0
- 18
- @end_date = Date.today
- 0
- 19
- end
- 20
- 21
- def show
- 1
- 22
- @advertisement = Advertisement.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 23
- end
- 24
- 25
- def create
- 1
- 26
- @advertisement = Advertisement.new(params[:advertisement])
- 0
- 27
- if @advertisement.save
- 0
- 28
- redirect_to advertisement_path(@advertisement), :notice => "Advertisement created"
- 0
- 29
- else
- 30
- flash[:notice] = "There were errors"
- 0
- 31
- render :action => "new"
- 0
- 32
- end
- 33
- end
- 34
- 35
- def update
- 1
- 36
- @advertisement = Advertisement.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 37
- if @advertisement.update_attributes(params[:advertisement])
- 0
- 38
- redirect_to advertisement_path(@advertisement), :notice => "Advertisement updated"
- 0
- 39
- else
- 40
- flash[:notice] = "There were errors"
- 0
- 41
- render :action => "edit"
- 0
- 42
- end
- 43
- end
- 44
- 45
- def destroy
- 1
- 46
- @advertisement = Advertisement.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 47
- @advertisement.destroy
- 0
- 48
- redirect_to advertisements_path, :notice => "Advertisement destroyed"
- 0
- 49
- end
- 50
- 51
- private
- 1
- 52
- def advertiser_only
- 1
- 53
- if !Danbooru.config.is_user_advertiser?(CurrentUser.user)
- 0
- 54
- redirect_to "/static/access_denied"
- 0
- 55
- return false
- 0
- 56
- end
- 57
- end
- 58
- end
- ./app/controllers/application_controller.rb
- 67.44 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
- 1
- 2
- protect_from_forgery
- 1
- 3
- before_filter :set_current_user
- 1
- 4
- after_filter :reset_current_user
- 1
- 5
- before_filter :initialize_cookies
- 1
- 6
- before_filter :set_title
- 1
- 7
- layout "default"
- 1
- 8
- 9
- rescue_from User::PrivilegeError, :with => :access_denied
- 1
- 10
- 11
- protected
- 1
- 12
- def access_denied
- 1
- 13
- previous_url = params[:url] || request.request_uri
- 0
- 14
- 15
- respond_to do |fmt|
- 0
- 16
- fmt.html do
- 0
- 17
- if request.get?
- 0
- 18
- redirect_to new_session_path(:url => previous_url), :notice => "Access denied"
- 0
- 19
- else
- 20
- redirect_to new_session_path, :notice => "Access denied"
- 0
- 21
- end
- 22
- end
- 23
- fmt.xml do
- 0
- 24
- render :xml => {:success => false, :reason => "access denied"}.to_xml(:root => "response"), :status => 403
- 0
- 25
- end
- 26
- fmt.json do
- 0
- 27
- render :json => {:success => false, :reason => "access denied"}.to_json, :status => 403
- 0
- 28
- end
- 29
- end
- 30
- end
- 31
- 32
- def set_current_user
- 1
- 33
- if session[:user_id]
- 7
- 34
- CurrentUser.user = User.find_by_id(session[:user_id])
- 2
- 35
- CurrentUser.ip_addr = request.remote_ip
- 2
- 36
- end
- 37
- 38
- if CurrentUser.user
- 7
- 39
- if CurrentUser.user.is_banned? && CurrentUser.user.ban && CurrentUser.user.ban.expires_at < Time.now
- 7
- 40
- CurrentUser.user.unban!
- 0
- 41
- end
- 42
- else
- 43
- CurrentUser.user = AnonymousUser.new
- 0
- 44
- end
- 45
- 46
- Time.zone = CurrentUser.user.time_zone
- 7
- 47
- end
- 48
- 49
- def reset_current_user
- 1
- 50
- CurrentUser.user = nil
- 7
- 51
- CurrentUser.ip_addr = nil
- 7
- 52
- end
- 53
- 54
- %w(member banned privileged contributor janitor moderator admin).each do |level|
- 1
- 55
- define_method("#{level}_only") do
- 7
- 56
- if CurrentUser.user.__send__("is_#{level}?")
- 4
- 57
- true
- 4
- 58
- else
- 59
- access_denied()
- 0
- 60
- end
- 61
- end
- 62
- end
- 63
- 64
- def initialize_cookies
- 1
- 65
- if CurrentUser.user.is_anonymous?
- 7
- 66
- cookies["blacklisted_tags"] = ""
- 0
- 67
- else
- 68
- cookies["blacklisted_tags"] = CurrentUser.user.blacklisted_tags
- 7
- 69
- end
- 70
- end
- 71
- 72
- def set_title
- 1
- 73
- @page_title = Danbooru.config.app_name + "/#{params[:controller]}"
- 7
- 74
- end
- 75
- end
- ./app/controllers/artist_versions_controller.rb
- 50.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class ArtistVersionsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- respond_to :html, :xml, :json
- 1
- 3
- 4
- def index
- 1
- 5
- @search = ArtistVersion.search(params[:search])
- 0
- 6
- @artist_versions = @search.paginate :order => "id desc", :per_page => 25, :page => params[:page]
- 0
- 7
- respond_with(@artist_versions)
- 0
- 8
- end
- 9
- end
- ./app/controllers/artists_controller.rb
- 34.48 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class ArtistsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- respond_to :html, :xml, :json
- 1
- 3
- before_filter :member_only, :except => [:index, :show]
- 1
- 4
- 5
- def new
- 1
- 6
- @artist = Artist.new_with_defaults(params)
- 0
- 7
- respond_with(@artist)
- 0
- 8
- end
- 9
- 10
- def edit
- 1
- 11
- @artist = Artist.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 12
- respond_with(@artist)
- 0
- 13
- end
- 14
- 15
- def index
- 1
- 16
- @artists = Artist.build_relation(params).paginate(:per_page => 25, :page => params[:page])
- 0
- 17
- respond_with(@artists)
- 0
- 18
- end
- 19
- 20
- def show
- 1
- 21
- @artist = Artist.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 22
- 23
- if @artist
- 0
- 24
- @posts = Danbooru.config.select_posts_visible_to_user(CurrentUser.user, Post.find_by_tags(@artist.name, :limit => 6))
- 0
- 25
- end
- 26
- 27
- respond_with(@artist)
- 0
- 28
- end
- 29
- 30
- def create
- 1
- 31
- @artist = Artist.create(params[:artist])
- 0
- 32
- respond_with(@artist)
- 0
- 33
- end
- 34
- 35
- def update
- 1
- 36
- @artist = Artist.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 37
- @artist.update_attributes(params[:artist])
- 0
- 38
- respond_with(@artist)
- 0
- 39
- end
- 40
- 41
- def revert
- 1
- 42
- @artist = Artist.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 43
- @version = ArtistVersion.find(params[:version_id])
- 0
- 44
- @artist.revert_to!(@version)
- 0
- 45
- respond_with(@artist)
- 0
- 46
- end
- 47
- end
- ./app/controllers/bans_controller.rb
- 34.62 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class BansController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- before_filter :moderator_only, :except => [:show, :index]
- 1
- 3
- 4
- def new
- 1
- 5
- @ban = Ban.new
- 0
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def edit
- 1
- 9
- @ban = Ban.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 10
- end
- 11
- 12
- def index
- 1
- 13
- @search = Ban.search(params[:search])
- 0
- 14
- @bans = @search.paginate(:page => params[:page])
- 0
- 15
- end
- 16
- 17
- def show
- 1
- 18
- @ban = Ban.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 19
- end
- 20
- 21
- def create
- 1
- 22
- @ban = Ban.new(params[:ban])
- 0
- 23
- @ban.banner_id = CurrentUser.id
- 0
- 24
- 25
- if @ban.save
- 0
- 26
- redirect_to ban_path(@ban), :notice => "Ban created"
- 0
- 27
- else
- 28
- render :action => "new"
- 0
- 29
- end
- 30
- end
- 31
- 32
- def update
- 1
- 33
- @ban = Ban.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 34
- if @ban.update_attributes(params[:ban])
- 0
- 35
- redirect_to ban_path(@ban), :notice => "Ban updated"
- 0
- 36
- else
- 37
- render :action => "edit"
- 0
- 38
- end
- 39
- end
- 40
- 41
- def destroy
- 1
- 42
- @ban = Ban.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 43
- @ban.destroy
- 0
- 44
- redirect_to bans_path, :notice => "Ban destroyed"
- 0
- 45
- end
- 46
- end
- ./app/controllers/comment_votes_controller.rb
- 40.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class CommentVotesController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def create
- 1
- 3
- @comment = Comment.find(params[:comment_id])
- 0
- 4
- @comment.vote!(params[:score])
- 0
- 5
- rescue CommentVote::Error => x
- 6
- @error = x
- 0
- 7
- end
- 8
- end
- ./app/controllers/comments_controller.rb
- 31.03 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class CommentsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- respond_to :html, :xml, :json
- 1
- 3
- before_filter :member_only, :only => [:update, :create]
- 1
- 4
- 5
- def index
- 1
- 6
- if params[:group_by] == "post"
- 0
- 7
- index_by_post
- 0
- 8
- else
- 9
- index_by_comment
- 0
- 10
- end
- 11
- end
- 12
- 13
- def update
- 1
- 14
- @comment = Comment.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 15
- @comment.update_attributes(params[:comment])
- 0
- 16
- respond_with(@comment)
- 0
- 17
- end
- 18
- 19
- def create
- 1
- 20
- @comment = Comment.new(params[:comment])
- 0
- 21
- @comment.post_id = params[:comment][:post_id]
- 0
- 22
- @comment.score = 0
- 0
- 23
- @comment.save
- 0
- 24
- respond_with(@comment) do |format|
- 0
- 25
- format.html do
- 0
- 26
- redirect_to post_path(@comment.post), :notice => "Comment posted"
- 0
- 27
- end
- 28
- end
- 29
- end
- 30
- 31
- private
- 1
- 32
- def index_by_post
- 1
- 33
- @posts = Post.find_by_tags(params[:tags]).commented_before(params[:before_date] || Time.now).limit(8)
- 0
- 34
- respond_with(@posts) do |format|
- 0
- 35
- format.html {render :action => "index_by_post"}
- 0
- 36
- end
- 37
- end
- 38
- 39
- def index_by_comment
- 1
- 40
- @search = Comment.search(params[:search])
- 0
- 41
- @comments = @search.paginate(:page => params[:page])
- 0
- 42
- respond_with(@comments) do |format|
- 0
- 43
- format.html {render :action => "index_by_comment"}
- 0
- 44
- end
- 45
- end
- 46
- end
- ./app/controllers/dmails_controller.rb
- 36.67 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class DmailsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- respond_to :html, :xml, :json
- 1
- 3
- before_filter :member_only
- 1
- 4
- rescue_from User::PrivilegeError, :with => "static/access_denied"
- 1
- 5
- 6
- def new
- 1
- 7
- if params[:respond_to_id]
- 0
- 8
- @dmail = Dmail.find(params[:respond_to_id]).build_response(:forward => params[:forward])
- 0
- 9
- else
- 10
- @dmail = Dmail.new(params[:dmail])
- 0
- 11
- end
- 12
- 13
- respond_with(@dmail)
- 0
- 14
- end
- 15
- 16
- def index
- 1
- 17
- @search = Dmail.search(params[:search])
- 0
- 18
- @dmails = @search.paginate(:page => params[:page])
- 0
- 19
- @dmails.each {|x| check_privilege(x)}
- 0
- 20
- respond_with(@dmails)
- 0
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- def show
- 1
- 24
- @dmail = Dmail.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 25
- check_privilege(@dmail)
- 0
- 26
- respond_with(@dmail)
- 0
- 27
- end
- 28
- 29
- def create
- 1
- 30
- @dmail = Dmail.create_split(params[:dmail])
- 0
- 31
- respond_with(@dmail)
- 0
- 32
- end
- 33
- 34
- def destroy
- 1
- 35
- @dmail = Dmail.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 36
- check_privilege(@dmail)
- 0
- 37
- @dmail.destroy
- 0
- 38
- redirect_to dmails_path, :notice => "Message destroyed"
- 0
- 39
- end
- 40
- 41
- private
- 1
- 42
- def check_privilege(dmail)
- 1
- 43
- if !dmail.visible_to?(CurrentUser.user)
- 0
- 44
- raise User::PrivilegeError
- 0
- 45
- end
- 46
- end
- 47
- end
- ./app/controllers/dtext_controller.rb
- 66.67 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class DtextController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def preview
- 1
- 3
- render :inline => "<h1>Preview</h1><%= format_text(params[:body]) %>"
- 0
- 4
- end
- 5
- end
- ./app/controllers/favorites_controller.rb
- 36.36 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class FavoritesController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def index
- 1
- 3
- if params[:tags]
- 0
- 4
- redirect_to(posts_path(:tags => "fav:#{CurrentUser.name} #{params[:tags]}"))
- 0
- 5
- else
- 6
- @post_set = PostSets::Favorite.new(CurrentUser.user)
- 0
- 7
- end
- 8
- end
- 9
- 10
- def create
- 1
- 11
- @favorite = Favorite.create(
- 0
- 12
- :user_id => CurrentUser.id,
- 13
- :post_id => params[:id]
- 14
- )
- 15
- render :nothing => true
- 0
- 16
- end
- 17
- 18
- def destroy
- 1
- 19
- Favorite.destroy(
- 0
- 20
- :user_id => CurrentUser.id,
- 21
- :post_id => params[:id]
- 22
- )
- 23
- render :nothing => true
- 0
- 24
- end
- 25
- end
- ./app/controllers/forum_posts_controller.rb
- 37.14 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class ForumPostsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- respond_to :html, :xml, :json
- 1
- 3
- before_filter :member_only, :except => [:index, :show]
- 1
- 4
- rescue_from User::PrivilegeError, :with => "static/access_denied"
- 1
- 5
- 6
- def new
- 1
- 7
- @forum_post = ForumPost.new(:topic_id => params[:topic_id])
- 0
- 8
- respond_with(@forum_post)
- 0
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def edit
- 1
- 12
- @forum_post = ForumPost.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 13
- check_privilege(@forum_post)
- 0
- 14
- respond_with(@forum_post)
- 0
- 15
- end
- 16
- 17
- def index
- 1
- 18
- @search = ForumPost.search(params[:search])
- 0
- 19
- @forum_posts = @search.paginate(:page => params[:page], :order => "id DESC")
- 0
- 20
- respond_with(@forum_posts)
- 0
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- def show
- 1
- 24
- @forum_post = ForumPost.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 25
- respond_with(@forum_post)
- 0
- 26
- end
- 27
- 28
- def create
- 1
- 29
- @forum_post = ForumPost.create(params[:forum_post])
- 0
- 30
- respond_with(@forum_post)
- 0
- 31
- end
- 32
- 33
- def update
- 1
- 34
- @forum_post = ForumPost.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 35
- check_privilege(@forum_post)
- 0
- 36
- @forum_post.update_attributes(params[:forum_post])
- 0
- 37
- respond_with(@forum_post)
- 0
- 38
- end
- 39
- 40
- def destroy
- 1
- 41
- @forum_post = ForumPost.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 42
- check_privilege(@forum_post)
- 0
- 43
- @forum_post.destroy
- 0
- 44
- respond_with(@forum_post)
- 0
- 45
- end
- 46
- 47
- private
- 1
- 48
- def check_privilege(forum_post)
- 1
- 49
- if !forum_post.editable_by?(CurrentUser.user)
- 0
- 50
- raise User::PrivilegeError
- 0
- 51
- end
- 52
- end
- 53
- end
- ./app/controllers/forum_topics_controller.rb
- 37.14 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class ForumTopicsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- respond_to :html, :xml, :json
- 1
- 3
- before_filter :member_only, :except => [:index, :show]
- 1
- 4
- rescue_from User::PrivilegeError, :with => "static/access_denied"
- 1
- 5
- 6
- def new
- 1
- 7
- @forum_topic = ForumTopic.new
- 0
- 8
- respond_with(@forum_topic)
- 0
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def edit
- 1
- 12
- @forum_topic = ForumTopic.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 13
- check_privilege(@forum_topic)
- 0
- 14
- respond_with(@forum_topic)
- 0
- 15
- end
- 16
- 17
- def index
- 1
- 18
- @search = ForumTopic.search(params[:search])
- 0
- 19
- @forum_topics = @search.paginate(:page => params[:page], :order => "updated_at DESC")
- 0
- 20
- respond_with(@forum_topics)
- 0
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- def show
- 1
- 24
- @forum_topic = ForumTopic.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 25
- respond_with(@forum_topic)
- 0
- 26
- end
- 27
- 28
- def create
- 1
- 29
- @forum_topic = ForumTopic.create(params[:forum_topic])
- 0
- 30
- respond_with(@forum_topic)
- 0
- 31
- end
- 32
- 33
- def update
- 1
- 34
- @forum_topic = ForumTopic.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 35
- check_privilege(@forum_topic)
- 0
- 36
- @forum_topic.update_attributes(params[:forum_topic])
- 0
- 37
- respond_with(@forum_topic)
- 0
- 38
- end
- 39
- 40
- def destroy
- 1
- 41
- @forum_topic = ForumTopic.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 42
- check_privilege(@forum_topic)
- 0
- 43
- @forum_topic.destroy
- 0
- 44
- respond_with(@forum_topic)
- 0
- 45
- end
- 46
- 47
- private
- 1
- 48
- def check_privilege(forum_topic)
- 1
- 49
- if !forum_topic.editable_by?(CurrentUser.user)
- 0
- 50
- raise User::PrivilegeError
- 0
- 51
- end
- 52
- end
- 53
- end
- ./app/controllers/ip_bans_controller.rb
- 42.86 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class IpBansController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- before_filter :admin_only
- 1
- 3
- 4
- def new
- 1
- 5
- @ip_ban = IpBan.new
- 0
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def create
- 1
- 9
- @ip_ban = IpBan.create(params[:ip_ban])
- 0
- 10
- redirect_to ip_bans_path
- 0
- 11
- end
- 12
- 13
- def index
- 1
- 14
- @search = IpBan.search(params[:search])
- 0
- 15
- @ip_bans = @search.paginate(:page => params[:page])
- 0
- 16
- end
- 17
- 18
- def destroy
- 1
- 19
- @ip_ban = IpBan.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 20
- @ip_ban.destroy
- 0
- 21
- redirect_to ip_bans_path
- 0
- 22
- end
- 23
- end
- ./app/controllers/janitor_trials_controller.rb
- 34.78 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class JanitorTrialsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- respond_to :html, :xml, :json
- 1
- 3
- 4
- def new
- 1
- 5
- @janitor_trial = JanitorTrial.new
- 0
- 6
- respond_with(@janitor_trial)
- 0
- 7
- end
- 8
- 9
- def edit
- 1
- 10
- @janitor_trial = JanitorTrial.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 11
- respond_with(@janitor_trial)
- 0
- 12
- end
- 13
- 14
- def index
- 1
- 15
- @search = JanitorTrial.search(params[:search])
- 0
- 16
- @janitor_trials = @search.paginate(:page => params[:page])
- 0
- 17
- respond_with(@janitor_trials)
- 0
- 18
- end
- 19
- 20
- def create
- 1
- 21
- @janitor_trial = JanitorTrial.create(params[:janitor_trial])
- 0
- 22
- respond_with(@janitor_trial)
- 0
- 23
- end
- 24
- 25
- def promote
- 1
- 26
- @janitor_trial = JanitorTrial.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 27
- @janitor_trial.promote!
- 0
- 28
- respond_with(@janitor_trial)
- 0
- 29
- end
- 30
- 31
- def demote
- 1
- 32
- @janitor_trial = JanitorTrial.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 33
- @janitor_trial.demote!
- 0
- 34
- respond_with(@janitor_trial)
- 0
- 35
- end
- 36
- end
- ./app/controllers/notes_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class NotesController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- respond_to :html, :xml, :json
- 1
- 3
- before_filter :member_only, :except => [:index, :show]
- 1
- 4
- 5
- def index
- 1
- 6
- @search = Note.search(params[:search])
- 2
- 7
- @notes = @search.paginate(:page => params[:page])
- 2
- 8
- respond_with(@notes)
- 2
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def show
- 1
- 12
- @note = Note.find(params[:id])
- 1
- 13
- respond_with(@note)
- 1
- 14
- end
- 15
- 16
- def create
- 1
- 17
- @note = Note.create(params[:note])
- 1
- 18
- respond_with(@note)
- 1
- 19
- end
- 20
- 21
- def update
- 1
- 22
- @note = Note.find(params[:id])
- 1
- 23
- @note.update_attributes(params[:note])
- 1
- 24
- respond_with(@note)
- 1
- 25
- end
- 26
- 27
- def destroy
- 1
- 28
- @note = Note.find(params[:id])
- 1
- 29
- @note.destroy
- 1
- 30
- respond_with(@note)
- 1
- 31
- end
- 32
- 33
- def revert
- 1
- 34
- @note = Note.find(params[:id])
- 1
- 35
- @version = NoteVersion.find(params[:version_id])
- 1
- 36
- @note.revert_to(@version)
- 1
- 37
- respond_with(@note)
- 1
- 38
- end
- 39
- end
- ./app/controllers/pool_versions_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class PoolVersionsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def index
- 1
- 3
- end
- 4
- end
- ./app/controllers/pools_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class PoolsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def new
- 1
- 3
- end
- 4
- 5
- def edit
- 1
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def index
- 1
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def show
- 1
- 12
- end
- 13
- 14
- def create
- 1
- 15
- end
- 16
- 17
- def update
- 1
- 18
- end
- 19
- 20
- def destroy
- 1
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- def revert
- 1
- 24
- end
- 25
- end
- ./app/controllers/post_histories_controller.rb
- 50.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class PostHistoriesController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def index
- 1
- 3
- @search = PostHistory.search(params[:search])
- 0
- 4
- @histories = @search.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 20, :order => "updated_at DESC")
- 0
- 5
- end
- 6
- end
- ./app/controllers/post_moderation_details_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class PostModerationDetailsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def index
- 1
- 3
- end
- 4
- 5
- def create
- 1
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def update
- 1
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def destroy
- 1
- 12
- end
- 13
- end
- ./app/controllers/post_votes_controller.rb
- 50.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class PostVotesController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def create
- 1
- 3
- @post = Post.find(params[:post_id])
- 0
- 4
- @post.vote!(params[:score])
- 0
- 5
- rescue PostVote::Error => x
- 6
- @error = x
- 0
- 7
- end
- 8
- 9
- def destroy
- 1
- 10
- end
- 11
- end
- ./app/controllers/posts_controller.rb
- 40.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class PostsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- before_filter :member_only, :except => [:show, :index]
- 1
- 3
- after_filter :save_recent_tags, :only => [:update]
- 1
- 4
- respond_to :html, :xml, :json
- 1
- 5
- 6
- def index
- 1
- 7
- @post_set = PostSets::Post.new(params[:tags], :page => params[:page], :before_id => params[:before_id])
- 0
- 8
- respond_with(@post_set)
- 0
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def show
- 1
- 12
- @post = Post.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 13
- respond_with(@post)
- 0
- 14
- end
- 15
- 16
- def update
- 1
- 17
- @post = Post.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 18
- @post.update_attributes(params[:post])
- 0
- 19
- respond_with(@post)
- 0
- 20
- end
- 21
- 22
- def revert
- 1
- 23
- @post = Post.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 24
- @version = PostVersion.find(params[:version_id])
- 0
- 25
- @post.revert_to!(@version)
- 0
- 26
- respond_width(@post)
- 0
- 27
- end
- 28
- 29
- private
- 1
- 30
- def save_recent_tags
- 1
- 31
- if params[:tags] || (params[:post] && params[:post][:tags])
- 0
- 32
- tags = Tag.scan_tags(params[:tags] || params[:post][:tags])
- 0
- 33
- tags = TagAlias.to_aliased(tags) + Tag.scan_tags(session[:recent_tags])
- 0
- 34
- session[:recent_tags] = tags.uniq.slice(0, 40).join(" ")
- 0
- 35
- end
- 36
- end
- 37
- end
- ./app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb
- 33.33 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class SessionsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def new
- 1
- 3
- @user = User.new
- 0
- 4
- end
- 5
- 6
- def create
- 1
- 7
- if User.authenticate(params[:name], params[:password])
- 0
- 8
- @user = User.find_by_name(params[:name])
- 0
- 9
- session[:user_id] = @user.id
- 0
- 10
- redirect_to(params[:url] || session[:previous_uri] || posts_path, :notice => "You are now logged in.")
- 0
- 11
- else
- 12
- redirect_to(new_session_path, :notice => "Password was incorrect.")
- 0
- 13
- end
- 14
- end
- 15
- 16
- def destroy
- 1
- 17
- session.delete(:user_id)
- 0
- 18
- redirect_to(posts_path, :notice => "You are now logged out.")
- 0
- 19
- end
- 20
- end
- ./app/controllers/static_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class StaticController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/controllers/tag_aliases_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class TagAliasesController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def new
- 1
- 3
- end
- 4
- 5
- def edit
- 1
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def index
- 1
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def create
- 1
- 12
- end
- 13
- 14
- def update
- 1
- 15
- end
- 16
- 17
- def destroy
- 1
- 18
- end
- 19
- 20
- def destroy_cache
- 1
- 21
- end
- 22
- end
- ./app/controllers/tag_implications_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class TagImplicationsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def new
- 1
- 3
- end
- 4
- 5
- def edit
- 1
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def index
- 1
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def create
- 1
- 12
- end
- 13
- 14
- def update
- 1
- 15
- end
- 16
- 17
- def destroy
- 1
- 18
- end
- 19
- end
- ./app/controllers/tag_subscriptions_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class TagSubscriptionsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def new
- 1
- 3
- end
- 4
- 5
- def edit
- 1
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def index
- 1
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def show
- 1
- 12
- end
- 13
- 14
- def create
- 1
- 15
- end
- 16
- 17
- def update
- 1
- 18
- end
- 19
- 20
- def destroy
- 1
- 21
- end
- 22
- end
- ./app/controllers/tags_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class TagsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def edit
- 1
- 3
- end
- 4
- 5
- def index
- 1
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def show
- 1
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def update
- 1
- 12
- end
- 13
- end
- ./app/controllers/unapprovals_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class UnapprovalsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def new
- 1
- 3
- end
- 4
- 5
- def index
- 1
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def create
- 1
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def destroy
- 1
- 12
- end
- 13
- end
- ./app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb
- 38.1 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class UploadsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- before_filter :member_only
- 1
- 3
- respond_to :html, :xml, :json
- 1
- 4
- 5
- def new
- 1
- 6
- @upload = Upload.new(:rating => "q")
- 0
- 7
- if params[:url]
- 0
- 8
- @post = Post.find_by_source(params[:url])
- 0
- 9
- end
- 10
- respond_with(@upload)
- 0
- 11
- end
- 12
- 13
- def index
- 1
- 14
- @uploads = Upload.where("uploader_id = ?", CurrentUser.user.id).includes(:uploader).order("uploads.id desc").limit(10)
- 0
- 15
- respond_with(@uploads)
- 0
- 16
- end
- 17
- 18
- def show
- 1
- 19
- @upload = Upload.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 20
- respond_with(@upload)
- 0
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- def create
- 1
- 24
- @upload = Upload.create(params[:upload])
- 0
- 25
- respond_with(@upload)
- 0
- 26
- end
- 27
- 28
- def update
- 1
- 29
- @upload = Upload.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 30
- @upload.process!
- 0
- 31
- respond_with(@upload)
- 0
- 32
- end
- 33
- end
- ./app/controllers/user_feedback_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class UserFeedbackController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def new
- 1
- 3
- end
- 4
- 5
- def edit
- 1
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def index
- 1
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def create
- 1
- 12
- end
- 13
- 14
- def update
- 1
- 15
- end
- 16
- 17
- def destroy
- 1
- 18
- end
- 19
- end
- ./app/controllers/user_maintenance_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class UserMaintenanceController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def delete_account
- 1
- 3
- end
- 4
- 5
- def login_reminder
- 1
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def reset_password
- 1
- 9
- end
- 10
- end
- ./app/controllers/users_controller.rb
- 45.45 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class UsersController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- respond_to :html, :xml, :json
- 1
- 3
- before_filter :member_only, :only => [:edit, :show, :update, :destroy]
- 1
- 4
- 5
- def new
- 1
- 6
- @user = User.new
- 0
- 7
- end
- 8
- 9
- def edit
- 1
- 10
- @user = User.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 11
- unless CurrentUser.user.is_admin?
- 0
- 12
- @user = CurrentUser.user
- 0
- 13
- end
- 14
- end
- 15
- 16
- def index
- 1
- 17
- end
- 18
- 19
- def show
- 1
- 20
- @user = User.find(params[:id])
- 0
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- def create
- 1
- 24
- @user = User.new(params[:user].merge(:ip_addr => request.remote_ip))
- 0
- 25
- if @user.save
- 0
- 26
- flash[:notice] = "You have succesfully created a new account"
- 0
- 27
- session[:user_id] = @user.id
- 0
- 28
- redirect_to user_path(@user)
- 0
- 29
- else
- 30
- flash[:notice] = "There were errors"
- 0
- 31
- render :action => "new"
- 0
- 32
- end
- 33
- end
- 34
- 35
- def update
- 1
- 36
- end
- 37
- 38
- def destroy
- 1
- 39
- end
- 40
- end
- ./app/controllers/wiki_page_versions_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class WikiPageVersionsController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def index
- 1
- 3
- end
- 4
- end
- ./app/controllers/wiki_pages_controller.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class WikiPagesController < ApplicationController
- 1
- 2
- def new
- 1
- 3
- end
- 4
- 5
- def edit
- 1
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def index
- 1
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def show
- 1
- 12
- end
- 13
- 14
- def create
- 1
- 15
- end
- 16
- 17
- def update
- 1
- 18
- end
- 19
- 20
- def destroy
- 1
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- def revert
- 1
- 24
- end
- 25
- end
- ./app/helpers/admin/users_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module Admin::UsersHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/advertisements_helper.rb
- 33.33 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module AdvertisementsHelper
- 1
- 2
- def render_advertisement(ad_type)
- 1
- 3
- if Danbooru.config.can_user_see_ads?(CurrentUser.user)
- 0
- 4
- @advertisement = Advertisement.find(:first, :conditions => ["ad_type = ? AND status = 'active'", ad_type], :order => "random()")
- 0
- 5
- content_tag(
- 6
- "div",
- 0
- 7
- link_to_remote(
- 8
- image_tag(
- 9
- @advertisement.image_url,
- 10
- :alt => "Advertisement",
- 11
- :width => @advertisement.width,
- 12
- :height => @advertisement.height
- 13
- ),
- 14
- advertisement_hit_path(:advertisement_id => @advertisement.id),
- 15
- :style => "margin-bottom: 1em;"
- 16
- )
- 17
- )
- 18
- else
- 19
- ""
- 0
- 20
- end
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- def render_rss_advertisement
- 1
- 24
- if Danbooru.config.can_user_see_ads?(CurrentUser.user)
- 0
- 25
- render :partial => "static/jlist_rss_ads"
- 0
- 26
- end
- 27
- end
- 28
- end
- ./app/helpers/application_helper.rb
- 50.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module ApplicationHelper
- 1
- 2
- def nav_link_to(text, url, options = nil)
- 1
- 3
- if nav_link_match(params[:controller], url)
- 50
- 4
- klass = "current"
- 5
- 5
- else
- 6
- klass = nil
- 45
- 7
- end
- 8
- 9
- content_tag("li", link_to(text, url, options), :class => klass)
- 50
- 10
- end
- 11
- 12
- def format_text(text, options = {})
- 1
- 13
- DText.parse(text)
- 0
- 14
- end
- 15
- 16
- def error_messages_for(instance_name)
- 1
- 17
- instance = instance_variable_get("@#{instance_name}")
- 0
- 18
- 19
- if instance.errors.any?
- 0
- 20
- %{<div class="error-messages"><h1>There were errors</h1><p>#{instance.__send__(:errors).full_messages.join(", ")}</div>}.html_safe
- 0
- 21
- else
- 22
- ""
- 0
- 23
- end
- 24
- end
- 25
- 26
- def compact_time(time)
- 1
- 27
- if time > Time.now.beginning_of_day
- 0
- 28
- time.strftime("%H:%M")
- 0
- 29
- elsif time > Time.now.beginning_of_year
- 0
- 30
- time.strftime("%b %e")
- 0
- 31
- else
- 32
- time.strftime("%b %e, %Y")
- 0
- 33
- end
- 34
- end
- 35
- 36
- protected
- 1
- 37
- def nav_link_match(controller, url)
- 1
- 38
- url =~ case controller
- 39
- when "tag_aliases", "tag_implications"
- 40
- /^\/tags/
- 0
- 41
- 42
- when "sessions", "user_maintenance"
- 43
- /^\/users/
- 0
- 44
- 45
- when "forum_posts"
- 46
- /^\/forum_topics/
- 0
- 47
- 48
- else
- 49
- /^\/#{controller}/
- 50
- 50
- end
- 50
- 51
- end
- 52
- end
- ./app/helpers/artist_versions_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module ArtistVersionsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/artists_helper.rb
- 33.33 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module ArtistsHelper
- 1
- 2
- def link_to_artist(name)
- 1
- 3
- artist = Artist.find_by_name(name)
- 0
- 4
- 5
- if artist
- 0
- 6
- link_to(artist.name, artist_path(artist))
- 0
- 7
- else
- 8
- link_to(name, new_artist_path(:name => name)) + " " + content_tag("span", "*", :class => "new-artist")
- 0
- 9
- end
- 10
- end
- 11
- 12
- def link_to_artists(names)
- 1
- 13
- names.map do |name|
- 0
- 14
- link_to_artist(name)
- 0
- 15
- end.join(", ").html_safe
- 16
- end
- 17
- end
- ./app/helpers/bans_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module BansHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/comment_votes_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module CommentVotesHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/comments_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module CommentsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/dmails_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module DmailsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/favorites_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module FavoritesHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/forum_posts_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module ForumPostsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/forum_topics_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module ForumTopicsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/janitor_trials_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module JanitorTrialsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/notes_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module NotesHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/pool_versions_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module PoolVersionsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/pools_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module PoolsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/post_moderation_details_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module PostModerationDetailsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/post_versions_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module PostVersionsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/post_votes_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module PostVotesHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/posts_helper.rb
- 20.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module PostsHelper
- 1
- 2
- def resize_image_links(post, user)
- 1
- 3
- links = []
- 0
- 4
- 5
- links << %{<a href="#" data-src="#{post.file_url}" data-width="#{post.image_width}" data-height="#{post.image_height}">Original</a>} if post.has_medium? || post.has_large?
- 0
- 6
- links << %{<a href="#" data-src="#{post.medium_file_url}" data-width="#{post.medium_image_width}" data-height="#{post.medium_image_height}">Medium</a>} if post.has_medium?
- 0
- 7
- links << %{<a href="#" data-src="#{post.large_file_url}" data-width="#{post.large_image_width}" data-height="#{post.large_image_height}">Large</a>} if post.has_large?
- 0
- 8
- 9
- if links.any?
- 0
- 10
- html = %{<li id="resize-link"><a href="#">Resize</a></li><ul id="resize-links">} + links.map {|x| %{<li>#{x}</li>}}.join("") + %{</ul>}
- 0
- 11
- html.html_safe
- 0
- 12
- else
- 13
- ""
- 0
- 14
- end
- 15
- end
- 16
- end
- ./app/helpers/sessions_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module SessionsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/tag_aliases_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module TagAliasesHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/tag_implications_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module TagImplicationsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/tag_subscriptions_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module TagSubscriptionsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/tags_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module TagsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/unapprovals_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module UnapprovalsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/uploads_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module UploadsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/user_feedback_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module UserFeedbackHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/users_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module UsersHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/wiki_page_versions_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module WikiPageVersionsHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/helpers/wiki_pages_helper.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module WikiPagesHelper
- 1
- 2
- end
- ./app/logical/anonymous_user.rb
- 52.54 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- # This is a proxy class to make various nil checks unnecessary
- 2
- class AnonymousUser
- 1
- 3
- def id
- 1
- 4
- nil
- 5
- end
- 6
- 7
- def level
- 1
- 8
- 0
- 0
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def comment_threshold
- 1
- 12
- 0
- 0
- 13
- end
- 14
- 15
- def created_at
- 1
- 16
- Time.now
- 0
- 17
- end
- 18
- 19
- def updated_at
- 1
- 20
- Time.now
- 0
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- def name
- 1
- 24
- "Anonymous"
- 0
- 25
- end
- 26
- 27
- def pretty_name
- 1
- 28
- "Anonymous"
- 0
- 29
- end
- 30
- 31
- def is_anonymous?
- 1
- 32
- true
- 0
- 33
- end
- 34
- 35
- def has_mail?
- 1
- 36
- false
- 0
- 37
- end
- 38
- 39
- def has_forum_been_updated?
- 1
- 40
- false
- 0
- 41
- end
- 42
- 43
- def has_permission?(obj, foreign_key = :user_id)
- 1
- 44
- false
- 0
- 45
- end
- 46
- 47
- def ban
- 1
- 48
- false
- 0
- 49
- end
- 50
- 51
- def always_resize_images?
- 1
- 52
- false
- 0
- 53
- end
- 54
- 55
- def show_samples?
- 1
- 56
- true
- 0
- 57
- end
- 58
- 59
- def tag_subscriptions
- 1
- 60
- []
- 0
- 61
- end
- 62
- 63
- def upload_limit
- 1
- 64
- 0
- 0
- 65
- end
- 66
- 67
- def base_upload_limit
- 1
- 68
- 0
- 0
- 69
- end
- 70
- 71
- def uploaded_tags
- 1
- 72
- ""
- 0
- 73
- end
- 74
- 75
- def uploaded_tags_with_types
- 1
- 76
- []
- 0
- 77
- end
- 78
- 79
- def recent_tags
- 1
- 80
- ""
- 0
- 81
- end
- 82
- 83
- def recent_tags_with_types
- 1
- 84
- []
- 0
- 85
- end
- 86
- 87
- def can_upload?
- 1
- 88
- false
- 0
- 89
- end
- 90
- 91
- def can_comment?
- 1
- 92
- false
- 0
- 93
- end
- 94
- 95
- def can_remove_from_pools?
- 1
- 96
- false
- 0
- 97
- end
- 98
- 99
- def blacklisted_tags
- 1
- 100
- ""
- 0
- 101
- end
- 102
- 103
- def time_zone
- 1
- 104
- "Eastern Time (US & Canada)"
- 0
- 105
- end
- 106
- 107
- def default_image_size
- 1
- 108
- "medium"
- 0
- 109
- end
- 110
- 111
- def blacklisted_tags
- 1
- 112
- []
- 0
- 113
- end
- 114
- 115
- %w(member banned privileged contributor janitor moderator admin).each do |name|
- 1
- 116
- define_method("is_#{name}?") do
- 7
- 117
- false
- 0
- 118
- end
- 119
- end
- 120
- end
- ./app/logical/cache.rb
- 67.24 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class Cache
- 1
- 2
- def self.incr(key, expiry = 0)
- 1
- 3
- val = Cache.get(key, expiry)
- 0
- 4
- Cache.put(key, val.to_i + 1)
- 0
- 5
- ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug('MemCache Incr %s' % [key])
- 0
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def self.get_multi(keys, prefix, expiry = 0)
- 1
- 9
- key_to_sanitized_key_hash = keys.inject({}) do |hash, x|
- 72
- 10
- hash[x] = "#{prefix}:#{Cache.sanitize(x)}"
- 36
- 11
- hash
- 36
- 12
- end
- 13
- start_time = Time.now
- 72
- 14
- sanitized_key_to_value_hash = MEMCACHE.get_multi(key_to_sanitized_key_hash.values)
- 72
- 15
- elapsed = Time.now - start_time
- 72
- 16
- {}.tap do |result_hash|
- 72
- 17
- key_to_sanitized_key_hash.each do |key, sanitized_key|
- 72
- 18
- if sanitized_key_to_value_hash.has_key?(sanitized_key)
- 36
- 19
- result_hash[key] = sanitized_key_to_value_hash[sanitized_key]
- 36
- 20
- else
- 21
- result_hash[key] = yield(key)
- 0
- 22
- Cache.put(sanitized_key, result_hash[key], expiry)
- 0
- 23
- end
- 24
- end
- 25
- 26
- ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug('MemCache Multi-Get (%0.6f) %s' % [elapsed, keys.join(",")])
- 72
- 27
- end
- 28
- end
- 29
- 30
- def self.get(key, expiry = 0)
- 1
- 31
- begin
- 18
- 32
- start_time = Time.now
- 18
- 33
- value = MEMCACHE.get key
- 18
- 34
- elapsed = Time.now - start_time
- 18
- 35
- ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug('MemCache Get (%0.6f) %s' % [elapsed, key])
- 18
- 36
- if value.nil? and block_given? then
- 18
- 37
- value = yield
- 0
- 38
- MEMCACHE.set key, value, expiry
- 0
- 39
- end
- 40
- value
- 18
- 41
- rescue MemCache::MemCacheError => err
- 0
- 42
- ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "MemCache Error: #{err.message}"
- 0
- 43
- if block_given? then
- 0
- 44
- value = yield
- 0
- 45
- put key, value, expiry
- 0
- 46
- end
- 47
- value
- 0
- 48
- end
- 49
- end
- 50
- 51
- def self.put(key, value, expiry = 0)
- 1
- 52
- key.gsub!(/\s/, "_")
- 31
- 53
- key = key[0, 200]
- 31
- 54
- 55
- begin
- 31
- 56
- start_time = Time.now
- 31
- 57
- MEMCACHE.set key, value, expiry
- 31
- 58
- elapsed = Time.now - start_time
- 31
- 59
- ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug('MemCache Set (%0.6f) %s' % [elapsed, key])
- 31
- 60
- value
- 31
- 61
- rescue MemCache::MemCacheError => err
- 0
- 62
- ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "MemCache Error: #{err.message}"
- 0
- 63
- nil
- 0
- 64
- end
- 65
- end
- 66
- 67
- def self.delete(key, delay = nil)
- 1
- 68
- begin
- 36
- 69
- start_time = Time.now
- 36
- 70
- MEMCACHE.delete key, delay
- 36
- 71
- elapsed = Time.now - start_time
- 36
- 72
- ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug('MemCache Delete (%0.6f) %s' % [elapsed, key])
- 36
- 73
- nil
- 74
- rescue MemCache::MemCacheError => err
- 0
- 75
- ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "MemCache Error: #{err.message}"
- 0
- 76
- nil
- 0
- 77
- end
- 78
- end
- 79
- 80
- def self.sanitize(key)
- 1
- 81
- key.gsub(/\W/) {|x| "%#{x.ord}"}.slice(0, 240)
- 84
- 82
- end
- 83
- end
- ./app/logical/current_user.rb
- 53.85 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class CurrentUser
- 1
- 2
- def self.scoped(user, ip_addr)
- 1
- 3
- old_user = self.user
- 0
- 4
- old_ip_addr = self.ip_addr
- 0
- 5
- 6
- self.user = user
- 0
- 7
- self.ip_addr = ip_addr
- 0
- 8
- 9
- begin
- 0
- 10
- yield
- 0
- 11
- ensure
- 12
- self.user = old_user
- 0
- 13
- self.ip_addr = old_ip_addr
- 0
- 14
- end
- 15
- end
- 16
- 17
- def self.user=(user)
- 1
- 18
- Thread.current[:current_user] = user
- 23
- 19
- end
- 20
- 21
- def self.ip_addr=(ip_addr)
- 1
- 22
- Thread.current[:current_ip_addr] = ip_addr
- 16
- 23
- end
- 24
- 25
- def self.user
- 1
- 26
- Thread.current[:current_user]
- 89
- 27
- end
- 28
- 29
- def self.ip_addr
- 1
- 30
- Thread.current[:current_ip_addr]
- 13
- 31
- end
- 32
- 33
- def self.id
- 1
- 34
- user.id
- 24
- 35
- end
- 36
- 37
- def self.name
- 1
- 38
- user.name
- 0
- 39
- end
- 40
- 41
- def self.method_missing(method, *params, &block)
- 1
- 42
- if user.respond_to?(method)
- 0
- 43
- user.__send__(method, *params, &block)
- 0
- 44
- else
- 45
- super
- 0
- 46
- end
- 47
- end
- 48
- end
- ./app/logical/d_text.rb
- 10.84 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- require 'cgi'
- 1
- 2
- 3
- class DText
- 1
- 4
- def self.parse_inline(str, options = {})
- 1
- 5
- str = parse_aliased_wiki_links(str)
- 0
- 6
- str = parse_wiki_links(str)
- 0
- 7
- str = parse_post_links(str)
- 0
- 8
- str = parse_id_links(str)
- 0
- 9
- 10
- str.gsub!(/\n/m, "<br>")
- 0
- 11
- str.gsub!(/\[b\](.+?)\[\/b\]/i, '<strong>\1</strong>')
- 0
- 12
- str.gsub!(/\[i\](.+?)\[\/i\]/i, '<em>\1</em>')
- 0
- 13
- str.gsub!(/\[spoilers?\](.+?)\[\/spoilers?\]/m, '<span class="spoiler">\1</span>')
- 0
- 14
- str.gsub!(/\[url\](.+?)\[\/url\]/i) do
- 0
- 15
- %{<a href="#{u($1)}">#{h($1)}</a>}
- 0
- 16
- end
- 17
- str.gsub!(/\[url=(.+?)\](.+?)\[\/url\]/m) do
- 0
- 18
- %{<a href="#{u($1)}">#{h($2)}</a>}
- 0
- 19
- end
- 20
- str
- 0
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- def self.parse_aliased_wiki_links(str)
- 1
- 24
- str.gsub(/\[\[(.+?)\|(.+?)\]\]/m) do
- 0
- 25
- text = $1
- 0
- 26
- title = $2
- 0
- 27
- wiki_page = WikiPage.find_title_and_id(title)
- 0
- 28
- 29
- if wiki_page
- 0
- 30
- %{[url=/wiki_pages/#{wiki_page.id}]#{text}[/url]}
- 0
- 31
- else
- 32
- %{[url=/wiki_pages/new?title=#{title}]#{text}[/url]}
- 0
- 33
- end
- 34
- end
- 35
- end
- 36
- 37
- def self.parse_wiki_links(str)
- 1
- 38
- str.gsub(/\[\[(.+?)\]\]/) do
- 0
- 39
- title = $1
- 0
- 40
- wiki_page = WikiPage.find_title_and_id(title)
- 0
- 41
- 42
- if wiki_page
- 0
- 43
- %{[url=/wiki_pages/#{wiki_page.id}]#{title}[/url]}
- 0
- 44
- else
- 45
- %{[url=/wiki_pages/new?title=#{title}]#{title}[/url]}
- 0
- 46
- end
- 47
- end
- 48
- end
- 49
- 50
- def self.parse_post_links(str)
- 1
- 51
- str.gsub(/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/, %{[url=/posts?tags=\1]\1[/url]})
- 0
- 52
- end
- 53
- 54
- def self.parse_id_links(str)
- 1
- 55
- str = str.gsub(/\bpost #(\d+)/i, %{[url=/posts/\1]post #\1[/url]})
- 0
- 56
- str = str.gsub(/\bforum #(\d+)/i, %{[url=/forum_posts/\1]forum #\1[/url]})
- 0
- 57
- str = str.gsub(/\bcomment #(\d+)/i, %{[url=/comments/\1]comment #\1[/url]})
- 0
- 58
- str = str.gsub(/\bpool #(\d+)/i, %{[url=/pools/\1]pool #\1[/url]})
- 0
- 59
- end
- 60
- 61
- def self.parse_list(str, options = {})
- 1
- 62
- html = ""
- 0
- 63
- layout = []
- 0
- 64
- nest = 0
- 0
- 65
- 66
- str.split(/\n/).each do |line|
- 0
- 67
- if line =~ /^\s*(\*+) (.+)/
- 0
- 68
- nest = $1.size
- 0
- 69
- content = parse_inline($2)
- 0
- 70
- else
- 71
- content = parse_inline(line)
- 0
- 72
- end
- 73
- 74
- if nest > layout.size
- 0
- 75
- html += "<ul>"
- 0
- 76
- layout << "ul"
- 0
- 77
- end
- 78
- 79
- while nest < layout.size
- 0
- 80
- elist = layout.pop
- 0
- 81
- if elist
- 0
- 82
- html += "</#{elist}>"
- 0
- 83
- end
- 84
- end
- 85
- 86
- html += "<li>#{content}</li>"
- 0
- 87
- end
- 88
- 89
- while layout.any?
- 0
- 90
- elist = layout.pop
- 0
- 91
- html += "</#{elist}>"
- 0
- 92
- end
- 93
- 94
- html
- 0
- 95
- end
- 96
- 97
- def self.parse(str, options = {})
- 1
- 98
- return "" if str.blank?
- 0
- 99
- 100
- # Make sure quote tags are surrounded by newlines
- 101
- 102
- unless options[:inline]
- 0
- 103
- str.gsub!(/\s*\[quote\]\s*/m, "\n\n[quote]\n\n")
- 0
- 104
- str.gsub!(/\s*\[\/quote\]\s*/m, "\n\n[/quote]\n\n")
- 0
- 105
- end
- 106
- 107
- str.gsub!(/(?:\r?\n){3,}/, "\n\n")
- 0
- 108
- str.strip!
- 0
- 109
- blocks = str.split(/(?:\r?\n){2}/)
- 0
- 110
- 111
- html = blocks.map do |block|
- 0
- 112
- case block
- 0
- 113
- when /^(h[1-6])\.\s*(.+)$/
- 114
- tag = $1
- 0
- 115
- content = $2
- 0
- 116
- 117
- if options[:inline]
- 0
- 118
- "<h6>" + parse_inline(content, options) + "</h6>"
- 0
- 119
- else
- 120
- "<#{tag}>" + parse_inline(content, options) + "</#{tag}>"
- 0
- 121
- end
- 122
- 123
- when /^\s*\*+ /
- 124
- parse_list(block, options)
- 0
- 125
- 126
- when "[quote]"
- 127
- if options[:inline]
- 0
- 128
- ""
- 0
- 129
- else
- 130
- '<blockquote>'
- 0
- 131
- end
- 132
- 133
- when "[/quote]"
- 134
- if options[:inline]
- 0
- 135
- ""
- 0
- 136
- else
- 137
- '</blockquote>'
- 0
- 138
- end
- 139
- 140
- else
- 141
- '<p>' + parse_inline(block) + "</p>"
- 0
- 142
- end
- 143
- end
- 144
- 145
- html.join("").html_safe
- 0
- 146
- end
- 147
- end
- 148
- ./app/logical/date_tag.rb
- 38.46 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class DateTag
- 1
- 2
- attr_accessor :tag, :start_date, :end_date
- 1
- 3
- 4
- def self.new_from_range(start, stop)
- 1
- 5
- new("#{start.to_formatted_s(:db)}..#{stop.to_formatted_s(:db)}")
- 0
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def initialize(tag)
- 1
- 9
- @tag = tag
- 0
- 10
- end
- 11
- 12
- def is_single_day?
- 1
- 13
- tag =~ /^\d+-\d+-\d+$/
- 0
- 14
- end
- 15
- 16
- def is_range?
- 1
- 17
- !is_single_day
- 0
- 18
- end
- 19
- 20
- def start_date
- 1
- 21
- return date if is_single_day?
- 0
- 22
- extract_ranges
- 0
- 23
- start_date
- 0
- 24
- end
- 25
- 26
- def end_date
- 1
- 27
- return date if is_single_day?
- 0
- 28
- extract_ranges
- 0
- 29
- end_date
- 0
- 30
- end
- 31
- 32
- def previous_week
- 1
- 33
- DateTag.new_from_range(1.week.ago(start_date), 1.week.ago(end_date))
- 0
- 34
- end
- 35
- 36
- def next_week
- 1
- 37
- DateTag.new_from_range(1.week.since(start_date), 1.week.since(end_date))
- 0
- 38
- end
- 39
- 40
- def previous_month
- 1
- 41
- DateTag.new_from_range(1.month.ago(start_date), 1.month.ago(end_date))
- 0
- 42
- end
- 43
- 44
- def next_month
- 1
- 45
- DateTag.new_from_range(1.month.since(start_date), 1.month.since(end_date))
- 0
- 46
- end
- 47
- 48
- def date
- 1
- 49
- Date.parse(tag)
- 0
- 50
- end
- 51
- 52
- private
- 1
- 53
- def extract_ranges
- 1
- 54
- case tag
- 0
- 55
- when /\A(.+?)\.\.(.+)/
- 56
- self.start_date = Date.parse($1)
- 0
- 57
- self.end_date = Date.parse($2)
- 0
- 58
- 59
- when /\A<(.+)/, /\A<=(.+)/, /\A\.\.(.+)/
- 60
- self.start_date = 20.years.ago
- 0
- 61
- self.end_date = Date.parse($1)
- 0
- 62
- 63
- when /\A>(.+)/, /\A>=(.+)/, /\A(.+)\.\.\Z/
- 64
- self.start_date = Date.parse($1)
- 0
- 65
- self.end_date = Date.today
- 0
- 66
- 67
- else
- 68
- self.start_date = Date.today
- 0
- 69
- self.end_date = Date.today
- 0
- 70
- end
- 71
- end
- 72
- end
- ./app/logical/download.rb
- 16.67 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class Download
- 1
- 2
- class Error < Exception ; end
- 1
- 3
- 4
- attr_accessor :source, :content_type
- 1
- 5
- 6
- def initialize(source, file_path)
- 1
- 7
- @source = source
- 0
- 8
- @file_path = file_path
- 0
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- # Downloads to @file_path
- 12
- def download!
- 1
- 13
- http_get_streaming(@source) do |response|
- 0
- 14
- self.content_type = response["Content-Type"]
- 0
- 15
- File.open(@file_path, "wb") do |out|
- 0
- 16
- response.read_body(out)
- 0
- 17
- end
- 18
- end
- 19
- @source = fix_image_board_sources(@source)
- 0
- 20
- end
- 21
- 22
- # private
- 23
- def handle_pixiv(source, headers)
- 1
- 24
- if source =~ /pixiv\.net/
- 0
- 25
- headers["Referer"] = "http://www.pixiv.net"
- 0
- 26
- 27
- # Don't download the small version
- 28
- if source =~ %r!(/img/.+?/.+?)_m.+$!
- 0
- 29
- match = $1
- 0
- 30
- source.sub!(match + "_m", match)
- 0
- 31
- end
- 32
- end
- 33
- 34
- source
- 0
- 35
- end
- 36
- 37
- def http_get_streaming(source, options = {})
- 1
- 38
- max_size = options[:max_size] || Danbooru.config.max_file_size
- 0
- 39
- max_size = nil if max_size == 0 # unlimited
- 0
- 40
- limit = 4
- 0
- 41
- 42
- while true
- 0
- 43
- url = URI.parse(source)
- 0
- 44
- 45
- unless url.is_a?(URI::HTTP)
- 0
- 46
- raise Error.new("URL must be HTTP")
- 0
- 47
- end
- 48
- 49
- Net::HTTP.start(url.host, url.port) do |http|
- 0
- 50
- http.read_timeout = 10
- 0
- 51
- headers = {
- 0
- 52
- "User-Agent" => "#{Danbooru.config.safe_app_name}/#{Danbooru.config.version}"
- 53
- }
- 54
- source = handle_pixiv(source, headers)
- 0
- 55
- url = URI.parse(source)
- 0
- 56
- http.request_get(url.request_uri, headers) do |res|
- 0
- 57
- case res
- 0
- 58
- when Net::HTTPSuccess then
- 59
- if max_size
- 0
- 60
- len = res["Content-Length"]
- 0
- 61
- raise Error.new("File is too large (#{len} bytes)") if len && len.to_i > max_size
- 0
- 62
- end
- 63
- yield(res)
- 0
- 64
- return
- 0
- 65
- 66
- when Net::HTTPRedirection then
- 67
- if limit == 0 then
- 0
- 68
- raise Error.new("Too many redirects")
- 0
- 69
- end
- 70
- source = res["location"]
- 0
- 71
- limit -= 1
- 0
- 72
- 73
- else
- 74
- raise Error.new("HTTP error code: #{res.code} #{res.message}")
- 0
- 75
- end
- 76
- end # http.request_get
- 77
- end # http.start
- 78
- end # while
- 79
- end # def
- 80
- 81
- def fix_image_board_sources(source)
- 1
- 82
- if source =~ /\/src\/\d{12,}|urnc\.yi\.org|yui\.cynthia\.bne\.jp/
- 0
- 83
- "Image board"
- 0
- 84
- else
- 85
- source
- 0
- 86
- end
- 87
- end
- 88
- end
- ./app/logical/favorite.rb
- 35.14 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class Favorite
- 1
- 2
- attr_accessor :attributes, :errors
- 1
- 3
- 4
- def self.table_name_for(user_id)
- 1
- 5
- "favorites_#{user_id.to_i % 10}"
- 0
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def self.create(attributes)
- 1
- 9
- user_id = attributes[:user_id]
- 0
- 10
- post_id = attributes[:post_id]
- 0
- 11
- execute_sql("INSERT INTO #{table_name_for(user_id)} (user_id, post_id) VALUES (?, ?)", user_id, post_id)
- 0
- 12
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
- 13
- # ignore
- 14
- end
- 15
- 16
- def self.count(user_id)
- 1
- 17
- select_value_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{table_name_for(user_id)}").to_i
- 0
- 18
- end
- 19
- 20
- def self.destroy(conditions)
- 1
- 21
- if conditions[:user_id] && conditions[:post_id]
- 0
- 22
- destroy_for_post_and_user(conditions[:post_id], conditions[:user_id])
- 0
- 23
- elsif conditions[:user_id]
- 0
- 24
- destroy_for_user(conditions[:user_id])
- 0
- 25
- elsif conditions[:post_id]
- 0
- 26
- destroy_for_post(conditions[:post_id])
- 0
- 27
- end
- 28
- end
- 29
- 30
- def self.exists?(conditions)
- 1
- 31
- if conditions[:user_id] && conditions[:post_id]
- 0
- 32
- select_value_sql("SELECT 1 FROM #{table_name_for(conditions[:user_id])} WHERE user_id = ? AND post_id = ?", conditions[:user_id], conditions[:post_id])
- 0
- 33
- elsif conditions[:user_id]
- 0
- 34
- select_value_sql("SELECT 1 FROM #{table_name_for(conditions[:user_id])} WHERE user_id = ?", conditions[:user_id])
- 0
- 35
- elsif conditions[:post_id]
- 0
- 36
- select_value_sql("SELECT 1 FROM #{table_name_for(conditions[:user_id])} WHERE post_id = ?", conditions[:post_id])
- 0
- 37
- else
- 38
- false
- 0
- 39
- end
- 40
- end
- 41
- 42
- private
- 1
- 43
- def self.destroy_for_post_and_user(post_id, user_id)
- 1
- 44
- execute_sql("DELETE FROM #{table_name_for(user_id)} WHERE post_id = #{post_id} AND user_id = #{user_id}")
- 0
- 45
- end
- 46
- 47
- def self.destroy_for_post(post)
- 1
- 48
- 0.upto(9) do |i|
- 0
- 49
- execute_sql("DELETE FROM favorites_#{i} WHERE post_id = #{post.id}")
- 0
- 50
- end
- 51
- end
- 52
- 53
- def self.destroy_for_user(user)
- 1
- 54
- execute_sql("DELETE FROM #{table_name_for(user)} WHERE user_id = #{user.id}")
- 0
- 55
- end
- 56
- 57
- def self.select_value_sql(sql, *params)
- 1
- 58
- ActiveRecord::Base.select_value_sql(sql, *params)
- 0
- 59
- end
- 60
- 61
- def self.execute_sql(sql, *params)
- 1
- 62
- ActiveRecord::Base.execute_sql(sql, *params)
- 0
- 63
- end
- 64
- end
- ./app/logical/pixiv_proxy.rb
- 11.86 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class PixivProxy
- 1
- 2
- def self.is_pixiv?(url)
- 1
- 3
- url =~ /pixiv\.net/
- 0
- 4
- end
- 5
- 6
- def self.get(url)
- 1
- 7
- if url =~ /\/(\d+)(_m)?\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)/i
- 0
- 8
- url = "http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=#{$1}"
- 0
- 9
- get_single(url)
- 0
- 10
- elsif url =~ /member_illust\.php/ && url =~ /illust_id=/
- 0
- 11
- get_single(url)
- 0
- 12
- # elsif url =~ /member_illust\.php/ && url =~ /id=/
- 13
- # get_listing(url)
- 14
- # elsif url =~ /member\.php/ && url =~ /id=/
- 15
- # get_profile(url)
- 16
- else
- 17
- {}
- 0
- 18
- end
- 19
- end
- 20
- 21
- def self.get_profile(url)
- 1
- 22
- url = URI.parse(url).request_uri
- 0
- 23
- mech = create_mechanize
- 0
- 24
- hash = {}
- 0
- 25
- mech.get(url) do |page|
- 0
- 26
- hash[:artist] = page.search("a.avatar_m").attr("title").value
- 0
- 27
- hash[:listing_url] = "/member_illust.php?id=" + url[/id=(\d+)/, 1]
- 0
- 28
- end
- 29
- hash
- 0
- 30
- end
- 31
- 32
- def self.get_single(url)
- 1
- 33
- url = URI.parse(url).request_uri
- 0
- 34
- mech = create_mechanize
- 0
- 35
- hash = {}
- 0
- 36
- mech.get(url) do |page|
- 0
- 37
- if page.search("a.avatar_m")
- 0
- 38
- hash[:artist] = page.search("a.avatar_m").attr("title").value
- 0
- 39
- hash[:image_url] = page.search("div.works_display/a/img").attr("src").value.sub("_m.", ".")
- 0
- 40
- hash[:profile_url] = page.search("a.avatar_m").attr("href").value
- 0
- 41
- hash[:jp_tags] = page.search("span#tags/a").map do |node|
- 0
- 42
- [node.inner_text, node.attribute("href").to_s]
- 0
- 43
- end.reject {|x| x[0].empty?}
- 0
- 44
- else
- 45
- hash[:artist] = "?"
- 0
- 46
- hash[:image_url] = "?"
- 0
- 47
- hash[:profile_url] = "?"
- 0
- 48
- hash[:jp_tags] = []
- 0
- 49
- end
- 50
- end
- 51
- hash
- 0
- 52
- end
- 53
- 54
- def self.get_listing(url)
- 1
- 55
- mech = create_mechanize
- 0
- 56
- p = 1
- 0
- 57
- url = URI.parse(url).request_uri.sub(/&p=\d+/, "") + "&p=1"
- 0
- 58
- more = true
- 0
- 59
- images = []
- 0
- 60
- 61
- while more
- 0
- 62
- mech.get(url) do |page|
- 0
- 63
- links = page.search("div#illust_c4/ul/li/a")
- 0
- 64
- 65
- if links.empty?
- 0
- 66
- more = false
- 0
- 67
- else
- 68
- images += links.map do |node|
- 0
- 69
- image_src = node.child.attribute("src").to_s
- 0
- 70
- [image_src, image_src.sub("_s.", "."), node.attribute("href").to_s]
- 0
- 71
- end
- 72
- end
- 73
- 74
- p += 1
- 0
- 75
- url.sub!(/&p=\d+/, "&p=#{p}")
- 0
- 76
- end
- 77
- end
- 78
- 79
- images
- 0
- 80
- end
- 81
- 82
- def self.create_mechanize
- 1
- 83
- mech = Mechanize.new
- 0
- 84
- 85
- mech.get("http://www.pixiv.net") do |page|
- 0
- 86
- page.form_with(:action => "/login.php") do |form|
- 0
- 87
- form.pixiv_id = "uroobnad"
- 0
- 88
- form.pass = "uroobnad556"
- 0
- 89
- end.click_button
- 90
- end
- 91
- 92
- mech
- 0
- 93
- end
- 94
- end
- ./app/logical/post_sets/base.rb
- 52.38 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module PostSets
- 1
- 2
- class Base
- 1
- 3
- attr_accessor :page, :before_id, :count, :posts
- 1
- 4
- 5
- def initialize(options = {})
- 1
- 6
- @page = options[:page].to_i
- 0
- 7
- @before_id = options[:before_id]
- 0
- 8
- load_posts
- 0
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def has_wiki?
- 1
- 12
- false
- 0
- 13
- end
- 14
- 15
- def use_sequential_paginator?
- 1
- 16
- !use_numbered_paginator?
- 0
- 17
- end
- 18
- 19
- def use_numbered_paginator?
- 1
- 20
- before_id.nil?
- 0
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- def load_posts
- 1
- 24
- raise NotImplementedError
- 0
- 25
- end
- 26
- 27
- def to_xml
- 1
- 28
- posts.to_xml
- 0
- 29
- end
- 30
- 31
- def to_json
- 1
- 32
- posts.to_json
- 0
- 33
- end
- 34
- 35
- def presenter
- 1
- 36
- @presnter ||= PostSetPresenter.new(self)
- 0
- 37
- end
- 38
- end
- 39
- end
- ./app/logical/post_sets/favorite.rb
- 58.33 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module PostSets
- 1
- 2
- class Favorite < Base
- 1
- 3
- attr_accessor :user
- 1
- 4
- 5
- def initialize(user)
- 1
- 6
- @user = user
- 0
- 7
- super()
- 0
- 8
- end
- 9
- 10
- def tags
- 1
- 11
- "fav:#{user.name}"
- 0
- 12
- end
- 13
- 14
- def load_posts
- 1
- 15
- @posts = user.favorite_posts(:before_id => before_id)
- 0
- 16
- end
- 17
- 18
- def limit
- 1
- 19
- Danbooru.config.posts_per_page
- 0
- 20
- end
- 21
- end
- 22
- end
- ./app/logical/post_sets/post.rb
- 36.54 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module PostSets
- 1
- 2
- class Post < Base
- 1
- 3
- class Error < Exception ; end
- 1
- 4
- 5
- attr_accessor :tags, :errors, :count
- 1
- 6
- attr_accessor :wiki_page, :artist, :suggestions
- 1
- 7
- 8
- def initialize(tags, options = {})
- 1
- 9
- super(options)
- 0
- 10
- @tags = Tag.normalize(tags)
- 0
- 11
- @errors = []
- 0
- 12
- load_associations
- 0
- 13
- load_suggestions
- 0
- 14
- validate
- 0
- 15
- end
- 16
- 17
- def has_wiki?
- 1
- 18
- is_single_tag?
- 0
- 19
- end
- 20
- 21
- def has_errors?
- 1
- 22
- errors.any?
- 0
- 23
- end
- 24
- 25
- def offset
- 1
- 26
- x = (page - 1) * limit
- 0
- 27
- if x < 0
- 0
- 28
- x = 0
- 0
- 29
- end
- 30
- x
- 0
- 31
- end
- 32
- 33
- def limit
- 1
- 34
- Danbooru.config.posts_per_page
- 0
- 35
- end
- 36
- 37
- def is_single_tag?
- 1
- 38
- tag_array.size == 1
- 0
- 39
- end
- 40
- 41
- def date_tag
- 1
- 42
- tag_array.grep(/date:/).first
- 0
- 43
- end
- 44
- 45
- def load_associations
- 1
- 46
- if is_single_tag?
- 0
- 47
- @wiki_page = WikiPage.find_by_title(tags)
- 0
- 48
- @artist = Artist.find_by_name(tags)
- 0
- 49
- end
- 50
- end
- 51
- 52
- def load_posts
- 1
- 53
- @count = Post.fast_count(tags)
- 0
- 54
- @posts = Post.find_by_tags(tags, :before_id => before_id).all(:order => "posts.id desc", :limit => limit, :offset => offset)
- 0
- 55
- end
- 56
- 57
- def load_suggestions
- 1
- 58
- if count < limit && is_single_tag?
- 0
- 59
- @suggestions = Tag.find_suggestions(tags)
- 0
- 60
- else
- 61
- @suggestions = []
- 0
- 62
- end
- 63
- end
- 64
- 65
- def tag_array
- 1
- 66
- @tag_array ||= Tag.scan_query(tags)
- 0
- 67
- end
- 68
- 69
- def validate
- 1
- 70
- validate_page
- 0
- 71
- validate_query_count
- 0
- 72
- rescue Error => x
- 73
- @errors << x.to_s
- 0
- 74
- end
- 75
- 76
- def validate_page
- 1
- 77
- if page > 1_000
- 0
- 78
- raise Error.new("You cannot explicitly specify the page after page 1000")
- 0
- 79
- end
- 80
- end
- 81
- 82
- def validate_query_count
- 1
- 83
- if !CurrentUser.is_privileged? && tag_array.size > 2
- 0
- 84
- raise Error.new("You can only search up to two tags at once with a basic account")
- 0
- 85
- end
- 86
- 87
- if tag_array.size > 6
- 0
- 88
- raise Error.new("You can only search up to six tags at once")
- 0
- 89
- end
- 90
- end
- 91
- end
- 92
- end
- ./app/logical/related_tag_calculator.rb
- 24.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class RelatedTagCalculator
- 1
- 2
- def self.find_tags(tag, limit)
- 1
- 3
- Post.find_by_tags(tag, :limit => limit, :select => "posts.tag_string", :order => "posts.md5").map(&:tag_string)
- 0
- 4
- end
- 5
- 6
- def self.calculate_from_sample_to_array(tags, category_constraint = nil)
- 1
- 7
- convert_hash_to_array(calculate_from_sample(tags, Danbooru.config.post_sample_size, category_constraint))
- 0
- 8
- end
- 9
- 10
- def self.calculate_from_sample(tags, limit, category_constraint = nil)
- 1
- 11
- counts = Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = 0}
- 0
- 12
- 13
- case category_constraint
- 0
- 14
- when Tag.categories.artist
- 15
- limit *= 4
- 0
- 16
- 17
- when Tag.categories.copyright
- 18
- limit *= 3
- 0
- 19
- 20
- when Tag.categories.character
- 21
- limit *= 2
- 0
- 22
- end
- 23
- 24
- find_tags(tags, limit).each do |tags|
- 0
- 25
- tag_array = Tag.scan_tags(tags)
- 0
- 26
- if category_constraint
- 0
- 27
- tag_array.each do |tag|
- 0
- 28
- category = Tag.category_for(tag)
- 0
- 29
- if category == category_constraint
- 0
- 30
- counts[tag] += 1
- 0
- 31
- end
- 32
- end
- 33
- else
- 34
- tag_array.each do |tag|
- 0
- 35
- counts[tag] += 1
- 0
- 36
- end
- 37
- end
- 38
- end
- 39
- 40
- counts
- 0
- 41
- end
- 42
- 43
- def self.convert_hash_to_array(hash)
- 1
- 44
- hash.to_a.sort_by {|x| -x[1]}.slice(0, 25)
- 0
- 45
- end
- 46
- 47
- def self.convert_hash_to_string(hash)
- 1
- 48
- convert_hash_to_array(hash).flatten.join(" ")
- 0
- 49
- end
- 50
- end
- ./app/logical/remote_server.rb
- 44.44 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class RemoteServer
- 1
- 2
- attr_accessor :hostname
- 1
- 3
- 4
- def self.other_servers
- 1
- 5
- Danbooru.config.other_server_hosts.map {|x| new(x)}
- 0
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def self.copy_to_all(local_path, remote_path)
- 1
- 9
- other_servers.each do |server|
- 0
- 10
- server.copy(local_path, remote_path)
- 0
- 11
- end
- 12
- end
- 13
- 14
- def self.delete_from_all(remote_path)
- 1
- 15
- other_servers.each do |server|
- 0
- 16
- server.delete(remote_path)
- 0
- 17
- end
- 18
- end
- 19
- 20
- def initialize(hostname)
- 1
- 21
- @hostname = hostname
- 0
- 22
- end
- 23
- 24
- def copy(local_path, remote_path)
- 1
- 25
- Net::SFTP.start(hostname, Danbooru.config.remote_server_login) do |ftp|
- 0
- 26
- ftp.upload!(local_path, remote_path)
- 0
- 27
- end
- 28
- end
- 29
- 30
- def delete(remote_path)
- 1
- 31
- Net::SFTP.start(hostname, Danbooru.config.remote_server_login) do |ftp|
- 0
- 32
- ftp.remove(remote_path)
- 0
- 33
- end
- 34
- end
- 35
- end
- ./app/models/advertisement.rb
- 38.1 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class Advertisement < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- validates_inclusion_of :ad_type, :in => %w(horizontal vertical)
- 1
- 3
- has_many :hits, :class_name => "AdvertisementHit"
- 1
- 4
- after_create :copy_to_servers
- 1
- 5
- after_destroy :delete_from_servers
- 1
- 6
- 7
- def copy_to_servers
- 1
- 8
- RemoteServer.copy_to_all(image_path, image_path)
- 0
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def delete_from_servers
- 1
- 12
- RemoteServer.delete_from_all(image_path)
- 0
- 13
- end
- 14
- 15
- def hit!(ip_addr)
- 1
- 16
- hits.create(:ip_addr => ip_addr)
- 0
- 17
- end
- 18
- 19
- def hit_sum(start_date, end_date)
- 1
- 20
- hits.where(["created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", start_date, end_date]).count
- 0
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- def unique_identifier
- 1
- 24
- @unique_identifier ||= ("%.0f" % (Time.now.to_f * 1_000))
- 0
- 25
- end
- 26
- 27
- def image_url
- 1
- 28
- "/images/advertisements/#{file_name}"
- 0
- 29
- end
- 30
- 31
- def image_path
- 1
- 32
- "#{Rails.root}/public/images/advertisements/#{file_name}"
- 0
- 33
- end
- 34
- 35
- def file
- 1
- 36
- nil
- 37
- end
- 38
- 39
- def file=(f)
- 1
- 40
- if f.size > 0
- 0
- 41
- self.file_name = unique_identifier + File.extname(f.original_filename)
- 0
- 42
- 43
- if f.local_path
- 0
- 44
- FileUtils.cp(f.local_path, image_path)
- 0
- 45
- else
- 46
- File.open(image_path, 'wb') {|nf| nf.write(f.read)}
- 0
- 47
- end
- 48
- 49
- File.chmod(0644, image_path)
- 0
- 50
- image_size = ImageSize.new(File.open(image_path, "rb"))
- 0
- 51
- self.width = image_size.get_width
- 0
- 52
- self.height = image_size.get_height
- 0
- 53
- end
- 54
- end
- 55
- 56
- def preview_width
- 1
- 57
- if width > 100 || height > 100
- 0
- 58
- if width < height
- 0
- 59
- ratio = 100.0 / height
- 0
- 60
- return (width * ratio).to_i
- 0
- 61
- else
- 62
- return 100
- 0
- 63
- end
- 64
- end
- 65
- end
- 66
- 67
- def preview_height
- 1
- 68
- if width > 100 || height > 100
- 0
- 69
- if height < width
- 0
- 70
- ratio = 100.0 / width
- 0
- 71
- return (height * ratio)
- 0
- 72
- else
- 73
- return 100
- 0
- 74
- end
- 75
- end
- 76
- end
- 77
- end
- ./app/models/advertisement_hit.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class AdvertisementHit < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- belongs_to :advertisement
- 1
- 3
- 4
- scope :between, lambda {|start_date, end_date| where("created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", start_date, end_date)}
- 1
- 5
- end
- ./app/models/artist.rb
- 44.26 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class Artist < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- before_create :initialize_creator
- 1
- 3
- before_save :normalize_name
- 1
- 4
- after_save :create_version
- 1
- 5
- after_save :save_url_string
- 1
- 6
- validates_uniqueness_of :name
- 1
- 7
- belongs_to :creator, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 8
- has_many :members, :class_name => "Artist", :foreign_key => "group_name", :primary_key => "name"
- 1
- 9
- has_many :urls, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name => "ArtistUrl"
- 1
- 10
- has_many :versions, :order => "artist_versions.id", :class_name => "ArtistVersion"
- 1
- 11
- has_one :wiki_page, :foreign_key => "title", :primary_key => "name"
- 1
- 12
- has_one :tag_alias, :foreign_key => "antecedent_name", :primary_key => "name"
- 1
- 13
- accepts_nested_attributes_for :wiki_page
- 1
- 14
- attr_accessible :name, :url_string, :other_names, :group_name, :wiki_page_attributes, :notes
- 1
- 15
- 16
- module UrlMethods
- 1
- 17
- module ClassMethods
- 1
- 18
- def find_all_by_url(url)
- 1
- 19
- url = ArtistUrl.normalize(url)
- 0
- 20
- artists = []
- 0
- 21
- 22
- while artists.empty? && url.size > 10
- 0
- 23
- u = url.sub(/\/+$/, "") + "/"
- 0
- 24
- u = u.to_escaped_for_sql_like.gsub(/\*/, '%') + '%'
- 0
- 25
- artists += Artist.joins(:urls).where(["artists.is_active = TRUE AND artist_urls.normalized_url LIKE ? ESCAPE E'\\\\'", u]).all(:order => "artists.name")
- 0
- 26
- url = File.dirname(url) + "/"
- 0
- 27
- end
- 28
- 29
- artists.uniq_by {|x| x.name}.slice(0, 20)
- 0
- 30
- end
- 31
- end
- 32
- 33
- def self.included(m)
- 1
- 34
- m.extend(ClassMethods)
- 1
- 35
- end
- 36
- 37
- def save_url_string
- 1
- 38
- if @url_string
- 0
- 39
- urls.clear
- 0
- 40
- 41
- @url_string.scan(/\S+/).each do |url|
- 0
- 42
- urls.create(:url => url)
- 0
- 43
- end
- 44
- end
- 45
- end
- 46
- 47
- def url_string=(string)
- 1
- 48
- @url_string = string
- 0
- 49
- end
- 50
- 51
- def url_string
- 1
- 52
- @url_string || urls.map {|x| x.url}.join("\n")
- 0
- 53
- end
- 54
- end
- 55
- 56
- module NameMethods
- 1
- 57
- module ClassMethods
- 1
- 58
- def normalize_name(name)
- 1
- 59
- name.downcase.strip.gsub(/ /, '_')
- 0
- 60
- end
- 61
- end
- 62
- 63
- def self.included(m)
- 1
- 64
- m.extend(ClassMethods)
- 1
- 65
- end
- 66
- 67
- def normalize_name
- 1
- 68
- self.name = Artist.normalize_name(name)
- 0
- 69
- if other_names
- 0
- 70
- self.other_names = other_names.split(/,/).map {|x| Artist.normalize_name(x)}.join(" ")
- 0
- 71
- end
- 72
- end
- 73
- end
- 74
- 75
- module GroupMethods
- 1
- 76
- def member_names
- 1
- 77
- members.map(&:name).join(", ")
- 0
- 78
- end
- 79
- end
- 80
- 81
- module SearchMethods
- 1
- 82
- def find_by_name_or_id(params)
- 1
- 83
- if params[:name]
- 0
- 84
- find_by_name(params[:name])
- 0
- 85
- else
- 86
- find(params[:id])
- 0
- 87
- end
- 88
- end
- 89
- 90
- def find_by_any_name(name)
- 1
- 91
- build_relation(:name => name).first
- 0
- 92
- end
- 93
- 94
- def build_relation(params)
- 1
- 95
- relation = Artist.where("is_active = TRUE")
- 0
- 96
- 97
- case params[:name]
- 0
- 98
- when /^http/
- 99
- relation = relation.where("id IN (?)", find_all_by_url(params[:name]).map(&:id))
- 0
- 100
- 101
- when /name:(.+)/
- 102
- escaped_name = Artist.normalize_name($1).to_escaped_for_sql_like
- 0
- 103
- relation = relation.where(["name LIKE ? ESCAPE E'\\\\'", escaped_name])
- 0
- 104
- 105
- when /other:(.+)/
- 106
- escaped_name = Artist.normalize_name($1)
- 0
- 107
- relation = relation.where(["other_names_index @@ to_tsquery('danbooru', ?)", escaped_name])
- 0
- 108
- 109
- when /group:(.+)/
- 110
- escaped_name = Artist.normalize_name($1).to_escaped_for_sql_like
- 0
- 111
- relation = relation.where(["group_name LIKE ? ESCAPE E'\\\\'", escaped_name])
- 0
- 112
- 113
- when /./
- 114
- normalized_name = Artist.normalize_name($1)
- 0
- 115
- escaped_name = normalized_name.to_escaped_for_sql_like
- 0
- 116
- relation = relation.where(["name LIKE ? ESCAPE E'\\\\' OR other_names_index @@ to_tsquery('danbooru', ?) OR group_name LIKE ? ESCAPE E'\\\\'", escaped_name, normalized_name, escaped_name])
- 0
- 117
- end
- 118
- 119
- if params[:id]
- 0
- 120
- relation = relation.where(["id = ?", params[:id]])
- 0
- 121
- end
- 122
- 123
- if params[:order] == "date"
- 0
- 124
- relation = relation.order("updated_at DESC")
- 0
- 125
- else
- 126
- relation = relation.order("name")
- 0
- 127
- end
- 128
- 129
- relation
- 0
- 130
- end
- 131
- end
- 132
- 133
- module VersionMethods
- 1
- 134
- def create_version
- 1
- 135
- ArtistVersion.create(
- 0
- 136
- :artist_id => id,
- 137
- :name => name,
- 138
- :updater_id => CurrentUser.user.id,
- 139
- :updater_ip_addr => CurrentUser.ip_addr,
- 140
- :url_string => url_string,
- 141
- :is_active => is_active,
- 142
- :other_names => other_names,
- 143
- :group_name => group_name
- 144
- )
- 145
- end
- 146
- 147
- def revert_to!(version)
- 1
- 148
- self.name = version.name
- 0
- 149
- self.url_string = version.url_string
- 0
- 150
- self.is_active = version.is_active
- 0
- 151
- self.other_names = version.other_names
- 0
- 152
- self.group_name = version.group_name
- 0
- 153
- save
- 0
- 154
- end
- 155
- end
- 156
- 157
- module FactoryMethods
- 1
- 158
- def new_with_defaults(params)
- 1
- 159
- Artist.new.tap do |artist|
- 0
- 160
- if params[:name]
- 0
- 161
- artist.name = params[:name]
- 0
- 162
- post = Post.find_by_tags("source:http* #{artist.name}").first
- 0
- 163
- unless post.nil? || post.source.blank?
- 0
- 164
- artist.url_string = post.source
- 0
- 165
- end
- 166
- end
- 167
- 168
- if params[:other_names]
- 0
- 169
- artist.other_names = params[:other_names]
- 0
- 170
- end
- 171
- 172
- if params[:urls]
- 0
- 173
- artist.url_string = params[:urls]
- 0
- 174
- end
- 175
- end
- 176
- end
- 177
- end
- 178
- 179
- module NoteMethods
- 1
- 180
- def notes
- 1
- 181
- if wiki_page
- 0
- 182
- wiki_page.body
- 0
- 183
- else
- 184
- nil
- 185
- end
- 186
- end
- 187
- 188
- def notes=(msg)
- 1
- 189
- if wiki_page.nil?
- 0
- 190
- self.wiki_page = WikiPage.new
- 0
- 191
- end
- 192
- 193
- wiki_page.title = name
- 0
- 194
- wiki_page.body = msg
- 0
- 195
- wiki_page.save
- 0
- 196
- end
- 197
- end
- 198
- 199
- module TagMethods
- 1
- 200
- def has_tag_alias?
- 1
- 201
- TagAlias.exists?(["antecedent_name = ?", name])
- 0
- 202
- end
- 203
- 204
- def tag_alias_name
- 1
- 205
- TagAlias.find_by_antecedent_name(name).consequent_name
- 0
- 206
- end
- 207
- end
- 208
- 209
- include UrlMethods
- 1
- 210
- include NameMethods
- 1
- 211
- include GroupMethods
- 1
- 212
- extend SearchMethods
- 1
- 213
- include VersionMethods
- 1
- 214
- extend FactoryMethods
- 1
- 215
- include NoteMethods
- 1
- 216
- include TagMethods
- 1
- 217
- 218
- def initialize_creator
- 1
- 219
- self.creator_id = CurrentUser.user.id
- 0
- 220
- end
- 221
- end
- 222
- ./app/models/artist_url.rb
- 34.78 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class ArtistUrl < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- before_save :normalize
- 1
- 3
- validates_presence_of :url
- 1
- 4
- belongs_to :artist
- 1
- 5
- 6
- def self.normalize(url)
- 1
- 7
- if url.nil?
- 0
- 8
- nil
- 9
- else
- 10
- url = url.gsub(/^http:\/\/blog\d+\.fc2/, "http://blog.fc2")
- 0
- 11
- url = url.gsub(/^http:\/\/blog-imgs-\d+\.fc2/, "http://blog.fc2")
- 0
- 12
- url = url.gsub(/^http:\/\/blog-imgs-\d+-\w+\.fc2/, "http://blog.fc2")
- 0
- 13
- url = url.gsub(/^http:\/\/img\d+\.pixiv\.net/, "http://img.pixiv.net")
- 0
- 14
- url = url.gsub(/\/+\Z/, "")
- 0
- 15
- url + "/"
- 0
- 16
- end
- 17
- end
- 18
- 19
- def self.normalize_for_search(url)
- 1
- 20
- if url =~ /\.\w+\Z/ && url =~ /\w\/\w/
- 0
- 21
- url = File.dirname(url)
- 0
- 22
- end
- 23
- 24
- url = url.gsub(/^http:\/\/blog\d+\.fc2/, "http://blog*.fc2")
- 0
- 25
- url = url.gsub(/^http:\/\/blog-imgs-\d+\.fc2/, "http://blog*.fc2")
- 0
- 26
- url = url.gsub(/^http:\/\/blog-imgs-\d+-\w+\.fc2/, "http://blog*.fc2")
- 0
- 27
- url = url.gsub(/^http:\/\/img\d+\.pixiv\.net/, "http://img*.pixiv.net")
- 0
- 28
- end
- 29
- 30
- def normalize
- 1
- 31
- self.normalized_url = self.class.normalize(url)
- 0
- 32
- end
- 33
- 34
- def to_s
- 1
- 35
- url
- 0
- 36
- end
- 37
- end
- ./app/models/artist_version.rb
- 80.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class ArtistVersion < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- belongs_to :updater
- 1
- 3
- belongs_to :artist
- 1
- 4
- 5
- def updater_name
- 1
- 6
- User.id_to_name(updater_id).tr("_", " ")
- 0
- 7
- end
- 8
- end
- ./app/models/ban.rb
- 34.21 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class Ban < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- after_create :update_feedback
- 1
- 3
- belongs_to :user
- 1
- 4
- belongs_to :banner, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 5
- attr_accessible :reason, :duration, :user_id
- 1
- 6
- validate :user_is_inferior
- 1
- 7
- 8
- def self.is_banned?(user)
- 1
- 9
- exists?(["user_id = ? AND expires_at > ?", user.id, Time.now])
- 0
- 10
- end
- 11
- 12
- def user_is_inferior
- 1
- 13
- if user
- 0
- 14
- if user.is_admin?
- 0
- 15
- errors[:base] << "You can never ban an admin."
- 0
- 16
- false
- 0
- 17
- elsif user.is_moderator? && banner.is_admin?
- 0
- 18
- true
- 0
- 19
- elsif user.is_moderator?
- 0
- 20
- errors[:base] << "Only admins can ban moderators."
- 0
- 21
- false
- 0
- 22
- elsif banner.is_admin? || banner.is_moderator?
- 0
- 23
- true
- 0
- 24
- else
- 25
- errors[:base] << "No one else can ban."
- 0
- 26
- false
- 0
- 27
- end
- 28
- end
- 29
- end
- 30
- 31
- def update_feedback
- 1
- 32
- if user
- 0
- 33
- feedback = user.feedback.build
- 0
- 34
- feedback.is_positive = false
- 0
- 35
- feedback.body = "Banned: #{reason}"
- 0
- 36
- feedback.creator_id = banner_id
- 0
- 37
- feedback.save
- 0
- 38
- end
- 39
- end
- 40
- 41
- def user_name
- 1
- 42
- user ? user.name : nil
- 0
- 43
- end
- 44
- 45
- def user_name=(username)
- 1
- 46
- self.user_id = User.name_to_id(username)
- 0
- 47
- end
- 48
- 49
- def duration=(dur)
- 1
- 50
- self.expires_at = dur.to_i.days.from_now
- 0
- 51
- @duration = dur
- 0
- 52
- end
- 53
- 54
- def duration
- 1
- 55
- @duration
- 0
- 56
- end
- 57
- end
- ./app/models/comment.rb
- 54.29 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- validate :validate_creator_is_not_limited
- 1
- 3
- validates_format_of :body, :with => /\S/, :message => 'has no content'
- 1
- 4
- belongs_to :post
- 1
- 5
- belongs_to :creator, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 6
- has_many :votes, :class_name => "CommentVote", :dependent => :destroy
- 1
- 7
- before_validation :initialize_creator, :on => :create
- 1
- 8
- after_save :update_last_commented_at
- 1
- 9
- attr_accessible :body
- 1
- 10
- attr_accessor :do_not_bump_post
- 1
- 11
- 12
- scope :recent, :order => "comments.id desc", :limit => 6
- 1
- 13
- scope :search_body, lambda {|query| where("body_index @@ plainto_tsquery(?)", query).order("comments.id DESC")}
- 1
- 14
- scope :hidden, lambda {|user| where("score < ?", user.comment_threshold)}
- 1
- 15
- 16
- def initialize_creator
- 1
- 17
- self.creator_id = CurrentUser.user.id
- 0
- 18
- self.ip_addr = CurrentUser.ip_addr
- 0
- 19
- end
- 20
- 21
- def creator_name
- 1
- 22
- User.id_to_name(creator_id)
- 0
- 23
- end
- 24
- 25
- def validate_creator_is_not_limited
- 1
- 26
- creator.is_privileged? || Comment.where("creator_id = ? AND created_at >= ?", creator_id, 1.hour.ago).count < 5
- 0
- 27
- end
- 28
- 29
- def update_last_commented_at
- 1
- 30
- if Comment.where(["post_id = ?", post_id]).count <= Danbooru.config.comment_threshold && !do_not_bump_post
- 0
- 31
- execute_sql("UPDATE posts SET last_commented_at = ? WHERE id = ?", created_at, post_id)
- 0
- 32
- end
- 33
- end
- 34
- 35
- def vote!(score)
- 1
- 36
- if !CurrentUser.user.can_comment_vote?
- 0
- 37
- raise CommentVote::Error.new("You can only vote ten times an hour on comments")
- 0
- 38
- 39
- elsif score == "down" && creator.is_janitor?
- 0
- 40
- raise CommentVote::Error.new("You cannot downvote janitor/moderator/admin comments")
- 0
- 41
- 42
- elsif votes.find_by_user_id(CurrentUser.user.id).nil?
- 0
- 43
- if score == "up"
- 0
- 44
- increment!(:score)
- 0
- 45
- elsif score == "down"
- 46
- decrement!(:score)
- 0
- 47
- end
- 48
- 49
- votes.create
- 0
- 50
- 51
- else
- 52
- raise CommentVote::Error.new("You have already voted for this comment")
- 0
- 53
- end
- 54
- end
- 55
- end
- 56
- 57
- Comment.connection.extend(PostgresExtensions)
- 1
- ./app/models/comment_vote.rb
- 80.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class CommentVote < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- class Error < Exception ; end
- 1
- 3
- 4
- belongs_to :comment
- 1
- 5
- belongs_to :user
- 1
- 6
- before_validation :initialize_user, :on => :create
- 1
- 7
- validates_presence_of :user_id, :comment_id
- 1
- 8
- 9
- def self.prune!
- 1
- 10
- destroy_all(["created_at < ?", 14.days.ago])
- 0
- 11
- end
- 12
- 13
- def initialize_user
- 1
- 14
- self.user_id = CurrentUser.user.id
- 0
- 15
- end
- 16
- end
- ./app/models/dmail.rb
- 53.73 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class Dmail < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- validates_presence_of :to_id
- 1
- 3
- validates_presence_of :from_id
- 1
- 4
- validates_format_of :title, :with => /\S/
- 1
- 5
- validates_format_of :body, :with => /\S/
- 1
- 6
- before_validation :initialize_from_id, :on => :create
- 1
- 7
- belongs_to :owner, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 8
- belongs_to :to, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 9
- belongs_to :from, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 10
- after_create :update_recipient
- 1
- 11
- after_create :send_dmail
- 1
- 12
- attr_accessible :title, :body, :is_deleted, :to_id, :to
- 1
- 13
- scope :for, lambda {|user| where(["owner_id = ?", user])}
- 1
- 14
- scope :inbox, where("to_id = owner_id")
- 1
- 15
- scope :sent, where("from_id = owner_id")
- 1
- 16
- scope :active, where(["is_deleted = ?", false])
- 1
- 17
- scope :deleted, where(["is_deleted = ?", true])
- 1
- 18
- scope :search_message, lambda {|query| where(["message_index @@ plainto_tsquery(?)", query])}
- 1
- 19
- 20
- module AddressMethods
- 1
- 21
- def to_name
- 1
- 22
- User.id_to_pretty_name(to_id)
- 0
- 23
- end
- 24
- 25
- def from_name
- 1
- 26
- User.id_to_pretty_name(from_id)
- 0
- 27
- end
- 28
- 29
- def to_name=(name)
- 1
- 30
- user = User.find_by_name(name)
- 0
- 31
- return if user.nil?
- 0
- 32
- self.to_id = user.id
- 0
- 33
- end
- 34
- 35
- def initialize_from_id
- 1
- 36
- self.from_id = CurrentUser.id
- 0
- 37
- end
- 38
- end
- 39
- 40
- module FactoryMethods
- 1
- 41
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- 1
- 42
- 43
- module ClassMethods
- 1
- 44
- def create_split(params)
- 1
- 45
- copy = nil
- 0
- 46
- 47
- Dmail.transaction do
- 0
- 48
- copy = Dmail.new(params)
- 0
- 49
- copy.owner_id = copy.to_id
- 0
- 50
- copy.save!
- 0
- 51
- 52
- copy = Dmail.new(params)
- 0
- 53
- copy.owner_id = CurrentUser.id
- 0
- 54
- copy.save!
- 0
- 55
- end
- 56
- 57
- copy
- 0
- 58
- end
- 59
- 60
- def new_blank
- 1
- 61
- Dmail.new do |dmail|
- 0
- 62
- dmail.from_id = CurrentUser.id
- 0
- 63
- end
- 64
- end
- 65
- end
- 66
- 67
- def build_response(options = {})
- 1
- 68
- Dmail.new do |dmail|
- 0
- 69
- dmail.title = "Re: #{title}"
- 0
- 70
- dmail.owner_id = from_id
- 0
- 71
- dmail.body = quoted_body
- 0
- 72
- dmail.to_id = from_id unless options[:forward]
- 0
- 73
- dmail.from_id = to_id
- 0
- 74
- end
- 75
- end
- 76
- end
- 77
- 78
- include AddressMethods
- 1
- 79
- include FactoryMethods
- 1
- 80
- 81
- def quoted_body
- 1
- 82
- "[quote]#{body}[/quote]"
- 0
- 83
- end
- 84
- 85
- def send_dmail
- 1
- 86
- if to.receive_email_notifications? && to.email.include?("@")
- 0
- 87
- UserMailer.dmail_notice(self).deliver
- 0
- 88
- end
- 89
- end
- 90
- 91
- def mark_as_read!
- 1
- 92
- update_attribute(:is_read, true)
- 0
- 93
- 94
- unless Dmail.exists?(["to_id = ? AND is_read = false", to_id])
- 0
- 95
- to.update_attribute(:has_mail, false)
- 0
- 96
- end
- 97
- end
- 98
- 99
- def update_recipient
- 1
- 100
- to.update_attribute(:has_mail, true)
- 0
- 101
- end
- 102
- 103
- def visible_to?(user)
- 1
- 104
- user.is_moderator? || owner_id == user.id
- 0
- 105
- end
- 106
- end
- ./app/models/forum_post.rb
- 77.78 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class ForumPost < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- attr_accessible :body, :topic_id
- 1
- 3
- belongs_to :creator, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 4
- belongs_to :topic, :class_name => "ForumTopic"
- 1
- 5
- before_validation :initialize_creator, :on => :create
- 1
- 6
- before_validation :initialize_updater
- 1
- 7
- after_save :update_topic_updated_at
- 1
- 8
- validates_presence_of :body, :creator_id
- 1
- 9
- scope :body_matches, lambda {|body| where(["text_index @@ plainto_tsquery(?)", body])}
- 1
- 10
- search_method :body_matches
- 1
- 11
- 12
- def editable_by?(user)
- 1
- 13
- creator_id == user.id || user.is_moderator?
- 0
- 14
- end
- 15
- 16
- def update_topic_updated_at
- 1
- 17
- topic.update_attributes(:updater_id => CurrentUser.id)
- 0
- 18
- end
- 19
- 20
- def initialize_creator
- 1
- 21
- self.creator_id = CurrentUser.id
- 0
- 22
- end
- 23
- 24
- def initialize_updater
- 1
- 25
- self.updater_id = CurrentUser.id
- 0
- 26
- end
- 27
- end
- ./app/models/forum_topic.rb
- 83.33 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class ForumTopic < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- attr_accessible :title, :original_post_attributes
- 1
- 3
- belongs_to :creator, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 4
- belongs_to :updater, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 5
- has_many :posts, :class_name => "ForumPost", :order => "forum_posts.id asc", :foreign_key => "topic_id", :dependent => :destroy
- 1
- 6
- has_one :original_post, :class_name => "ForumPost", :order => "forum_posts.id asc", :foreign_key => "topic_id"
- 1
- 7
- before_validation :initialize_creator, :on => :create
- 1
- 8
- before_validation :initialize_updater
- 1
- 9
- validates_presence_of :title, :creator_id
- 1
- 10
- scope :title_matches, lambda {|title| where(["text_index @@ plainto_tsquery(?)", title])}
- 1
- 11
- search_methods :title_matches
- 1
- 12
- accepts_nested_attributes_for :original_post
- 1
- 13
- 14
- def editable_by?(user)
- 1
- 15
- creator_id == user.id || user.is_moderator?
- 0
- 16
- end
- 17
- 18
- def initialize_creator
- 1
- 19
- self.creator_id = CurrentUser.id
- 0
- 20
- end
- 21
- 22
- def initialize_updater
- 1
- 23
- self.updater_id = CurrentUser.id
- 0
- 24
- end
- 25
- end
- ./app/models/ip_ban.rb
- 58.82 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class IpBan < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- belongs_to :creator, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 3
- before_validation :initialize_creator, :on => :create
- 1
- 4
- validates_presence_of :reason, :creator
- 1
- 5
- validates_uniqueness_of :ip_addr
- 1
- 6
- 7
- def self.is_banned?(ip_addr)
- 1
- 8
- exists?(["ip_addr = ?", ip_addr])
- 19
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def self.query(user_ids)
- 1
- 12
- comments = count_by_ip_addr("comments", user_ids, "creator_id", "ip_addr")
- 0
- 13
- notes = count_by_ip_addr("note_versions", user_ids, "updater_id", "updater_ip_addr")
- 0
- 14
- pools = count_by_ip_addr("pool_versions", user_ids, "updater_id", "updater_ip_addr")
- 0
- 15
- wiki_pages = count_by_ip_addr("wiki_page_versions", user_ids, "updater_id", "updater_ip_addr")
- 0
- 16
- 17
- return {
- 18
- "comments" => comments,
- 19
- "notes" => notes,
- 20
- "pools" => pools,
- 21
- "wiki_pages" => wiki_pages
- 22
- }
- 0
- 23
- end
- 24
- 25
- def self.count_by_ip_addr(table, user_ids, user_id_field = "user_id", ip_addr_field = "ip_addr")
- 1
- 26
- select_all_sql("SELECT #{ip_addr_field}, count(*) FROM #{table} WHERE #{user_id_field} IN (?) GROUP BY #{ip_addr_field} ORDER BY count(*) DESC", user_ids)
- 0
- 27
- end
- 28
- 29
- def initialize_creator
- 1
- 30
- self.creator_id = CurrentUser.id
- 0
- 31
- end
- 32
- end
- ./app/models/janitor_trial.rb
- 61.11 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class JanitorTrial < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- belongs_to :user
- 1
- 3
- after_create :send_dmail
- 1
- 4
- after_create :promote_user
- 1
- 5
- after_destroy :create_feedback
- 1
- 6
- validates_presence_of :user
- 1
- 7
- 8
- def send_dmail
- 1
- 9
- body = "You have been selected as a test janitor. You can now approve pending posts and have access to the moderation interface.\n\nOver the next several weeks your approvals will be monitored. If the majority of them are quality uploads, then you will be promoted to full janitor status which grants you the ability to delete and undelete posts, ban users, and revert tag changes from vandals. If you fail the trial period, you will be demoted back to your original level and you'll receive a negative user record indicating you previously attempted and failed a test janitor trial.\n\nThere is a minimum quota of 5 approvals a week to indicate that you are being active. Remember, the goal isn't to approve as much as possible. It's to filter out borderline-quality art.\n\nIf you have any questions please respond to this message."
- 0
- 10
- 11
- Dmail.create_split(:title => "Test Janitor Trial Period", :body => body, :to_id => user_id)
- 0
- 12
- end
- 13
- 14
- def promote_user
- 1
- 15
- user.update_attribute(:is_janitor, true)
- 0
- 16
- end
- 17
- 18
- def create_feedback
- 1
- 19
- user.feedback.create(
- 0
- 20
- :is_positive => false,
- 21
- :body => "Demoted from janitor trial"
- 22
- )
- 23
- end
- 24
- 25
- def promote!
- 1
- 26
- destroy
- 0
- 27
- end
- 28
- 29
- def demote!
- 1
- 30
- user.update_attribute(:is_janitor, false)
- 0
- 31
- destroy
- 0
- 32
- end
- 33
- end
- ./app/models/jobs/backup_to_s3.rb
- 21.43 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module Jobs
- 1
- 2
- class BackupToS3 < Struct.new(:last_id)
- 1
- 3
- def perform
- 1
- 4
- Post.find(:all, :conditions => ["id > ?", last_id], :limit => 200, :order => "id").each do |post|
- 0
- 5
- AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection!(:access_key_id => CONFIG["amazon_s3_access_key_id"], :secret_access_key => CONFIG["amazon_s3_secret_access_key"])
- 0
- 6
- if File.exists?(post.file_path)
- 0
- 7
- base64_md5 = Base64.encode64(Digest::MD5.digest(File.read(post.file_path)))
- 0
- 8
- AWS::S3::S3Object.store(post.file_name, open(post.file_path, "rb"), CONFIG["amazon_s3_bucket_name"], "Content-MD5" => base64_md5)
- 0
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- if post.image? && File.exists?(post.preview_path)
- 0
- 12
- AWS::S3::S3Object.store("preview/#{post.md5}.jpg", open(post.preview_path, "rb"), CONFIG["amazon_s3_bucket_name"])
- 0
- 13
- end
- 14
- 15
- if File.exists?(post.sample_path)
- 0
- 16
- AWS::S3::S3Object.store("sample/" + CONFIG["sample_filename_prefix"] + "#{post.md5}.jpg", open(post.sample_path, "rb"), CONFIG["amazon_s3_bucket_name"])
- 0
- 17
- end
- 18
- 19
- self.last_id = post.id
- 0
- 20
- end
- 21
- 22
- Delayed::Job.enqueue(BackupToS3.new(last_id))
- 0
- 23
- rescue Exception => x
- 24
- # probably some network error, retry next time
- 25
- end
- 26
- end
- 27
- end
- ./app/models/jobs/calculate_post_count.rb
- 75.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module Jobs
- 1
- 2
- class CalculatePostCount < Struct.new(:tag_name)
- 1
- 3
- def perform
- 1
- 4
- Tag.recalculate_post_count(tag_name)
- 0
- 5
- end
- 6
- end
- 7
- end
- ./app/models/jobs/calculate_related_tags.rb
- 42.86 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module Jobs
- 1
- 2
- class CalculateRelatedTags < Struct.new(:tag_id)
- 1
- 3
- def perform
- 1
- 4
- tag = Tag.find_by_id(tag_id)
- 0
- 5
- 6
- if tag
- 0
- 7
- tag.update_related
- 0
- 8
- tag.save
- 0
- 9
- end
- 10
- end
- 11
- end
- 12
- end
- ./app/models/jobs/calculate_uploaded_tags.rb
- 37.5 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module Jobs
- 1
- 2
- class CalculateUploadedTags < Struct.new(:user_id)
- 1
- 3
- def perform
- 1
- 4
- tags = []
- 0
- 5
- user = User.find(user_id)
- 0
- 6
- CONFIG["tag_types"].values.uniq.each do |tag_type|
- 0
- 7
- tags += user.calculate_uploaded_tags(tag_type)
- 0
- 8
- end
- 9
- user.update_attribute(:uploaded_tags, tags.join("\n"))
- 0
- 10
- end
- 11
- end
- 12
- end
- 13
- ./app/models/jobs/create_tag_alias.rb
- 75.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module Jobs
- 1
- 2
- class CreateTagAlias < Struct.new(:antecedent_name, :consequent_name, :creator_id, :creator_ip_addr)
- 1
- 3
- def execute
- 1
- 4
- TagAlias.create(
- 0
- 5
- :antecedent_name => antecedent_name,
- 6
- :consequent_name => consequent_name,
- 7
- :creator_id => creator_id,
- 8
- :creator_ip_addr => creator_ip_addr
- 9
- )
- 10
- end
- 11
- end
- 12
- end
- ./app/models/jobs/create_tag_implication.rb
- 75.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module Jobs
- 1
- 2
- class CreateTagImplication < Struct.new(:antecedent_name, :consequent_name, :creator_id, :creator_ip_addr)
- 1
- 3
- def perform
- 1
- 4
- TagImplication.create(
- 0
- 5
- :antecedent_name => antecedent_name,
- 6
- :consequent_name => consequent_name,
- 7
- :creator_id => creator_id,
- 8
- :creator_ip_addr => creator_ip_addr
- 9
- )
- 10
- end
- 11
- end
- 12
- end
- ./app/models/jobs/fix_pixiv_uploads.rb
- 42.86 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module Jobs
- 1
- 2
- class FixPixivUploads < Struct.new(:last_post_id)
- 1
- 3
- def perform
- 1
- 4
- post_id = nil
- 0
- 5
- 6
- Post.find_each(:conditions => ["GREATEST(width, height) IN (150, 600) AND source LIKE ? AND id > ?", "%pixiv%", last_post_id]) do |post|
- 0
- 7
- post_id = post.id
- 0
- 8
- end
- 9
- 10
- update_attributes(:data => {:last_post_id => post_id})
- 0
- 11
- end
- 12
- end
- 13
- end
- ./app/models/jobs/mass_tag_edit.rb
- 75.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module Jobs
- 1
- 2
- class MassTagEdit < Struct.new(:start_tags, :result_tags, :updater_id, :updater_ip_addr)
- 1
- 3
- def perform
- 1
- 4
- Tag.mass_edit(start_tags, result_tags, updater_id, updater_ip_addr)
- 0
- 5
- end
- 6
- end
- 7
- end
- ./app/models/jobs/process_tag_subscriptions.rb
- 50.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module Jobs
- 1
- 2
- class ProcessTagSubscriptions < Struct.new(:last_run)
- 1
- 3
- def perform
- 1
- 4
- if last_run.nil? || last_run < 20.minutes.ago
- 0
- 5
- TagSubscription.process_all
- 0
- 6
- Delayed::Job.enqueue(ProcessTagSubscriptions.new(Time.now))
- 0
- 7
- end
- 8
- end
- 9
- end
- 10
- end
- ./app/models/jobs/process_uploads.rb
- 60.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module Jobs
- 1
- 2
- class ProcessUploads
- 1
- 3
- def perform
- 1
- 4
- Upload.find_each(:conditions => ["status = ?", "pending"]) do |upload|
- 0
- 5
- upload.process!
- 0
- 6
- end
- 7
- end
- 8
- end
- 9
- end
- ./app/models/note.rb
- 67.65 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- attr_accessor :updater_id, :updater_ip_addr
- 1
- 3
- belongs_to :post
- 1
- 4
- belongs_to :creator, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 5
- belongs_to :updater, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 6
- before_validation :initialize_creator, :on => :create
- 1
- 7
- before_validation :initialize_updater
- 1
- 8
- before_validation :blank_body
- 1
- 9
- has_many :versions, :class_name => "NoteVersion", :order => "note_versions.id ASC"
- 1
- 10
- after_save :update_post
- 1
- 11
- after_save :create_version
- 1
- 12
- validate :post_must_not_be_note_locked
- 1
- 13
- validates_presence_of :updater_id, :updater_ip_addr
- 1
- 14
- attr_accessible :x, :y, :width, :height, :body, :updater_id, :updater_ip_addr, :is_active
- 1
- 15
- scope :active, where("is_active = TRUE")
- 1
- 16
- scope :body_matches, lambda {|query| where("text_index @@ plainto_tsquery(?)", query)}
- 2
- 17
- search_method :body_matches
- 1
- 18
- 19
- def presenter
- 1
- 20
- @presenter ||= NotePresenter.new(self)
- 0
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- def initialize_creator
- 1
- 24
- self.creator_id = CurrentUser.id
- 7
- 25
- end
- 26
- 27
- def initialize_updater
- 1
- 28
- self.updater_id = CurrentUser.id
- 10
- 29
- end
- 30
- 31
- def post_must_not_be_note_locked
- 1
- 32
- if is_locked?
- 10
- 33
- errors.add :post, "is note locked"
- 0
- 34
- return false
- 0
- 35
- end
- 36
- end
- 37
- 38
- def is_locked?
- 1
- 39
- Post.exists?(["id = ? AND is_note_locked = ?", post_id, true])
- 10
- 40
- end
- 41
- 42
- def blank_body
- 1
- 43
- self.body = "(empty)" if body.blank?
- 10
- 44
- end
- 45
- 46
- def creator_name
- 1
- 47
- User.id_to_name(creator_id)
- 0
- 48
- end
- 49
- 50
- def update_post
- 1
- 51
- if Note.exists?(["is_active = ? AND post_id = ?", true, post_id])
- 8
- 52
- execute_sql("UPDATE posts SET last_noted_at = ? WHERE id = ?", updated_at, post_id)
- 8
- 53
- else
- 54
- execute_sql("UPDATE posts SET last_noted_at = NULL WHERE id = ?", post_id)
- 0
- 55
- end
- 56
- end
- 57
- 58
- def create_version
- 1
- 59
- versions.create(
- 8
- 60
- :updater_id => updater_id,
- 61
- :updater_ip_addr => updater_ip_addr,
- 62
- :x => x,
- 63
- :y => y,
- 64
- :width => width,
- 65
- :height => height,
- 66
- :is_active => is_active,
- 67
- :body => body
- 68
- )
- 69
- end
- 70
- 71
- def revert_to(version)
- 1
- 72
- self.x = version.x
- 1
- 73
- self.y = version.y
- 1
- 74
- self.body = version.body
- 1
- 75
- self.width = version.width
- 1
- 76
- self.height = version.height
- 1
- 77
- self.is_active = version.is_active
- 1
- 78
- self.updater_id = CurrentUser.id
- 1
- 79
- self.updater_ip_addr = CurrentUser.ip_addr
- 1
- 80
- end
- 81
- 82
- def revert_to!(version)
- 1
- 83
- revert_to(version)
- 0
- 84
- save!
- 0
- 85
- end
- 86
- 87
- def self.undo_changes_by_user(user_id)
- 1
- 88
- transaction do
- 0
- 89
- notes = Note.joins(:versions).where(["note_versions.updater_id = ?", user_id]).select("DISTINCT notes.*").all
- 0
- 90
- NoteVersion.destroy_all(["updater_id = ?", user_id])
- 0
- 91
- notes.each do |note|
- 0
- 92
- first = note.versions.first
- 0
- 93
- if first
- 0
- 94
- note.revert_to!(first)
- 0
- 95
- end
- 96
- end
- 97
- end
- 98
- end
- 99
- 100
- def self.build_relation(params)
- 1
- 101
- relation = where("TRUE")
- 0
- 102
- 103
- if !params[:query].blank?
- 0
- 104
- query = params[:query].scan(/\S+/).join(" & ")
- 0
- 105
- relation = relation.where(["text_index @@ plainto_tsquery(?)", query])
- 0
- 106
- end
- 107
- 108
- if params[:status] == "Active"
- 0
- 109
- relation = relation.where("is_active = TRUE")
- 0
- 110
- elsif params[:status] == "Deleted"
- 111
- relation = relation.where("is_active = FALSE")
- 0
- 112
- end
- 113
- 114
- relation
- 0
- 115
- end
- 116
- end
- ./app/models/note_version.rb
- 66.67 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class NoteVersion < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- def updater_name
- 1
- 3
- User.id_to_name(updater_id)
- 0
- 4
- end
- 5
- end
- ./app/models/pool.rb
- 37.7 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class Pool < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- attr_accessor :updater_id, :updater_ip_addr
- 1
- 3
- validates_uniqueness_of :name
- 1
- 4
- validates_presence_of :name, :updater_id, :updater_ip_addr
- 1
- 5
- validates_format_of :name, :with => /\A[^\s;,]+\Z/, :on => :create, :message => "cannot have whitespace, commas, or semicolons"
- 1
- 6
- belongs_to :creator, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 7
- belongs_to :updater, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 8
- has_many :versions, :class_name => "PoolVersion", :dependent => :destroy
- 1
- 9
- before_save :normalize_name
- 1
- 10
- after_save :create_version
- 1
- 11
- attr_accessible :name, :description, :post_ids, :is_public, :is_active
- 1
- 12
- 13
- def self.name_to_id(name)
- 1
- 14
- select_value_sql("SELECT id FROM pools WHERE name = ?", name.downcase)
- 0
- 15
- end
- 16
- 17
- def self.create_anonymous(creator, creator_ip_addr)
- 1
- 18
- Pool.new do |pool|
- 0
- 19
- pool.name = "TEMP:#{Time.now.to_f}.#{rand(1_000_000)}"
- 0
- 20
- pool.creator = creator
- 0
- 21
- pool.updater_id = creator.id
- 0
- 22
- pool.updater_ip_addr = creator_ip_addr
- 0
- 23
- pool.save
- 0
- 24
- pool.name = "anonymous:#{pool.id}"
- 0
- 25
- pool.save
- 0
- 26
- end
- 27
- end
- 28
- 29
- def normalize_name
- 1
- 30
- self.name = name.downcase
- 0
- 31
- end
- 32
- 33
- def revert_to!(version)
- 1
- 34
- self.post_ids = version.post_ids
- 0
- 35
- save
- 0
- 36
- end
- 37
- 38
- def add_post!(post)
- 1
- 39
- return if post_ids =~ /(?:\A| )#{post.id}(?:\Z| )/
- 0
- 40
- 41
- self.post_ids += " #{post.id}"
- 0
- 42
- self.post_ids.strip!
- 0
- 43
- save
- 0
- 44
- end
- 45
- 46
- def remove_post!(post)
- 1
- 47
- post_ids.gsub!(/(?:\A| )#{post.id}(?:\Z| )/, " ")
- 0
- 48
- post_ids.strip!
- 0
- 49
- save
- 0
- 50
- end
- 51
- 52
- def posts(options = {})
- 1
- 53
- offset = options[:offset] || 0
- 0
- 54
- limit = options[:limit] || 20
- 0
- 55
- ids = post_id_array[offset, limit]
- 0
- 56
- Post.where(["id IN (?)", ids])
- 0
- 57
- end
- 58
- 59
- def post_id_array
- 1
- 60
- @post_id_array ||= post_ids.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i)
- 0
- 61
- end
- 62
- 63
- def clear_post_id_array
- 1
- 64
- @post_id_array = nil
- 0
- 65
- end
- 66
- 67
- def neighbor_posts(post)
- 1
- 68
- post_ids =~ /\A#{post.id} (\d+)|(\d+) #{post.id} (\d+)|(\d+) #{post.id}\Z/
- 0
- 69
- 70
- if $2 && $3
- 0
- 71
- {:previous => $2.to_i, :next => $3.to_i}
- 0
- 72
- elsif $1
- 0
- 73
- {:next => $1.to_i}
- 0
- 74
- elsif $4
- 0
- 75
- {:previous => $4.to_i}
- 0
- 76
- else
- 77
- nil
- 78
- end
- 79
- end
- 80
- 81
- def create_version
- 1
- 82
- last_version = versions.last
- 0
- 83
- 84
- if last_version && updater_ip_addr == last_version.updater_ip_addr && updater_id == last_version.updater_id
- 0
- 85
- last_version.update_attribute(:post_ids, post_ids)
- 0
- 86
- else
- 87
- versions.create(
- 0
- 88
- :post_ids => post_ids,
- 89
- :updater_id => updater_id,
- 90
- :updater_ip_addr => updater_ip_addr
- 91
- )
- 92
- end
- 93
- end
- 94
- 95
- def reload(options = {})
- 1
- 96
- super
- 0
- 97
- clear_post_id_array
- 0
- 98
- end
- 99
- end
- ./app/models/pool_version.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class PoolVersion < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- class Error < Exception ; end
- 1
- 3
- 4
- validates_presence_of :updater_id, :updater_ip_addr
- 1
- 5
- belongs_to :pool
- 1
- 6
- end
- ./app/models/post.rb
- 51.38 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- class ApprovalError < Exception ; end
- 1
- 3
- 4
- attr_accessor :old_tag_string, :old_parent_id
- 1
- 5
- after_destroy :delete_files
- 1
- 6
- after_save :update_history
- 1
- 7
- after_save :update_parent_on_save
- 1
- 8
- before_save :merge_old_tags
- 1
- 9
- before_save :normalize_tags
- 1
- 10
- before_save :create_tags
- 1
- 11
- before_save :update_tag_post_counts
- 1
- 12
- before_save :set_tag_counts
- 1
- 13
- before_validation :initialize_uploader, :on => :create
- 1
- 14
- belongs_to :updater, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 15
- belongs_to :approver, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 16
- belongs_to :parent, :class_name => "Post"
- 1
- 17
- has_one :unapproval, :dependent => :destroy
- 1
- 18
- has_one :upload, :dependent => :destroy
- 1
- 19
- has_one :moderation_detail, :class_name => "PostModerationDetail", :dependent => :destroy
- 1
- 20
- has_one :history, :class_name => "PostHistory"
- 1
- 21
- has_many :votes, :class_name => "PostVote", :dependent => :destroy
- 1
- 22
- has_many :notes, :dependent => :destroy
- 1
- 23
- has_many :comments
- 1
- 24
- has_many :children, :class_name => "Post", :foreign_key => "parent_id", :order => "posts.id"
- 1
- 25
- validates_uniqueness_of :md5
- 1
- 26
- validates_presence_of :parent, :if => lambda {|rec| !rec.parent_id.nil?}
- 7
- 27
- validate :validate_parent_does_not_have_a_parent
- 1
- 28
- attr_accessible :source, :rating, :tag_string, :old_tag_string, :last_noted_at
- 1
- 29
- scope :visible, lambda {|user| Danbooru.config.can_user_see_post_conditions(user)}
- 1
- 30
- scope :commented_before, lambda {|date| where("last_commented_at < ?", date).order("last_commented_at DESC")}
- 1
- 31
- 32
- module FileMethods
- 1
- 33
- def delete_files
- 1
- 34
- FileUtils.rm_f(file_path)
- 0
- 35
- FileUtils.rm_f(medium_file_path)
- 0
- 36
- FileUtils.rm_f(large_file_path)
- 0
- 37
- FileUtils.rm_f(preview_file_path)
- 0
- 38
- end
- 39
- 40
- def file_path_prefix
- 1
- 41
- Rails.env == "test" ? "test." : ""
- 0
- 42
- end
- 43
- 44
- def file_path
- 1
- 45
- "#{Rails.root}/public/data/original/#{file_path_prefix}#{md5}.#{file_ext}"
- 0
- 46
- end
- 47
- 48
- def medium_file_path
- 1
- 49
- if has_medium?
- 0
- 50
- "#{Rails.root}/public/data/medium/#{file_path_prefix}#{md5}.jpg"
- 0
- 51
- else
- 52
- file_path
- 0
- 53
- end
- 54
- end
- 55
- 56
- def large_file_path
- 1
- 57
- if has_large?
- 0
- 58
- "#{Rails.root}/public/data/large/#{file_path_prefix}#{md5}.jpg"
- 0
- 59
- else
- 60
- file_path
- 0
- 61
- end
- 62
- end
- 63
- 64
- def preview_file_path
- 1
- 65
- "#{Rails.root}/public/data/preview/#{file_path_prefix}#{md5}.jpg"
- 0
- 66
- end
- 67
- 68
- def file_url
- 1
- 69
- "/data/original/#{file_path_prefix}#{md5}.#{file_ext}"
- 0
- 70
- end
- 71
- 72
- def medium_file_url
- 1
- 73
- "/data/medium/#{file_path_prefix}#{md5}.jpg"
- 0
- 74
- end
- 75
- 76
- def large_file_url
- 1
- 77
- "/data/large/#{file_path_prefix}#{md5}.jpg"
- 0
- 78
- end
- 79
- 80
- def preview_file_url
- 1
- 81
- "/data/preview/#{file_path_prefix}#{md5}.jpg"
- 0
- 82
- end
- 83
- 84
- def file_url_for(user)
- 1
- 85
- case user.default_image_size
- 0
- 86
- when "medium"
- 87
- if image_width > Danbooru.config.medium_image_width
- 0
- 88
- medium_file_url
- 0
- 89
- else
- 90
- file_url
- 0
- 91
- end
- 92
- 93
- when "large"
- 94
- if image_width > Danbooru.config.large_image_width
- 0
- 95
- large_file_url
- 0
- 96
- else
- 97
- file_url
- 0
- 98
- end
- 99
- 100
- else
- 101
- file_url
- 0
- 102
- end
- 103
- end
- 104
- 105
- def file_path_for(user)
- 1
- 106
- case user.default_image_size
- 0
- 107
- when "medium"
- 108
- if image_width > Danbooru.config.medium_image_width
- 0
- 109
- medium_file_path
- 0
- 110
- else
- 111
- file_path
- 0
- 112
- end
- 113
- 114
- when "large"
- 115
- if image_width > Danbooru.config.large_image_width
- 0
- 116
- large_file_path
- 0
- 117
- else
- 118
- file_path
- 0
- 119
- end
- 120
- 121
- else
- 122
- file_path
- 0
- 123
- end
- 124
- end
- 125
- 126
- def is_image?
- 1
- 127
- file_ext =~ /jpg|gif|png/
- 0
- 128
- end
- 129
- 130
- def is_flash?
- 1
- 131
- file_ext =~ /swf/
- 0
- 132
- end
- 133
- end
- 134
- 135
- module ImageMethods
- 1
- 136
- def has_medium?
- 1
- 137
- image_width > Danbooru.config.medium_image_width
- 0
- 138
- end
- 139
- 140
- def has_large?
- 1
- 141
- image_width > Danbooru.config.large_image_width
- 0
- 142
- end
- 143
- 144
- def medium_image_width
- 1
- 145
- [Danbooru.config.medium_image_width, image_width].min
- 0
- 146
- end
- 147
- 148
- def large_image_width
- 1
- 149
- [Danbooru.config.large_image_width, image_width].min
- 0
- 150
- end
- 151
- 152
- def medium_image_height
- 1
- 153
- ratio = Danbooru.config.medium_image_width.to_f / image_width.to_f
- 0
- 154
- if ratio < 1
- 0
- 155
- (image_height * ratio).to_i
- 0
- 156
- else
- 157
- image_height
- 0
- 158
- end
- 159
- end
- 160
- 161
- def large_image_height
- 1
- 162
- ratio = Danbooru.config.large_image_width.to_f / image_width.to_f
- 0
- 163
- if ratio < 1
- 0
- 164
- (image_height * ratio).to_i
- 0
- 165
- else
- 166
- image_height
- 0
- 167
- end
- 168
- end
- 169
- 170
- def image_width_for(user)
- 1
- 171
- case user.default_image_size
- 0
- 172
- when "medium"
- 173
- medium_image_width
- 0
- 174
- 175
- when "large"
- 176
- large_image_width
- 0
- 177
- 178
- else
- 179
- image_width
- 0
- 180
- end
- 181
- end
- 182
- 183
- def image_height_for(user)
- 1
- 184
- case user.default_image_size
- 0
- 185
- when "medium"
- 186
- medium_image_height
- 0
- 187
- 188
- when "large"
- 189
- large_image_height
- 0
- 190
- 191
- else
- 192
- image_height
- 0
- 193
- end
- 194
- end
- 195
- end
- 196
- 197
- module ApprovalMethods
- 1
- 198
- def unapprove!(reason)
- 1
- 199
- raise Unapproval::Error.new("This post has already been flagged") if is_flagged?
- 0
- 200
- raise Unapproval::Error.new("This post has already been unapproved once") unless unapproval.nil?
- 0
- 201
- 202
- unapproval = create_unapproval(
- 0
- 203
- :unapprover_id => CurrentUser.user.id,
- 204
- :unapprover_ip_addr => CurrentUser.ip_addr,
- 205
- :reason => reason
- 206
- )
- 207
- 208
- if unapproval.errors.any?
- 0
- 209
- raise Unapproval::Error.new(unapproval.errors.full_messages.join("; "))
- 0
- 210
- end
- 211
- 212
- update_attribute(:is_flagged, true)
- 0
- 213
- end
- 214
- 215
- def approve!
- 1
- 216
- raise ApprovalError.new("You have already approved this post previously") if approver_string == "approver:#{CurrentUser.name}"
- 0
- 217
- 218
- self.is_flagged = false
- 0
- 219
- self.is_pending = false
- 0
- 220
- self.approver_string = "approver:#{CurrentUser.name}"
- 0
- 221
- save!
- 0
- 222
- end
- 223
- end
- 224
- 225
- module PresenterMethods
- 1
- 226
- def pretty_rating
- 1
- 227
- case rating
- 0
- 228
- when "q"
- 229
- "Questionable"
- 0
- 230
- 231
- when "e"
- 232
- "Explicit"
- 0
- 233
- 234
- when "s"
- 235
- "Safe"
- 0
- 236
- end
- 237
- end
- 238
- end
- 239
- 240
- module HistoryMethods
- 1
- 241
- def revisions
- 1
- 242
- if history.nil?
- 0
- 243
- update_history
- 0
- 244
- end
- 245
- 246
- history.revisions
- 0
- 247
- end
- 248
- 249
- def update_history
- 1
- 250
- if history.nil?
- 6
- 251
- create_history
- 6
- 252
- end
- 253
- 254
- history << self
- 6
- 255
- end
- 256
- end
- 257
- 258
- module TagMethods
- 1
- 259
- def tag_array
- 1
- 260
- @tag_array ||= Tag.scan_tags(tag_string)
- 24
- 261
- end
- 262
- 263
- def tag_array_was
- 1
- 264
- @tag_array_was ||= Tag.scan_tags(tag_string_was)
- 12
- 265
- end
- 266
- 267
- def create_tags
- 1
- 268
- set_tag_string(tag_array.map {|x| Tag.find_or_create_by_name(x).name}.join(" "))
- 18
- 269
- end
- 270
- 271
- def increment_tag_post_counts
- 1
- 272
- execute_sql("UPDATE tags SET post_count = post_count + 1 WHERE name IN (?)", tag_array) if tag_array.any?
- 0
- 273
- end
- 274
- 275
- def decrement_tag_post_counts
- 1
- 276
- execute_sql("UPDATE tags SET post_count = post_count - 1 WHERE name IN (?)", tag_array) if tag_array.any?
- 0
- 277
- end
- 278
- 279
- def update_tag_post_counts
- 1
- 280
- decrement_tags = tag_array_was - tag_array
- 6
- 281
- increment_tags = tag_array - tag_array_was
- 6
- 282
- execute_sql("UPDATE tags SET post_count = post_count - 1 WHERE name IN (?)", decrement_tags) if decrement_tags.any?
- 6
- 283
- execute_sql("UPDATE tags SET post_count = post_count + 1 WHERE name IN (?)", increment_tags) if increment_tags.any?
- 6
- 284
- decrement_tags.each do |tag|
- 6
- 285
- expire_cache(tag)
- 0
- 286
- end
- 287
- increment_tags.each do |tag|
- 6
- 288
- expire_cache(tag)
- 12
- 289
- end
- 290
- expire_cache("")
- 6
- 291
- end
- 292
- 293
- def set_tag_counts
- 1
- 294
- self.tag_count = 0
- 6
- 295
- self.tag_count_general = 0
- 6
- 296
- self.tag_count_artist = 0
- 6
- 297
- self.tag_count_copyright = 0
- 6
- 298
- self.tag_count_character = 0
- 6
- 299
- 300
- categories = Tag.categories_for(tag_array)
- 6
- 301
- categories.each_value do |category|
- 6
- 302
- self.tag_count += 1
- 12
- 303
- 304
- case category
- 12
- 305
- when Tag.categories.general
- 306
- self.tag_count_general += 1
- 12
- 307
- 308
- when Tag.categories.artist
- 309
- self.tag_count_artist += 1
- 0
- 310
- 311
- when Tag.categories.copyright
- 312
- self.tag_count_copyright += 1
- 0
- 313
- 314
- when Tag.categories.character
- 315
- self.tag_count_character += 1
- 0
- 316
- end
- 317
- end
- 318
- end
- 319
- 320
- def merge_old_tags
- 1
- 321
- if old_tag_string
- 6
- 322
- # If someone else committed changes to this post before we did,
- 323
- # then try to merge the tag changes together.
- 324
- current_tags = tag_array_was()
- 0
- 325
- new_tags = tag_array()
- 0
- 326
- old_tags = Tag.scan_tags(old_tag_string)
- 0
- 327
- set_tag_string(((current_tags + new_tags) - old_tags + (current_tags & new_tags)).uniq.join(" "))
- 0
- 328
- end
- 329
- end
- 330
- 331
- def reset_tag_array_cache
- 1
- 332
- @tag_array = nil
- 12
- 333
- @tag_array_was = nil
- 12
- 334
- end
- 335
- 336
- def set_tag_string(string)
- 1
- 337
- self.tag_string = string
- 12
- 338
- reset_tag_array_cache
- 12
- 339
- end
- 340
- 341
- def normalize_tags
- 1
- 342
- normalized_tags = Tag.scan_tags(tag_string)
- 6
- 343
- normalized_tags = TagAlias.to_aliased(normalized_tags)
- 6
- 344
- normalized_tags = TagImplication.with_descendants(normalized_tags)
- 6
- 345
- normalized_tags = filter_metatags(normalized_tags)
- 6
- 346
- set_tag_string(normalized_tags.uniq.join(" "))
- 6
- 347
- end
- 348
- 349
- def filter_metatags(tags)
- 1
- 350
- tags.reject {|tag| tag =~ /\A(?:pool|rating|fav|approver|uploader):/}
- 30
- 351
- end
- 352
- 353
- def has_tag?(tag)
- 1
- 354
- tag_string =~ /(?:^| )#{tag}(?:$| )/
- 0
- 355
- end
- 356
- end
- 357
- 358
- module FavoriteMethods
- 1
- 359
- def delete_favorites
- 1
- 360
- Favorite.destroy_for_post(self)
- 0
- 361
- end
- 362
- 363
- def add_favorite(user)
- 1
- 364
- if user.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base)
- 0
- 365
- user_id = user.id
- 0
- 366
- else
- 367
- user_id = user
- 0
- 368
- end
- 369
- 370
- return false if fav_string =~ /(?:\A| )fav:#{user_id}(?:\Z| )/
- 0
- 371
- self.fav_string += " fav:#{user_id}"
- 0
- 372
- self.fav_string.strip!
- 0
- 373
- 374
- # in order to avoid rerunning the callbacks, just update through raw sql
- 375
- execute_sql("UPDATE posts SET fav_string = ? WHERE id = ?", fav_string, id)
- 0
- 376
- 377
- Favorite.create(:user_id => user_id, :post_id => id)
- 0
- 378
- end
- 379
- 380
- def remove_favorite(user)
- 1
- 381
- if user.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base)
- 0
- 382
- user_id = user.id
- 0
- 383
- else
- 384
- user_id = user
- 0
- 385
- end
- 386
- 387
- self.fav_string.gsub!(/(?:\A| )fav:#{user_id}(?:\Z| )/, " ")
- 0
- 388
- self.fav_string.strip!
- 0
- 389
- 390
- # in order to avoid rerunning the callbacks, just update through raw sql
- 391
- execute_sql("UPDATE posts SET fav_string = ? WHERE id = ?", fav_string, id)
- 0
- 392
- 393
- Favorite.destroy(:user_id => user_id, :post_id => id)
- 0
- 394
- end
- 395
- 396
- def favorited_user_ids
- 1
- 397
- fav_string.scan(/\d+/)
- 0
- 398
- end
- 399
- end
- 400
- 401
- module SearchMethods
- 1
- 402
- class SearchError < Exception ; end
- 1
- 403
- 404
- def add_range_relation(arr, field, relation)
- 1
- 405
- case arr[0]
- 216
- 406
- when :eq
- 407
- relation.where(["#{field} = ?", arr[1]])
- 0
- 408
- 409
- when :gt
- 410
- relation.where(["#{field} > ?", arr[1]])
- 0
- 411
- 412
- when :gte
- 413
- relation.where(["#{field} >= ?", arr[1]])
- 0
- 414
- 415
- when :lt
- 416
- relation.where(["#{field} < ?", arr[1]])
- 0
- 417
- 418
- when :lte
- 419
- relation.where(["#{field} <= ?", arr[1]])
- 0
- 420
- 421
- when :between
- 422
- relation.where(["#{field} BETWEEN ? AND ?", arr[1], arr[2]])
- 0
- 423
- 424
- else
- 425
- relation
- 216
- 426
- end
- 427
- end
- 428
- 429
- def escape_string_for_tsquery(array)
- 1
- 430
- array.map do |token|
- 0
- 431
- escaped_token = token.gsub(/\\|'/, '\0\0\0\0').gsub("?", "\\\\77").gsub("%", "\\\\37")
- 0
- 432
- "''" + escaped_token + "''"
- 0
- 433
- end
- 434
- end
- 435
- 436
- def add_tag_string_search_relation(tags, relation)
- 1
- 437
- tag_query_sql = []
- 18
- 438
- 439
- if tags[:include].any?
- 18
- 440
- tag_query_sql << "(" + escape_string_for_tsquery(tags[:include]).join(" | ") + ")"
- 0
- 441
- end
- 442
- 443
- if tags[:related].any?
- 18
- 444
- raise SearchError.new("You cannot search for more than #{Danbooru.config.tag_query_limit} tags at a time") if tags[:related].size > Danbooru.config.tag_query_limit
- 0
- 445
- tag_query_sql << "(" + escape_string_for_tsquery(tags[:related]).join(" & ") + ")"
- 0
- 446
- end
- 447
- 448
- if tags[:exclude].any?
- 18
- 449
- raise SearchError.new("You cannot search for more than #{Danbooru.config.tag_query_limit} tags at a time") if tags[:exclude].size > Danbooru.config.tag_query_limit
- 0
- 450
- 451
- if tags[:related].any? || tags[:include].any?
- 0
- 452
- tag_query_sql << "!(" + escape_string_for_tsquery(tags[:exclude]).join(" | ") + ")"
- 0
- 453
- else
- 454
- raise SearchError.new("You cannot search for only excluded tags")
- 0
- 455
- end
- 456
- end
- 457
- 458
- if tag_query_sql.any?
- 18
- 459
- relation = relation.where("posts.tag_index @@ to_tsquery('danbooru', E'" + tag_query_sql.join(" & ") + "')")
- 0
- 460
- end
- 461
- 462
- relation
- 18
- 463
- end
- 464
- 465
- def add_tag_subscription_relation(subscriptions, relation)
- 1
- 466
- subscriptions.each do |subscription|
- 0
- 467
- subscription =~ /^(.+?):(.+)$/
- 0
- 468
- user_name = $1 || subscription
- 0
- 469
- subscription_name = $2
- 0
- 470
- 471
- user = User.find_by_name(user_name)
- 0
- 472
- 473
- if user
- 0
- 474
- post_ids = TagSubscription.find_post_ids(user.id, subscription_name)
- 0
- 475
- relation = relation.where(["posts.id IN (?)", post_ids])
- 0
- 476
- end
- 477
- end
- 478
- 479
- relation
- 0
- 480
- end
- 481
- 482
- def find_by_tags(q, options = {})
- 1
- 483
- unless q.is_a?(Hash)
- 18
- 484
- q = Tag.parse_query(q)
- 18
- 485
- end
- 486
- 487
- if q[:status] == "deleted"
- 18
- 488
- relation = RemovedPost.where("TRUE")
- 0
- 489
- else
- 490
- relation = where("TRUE")
- 18
- 491
- end
- 492
- 493
- relation = add_range_relation(q[:post_id], "posts.id", relation)
- 18
- 494
- relation = add_range_relation(q[:mpixels], "posts.width * posts.height / 1000000.0", relation)
- 18
- 495
- relation = add_range_relation(q[:width], "posts.image_width", relation)
- 18
- 496
- relation = add_range_relation(q[:height], "posts.image_height", relation)
- 18
- 497
- relation = add_range_relation(q[:score], "posts.score", relation)
- 18
- 498
- relation = add_range_relation(q[:filesize], "posts.file_size", relation)
- 18
- 499
- relation = add_range_relation(q[:date], "posts.created_at::date", relation)
- 18
- 500
- relation = add_range_relation(q[:general_tag_count], "posts.tag_count_general", relation)
- 18
- 501
- relation = add_range_relation(q[:artist_tag_count], "posts.tag_count_artist", relation)
- 18
- 502
- relation = add_range_relation(q[:copyright_tag_count], "posts.tag_count_copyright", relation)
- 18
- 503
- relation = add_range_relation(q[:character_tag_count], "posts.tag_count_character", relation)
- 18
- 504
- relation = add_range_relation(q[:tag_count], "posts.tag_count", relation)
- 18
- 505
- 506
- if options[:before_id]
- 18
- 507
- relation = relation.where(["posts.id < ?", options[:before_id]])
- 0
- 508
- end
- 509
- 510
- if q[:md5].any?
- 18
- 511
- relation = relation.where(["posts.md5 IN (?)", q[:md5]])
- 0
- 512
- end
- 513
- 514
- if q[:status] == "pending"
- 18
- 515
- relation = relation.where("posts.is_pending = TRUE")
- 0
- 516
- elsif q[:status] == "flagged"
- 517
- relation = relation.where("posts.is_flagged = TRUE")
- 0
- 518
- end
- 519
- 520
- if q[:source].is_a?(String)
- 18
- 521
- relation = relation.where(["posts.source LIKE ? ESCAPE E'\\\\'", q[:source]])
- 0
- 522
- end
- 523
- 524
- if q[:subscriptions].any?
- 18
- 525
- relation = add_tag_subscription_relation(q[:subscriptions], relation)
- 0
- 526
- end
- 527
- 528
- relation = add_tag_string_search_relation(q[:tags], relation)
- 18
- 529
- 530
- if q[:rating] == "q"
- 18
- 531
- relation = relation.where("posts.rating = 'q'")
- 0
- 532
- elsif q[:rating] == "s"
- 533
- relation = relation.where("posts.rating = 's'")
- 0
- 534
- elsif q[:rating] == "e"
- 535
- relation = relation.where("posts.rating = 'e'")
- 0
- 536
- end
- 537
- 538
- if q[:rating_negated] == "q"
- 18
- 539
- relation = relation.where("posts.rating <> 'q'")
- 0
- 540
- elsif q[:rating_negated] == "s"
- 541
- relation = relation.where("posts.rating <> 's'")
- 0
- 542
- elsif q[:rating_negated] == "e"
- 543
- relation = relation.where("posts.rating <> 'e'")
- 0
- 544
- end
- 545
- 546
- case q[:order]
- 18
- 547
- when "id", "id_asc"
- 548
- relation = relation.order("posts.id")
- 0
- 549
- 550
- when "id_desc"
- 551
- relation = relation.order("posts.id DESC")
- 0
- 552
- 553
- when "score", "score_desc"
- 554
- relation = relation.order("posts.score DESC, posts.id DESC")
- 0
- 555
- 556
- when "score_asc"
- 557
- relation = relation.order("posts.score, posts.id DESC")
- 0
- 558
- 559
- when "mpixels", "mpixels_desc"
- 560
- # Use "w*h/1000000", even though "w*h" would give the same result, so this can use
- 561
- # the posts_mpixels index.
- 562
- relation = relation.order("posts.image_width * posts.image_height / 1000000.0 DESC, posts.id DESC")
- 0
- 563
- 564
- when "mpixels_asc"
- 565
- relation = relation.order("posts.image_width * posts.image_height / 1000000.0, posts.id DESC")
- 0
- 566
- 567
- when "portrait"
- 568
- relation = relation.order("1.0 * posts.image_width / GREATEST(1, posts.image_height), posts.id DESC")
- 0
- 569
- 570
- when "landscape"
- 571
- relation = relation.order("1.0 * posts.image_width / GREATEST(1, posts.image_height) DESC, posts.id DESC")
- 0
- 572
- 573
- when "filesize", "filesize_desc"
- 574
- relation = relation.order("posts.file_size DESC")
- 0
- 575
- 576
- when "filesize_asc"
- 577
- relation = relation.order("posts.file_size")
- 0
- 578
- 579
- else
- 580
- relation = relation.order("posts.id DESC")
- 18
- 581
- end
- 582
- 583
- if options[:limit]
- 18
- 584
- relation = relation.limit(options[:limit])
- 0
- 585
- end
- 586
- 587
- if options[:offset]
- 18
- 588
- relation = relation.offset(options[:offset])
- 0
- 589
- end
- 590
- 591
- if options[:select]
- 18
- 592
- relation = relation.select(options[:select])
- 0
- 593
- end
- 594
- 595
- relation
- 18
- 596
- end
- 597
- end
- 598
- 599
- module UploaderMethods
- 1
- 600
- def initialize_uploader
- 1
- 601
- self.uploader = CurrentUser.user
- 6
- 602
- self.uploader_ip_addr = CurrentUser.ip_addr
- 6
- 603
- end
- 604
- 605
- def uploader_id=(user_id)
- 1
- 606
- self.uploader = User.find(user_id)
- 0
- 607
- end
- 608
- 609
- def uploader_id
- 1
- 610
- uploader_string[9..-1].to_i
- 0
- 611
- end
- 612
- 613
- def uploader_name
- 1
- 614
- User.id_to_name(uploader_id)
- 0
- 615
- end
- 616
- 617
- def uploader
- 1
- 618
- User.find(uploader_id)
- 0
- 619
- end
- 620
- 621
- def uploader=(user)
- 1
- 622
- self.uploader_string = "uploader:#{user.id}"
- 12
- 623
- end
- 624
- end
- 625
- 626
- module PoolMethods
- 1
- 627
- def add_pool(pool)
- 1
- 628
- return if pool_string =~ /(?:\A| )pool:#{pool.id}(?:\Z| )/
- 0
- 629
- self.pool_string += " pool:#{pool.id}"
- 0
- 630
- self.pool_string.strip!
- 0
- 631
- execute_sql("UPDATE posts SET pool_string = ? WHERE id = ?", pool_string, id)
- 0
- 632
- pool.add_post!(self)
- 0
- 633
- end
- 634
- 635
- def remove_pool(pool)
- 1
- 636
- self.pool_string.gsub!(/(?:\A| )pool:#{pool.id}(?:\Z| )/, " ")
- 0
- 637
- self.pool_string.strip!
- 0
- 638
- execute_sql("UPDATE posts SET pool_string = ? WHERE id = ?", pool_string, id)
- 0
- 639
- pool.remove_post!(self)
- 0
- 640
- end
- 641
- end
- 642
- 643
- module VoteMethods
- 1
- 644
- def can_be_voted_by?(user)
- 1
- 645
- !votes.exists?(["user_id = ?", user.id])
- 0
- 646
- end
- 647
- 648
- def vote!(score)
- 1
- 649
- if can_be_voted_by?(CurrentUser.user)
- 0
- 650
- if score == "up"
- 0
- 651
- increment!(:score)
- 0
- 652
- elsif score == "down"
- 653
- decrement!(:score)
- 0
- 654
- end
- 655
- 656
- votes.create(:score => score)
- 0
- 657
- else
- 658
- raise PostVote::Error.new("You have already voted for this comment")
- 0
- 659
- end
- 660
- end
- 661
- end
- 662
- 663
- module CountMethods
- 1
- 664
- def fast_count(tags = "")
- 1
- 665
- tags = tags.to_s
- 18
- 666
- count = Cache.get("pfc:#{Cache.sanitize(tags)}")
- 18
- 667
- if count.nil?
- 18
- 668
- count = Post.find_by_tags("#{tags}").count
- 18
- 669
- if count > Danbooru.config.posts_per_page * 10
- 18
- 670
- Cache.put("pfc:#{Cache.sanitize(tags)}", count, (count * 4).minutes)
- 0
- 671
- end
- 672
- end
- 673
- count
- 18
- 674
- end
- 675
- end
- 676
- 677
- module CacheMethods
- 1
- 678
- def expire_cache(tag_name)
- 1
- 679
- if Post.fast_count("") < 1000
- 18
- 680
- Cache.delete("pfc:")
- 18
- 681
- end
- 682
- Cache.delete("pfc:#{Cache.sanitize(tag_name)}")
- 18
- 683
- end
- 684
- end
- 685
- 686
- module ParentMethods
- 1
- 687
- # A parent has many children. A child belongs to a parent.
- 688
- # A parent cannot have a parent.
- 689
- #
- 690
- # After deleting a child:
- 691
- # - Move favorites to parent.
- 692
- # - Does the parent have any active children?
- 693
- # - Yes: Done.
- 694
- # - No: Update parent's has_children flag to false.
- 695
- #
- 696
- # After deleting a parent:
- 697
- # - Move favorites to the first child.
- 698
- # - Reparent all active children to the first active child.
- 699
- 700
- module ClassMethods
- 1
- 701
- def update_has_children_flag_for(post_id)
- 1
- 702
- has_children = Post.exists?(["parent_id = ?", post_id])
- 0
- 703
- execute_sql("UPDATE posts SET has_children = ? WHERE id = ?", has_children, post_id)
- 0
- 704
- end
- 705
- 706
- def recalculate_has_children_for_all_posts
- 1
- 707
- transaction do
- 0
- 708
- execute_sql("UPDATE posts SET has_children = false WHERE has_children = true")
- 0
- 709
- execute_sql("UPDATE posts SET has_children = true WHERE id IN (SELECT p.parent_id FROM posts p WHERE p.parent_id IS NOT NULL)")
- 0
- 710
- end
- 711
- end
- 712
- end
- 713
- 714
- def self.included(m)
- 1
- 715
- m.extend(ClassMethods)
- 1
- 716
- end
- 717
- 718
- def validate_parent_does_not_have_a_parent
- 1
- 719
- return if parent.nil?
- 6
- 720
- if !parent.parent.nil?
- 0
- 721
- errors.add(:parent, "can not have a parent")
- 0
- 722
- end
- 723
- end
- 724
- 725
- def update_parent_on_destroy
- 1
- 726
- Post.update_has_children_flag_for(parent_id)
- 0
- 727
- Post.update_has_children_flag_for(parent_id_was) if parent_id_was && parent_id != parent_id_was
- 0
- 728
- end
- 729
- 730
- def update_children_on_destroy
- 1
- 731
- if children.size == 0
- 0
- 732
- # do nothing
- 733
- elsif children.size == 1
- 0
- 734
- children.first.update_attribute(:parent_id, nil)
- 0
- 735
- else
- 736
- cached_children = children
- 0
- 737
- cached_children[1..-1].each do |child|
- 0
- 738
- child.update_attribute(:parent_id, cached_children[0].id)
- 0
- 739
- end
- 740
- cached_children[0].update_attribute(:parent_id, nil)
- 0
- 741
- end
- 742
- end
- 743
- 744
- def update_parent_on_save
- 1
- 745
- if parent_id == parent_id_was
- 6
- 746
- # do nothing
- 747
- elsif !parent_id_was.nil?
- 0
- 748
- Post.update_has_children_flag_for(parent_id)
- 0
- 749
- Post.update_has_children_flag_for(parent_id_was)
- 0
- 750
- else
- 751
- Post.update_has_children_flag_for(parent_id)
- 0
- 752
- end
- 753
- end
- 754
- 755
- def give_favorites_to_parent
- 1
- 756
- return if parent.nil?
- 0
- 757
- 758
- favorited_user_ids.each do |user_id|
- 0
- 759
- parent.add_favorite(user_id)
- 0
- 760
- remove_favorite(user_id)
- 0
- 761
- end
- 762
- end
- 763
- 764
- def delete_favorites
- 1
- 765
- Favorite.destroy_for_post(self)
- 0
- 766
- end
- 767
- end
- 768
- 769
- module RemovalMethods
- 1
- 770
- def remove!
- 1
- 771
- Post.transaction do
- 0
- 772
- execute_sql("INSERT INTO removed_posts (#{Post.column_names.join(', ')}) SELECT #{Post.column_names.join(', ')} FROM posts WHERE posts.id = #{id}")
- 0
- 773
- give_favorites_to_parent
- 0
- 774
- update_children_on_destroy
- 0
- 775
- delete_favorites
- 0
- 776
- decrement_tag_post_counts
- 0
- 777
- execute_sql("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = #{id}")
- 0
- 778
- update_parent_on_destroy
- 0
- 779
- tag_array.each {|x| expire_cache(x)}
- 0
- 780
- end
- 781
- end
- 782
- 783
- def is_removed?
- 1
- 784
- false
- 0
- 785
- end
- 786
- end
- 787
- 788
- include FileMethods
- 1
- 789
- include ImageMethods
- 1
- 790
- include ApprovalMethods
- 1
- 791
- include PresenterMethods
- 1
- 792
- include HistoryMethods
- 1
- 793
- include TagMethods
- 1
- 794
- include FavoriteMethods
- 1
- 795
- include UploaderMethods
- 1
- 796
- include PoolMethods
- 1
- 797
- extend SearchMethods
- 1
- 798
- include VoteMethods
- 1
- 799
- extend CountMethods
- 1
- 800
- include CacheMethods
- 1
- 801
- include ParentMethods
- 1
- 802
- include RemovalMethods
- 1
- 803
- 804
- def reload(options = nil)
- 1
- 805
- super
- 0
- 806
- reset_tag_array_cache
- 0
- 807
- end
- 808
- 809
- def presenter
- 1
- 810
- @presenter ||= PostPresenter.new(self)
- 0
- 811
- end
- 812
- end
- 813
- 814
- Post.connection.extend(PostgresExtensions)
- 1
- ./app/models/post_history.rb
- 50.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class PostHistory < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- class Error < Exception ; end
- 1
- 3
- 4
- class Revision
- 1
- 5
- attr_accessor :prev, :hash, :diff, :tag_array
- 1
- 6
- 7
- def initialize(hash)
- 1
- 8
- @hash = hash
- 0
- 9
- @diff = {}
- 0
- 10
- @tag_array = Tag.scan_tags(@hash["tag_string"])
- 0
- 11
- end
- 12
- 13
- def calculate_diff
- 1
- 14
- if prev.nil?
- 0
- 15
- diff[:add] = tag_array
- 0
- 16
- diff[:del] = []
- 0
- 17
- diff[:rating] = rating
- 0
- 18
- diff[:source] = source
- 0
- 19
- diff[:parent_id] = parent_id
- 0
- 20
- else
- 21
- diff[:del] = prev.tag_array - tag_array
- 0
- 22
- diff[:add] = tag_array - prev.tag_array
- 0
- 23
- 24
- if prev.rating != rating
- 0
- 25
- diff[:rating] = rating
- 0
- 26
- end
- 27
- 28
- if prev.source != source
- 0
- 29
- diff[:source] = source
- 0
- 30
- end
- 31
- 32
- if prev.parent_id != parent_id
- 0
- 33
- diff[:parent_id]= parent_id
- 0
- 34
- end
- 35
- end
- 36
- end
- 37
- 38
- def rating
- 1
- 39
- hash["rating"]
- 0
- 40
- end
- 41
- 42
- def source
- 1
- 43
- hash["source"]
- 0
- 44
- end
- 45
- 46
- def parent_id
- 1
- 47
- hash["parent_id"]
- 0
- 48
- end
- 49
- 50
- def updated_at
- 1
- 51
- hash["updated_at"]
- 0
- 52
- end
- 53
- 54
- def user_id
- 1
- 55
- hash["user_id"]
- 0
- 56
- end
- 57
- 58
- def presenter
- 1
- 59
- @presenter ||= PostHistoryRevisionPresenter.new(self)
- 0
- 60
- end
- 61
- end
- 62
- 63
- before_validation :initialize_revisions, :on => :create
- 1
- 64
- belongs_to :post
- 1
- 65
- 66
- def self.build_revision_for_post(post)
- 1
- 67
- hash = {
- 6
- 68
- :source => post.source,
- 69
- :rating => post.rating,
- 70
- :tag_string => post.tag_string,
- 71
- :parent_id => post.parent_id,
- 72
- :user_id => CurrentUser.id,
- 73
- :ip_addr => CurrentUser.ip_addr,
- 74
- :updated_at => revision_time
- 75
- }
- 76
- end
- 77
- 78
- def self.revision_time
- 1
- 79
- Time.now
- 6
- 80
- end
- 81
- 82
- def initialize_revisions
- 1
- 83
- write_attribute(:revisions, "[]")
- 6
- 84
- end
- 85
- 86
- def revisions
- 1
- 87
- if read_attribute(:revisions).blank?
- 18
- 88
- []
- 0
- 89
- else
- 90
- JSON.parse(read_attribute(:revisions))
- 18
- 91
- end
- 92
- end
- 93
- 94
- def <<(post)
- 1
- 95
- revision = self.class.build_revision_for_post(post)
- 6
- 96
- write_attribute(:revisions, (revisions << revision).to_json)
- 6
- 97
- save
- 6
- 98
- end
- 99
- 100
- def each_revision(&block)
- 1
- 101
- array = revisions.map {|x| Revision.new(x)}
- 0
- 102
- link_revisions(array)
- 0
- 103
- array.each {|x| x.calculate_diff}
- 0
- 104
- array.each(&block)
- 0
- 105
- end
- 106
- 107
- private
- 1
- 108
- def link_revisions(array)
- 1
- 109
- 1.upto(array.size - 1) do |i|
- 0
- 110
- array[i].prev = array[i - 1]
- 0
- 111
- end
- 112
- end
- 113
- 114
- end
- ./app/models/post_moderation_detail.rb
- 45.45 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class PostModerationDetail < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- belongs_to :post
- 1
- 3
- belongs_to :user
- 1
- 4
- 5
- def self.filter(posts, user, select_hidden = false)
- 1
- 6
- hidden = where(:user_id => user.id).select("post_id").map(&:post_id)
- 0
- 7
- if select_hidden
- 0
- 8
- posts.select {|x| hidden.include?(x.id)}
- 0
- 9
- else
- 10
- posts.reject {|x| hidden.include?(x.id)}
- 0
- 11
- end
- 12
- end
- 13
- 14
- def self.prune!
- 1
- 15
- joins(:post).where("posts.is_pending = FALSE AND posts.is_flagged = FALSE").each do |hidden_post|
- 0
- 16
- hidden_post.destroy
- 0
- 17
- end
- 18
- end
- 19
- end
- ./app/models/post_vote.rb
- 61.54 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class PostVote < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- class Error < Exception ; end
- 1
- 3
- 4
- belongs_to :post
- 1
- 5
- before_validation :initialize_user, :on => :create
- 1
- 6
- validates_presence_of :post_id, :user_id, :score
- 1
- 7
- validates_inclusion_of :score, :in => [1, -1]
- 1
- 8
- 9
- def score=(x)
- 1
- 10
- if x == "up"
- 0
- 11
- write_attribute(:score, 1)
- 0
- 12
- elsif x == "down"
- 0
- 13
- write_attribute(:score, -1)
- 0
- 14
- end
- 15
- end
- 16
- 17
- def initialize_user
- 1
- 18
- self.user_id = CurrentUser.user.id
- 0
- 19
- end
- 20
- end
- ./app/models/removed_post.rb
- 60.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class RemovedPost < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- has_one :unapproval, :dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => "post_id"
- 1
- 3
- 4
- module RemovalMethods
- 1
- 5
- def unremove!
- 1
- 6
- Post.transaction do
- 0
- 7
- execute_sql("INSERT INTO posts (#{Post.column_names.join(', ')}) SELECT #{Post.column_names.join(', ')} FROM removed_posts WHERE id = #{id}")
- 0
- 8
- execute_sql("DELETE FROM removed_posts WHERE id = #{id}")
- 0
- 9
- end
- 10
- end
- 11
- end
- 12
- 13
- def fast_count(tags)
- 1
- 14
- count = Cache.get("rpfc:#{Cache.sanitize(tags)}")
- 0
- 15
- if count.nil?
- 0
- 16
- count = RemovedPost.find_by_tags("#{tags}").count
- 0
- 17
- if count > Danbooru.config.posts_per_page * 10
- 0
- 18
- Cache.put("rpfc:#{Cache.sanitize(tags)}", count, (count * 4).minutes)
- 0
- 19
- end
- 20
- end
- 21
- count
- 0
- 22
- end
- 23
- 24
- def is_removed?
- 1
- 25
- true
- 0
- 26
- end
- 27
- 28
- include Post::FileMethods
- 1
- 29
- include Post::ImageMethods
- 1
- 30
- include Post::TagMethods
- 1
- 31
- include Post::SearchMethods
- 1
- 32
- include Post::UploaderMethods
- 1
- 33
- include Post::PoolMethods
- 1
- 34
- include Post::CountMethods
- 1
- 35
- include Post::CacheMethods
- 1
- 36
- include RemovalMethods
- 1
- 37
- end
- 38
- ./app/models/report_mailer.rb
- 75.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class ReportMailer < ActionMailer::Base
- 1
- 2
- default :host => Danbooru.config.server_host, :from => Danbooru.config.contact_email, :content_type => "text/html"
- 1
- 3
- 4
- def moderator_report(email)
- 1
- 5
- mail(:to => email, :subject => "#{Danbooru.config.app_name} - Moderator Report")
- 0
- 6
- end
- 7
- end
- ./app/models/tag.rb
- 47.4 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- attr_accessible :category
- 1
- 3
- after_save :update_category_cache
- 1
- 4
- has_one :wiki_page, :foreign_key => "name", :primary_key => "title"
- 1
- 5
- scope :by_pattern, lambda {|name| where(["name LIKE ? ESCAPE E'\\\\'", name.to_escaped_for_sql_like])}
- 1
- 6
- 7
- class CategoryMapping
- 1
- 8
- Danbooru.config.reverse_tag_category_mapping.each do |value, category|
- 1
- 9
- define_method(category.downcase) do
- 4
- 10
- value
- 24
- 11
- end
- 12
- end
- 13
- 14
- def regexp
- 1
- 15
- @regexp ||= Regexp.compile(Danbooru.config.tag_category_mapping.keys.sort_by {|x| -x.size}.join("|"))
- 22
- 16
- end
- 17
- 18
- def value_for(string)
- 1
- 19
- Danbooru.config.tag_category_mapping[string.downcase] || 0
- 0
- 20
- end
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- module ViewCountMethods
- 1
- 24
- def increment_view_count(name)
- 1
- 25
- Cache.incr("tvc:#{Cache.sanitize(name)}")
- 0
- 26
- end
- 27
- end
- 28
- 29
- module CategoryMethods
- 1
- 30
- module ClassMethods
- 1
- 31
- def categories
- 1
- 32
- @category_mapping ||= CategoryMapping.new
- 36
- 33
- end
- 34
- 35
- def select_category_for(tag_name)
- 1
- 36
- select_value_sql("SELECT category FROM tags WHERE name = ?", tag_name).to_i
- 0
- 37
- end
- 38
- 39
- def category_for(tag_name)
- 1
- 40
- Cache.get("tc:#{Cache.sanitize(tag_name)}") do
- 0
- 41
- select_category_for(tag_name)
- 0
- 42
- end
- 43
- end
- 44
- 45
- def categories_for(tag_names)
- 1
- 46
- Cache.get_multi(tag_names, "tc") do |name|
- 6
- 47
- select_category_for(name)
- 0
- 48
- end
- 49
- end
- 50
- end
- 51
- 52
- def self.included(m)
- 1
- 53
- m.extend(ClassMethods)
- 1
- 54
- end
- 55
- 56
- def category_name
- 1
- 57
- Danbooru.config.reverse_tag_category_mapping[category]
- 0
- 58
- end
- 59
- 60
- def update_category_cache
- 1
- 61
- Cache.put("tc:#{Cache.sanitize(name)}", category)
- 12
- 62
- end
- 63
- end
- 64
- 65
- module StatisticsMethods
- 1
- 66
- def trending
- 1
- 67
- raise NotImplementedError
- 0
- 68
- end
- 69
- end
- 70
- 71
- module NameMethods
- 1
- 72
- module ClassMethods
- 1
- 73
- def normalize_name(name)
- 1
- 74
- name.downcase.tr(" ", "_").gsub(/\A[-~*]+/, "")
- 12
- 75
- end
- 76
- 77
- def find_or_create_by_name(name, options = {})
- 1
- 78
- name = normalize_name(name)
- 12
- 79
- category = categories.general
- 12
- 80
- 81
- if name =~ /\A(#{categories.regexp}):(.+)\Z/
- 12
- 82
- category = categories.value_for($1)
- 0
- 83
- name = $2
- 0
- 84
- end
- 85
- 86
- tag = find_by_name(name)
- 12
- 87
- 88
- if tag
- 12
- 89
- if category > 0 && !(options[:user] && !options[:user].is_privileged? && tag.post_count > 10)
- 0
- 90
- tag.update_attribute(:category, category)
- 0
- 91
- end
- 92
- 93
- tag
- 0
- 94
- else
- 95
- Tag.new.tap do |tag|
- 12
- 96
- tag.name = name
- 12
- 97
- tag.category = category
- 12
- 98
- tag.save
- 12
- 99
- end
- 100
- end
- 101
- end
- 102
- end
- 103
- 104
- def self.included(m)
- 1
- 105
- m.extend(ClassMethods)
- 1
- 106
- end
- 107
- end
- 108
- 109
- module UpdateMethods
- 1
- 110
- def mass_edit(start_tags, result_tags, updater_id, updater_ip_addr)
- 1
- 111
- updater = User.find(updater_id)
- 0
- 112
- Post.find_by_tags(start_tags).each do |p|
- 0
- 113
- start = TagAlias.to_aliased(scan_tags(start_tags))
- 0
- 114
- result = TagAlias.to_aliased(scan_tags(result_tags))
- 0
- 115
- tags = (p.tag_array - start + result).join(" ")
- 0
- 116
- CurrentUser.scoped(updater, updater_ip_addr) do
- 0
- 117
- p.update_attributes(:tag_string => tags)
- 0
- 118
- end
- 119
- end
- 120
- end
- 121
- end
- 122
- 123
- module ParseMethods
- 1
- 124
- def normalize(query)
- 1
- 125
- query.to_s.downcase.strip
- 42
- 126
- end
- 127
- 128
- def scan_query(query)
- 1
- 129
- normalize(query).scan(/\S+/).uniq
- 18
- 130
- end
- 131
- 132
- def scan_tags(tags)
- 1
- 133
- normalize(tags).gsub(/[,;*]/, "_").scan(/\S+/).uniq
- 24
- 134
- end
- 135
- 136
- def parse_cast(object, type)
- 1
- 137
- case type
- 0
- 138
- when :integer
- 139
- object.to_i
- 0
- 140
- 141
- when :float
- 142
- object.to_f
- 0
- 143
- 144
- when :date
- 145
- begin
- 0
- 146
- object.to_date
- 0
- 147
- rescue Exception
- 0
- 148
- nil
- 0
- 149
- end
- 150
- 151
- when :filesize
- 152
- object =~ /\A(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\d*\.\d+)([kKmM]?)[bB]?\Z/
- 0
- 153
- 154
- size = $1.to_f
- 0
- 155
- unit = $2
- 0
- 156
- 157
- conversion_factor = case unit
- 0
- 158
- when /m/i
- 159
- 1024 * 1024
- 0
- 160
- when /k/i
- 161
- 1024
- 0
- 162
- else
- 163
- 1
- 0
- 164
- end
- 165
- 166
- (size * conversion_factor).to_i
- 0
- 167
- end
- 168
- end
- 169
- 170
- def parse_helper(range, type = :integer)
- 1
- 171
- # "1", "0.5", "5.", ".5":
- 172
- # (-?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\d*\.\d+))
- 173
- case range
- 0
- 174
- when /\A(.+?)\.\.(.+)/
- 175
- return [:between, parse_cast($1, type), parse_cast($2, type)]
- 0
- 176
- 177
- when /\A<=(.+)/, /\A\.\.(.+)/
- 178
- return [:lte, parse_cast($1, type)]
- 0
- 179
- 180
- when /\A<(.+)/
- 181
- return [:lt, parse_cast($1, type)]
- 0
- 182
- 183
- when /\A>=(.+)/, /\A(.+)\.\.\Z/
- 184
- return [:gte, parse_cast($1, type)]
- 0
- 185
- 186
- when /\A>(.+)/
- 187
- return [:gt, parse_cast($1, type)]
- 0
- 188
- 189
- else
- 190
- return [:eq, parse_cast(range, type)]
- 0
- 191
- 192
- end
- 193
- end
- 194
- 195
- def parse_tag(tag, output)
- 1
- 196
- if tag[0] == "-" && tag.size > 1
- 0
- 197
- output[:exclude] << tag[1..-1]
- 0
- 198
- 199
- elsif tag =~ /\*/
- 0
- 200
- matches = Tag.by_pattern(tag).all(:select => "name", :limit => 25, :order => "post_count DESC").map(&:name)
- 0
- 201
- matches = ["~no_matches~"] if matches.empty?
- 0
- 202
- output[:include] += matches
- 0
- 203
- 204
- else
- 205
- output[:related] << tag
- 0
- 206
- end
- 207
- end
- 208
- 209
- def parse_query(query, options = {})
- 1
- 210
- q = Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = []}
- 360
- 211
- q[:tags] = {
- 18
- 212
- :related => [],
- 213
- :include => [],
- 214
- :exclude => []
- 215
- }
- 216
- 217
- scan_query(query).each do |token|
- 18
- 218
- if token =~ /\A(-uploader|uploader|-pool|pool|-fav|fav|sub|md5|-rating|rating|width|height|mpixels|score|filesize|source|id|date|order|status|tagcount|gentags|arttags|chartags|copytags):(.+)\Z/
- 0
- 219
- case $1
- 0
- 220
- when "-uploader"
- 221
- q[:tags][:exclude] << "uploader:#{User.name_to_id($2)}"
- 0
- 222
- 223
- when "uploader"
- 224
- q[:tags][:related] << "uploader:#{User.name_to_id($2)}"
- 0
- 225
- 226
- when "-pool"
- 227
- q[:tags][:exclude] << "pool:#{Pool.name_to_id($2)}"
- 0
- 228
- 229
- when "pool"
- 230
- q[:tags][:related] << "pool:#{Pool.name_to_id($2)}"
- 0
- 231
- 232
- when "-fav"
- 233
- q[:tags][:exclude] << "fav:#{User.name_to_id($2)}"
- 0
- 234
- 235
- when "fav"
- 236
- q[:tags][:related] << "fav:#{User.name_to_id($2)}"
- 0
- 237
- 238
- when "sub"
- 239
- q[:subscriptions] << $2
- 0
- 240
- 241
- when "md5"
- 242
- q[:md5] = $2.split(/,/)
- 0
- 243
- 244
- when "-rating"
- 245
- q[:rating_negated] = $2
- 0
- 246
- 247
- when "rating"
- 248
- q[:rating] = $2
- 0
- 249
- 250
- when "id"
- 251
- q[:post_id] = parse_helper($2)
- 0
- 252
- 253
- when "width"
- 254
- q[:width] = parse_helper($2)
- 0
- 255
- 256
- when "height"
- 257
- q[:height] = parse_helper($2)
- 0
- 258
- 259
- when "mpixels"
- 260
- q[:mpixels] = parse_helper($2, :float)
- 0
- 261
- 262
- when "score"
- 263
- q[:score] = parse_helper($2)
- 0
- 264
- 265
- when "filesize"
- 266
- q[:filesize] = parse_helper($2, :filesize)
- 0
- 267
- 268
- when "source"
- 269
- q[:source] = $2.to_escaped_for_sql_like + "%"
- 0
- 270
- 271
- when "date"
- 272
- q[:date] = parse_helper($2, :date)
- 0
- 273
- 274
- when "tagcount"
- 275
- q[:tag_count] = parse_helper($2)
- 0
- 276
- 277
- when "gentags"
- 278
- q[:general_tag_count] = parse_helper($2)
- 0
- 279
- 280
- when "arttags"
- 281
- q[:artist_tag_count] = parse_helper($2)
- 0
- 282
- 283
- when "chartags"
- 284
- q[:character_tag_count] = parse_helper($2)
- 0
- 285
- 286
- when "copytags"
- 287
- q[:copyright_tag_count] = parse_helper($2)
- 0
- 288
- 289
- when "order"
- 290
- q[:order] = $2
- 0
- 291
- 292
- when "status"
- 293
- q[:status] = $2
- 0
- 294
- end
- 295
- 296
- else
- 297
- parse_tag(token, q[:tags])
- 0
- 298
- end
- 299
- end
- 300
- 301
- normalize_tags_in_query(q)
- 18
- 302
- 303
- return q
- 18
- 304
- end
- 305
- 306
- def normalize_tags_in_query(query_hash)
- 1
- 307
- query_hash[:tags][:exclude] = TagAlias.to_aliased(query_hash[:tags][:exclude])
- 18
- 308
- query_hash[:tags][:include] = TagAlias.to_aliased(query_hash[:tags][:include])
- 18
- 309
- query_hash[:tags][:related] = TagAlias.to_aliased(query_hash[:tags][:related])
- 18
- 310
- end
- 311
- end
- 312
- 313
- module RelationMethods
- 1
- 314
- def update_related
- 1
- 315
- counts = RelatedTagCalculator.calculate_from_sample(Danbooru.config.post_sample_size, name)
- 0
- 316
- self.related_tags = RelatedTagCalculator.convert_hash_to_string(counts)
- 0
- 317
- end
- 318
- 319
- def update_related_if_outdated
- 1
- 320
- updated_related if should_update_related?
- 0
- 321
- end
- 322
- 323
- def related_cache_expiry
- 1
- 324
- base = Math.sqrt(post_count)
- 0
- 325
- if base > 24
- 0
- 326
- 24
- 0
- 327
- else
- 328
- base
- 0
- 329
- end
- 330
- end
- 331
- 332
- def should_update_related?
- 1
- 333
- related_tags.blank? || related_tags_updated_at < related_cache_expiry.hours.ago
- 0
- 334
- end
- 335
- 336
- def related_tag_array
- 1
- 337
- related_tags.split(/ /).in_groups_of(2)
- 0
- 338
- end
- 339
- end
- 340
- 341
- module SuggestionMethods
- 1
- 342
- def find_suggestions(query)
- 1
- 343
- query_tokens = query.split(/_/)
- 0
- 344
- 345
- if query_tokens.size == 2
- 0
- 346
- search_for = query_tokens.reverse.join("_").to_escaped_for_sql_like
- 0
- 347
- else
- 348
- search_for = "%" + query.to_escaped_for_sql_like + "%"
- 0
- 349
- end
- 350
- 351
- Tag.where(["name LIKE ? ESCAPE E'\\\\' AND post_count > 0 AND name <> ?", search_for, query]).all(:order => "post_count DESC", :limit => 6, :select => "name").map(&:name).sort
- 0
- 352
- end
- 353
- end
- 354
- 355
- extend ViewCountMethods
- 1
- 356
- include CategoryMethods
- 1
- 357
- extend StatisticsMethods
- 1
- 358
- include NameMethods
- 1
- 359
- extend UpdateMethods
- 1
- 360
- extend ParseMethods
- 1
- 361
- extend SuggestionMethods
- 1
- 362
- end
- ./app/models/tag_alias.rb
- 57.89 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class TagAlias < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- attr_accessor :creator_ip_addr
- 1
- 3
- after_save :update_posts
- 1
- 4
- after_save :clear_cache
- 1
- 5
- after_save :clear_remote_cache
- 1
- 6
- after_save :update_cache
- 1
- 7
- after_destroy :clear_cache
- 1
- 8
- after_destroy :clear_remote_cache
- 1
- 9
- before_validation :initialize_creator, :on => :create
- 1
- 10
- validates_presence_of :creator_id
- 1
- 11
- validates_uniqueness_of :antecedent_name
- 1
- 12
- validate :absence_of_transitive_relation
- 1
- 13
- belongs_to :creator, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 14
- 15
- def self.to_aliased(names)
- 1
- 16
- alias_hash = Cache.get_multi(names.flatten, "ta") do |name|
- 60
- 17
- ta = TagAlias.find_by_antecedent_name(name)
- 0
- 18
- if ta
- 0
- 19
- ta.consequent_name
- 0
- 20
- else
- 21
- name
- 0
- 22
- end
- 23
- end
- 24
- 25
- alias_hash.values.flatten.uniq
- 60
- 26
- end
- 27
- 28
- def initialize_creator
- 1
- 29
- self.creator_id = CurrentUser.user.id
- 0
- 30
- end
- 31
- 32
- def absence_of_transitive_relation
- 1
- 33
- # We don't want a -> b && b -> c chains
- 34
- if self.class.exists?(["antecedent_name = ?", consequent_name]) || self.class.exists?(["consequent_name = ?", antecedent_name])
- 0
- 35
- self.errors[:base] << "Tag alias can not create a transitive relation with another tag alias"
- 0
- 36
- false
- 0
- 37
- end
- 38
- end
- 39
- 40
- def clear_cache
- 1
- 41
- Cache.delete("ta:#{Cache.sanitize(antecedent_name)}")
- 0
- 42
- end
- 43
- 44
- def clear_remote_cache
- 1
- 45
- Danbooru.config.other_server_hosts.each do |server|
- 0
- 46
- Net::HTTP.delete(URI.parse("http://#{server}/tag_aliases/#{id}/cache"))
- 0
- 47
- end
- 48
- end
- 49
- 50
- def update_cache
- 1
- 51
- Cache.put("ta:#{Cache.sanitize(antecedent_name)}", consequent_name)
- 0
- 52
- end
- 53
- 54
- def update_posts
- 1
- 55
- Post.find_by_tags(antecedent_name).find_each do |post|
- 0
- 56
- escaped_antecedent_name = Regexp.escape(antecedent_name)
- 0
- 57
- fixed_tags = post.tag_string.sub(/(?:\A| )#{escaped_antecedent_name}(?:\Z| )/, " #{consequent_name} ").strip
- 0
- 58
- 59
- post.update_attributes(
- 0
- 60
- :tag_string => fixed_tags
- 61
- )
- 62
- end
- 63
- end
- 64
- end
- ./app/models/tag_implication.rb
- 51.35 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class TagImplication < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- before_save :clear_cache
- 1
- 3
- before_save :update_descendant_names
- 1
- 4
- after_save :update_descendant_names_for_parent
- 1
- 5
- after_save :update_cache
- 1
- 6
- after_save :update_posts
- 1
- 7
- after_destroy :clear_cache
- 1
- 8
- after_destroy :clear_remote_cache
- 1
- 9
- belongs_to :creator, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 10
- before_validation :initialize_creator, :on => :create
- 1
- 11
- validates_presence_of :creator_id
- 1
- 12
- validates_uniqueness_of :antecedent_name, :scope => :consequent_name
- 1
- 13
- validate :absence_of_circular_relation
- 1
- 14
- 15
- module CacheMethods
- 1
- 16
- def clear_cache
- 1
- 17
- Cache.delete("ti:#{Cache.sanitize(antecedent_name)}")
- 0
- 18
- @descendants = nil
- 0
- 19
- end
- 20
- 21
- def clear_remote_cache
- 1
- 22
- Danbooru.config.other_server_hosts.each do |server|
- 0
- 23
- Net::HTTP.delete(URI.parse("http://#{server}/tag_implications/#{id}/cache"))
- 0
- 24
- end
- 25
- end
- 26
- 27
- def update_cache
- 1
- 28
- descendant_names_array
- 0
- 29
- true
- 0
- 30
- end
- 31
- end
- 32
- 33
- module DescendantMethods
- 1
- 34
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- 1
- 35
- 36
- module ClassMethods
- 1
- 37
- def with_descendants(names)
- 1
- 38
- names + Cache.get_multi(names.flatten, "ti") do |name|
- 39
- ([name] + where(["antecedent_name = ?", name]).all.map {|x| x.descendant_names_array}).flatten
- 0
- 40
- end.values.flatten.uniq
- 6
- 41
- end
- 42
- end
- 43
- 44
- def descendants
- 1
- 45
- @descendants ||= begin
- 46
- [].tap do |all|
- 0
- 47
- children = [consequent_name]
- 0
- 48
- 49
- until children.empty?
- 0
- 50
- all.concat(children)
- 0
- 51
- children = self.class.where(["antecedent_name IN (?)", children]).all.map(&:consequent_name)
- 0
- 52
- end
- 53
- end
- 54
- end
- 0
- 55
- end
- 56
- 57
- def descendant_names_array
- 1
- 58
- Cache.get("ti:#{Cache.sanitize(antecedent_name)}") do
- 0
- 59
- descendant_names.split(/ /)
- 0
- 60
- end
- 61
- end
- 62
- 63
- def update_descendant_names
- 1
- 64
- self.descendant_names = descendants.join(" ")
- 0
- 65
- end
- 66
- 67
- def update_descendant_names!
- 1
- 68
- update_descendant_names
- 0
- 69
- save!
- 0
- 70
- end
- 71
- 72
- def update_descendant_names_for_parent
- 1
- 73
- p = parent
- 0
- 74
- 75
- while p
- 0
- 76
- p.update_descendant_names!
- 0
- 77
- p = p.parent
- 0
- 78
- end
- 79
- end
- 80
- 81
- def clear_descendants_cache
- 1
- 82
- @descendants = nil
- 0
- 83
- end
- 84
- end
- 85
- 86
- module ParentMethods
- 1
- 87
- def parent
- 1
- 88
- @parent ||= self.class.where(["consequent_name = ?", antecedent_name]).first
- 0
- 89
- end
- 90
- 91
- def clear_parent_cache
- 1
- 92
- @parent = nil
- 0
- 93
- end
- 94
- end
- 95
- 96
- include CacheMethods
- 1
- 97
- include DescendantMethods
- 1
- 98
- include ParentMethods
- 1
- 99
- 100
- def initialize_creator
- 1
- 101
- self.creator_id = CurrentUser.user.id
- 0
- 102
- end
- 103
- 104
- def absence_of_circular_relation
- 1
- 105
- # We don't want a -> b && b -> a chains
- 106
- if self.class.exists?(["antecedent_name = ? and consequent_name = ?", consequent_name, antecedent_name])
- 0
- 107
- self.errors[:base] << "Tag implication can not create a circular relation with another tag implication"
- 0
- 108
- false
- 0
- 109
- end
- 110
- end
- 111
- 112
- def update_posts
- 1
- 113
- Post.find_by_tags(antecedent_name).find_each do |post|
- 0
- 114
- escaped_antecedent_name = Regexp.escape(antecedent_name)
- 0
- 115
- fixed_tags = post.tag_string.sub(/(?:\A| )#{escaped_antecedent_name}(?:\Z| )/, " #{antecedent_name} #{descendant_names} ").strip
- 0
- 116
- post.update_attributes(
- 0
- 117
- :tag_string => fixed_tags
- 118
- )
- 119
- end
- 120
- end
- 121
- 122
- def reload(options = {})
- 1
- 123
- super
- 0
- 124
- clear_parent_cache
- 0
- 125
- clear_descendants_cache
- 0
- 126
- end
- 127
- end
- ./app/models/tag_subscription.rb
- 34.78 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class TagSubscription < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- belongs_to :owner, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 3
- before_create :initialize_post_ids
- 1
- 4
- before_save :normalize_name
- 1
- 5
- before_save :limit_tag_count
- 1
- 6
- scope :visible, :conditions => "is_visible_on_profile = TRUE"
- 1
- 7
- attr_accessible :name, :tag_query, :post_ids, :is_visible_on_profile
- 1
- 8
- 9
- def normalize_name
- 1
- 10
- self.name = name.gsub(/\W/, "_")
- 0
- 11
- end
- 12
- 13
- def initialize_post_ids
- 1
- 14
- process
- 0
- 15
- end
- 16
- 17
- def tag_query_array
- 1
- 18
- Tag.scan_query(tag_query)
- 0
- 19
- end
- 20
- 21
- def limit_tag_count
- 1
- 22
- self.tag_query = tag_query_array.slice(0, 20).join(" ")
- 0
- 23
- end
- 24
- 25
- def process
- 1
- 26
- post_ids = tag_query_array.inject([]) do |all, tag|
- 0
- 27
- all += Post.find_by_tags(tag, :limit => Danbooru.config.tag_subscription_post_limit / 3, :select => "posts.id", :order => "posts.id desc").map(&:id)
- 0
- 28
- end
- 29
- self.post_ids = post_ids.sort.reverse.slice(0, Danbooru.config.tag_subscription_post_limit).join(",")
- 0
- 30
- end
- 31
- 32
- def self.find_tags(subscription_name)
- 1
- 33
- if subscription_name =~ /^(.+?):(.+)$/
- 0
- 34
- user_name = $1
- 0
- 35
- sub_group = $2
- 0
- 36
- else
- 37
- user_name = subscription_name
- 0
- 38
- sub_group = nil
- 0
- 39
- end
- 40
- 41
- user = User.find_by_name(user_name)
- 0
- 42
- if user
- 0
- 43
- relation = where(["owner_id = ?", user.id])
- 0
- 44
- 45
- if sub_group
- 0
- 46
- relation = relation.where(["name ILIKE ? ESCAPE E'\\\\'", sub_group.to_escaped_for_sql_like])
- 0
- 47
- end
- 48
- 49
- relation.map {|x| x.tag_query.split(/ /)}.flatten
- 0
- 50
- else
- 51
- []
- 0
- 52
- end
- 53
- end
- 54
- 55
- def self.find_post_ids(user_id, name = nil, limit = Danbooru.config.tag_subscription_post_limit)
- 1
- 56
- relation = where(["owner_id = ?", user_id])
- 0
- 57
- 58
- if name
- 0
- 59
- relation = relation.where(["name ILIKE ? ESCAPE E'\\\\'", name.to_escaped_for_sql_like])
- 0
- 60
- end
- 61
- 62
- relation.map {|x| x.post_ids.split(/,/)}.flatten.uniq.map(&:to_i).sort.reverse.slice(0, limit)
- 0
- 63
- end
- 64
- 65
- def self.find_posts(user_id, name = nil, limit = Danbooru.config.tag_subscription_post_limit)
- 1
- 66
- Post.where(["id in (?)", find_post_ids(user_id, name, limit)]).all(:order => "id DESC", :limit => limit)
- 0
- 67
- end
- 68
- 69
- def self.process_all
- 1
- 70
- all.each do |tag_subscription|
- 0
- 71
- if $job_task_daemon_active != false && tag_subscription.owner.is_privileged?
- 0
- 72
- begin
- 0
- 73
- tag_subscription.process
- 0
- 74
- tag_subscription.save
- 0
- 75
- rescue Exception => x
- 76
- raise if Rails.environment != "production"
- 0
- 77
- end
- 78
- end
- 79
- end
- 80
- end
- 81
- end
- ./app/models/unapproval.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class Unapproval < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- class Error < Exception ; end
- 1
- 3
- 4
- belongs_to :unapprover, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 5
- validates_presence_of :reason, :unapprover_id, :unapprover_ip_addr
- 1
- 6
- end
- ./app/models/upload.rb
- 36.99 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- require "danbooru_image_resizer/danbooru_image_resizer"
- 1
- 2
- require "tmpdir"
- 1
- 3
- 4
- class Upload < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 5
- class Error < Exception ; end
- 1
- 6
- 7
- attr_accessor :file, :image_width, :image_height, :file_ext, :md5, :file_size
- 1
- 8
- belongs_to :uploader, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 9
- belongs_to :post
- 1
- 10
- before_validation :initialize_uploader, :on => :create
- 1
- 11
- before_validation :initialize_status, :on => :create
- 1
- 12
- before_create :convert_cgi_file
- 1
- 13
- after_destroy :delete_temp_file
- 1
- 14
- validate :uploader_is_not_limited
- 1
- 15
- 16
- module ValidationMethods
- 1
- 17
- def uploader_is_not_limited
- 1
- 18
- if !uploader.can_upload?
- 0
- 19
- update_attribute(:status, "error: uploader has reached their daily limit")
- 0
- 20
- end
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- # Because uploads are processed serially, there's no race condition here.
- 24
- def validate_md5_uniqueness
- 1
- 25
- md5_post = Post.find_by_md5(md5)
- 0
- 26
- merge_tags(md5_post) if md5_post
- 0
- 27
- end
- 28
- 29
- def validate_file_exists
- 1
- 30
- unless File.exists?(file_path)
- 0
- 31
- update_attribute(:status, "error: file does not exist")
- 0
- 32
- end
- 33
- end
- 34
- 35
- def validate_file_content_type
- 1
- 36
- unless is_valid_content_type?
- 0
- 37
- update_attribute(:status, "error: invalid content type (#{file_ext} not allowed)")
- 0
- 38
- end
- 39
- end
- 40
- 41
- def validate_md5_confirmation
- 1
- 42
- if !md5_confirmation.blank? && md5_confirmation != md5
- 0
- 43
- update_attribute(:status, "error: md5 mismatch")
- 0
- 44
- end
- 45
- end
- 46
- end
- 47
- 48
- module ConversionMethods
- 1
- 49
- def process!
- 1
- 50
- CurrentUser.scoped(uploader, uploader_ip_addr) do
- 0
- 51
- update_attribute(:status, "processing")
- 0
- 52
- if is_downloadable?
- 0
- 53
- download_from_source(temp_file_path)
- 0
- 54
- end
- 55
- validate_file_exists
- 0
- 56
- self.file_ext = content_type_to_file_ext(content_type)
- 0
- 57
- validate_file_content_type
- 0
- 58
- calculate_hash(file_path)
- 0
- 59
- validate_md5_uniqueness
- 0
- 60
- validate_md5_confirmation
- 0
- 61
- calculate_file_size(file_path)
- 0
- 62
- calculate_dimensions(file_path) if has_dimensions?
- 0
- 63
- generate_resizes(file_path)
- 0
- 64
- move_file
- 0
- 65
- post = convert_to_post
- 0
- 66
- if post.save
- 0
- 67
- update_attributes(:status => "completed", :post_id => post.id)
- 0
- 68
- else
- 69
- update_attribute(:status, "error: " + post.errors.full_messages.join(", "))
- 0
- 70
- end
- 71
- end
- 72
- rescue Exception => x
- 73
- update_attribute(:status, "error: #{x} - #{x.message}")
- 0
- 74
- ensure
- 75
- delete_temp_file
- 0
- 76
- end
- 77
- 78
- def convert_to_post
- 1
- 79
- Post.new.tap do |p|
- 0
- 80
- p.tag_string = tag_string
- 0
- 81
- p.md5 = md5
- 0
- 82
- p.file_ext = file_ext
- 0
- 83
- p.image_width = image_width
- 0
- 84
- p.image_height = image_height
- 0
- 85
- p.rating = rating
- 0
- 86
- p.source = source
- 0
- 87
- p.file_size = file_size
- 0
- 88
- 89
- unless uploader.is_contributor?
- 0
- 90
- p.is_pending = true
- 0
- 91
- end
- 92
- end
- 93
- end
- 94
- 95
- def merge_tags(post)
- 1
- 96
- post.tag_string += " #{tag_string}"
- 0
- 97
- post.updater_id = uploader_id
- 0
- 98
- post.updater_ip_addr = uploader_ip_addr
- 0
- 99
- post.save
- 0
- 100
- update_attribute(:status, "duplicate: #{post.id}")
- 0
- 101
- raise
- 0
- 102
- end
- 103
- end
- 104
- 105
- module FileMethods
- 1
- 106
- def delete_temp_file
- 1
- 107
- FileUtils.rm_f(temp_file_path)
- 0
- 108
- end
- 109
- 110
- def move_file
- 1
- 111
- FileUtils.mv(file_path, md5_file_path)
- 0
- 112
- end
- 113
- 114
- def calculate_file_size(source_path)
- 1
- 115
- self.file_size = File.size(source_path)
- 0
- 116
- end
- 117
- 118
- # Calculates the MD5 based on whatever is in temp_file_path
- 119
- def calculate_hash(source_path)
- 1
- 120
- self.md5 = Digest::MD5.file(source_path).hexdigest
- 0
- 121
- end
- 122
- end
- 123
- 124
- module ResizerMethods
- 1
- 125
- def generate_resizes(source_path)
- 1
- 126
- generate_resize_for(Danbooru.config.small_image_width, Danbooru.config.small_image_width, source_path)
- 0
- 127
- generate_resize_for(Danbooru.config.medium_image_width, nil, source_path)
- 0
- 128
- generate_resize_for(Danbooru.config.large_image_width, nil, source_path)
- 0
- 129
- end
- 130
- 131
- def generate_resize_for(width, height, source_path)
- 1
- 132
- return if width.nil?
- 0
- 133
- return unless image_width > width
- 0
- 134
- return unless height.nil? || image_height > height
- 0
- 135
- 136
- unless File.exists?(source_path)
- 0
- 137
- raise Error.new("file not found")
- 0
- 138
- end
- 139
- 140
- size = Danbooru.reduce_to({:width => image_width, :height => image_height}, {:width => width, :height => height})
- 0
- 141
- 142
- # If we're not reducing the resolution, only reencode if the source image larger than
- 143
- # 200 kilobytes.
- 144
- if size[:width] == image_width && size[:height] == image_height && File.size?(source_path) < 200.kilobytes
- 0
- 145
- return
- 0
- 146
- end
- 147
- 148
- Danbooru.resize(file_ext, source_path, resized_file_path_for(width), size, 90)
- 0
- 149
- end
- 150
- end
- 151
- 152
- module DimensionMethods
- 1
- 153
- # Figures out the dimensions of the image.
- 154
- def calculate_dimensions(file_path)
- 1
- 155
- image_size = ImageSize.new(File.open(file_path, "rb"))
- 0
- 156
- self.image_width = image_size.get_width
- 0
- 157
- self.image_height = image_size.get_height
- 0
- 158
- end
- 159
- 160
- # Does this file have image dimensions?
- 161
- def has_dimensions?
- 1
- 162
- %w(jpg gif png swf).include?(file_ext)
- 0
- 163
- end
- 164
- end
- 165
- 166
- module ContentTypeMethods
- 1
- 167
- def is_valid_content_type?
- 1
- 168
- file_ext =~ /jpg|gif|png|swf/
- 0
- 169
- end
- 170
- 171
- def content_type_to_file_ext(content_type)
- 1
- 172
- case content_type
- 0
- 173
- when "image/jpeg"
- 174
- "jpg"
- 0
- 175
- 176
- when "image/gif"
- 177
- "gif"
- 0
- 178
- 179
- when "image/png"
- 180
- "png"
- 0
- 181
- 182
- when "application/x-shockwave-flash"
- 183
- "swf"
- 0
- 184
- 185
- else
- 186
- "bin"
- 0
- 187
- end
- 188
- end
- 189
- 190
- # Converts a content type string to a file extension
- 191
- def file_ext_to_content_type(file_ext)
- 1
- 192
- case file_ext
- 0
- 193
- when /\.jpeg$|\.jpg$/
- 194
- "image/jpeg"
- 0
- 195
- 196
- when /\.gif$/
- 197
- "image/gif"
- 0
- 198
- 199
- when /\.png$/
- 200
- "image/png"
- 0
- 201
- 202
- when /\.swf$/
- 203
- "application/x-shockwave-flash"
- 0
- 204
- 205
- else
- 206
- "application/octet-stream"
- 0
- 207
- end
- 208
- end
- 209
- end
- 210
- 211
- module FilePathMethods
- 1
- 212
- def md5_file_path
- 1
- 213
- prefix = Rails.env == "test" ? "test." : ""
- 0
- 214
- "#{Rails.root}/public/data/original/#{prefix}#{md5}.#{file_ext}"
- 0
- 215
- end
- 216
- 217
- def resized_file_path_for(width)
- 1
- 218
- prefix = Rails.env == "test" ? "test." : ""
- 0
- 219
- 220
- case width
- 0
- 221
- when Danbooru.config.small_image_width
- 222
- "#{Rails.root}/public/data/preview/#{prefix}#{md5}.jpg"
- 0
- 223
- 224
- when Danbooru.config.medium_image_width
- 225
- "#{Rails.root}/public/data/medium/#{prefix}#{md5}.jpg"
- 0
- 226
- 227
- when Danbooru.config.large_image_width
- 228
- "#{Rails.root}/public/data/large/#{prefix}#{md5}.jpg"
- 0
- 229
- end
- 230
- end
- 231
- 232
- def temp_file_path
- 1
- 233
- @temp_file_path ||= File.join(Rails.root, "tmp", "#{Time.now.to_f}.#{$PROCESS_ID}")
- 0
- 234
- end
- 235
- end
- 236
- 237
- module DownloaderMethods
- 1
- 238
- # Determines whether the source is downloadable
- 239
- def is_downloadable?
- 1
- 240
- source =~ /^http:\/\// && file_path.blank?
- 0
- 241
- end
- 242
- 243
- # Downloads the file to destination_path
- 244
- def download_from_source(destination_path)
- 1
- 245
- download = Download.new(source, destination_path)
- 0
- 246
- download.download!
- 0
- 247
- self.file_path = destination_path
- 0
- 248
- self.content_type = download.content_type || file_ext_to_content_type(source)
- 0
- 249
- self.file_ext = content_type_to_file_ext(content_type)
- 0
- 250
- self.source = download.source
- 0
- 251
- end
- 252
- end
- 253
- 254
- module CgiFileMethods
- 1
- 255
- def convert_cgi_file
- 1
- 256
- return if file.blank? || file.size == 0
- 0
- 257
- 258
- self.file_path = temp_file_path
- 0
- 259
- 260
- if file.local_path
- 0
- 261
- FileUtils.cp(file.local_path, file_path)
- 0
- 262
- else
- 263
- File.open(file_path, 'wb') do |out|
- 0
- 264
- out.write(file.read)
- 0
- 265
- end
- 266
- end
- 267
- self.content_type = file.content_type || file_ext_to_content_type(file.original_filename)
- 0
- 268
- self.file_ext = content_type_to_file_ext(content_type)
- 0
- 269
- end
- 270
- end
- 271
- 272
- module StatusMethods
- 1
- 273
- def initialize_status
- 1
- 274
- self.status = "pending"
- 0
- 275
- end
- 276
- 277
- def is_pending?
- 1
- 278
- status == "pending"
- 0
- 279
- end
- 280
- 281
- def is_completed?
- 1
- 282
- status == "completed"
- 0
- 283
- end
- 284
- end
- 285
- 286
- module UploaderMethods
- 1
- 287
- def initialize_uploader
- 1
- 288
- self.uploader_id = CurrentUser.user.id
- 0
- 289
- self.uploader_ip_addr = CurrentUser.ip_addr
- 0
- 290
- end
- 291
- end
- 292
- 293
- include ConversionMethods
- 1
- 294
- include ValidationMethods
- 1
- 295
- include FileMethods
- 1
- 296
- include ResizerMethods
- 1
- 297
- include DimensionMethods
- 1
- 298
- include ContentTypeMethods
- 1
- 299
- include DownloaderMethods
- 1
- 300
- include FilePathMethods
- 1
- 301
- include CgiFileMethods
- 1
- 302
- include StatusMethods
- 1
- 303
- include UploaderMethods
- 1
- 304
- 305
- def presenter
- 1
- 306
- @presenter ||= UploadPresenter.new(self)
- 0
- 307
- end
- 308
- end
- ./app/models/user.rb
- 55.63 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- require 'digest/sha1'
- 1
- 2
- 3
- class User < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 4
- class Error < Exception ; end
- 1
- 5
- class PrivilegeError < Exception ; end
- 1
- 6
- 7
- attr_accessor :password, :old_password, :ip_addr
- 1
- 8
- attr_accessible :password, :old_password, :password_confirmation, :password_hash, :email, :last_logged_in_at, :last_forum_read_at, :has_mail, :receive_email_notifications, :comment_threshold, :always_resize_images, :favorite_tags, :blacklisted_tags, :name, :ip_addr
- 1
- 9
- validates_length_of :name, :within => 2..20, :on => :create
- 1
- 10
- validates_format_of :name, :with => /\A[^\s;,]+\Z/, :on => :create, :message => "cannot have whitespace, commas, or semicolons"
- 1
- 11
- validates_uniqueness_of :name, :case_sensitive => false, :on => :create
- 1
- 12
- validates_uniqueness_of :email, :case_sensitive => false, :on => :create, :if => lambda {|rec| !rec.email.blank?}
- 20
- 13
- validates_length_of :password, :minimum => 5, :if => lambda {|rec| rec.new_record? || !rec.password.blank?}
- 20
- 14
- validates_inclusion_of :default_image_size, :in => %w(medium large original)
- 1
- 15
- validates_confirmation_of :password
- 1
- 16
- validates_presence_of :email, :if => lambda {|rec| rec.new_record? && Danbooru.config.enable_email_verification?}
- 20
- 17
- validates_presence_of :ip_addr, :on => :create
- 1
- 18
- validate :validate_ip_addr_is_not_banned, :on => :create
- 1
- 19
- before_save :encrypt_password
- 1
- 20
- after_save :update_cache
- 1
- 21
- before_create :promote_to_admin_if_first_user
- 1
- 22
- before_create :normalize_level
- 1
- 23
- has_many :feedback, :class_name => "UserFeedback", :dependent => :destroy
- 1
- 24
- has_one :ban
- 1
- 25
- belongs_to :inviter, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 26
- scope :named, lambda {|name| where(["lower(name) = ?", name])}
- 1
- 27
- scope :admins, where("is_admin = TRUE")
- 1
- 28
- 29
- module BanMethods
- 1
- 30
- def validate_ip_addr_is_not_banned
- 1
- 31
- if IpBan.is_banned?(ip_addr)
- 19
- 32
- self.errors[:base] << "IP address is banned"
- 0
- 33
- return false
- 0
- 34
- end
- 35
- end
- 36
- 37
- def unban!
- 1
- 38
- update_attribute(:is_banned, false)
- 0
- 39
- ban.destroy
- 0
- 40
- end
- 41
- end
- 42
- 43
- module NameMethods
- 1
- 44
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- 1
- 45
- 46
- module ClassMethods
- 1
- 47
- def name_to_id(name)
- 1
- 48
- Cache.get("uni:#{Cache.sanitize(name)}") do
- 0
- 49
- select_value_sql("SELECT id FROM users WHERE lower(name) = ?", name.downcase)
- 0
- 50
- end
- 51
- end
- 52
- 53
- def id_to_name(user_id)
- 1
- 54
- Cache.get("uin:#{user_id}") do
- 0
- 55
- select_value_sql("SELECT name FROM users WHERE id = ?", user_id) || Danbooru.config.default_guest_name
- 0
- 56
- end
- 57
- end
- 58
- 59
- def find_by_name(name)
- 1
- 60
- where(["lower(name) = ?", name.downcase]).first
- 0
- 61
- end
- 62
- 63
- def id_to_pretty_name(user_id)
- 1
- 64
- id_to_name(user_id).tr("_", " ")
- 0
- 65
- end
- 66
- end
- 67
- 68
- def pretty_name
- 1
- 69
- name.tr("_", " ")
- 0
- 70
- end
- 71
- 72
- def update_cache
- 1
- 73
- Cache.put("uin:#{id}", name)
- 19
- 74
- end
- 75
- end
- 76
- 77
- module PasswordMethods
- 1
- 78
- def encrypt_password
- 1
- 79
- self.password_hash = self.class.sha1(password) if password
- 19
- 80
- end
- 81
- 82
- def reset_password
- 1
- 83
- consonants = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvqxyz"
- 0
- 84
- vowels = "aeiou"
- 0
- 85
- pass = ""
- 0
- 86
- 87
- 4.times do
- 0
- 88
- pass << consonants[rand(21), 1]
- 0
- 89
- pass << vowels[rand(5), 1]
- 0
- 90
- end
- 91
- 92
- pass << rand(100).to_s
- 0
- 93
- execute_sql("UPDATE users SET password_hash = ? WHERE id = ?", self.class.sha1(pass), id)
- 0
- 94
- pass
- 0
- 95
- end
- 96
- end
- 97
- 98
- module AuthenticationMethods
- 1
- 99
- def authenticate(name, pass)
- 1
- 100
- authenticate_hash(name, sha1(pass))
- 0
- 101
- end
- 102
- 103
- def authenticate_hash(name, pass)
- 1
- 104
- where(["lower(name) = ? AND password_hash = ?", name.downcase, pass]).first != nil
- 0
- 105
- end
- 106
- 107
- def sha1(pass)
- 1
- 108
- Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{Danbooru.config.password_salt}--#{pass}--")
- 38
- 109
- end
- 110
- end
- 111
- 112
- module FavoriteMethods
- 1
- 113
- def favorite_posts(options = {})
- 1
- 114
- favorites_table = Favorite.table_name_for(id)
- 0
- 115
- if options[:before_id]
- 0
- 116
- before_id_sql_fragment = ["favorites.id < ?", options[:before_id]]
- 0
- 117
- else
- 118
- before_id_sql_fragment = "TRUE"
- 0
- 119
- end
- 120
- limit = options[:limit] || 20
- 0
- 121
- 122
- Post.joins("JOIN #{favorites_table} AS favorites ON favorites.post_id = posts.id").where("favorites.user_id = ?", id).where(before_id_sql_fragment).order("favorite_id DESC").limit(limit).select("posts.*, favorites.id AS favorite_id")
- 0
- 123
- end
- 124
- end
- 125
- 126
- module LevelMethods
- 1
- 127
- def promote_to_admin_if_first_user
- 1
- 128
- return if Rails.env.test?
- 19
- 129
- 130
- if User.count == 0
- 0
- 131
- self.is_admin = true
- 0
- 132
- end
- 133
- end
- 134
- 135
- def normalize_level
- 1
- 136
- if is_admin?
- 19
- 137
- self.is_moderator = true
- 0
- 138
- self.is_janitor = true
- 0
- 139
- self.is_contributor = true
- 0
- 140
- self.is_privileged = true
- 0
- 141
- elsif is_moderator?
- 19
- 142
- self.is_janitor = true
- 0
- 143
- self.is_privileged = true
- 0
- 144
- elsif is_janitor?
- 19
- 145
- self.is_privileged = true
- 0
- 146
- elsif is_contributor?
- 19
- 147
- self.is_privileged = true
- 0
- 148
- end
- 149
- end
- 150
- 151
- def is_anonymous?
- 1
- 152
- false
- 12
- 153
- end
- 154
- 155
- def is_member?
- 1
- 156
- true
- 4
- 157
- end
- 158
- end
- 159
- 160
- module EmailVerificationMethods
- 1
- 161
- def is_verified?
- 1
- 162
- email_verification_key.blank?
- 0
- 163
- end
- 164
- 165
- def generate_email_verification_key
- 1
- 166
- self.email_verification_key = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{Time.now.to_f}--#{name}--#{rand(1_000_000)}--")
- 0
- 167
- end
- 168
- 169
- def verify!(key)
- 1
- 170
- if email_verification_key == key
- 0
- 171
- self.update_attribute(:email_verification_key, nil)
- 0
- 172
- else
- 173
- raise User::Error.new("Verification key does not match")
- 0
- 174
- end
- 175
- end
- 176
- end
- 177
- 178
- module BlacklistMethods
- 1
- 179
- def blacklisted_tag_array
- 1
- 180
- Tag.scan_query(blacklisted_tags)
- 0
- 181
- end
- 182
- end
- 183
- 184
- module ForumMethods
- 1
- 185
- def has_forum_been_updated?
- 1
- 186
- return false unless is_privileged?
- 5
- 187
- newest_topic = ForumPost.first(:order => "updated_at desc", :select => "updated_at")
- 0
- 188
- return false if newest_topic.nil?
- 0
- 189
- return true if last_forum_read_at.nil?
- 0
- 190
- return newest_topic.updated_at > last_forum_read_at
- 0
- 191
- end
- 192
- end
- 193
- 194
- module LimitMethods
- 1
- 195
- def can_upload?
- 1
- 196
- if is_contributor?
- 0
- 197
- true
- 0
- 198
- elsif created_at > 1.week.ago
- 0
- 199
- false
- 0
- 200
- else
- 201
- upload_limit > 0
- 0
- 202
- end
- 203
- end
- 204
- 205
- def can_comment?
- 1
- 206
- if is_privileged?
- 0
- 207
- true
- 0
- 208
- elsif created_at > 1.week.ago
- 0
- 209
- false
- 0
- 210
- else
- 211
- Comment.where("creator_id = ? and created_at > ?", id, 1.hour.ago).count <= Danbooru.config.member_comment_limit
- 0
- 212
- end
- 213
- end
- 214
- 215
- def can_comment_vote?
- 1
- 216
- CommentVote.where("user_id = ? and created_at > ?", id, 1.hour.ago).count < 10
- 0
- 217
- end
- 218
- 219
- def can_remove_from_pools?
- 1
- 220
- created_at <= 1.week.ago
- 0
- 221
- end
- 222
- 223
- def upload_limit
- 1
- 224
- deleted_count = RemovedPost.where("user_id = ?", id).count
- 0
- 225
- unapproved_count = Post.where("is_pending = true and user_id = ?", id).count
- 0
- 226
- approved_count = Post.where("is_flagged = false and is_pending = false and user_id = ?", id).count
- 0
- 227
- 228
- limit = base_upload_limit + (approved_count / 10) - (deleted_count / 4) - unapproved_count
- 0
- 229
- 230
- if limit > 20
- 0
- 231
- limit = 20
- 0
- 232
- end
- 233
- 234
- if limit < 0
- 0
- 235
- limit = 0
- 0
- 236
- end
- 237
- 238
- limit
- 0
- 239
- end
- 240
- end
- 241
- 242
- include BanMethods
- 1
- 243
- include NameMethods
- 1
- 244
- include PasswordMethods
- 1
- 245
- extend AuthenticationMethods
- 1
- 246
- include FavoriteMethods
- 1
- 247
- include LevelMethods
- 1
- 248
- include EmailVerificationMethods
- 1
- 249
- include BlacklistMethods
- 1
- 250
- include ForumMethods
- 1
- 251
- include LimitMethods
- 1
- 252
- 253
- def initialize_default_image_size
- 1
- 254
- self.default_image_size = "Medium"
- 0
- 255
- end
- 256
- 257
- def can_update?(object, foreign_key = :user_id)
- 1
- 258
- is_moderator? || is_admin? || object.__send__(foreign_key) == id
- 0
- 259
- end
- 260
- end
- 261
- ./app/models/user_feedback.rb
- 76.92 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class UserFeedback < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- set_table_name "user_feedback"
- 1
- 3
- belongs_to :user
- 1
- 4
- belongs_to :creator, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 5
- before_validation :initialize_creator, :on => :create
- 1
- 6
- attr_accessible :body, :user_id, :is_positive
- 1
- 7
- validates_presence_of :user, :creator, :body
- 1
- 8
- validate :creator_is_privileged
- 1
- 9
- 10
- def initialize_creator
- 1
- 11
- self.creator_id = CurrentUser.id
- 0
- 12
- end
- 13
- 14
- def creator_is_privileged
- 1
- 15
- if !creator.is_privileged?
- 0
- 16
- errors[:creator] << "must be privileged"
- 0
- 17
- end
- 18
- end
- 19
- end
- ./app/models/user_mailer.rb
- 40.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
- 1
- 2
- default :host => Danbooru.config.server_host, :from => Danbooru.config.contact_email, :content_type => "text/html"
- 1
- 3
- 4
- def password_reset(user, new_password)
- 1
- 5
- @user = user
- 0
- 6
- @new_password = new_password
- 0
- 7
- mail(:to => @user.email, :subject => "#{Danbooru.config.app_name} - Password Reset")
- 0
- 8
- end
- 9
- 10
- def name_reminder(user)
- 1
- 11
- @user = user
- 0
- 12
- mail(:to => user.email, :subject => "#{Danbooru.config.app_name} - Name Reminder")
- 0
- 13
- end
- 14
- 15
- def deletion(user)
- 1
- 16
- @user = user
- 0
- 17
- mail(:to => user.email, :subject => "#{}")
- 0
- 18
- end
- 19
- 20
- def dmail_notice(dmail)
- 1
- 21
- @dmail = dmail
- 0
- 22
- mail(:to => dmail.to.email, :subject => "#{Danbooru.config.app_name} - Message received from #{dmail.from.name}")
- 0
- 23
- end
- 24
- end
- ./app/models/wiki_page.rb
- 53.85 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class WikiPage < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- before_save :normalize_title
- 1
- 3
- before_create :initialize_creator
- 1
- 4
- after_save :create_version
- 1
- 5
- belongs_to :creator, :class_name => "User"
- 1
- 6
- validates_uniqueness_of :title, :case_sensitive => false
- 1
- 7
- validates_presence_of :body
- 1
- 8
- attr_accessible :title, :body
- 1
- 9
- scope :titled, lambda {|title| where(["title = ?", title.downcase.tr(" ", "_")])}
- 1
- 10
- has_one :tag, :foreign_key => "name", :primary_key => "title"
- 1
- 11
- has_one :artist, :foreign_key => "name", :primary_key => "title"
- 1
- 12
- has_many :versions, :class_name => "WikiPageVersion"
- 1
- 13
- 14
- def self.build_relation(options = {})
- 1
- 15
- relation = where()
- 0
- 16
- 17
- if options[:title]
- 0
- 18
- relation = relation.where(["title LIKE ? ESCAPE E'\\\\'", options[:title].downcase.tr(" ", "_").to_escaped_for_sql_like])
- 0
- 19
- end
- 20
- 21
- if options[:creator_id]
- 0
- 22
- relation = relation.where(["creator_id = ?", options[:creator_id]])
- 0
- 23
- end
- 24
- 25
- relation
- 0
- 26
- end
- 27
- 28
- def self.find_title_and_id(title)
- 1
- 29
- titled(title).select("title, id").first
- 0
- 30
- end
- 31
- 32
- def revert_to(version)
- 1
- 33
- self.title = version.title
- 0
- 34
- self.body = version.body
- 0
- 35
- self.is_locked = version.is_locked
- 0
- 36
- end
- 37
- 38
- def revert_to!(version)
- 1
- 39
- revert_to(version)
- 0
- 40
- save!
- 0
- 41
- end
- 42
- 43
- def normalize_title
- 1
- 44
- self.title = title.downcase.tr(" ", "_")
- 0
- 45
- end
- 46
- 47
- def creator_name
- 1
- 48
- User.id_to_name(user_id).tr("_", " ")
- 0
- 49
- end
- 50
- 51
- def pretty_title
- 1
- 52
- title.tr("_", " ")
- 0
- 53
- end
- 54
- 55
- def create_version
- 1
- 56
- if title_changed? || body_changed? || is_locked_changed?
- 0
- 57
- versions.create(
- 0
- 58
- :updater_id => CurrentUser.user.id,
- 59
- :updater_ip_addr => CurrentUser.ip_addr,
- 60
- :title => title,
- 61
- :body => body,
- 62
- :is_locked => is_locked
- 63
- )
- 64
- end
- 65
- end
- 66
- 67
- def initialize_creator
- 1
- 68
- self.creator_id = CurrentUser.user.id
- 0
- 69
- end
- 70
- end
- ./app/models/wiki_page_version.rb
- 71.43 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class WikiPageVersion < ActiveRecord::Base
- 1
- 2
- belongs_to :wiki_page
- 1
- 3
- belongs_to :updater
- 1
- 4
- 5
- def updater_name
- 1
- 6
- User.id_to_name(updater_id)
- 0
- 7
- end
- 8
- 9
- def pretty_title
- 1
- 10
- title.tr("_", " ")
- 0
- 11
- end
- 12
- end
- ./app/presenters/note_presenter.rb
- 60.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class NotePresenter
- 1
- 2
- def initialize(note)
- 1
- 3
- @note = note
- 0
- 4
- end
- 5
- 6
- def formatted_body
- 1
- 7
- note.body.gsub(/<tn>(.+?)<\/tn>/m, '<br><p class="tn">\1</p>').gsub(/\n/, '<br>')
- 0
- 8
- end
- 9
- end
- ./app/presenters/paginators/base.rb
- 19.61 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module Paginators
- 1
- 2
- class Base < Presenter
- 1
- 3
- def sequential_pagination_html(template)
- 1
- 4
- html = "<menu>"
- 0
- 5
- prev_url = template.request.env["HTTP_REFERER"]
- 0
- 6
- next_url = sequential_link(template)
- 0
- 7
- html << %{<li><a href="#{prev_url}">« Previous</a></li>}
- 0
- 8
- if post_set.posts.any?
- 0
- 9
- html << %{<li><a href="#{next_url}">Next »</a></li>}
- 0
- 10
- end
- 11
- html << "</menu>"
- 0
- 12
- html.html_safe
- 0
- 13
- end
- 14
- 15
- def numbered_pagination_html(template)
- 1
- 16
- html = "<menu>"
- 0
- 17
- window = 3
- 0
- 18
- if total_pages <= (window * 2) + 5
- 0
- 19
- 1.upto(total_pages) do |page|
- 0
- 20
- html << numbered_pagination_item(template, page, current_page)
- 0
- 21
- end
- 22
- elsif current_page <= window + 2
- 23
- 1.upto(current_page + window) do |page|
- 0
- 24
- html << numbered_pagination_item(template, page, current_page)
- 0
- 25
- end
- 26
- html << numbered_pagination_item(template, "...", current_page)
- 0
- 27
- html << numbered_pagination_item(template, total_pages, current_page)
- 0
- 28
- 29
- elsif current_page >= total_pages - (window + 1)
- 0
- 30
- html << numbered_pagination_item(template, 1, current_page)
- 0
- 31
- html << numbered_pagination_item(template, "...", current_page)
- 0
- 32
- (current_page - window).upto(total_pages) do |page|
- 0
- 33
- html << numbered_pagination_item(template, page, current_page)
- 0
- 34
- end
- 35
- else
- 36
- html << numbered_pagination_item(template, 1, current_page)
- 0
- 37
- html << numbered_pagination_item(template, "...", current_page)
- 0
- 38
- (current_page - window).upto(current_page + window) do |page|
- 0
- 39
- html << numbered_pagination_item(template, page, current_page)
- 0
- 40
- end
- 41
- html << numbered_pagination_item(template, "...", current_page)
- 0
- 42
- html << numbered_pagination_item(template, total_pages, current_page)
- 0
- 43
- end
- 44
- html << "</menu>"
- 0
- 45
- html.html_safe
- 0
- 46
- end
- 47
- 48
- protected
- 1
- 49
- def numbered_pagination_item(template, page, current_page)
- 1
- 50
- html = "<li>"
- 0
- 51
- if page == "..."
- 0
- 52
- html << "..."
- 0
- 53
- elsif page == current_page
- 54
- html << page.to_s
- 0
- 55
- else
- 56
- html << paginated_link(template, page)
- 0
- 57
- end
- 58
- html << "</li>"
- 0
- 59
- html.html_safe
- 0
- 60
- end
- 61
- 62
- def total_pages
- 1
- 63
- raise NotImplementedError
- 0
- 64
- end
- 65
- 66
- def current_page
- 1
- 67
- raise NotImplementedError
- 0
- 68
- end
- 69
- 70
- def sequential_link(template)
- 1
- 71
- raise NotImplementedError
- 0
- 72
- end
- 73
- 74
- def paginated_link(template, page)
- 1
- 75
- raise NotImplementedError
- 0
- 76
- end
- 77
- end
- 78
- end
- ./app/presenters/paginators/post.rb
- 64.29 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module Paginators
- 1
- 2
- class Post < Base
- 1
- 3
- attr_accessor :post_set
- 1
- 4
- 5
- def initialize(post_set)
- 1
- 6
- @post_set = post_set
- 0
- 7
- end
- 8
- 9
- protected
- 1
- 10
- def total_pages
- 1
- 11
- (post_set.count.to_f / post_set.limit.to_f).ceil
- 0
- 12
- end
- 13
- 14
- def current_page
- 1
- 15
- [1, post_set.page].max
- 0
- 16
- end
- 17
- 18
- def sequential_link(template)
- 1
- 19
- template.posts_path(:tags => template.params[:tags], before_id => post_set.posts[-1].id, :page => nil)
- 0
- 20
- end
- 21
- 22
- def paginated_link(template, page)
- 1
- 23
- template.link_to(page, template.posts_path(:tags => template.params[:tags], :page => page))
- 0
- 24
- end
- 25
- end
- 26
- end
- ./app/presenters/paginators/post_version.rb
- 70.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module Paginators
- 1
- 2
- class PostVersion < Base
- 1
- 3
- attr_accessor :post_set
- 1
- 4
- 5
- def initialize(post_set)
- 1
- 6
- @post_set = post_set
- 0
- 7
- end
- 8
- 9
- def numbered_pagination_html(template)
- 1
- 10
- raise NotImplementedError
- 0
- 11
- end
- 12
- 13
- protected
- 1
- 14
- def sequential_link(template)
- 1
- 15
- template.post_versions_path(:before_time => post_set.posts[-1].last_commented_at, :page => nil)
- 0
- 16
- end
- 17
- end
- 18
- end
- ./app/presenters/post_history_revision_presenter.rb
- 37.5 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class PostHistoryRevisionPresenter < Presenter
- 1
- 2
- attr_reader :revision
- 1
- 3
- 4
- def initialize(revision)
- 1
- 5
- @revision = revision
- 0
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def changes
- 1
- 9
- html = []
- 0
- 10
- html << revision.diff[:del].map {|x| "<del>#{h(x)}</del>"}
- 0
- 11
- html << revision.diff[:add].map {|x| "<ins>#{h(x)}</ins>"}
- 0
- 12
- html << "<ins>source:#{h(revision.diff[:source])}</ins>" if revision.diff[:source].present?
- 0
- 13
- html << "<ins>rating:#{h(revision.diff[:rating])}</ins>" if revision.diff[:rating].present?
- 0
- 14
- html << "<ins>parent:#{revision.diff[:parent_id]}</ins>" if revision.diff[:parent_id].present?
- 0
- 15
- html.join(" ").html_safe
- 0
- 16
- end
- 17
- 18
- def updated_at
- 1
- 19
- Time.parse(revision.updated_at)
- 0
- 20
- end
- 21
- 22
- def updater_name
- 1
- 23
- User.id_to_name(revision.user_id)
- 0
- 24
- end
- 25
- end
- ./app/presenters/post_presenter.rb
- 23.08 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class PostPresenter < Presenter
- 1
- 2
- def self.preview(post)
- 1
- 3
- flags = []
- 0
- 4
- flags << "pending" if post.is_pending?
- 0
- 5
- flags << "flagged" if post.is_flagged?
- 0
- 6
- flags << "removed" if post.is_removed?
- 0
- 7
- 8
- html = %{<article id="post_#{post.id}" data-id="#{post.id}" data-tags="#{h(post.tag_string)}" data-uploader="#{h(post.uploader_name)}" data-rating="#{post.rating}" data-width="#{post.image_width}" data-height="#{post.image_height}" data-flags="#{flags.join(' ')}">}
- 0
- 9
- html << %{<a href="/posts/#{post.id}">}
- 0
- 10
- html << %{<img src="#{post.preview_file_url}">}
- 0
- 11
- html << %{</a>}
- 0
- 12
- html << %{</article>}
- 0
- 13
- html.html_safe
- 0
- 14
- end
- 15
- 16
- def initialize(post)
- 1
- 17
- @post = post
- 0
- 18
- end
- 19
- 20
- def preview_html
- 1
- 21
- PostPresenter.preview(@post)
- 0
- 22
- end
- 23
- 24
- def image_html(template)
- 1
- 25
- return template.content_tag("p", "This image was deleted.") if @post.is_removed? && !CurrentUser.user.is_janitor?
- 0
- 26
- return template.content_tag("p", "You need a privileged account to see this image.") if !Danbooru.config.can_see_post?(@post, CurrentUser.user)
- 0
- 27
- 28
- if @post.is_flash?
- 0
- 29
- template.render(:partial => "posts/partials/show/flash", :locals => {:post => @post})
- 0
- 30
- elsif @post.is_image?
- 0
- 31
- template.render(:partial => "posts/partials/show/image", :locals => {:post => @post})
- 0
- 32
- end
- 33
- end
- 34
- 35
- def tag_list_html(template)
- 1
- 36
- @tag_set_presenter ||= TagSetPresenter.new(@post.tag_array)
- 0
- 37
- @tag_set_presenter.tag_list_html(template, :show_extra_links => CurrentUser.user.is_privileged?)
- 0
- 38
- end
- 39
- end
- ./app/presenters/post_set_presenter.rb
- 25.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- require 'pp'
- 1
- 2
- 3
- class PostSetPresenter < Presenter
- 1
- 4
- attr_accessor :post_set, :tag_set_presenter
- 1
- 5
- 6
- def initialize(post_set)
- 1
- 7
- @post_set = post_set
- 0
- 8
- @tag_set_presenter = TagSetPresenter.new(RelatedTagCalculator.calculate_from_sample_to_array(@post_set.tags).map {|x| x[0]})
- 0
- 9
- end
- 10
- 11
- def posts
- 1
- 12
- post_set.posts
- 0
- 13
- end
- 14
- 15
- def tag_list_html(template)
- 1
- 16
- tag_set_presenter.tag_list_html(template)
- 0
- 17
- end
- 18
- 19
- def wiki_html(template)
- 1
- 20
- if post_set.has_wiki?
- 0
- 21
- wiki_page = WikiPage.find_by_title(post_set.tags)
- 0
- 22
- html = '<section>'
- 0
- 23
- if wiki_page.nil?
- 0
- 24
- html << '<p>'
- 0
- 25
- html << 'There is no wiki for this tag.'
- 0
- 26
- html << ' '
- 0
- 27
- html << template.link_to("Create a new page", template.new_wiki_page_path(:title => post_set.tags))
- 0
- 28
- html << '.'
- 0
- 29
- html << '</p>'
- 0
- 30
- else
- 31
- html << '<h2>'
- 0
- 32
- html << template.h(wiki_page.title)
- 0
- 33
- html << '</h2>'
- 0
- 34
- html << template.format_text(wiki_page.body)
- 0
- 35
- end
- 36
- html << '</section>'
- 0
- 37
- html.html_safe
- 0
- 38
- end
- 39
- end
- 40
- 41
- def pagination_html(template)
- 1
- 42
- if post_set.use_sequential_paginator?
- 0
- 43
- Paginators::Post.new(post_set).sequential_pagination_html(template)
- 0
- 44
- else
- 45
- Paginators::Post.new(post_set).numbered_pagination_html(template)
- 0
- 46
- end
- 47
- end
- 48
- 49
- def post_previews_html
- 1
- 50
- html = ""
- 0
- 51
- 52
- posts.each do |post|
- 0
- 53
- html << PostPresenter.preview(post)
- 0
- 54
- end
- 55
- 56
- html.html_safe
- 0
- 57
- end
- 58
- end
- ./app/presenters/presenter.rb
- 55.56 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class Presenter
- 1
- 2
- def self.h(s)
- 1
- 3
- CGI.escapeHTML(s)
- 0
- 4
- end
- 5
- 6
- def self.u(s)
- 1
- 7
- URI.escape(s)
- 0
- 8
- end
- 9
- 10
- def h(s)
- 1
- 11
- CGI.escapeHTML(s)
- 0
- 12
- end
- 13
- 14
- def u(s)
- 1
- 15
- URI.escape(s)
- 0
- 16
- end
- 17
- end
- ./app/presenters/tag_set_presenter.rb
- 25.93 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- =begin rdoc
- 2
- A tag set represents a set of tags that are displayed together.
- 3
- This class makes it easy to fetch the categories for all the
- 4
- tags in one call instead of fetching them sequentially.
- 5
- =end
- 6
- 7
- class TagSetPresenter < Presenter
- 1
- 8
- def initialize(tags)
- 1
- 9
- @tags = tags
- 0
- 10
- fetch_categories
- 0
- 11
- end
- 12
- 13
- def tag_list_html(template, options = {})
- 1
- 14
- html = ""
- 0
- 15
- html << "<ul>"
- 0
- 16
- @tags.each do |tag|
- 0
- 17
- html << build_list_item(tag, template, options)
- 0
- 18
- end
- 19
- html << "</ul>"
- 0
- 20
- html.html_safe
- 0
- 21
- end
- 22
- 23
- private
- 1
- 24
- def fetch_categories
- 1
- 25
- @category_cache ||= Tag.categories_for(@tags)
- 0
- 26
- end
- 27
- 28
- def category_for(tag)
- 1
- 29
- @category_cache[tag]
- 0
- 30
- end
- 31
- 32
- def build_list_item(tag, template, options)
- 1
- 33
- html = ""
- 0
- 34
- html << %{<li data-tag-type="#{category_for(tag)}" data-tag-name="#{u(tag)}">}
- 0
- 35
- 36
- if CurrentUser.user.is_privileged?
- 0
- 37
- html << %{<a href="/wiki_pages?title=#{u(tag)}">?</a> }
- 0
- 38
- html << %{<a href="#" class="search-inc-tag">+</a> }
- 0
- 39
- html << %{<a href="#" class="search-exl-tag">–</a> }
- 0
- 40
- end
- 41
- 42
- humanized_tag = tag.tr("_", " ")
- 0
- 43
- html << %{<a href="/posts?tags=#{u(tag)}">#{h(humanized_tag)}</a>}
- 0
- 44
- html << "</li>"
- 0
- 45
- html
- 0
- 46
- end
- 47
- end
- ./app/presenters/upload_presenter.rb
- 42.86 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class UploadPresenter < Presenter
- 1
- 2
- def initialize(upload)
- 1
- 3
- @upload = upload
- 0
- 4
- end
- 5
- 6
- def status(template)
- 1
- 7
- case @upload.status
- 0
- 8
- when /duplicate: (\d+)/
- 9
- template.link_to(@upload.status, template.__send__(:post_path, $1))
- 0
- 10
- 11
- else
- 12
- @upload.status
- 0
- 13
- end
- 14
- end
- 15
- end
- ./app/presenters/wiki_page_presenter.rb
- 6.9 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- class WikiPagePresenter
- 1
- 2
- 3
- # Produce a formatted page that shows the difference between two versions of a page.
- 4
- def diff(other_version)
- 1
- 5
- pattern = Regexp.new('(?:<.+?>)|(?:[0-9_A-Za-z\x80-\xff]+[\x09\x20]?)|(?:[ \t]+)|(?:\r?\n)|(?:.+?)')
- 0
- 6
- 7
- thisarr = self.body.scan(pattern)
- 0
- 8
- otharr = other_version.body.scan(pattern)
- 0
- 9
- 10
- cbo = Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks.new
- 0
- 11
- diffs = thisarr.diff(otharr, cbo)
- 0
- 12
- 13
- escape_html = lambda {|str| str.gsub(/&/,'&').gsub(/</,'<').gsub(/>/,'>')}
- 0
- 14
- 15
- output = thisarr;
- 0
- 16
- output.each { |q| q.replace(CGI.escape_html(q)) }
- 0
- 17
- 18
- diffs.reverse_each do |hunk|
- 0
- 19
- newchange = hunk.max{|a,b| a.old_position <=> b.old_position}
- 0
- 20
- newstart = newchange.old_position
- 0
- 21
- oldstart = hunk.min{|a,b| a.old_position <=> b.old_position}.old_position
- 0
- 22
- 23
- if newchange.action == '+'
- 0
- 24
- output.insert(newstart, "</ins>")
- 0
- 25
- end
- 26
- 27
- hunk.reverse_each do |chg|
- 0
- 28
- case chg.action
- 0
- 29
- when '-'
- 30
- oldstart = chg.old_position
- 0
- 31
- output[chg.old_position] = "" if chg.old_element.match(/^\r?\n$/)
- 0
- 32
- when '+'
- 33
- if chg.new_element.match(/^\r?\n$/)
- 0
- 34
- output.insert(chg.old_position, "[nl]")
- 0
- 35
- else
- 36
- output.insert(chg.old_position, "#{escape_html[chg.new_element]}")
- 0
- 37
- end
- 38
- end
- 39
- end
- 40
- 41
- if newchange.action == '+'
- 0
- 42
- output.insert(newstart, "<ins>")
- 0
- 43
- end
- 44
- 45
- if hunk[0].action == '-'
- 0
- 46
- output.insert((newstart == oldstart || newchange.action != '+') ? newstart+1 : newstart, "</del>")
- 0
- 47
- output.insert(oldstart, "<del>")
- 0
- 48
- end
- 49
- end
- 50
- 51
- output.join.gsub(/\r?\n/, "[nl]")
- 0
- 52
- end
- 53
- end
- ./lib/danbooru_image_resizer/danbooru_image_resizer.rb
- 33.33 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- require 'danbooru_image_resizer/danbooru_image_resizer.so'
- 1
- 2
- 3
- module Danbooru
- 1
- 4
- def resize(file_ext, read_path, write_path, output_size, output_quality)
- 1
- 5
- Danbooru.resize_image(file_ext, read_path, write_path, output_size[:width], output_size[:height], output_quality)
- 0
- 6
- end
- 7
- 8
- def reduce_to(size, max_size)
- 1
- 9
- size.dup.tap do |new_size|
- 0
- 10
- if new_size[:width] > max_size[:width]
- 0
- 11
- scale = max_size[:width].to_f / new_size[:width].to_f
- 0
- 12
- new_size[:width] = new_size[:width] * scale
- 0
- 13
- new_size[:height] = new_size[:height] * scale
- 0
- 14
- end
- 15
- 16
- if max_size[:height] && (new_size[:height] > max_size[:height])
- 0
- 17
- scale = max_size[:height].to_f / new_size[:height].to_f
- 0
- 18
- new_size[:width] = new_size[:width] * scale
- 0
- 19
- new_size[:height] = new_size[:height] * scale
- 0
- 20
- end
- 21
- 22
- new_size[:width] = new_size[:width].to_i
- 0
- 23
- new_size[:height] = new_size[:height].to_i
- 0
- 24
- end
- 25
- end
- 26
- 27
- module_function :resize
- 1
- 28
- module_function :reduce_to
- 1
- 29
- end
- ./vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails.rb
- 100.0 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- $: << File.expand_path("..", __FILE__)
- 1
- 2
- 3
- require 'jrails/jrails'
- 1
- 4
- require 'jrails/asset_tag_ext'
- 1
- 5
- require 'jrails/jquery_selector_assertions' if Rails.env == 'test'
- 1
- ./vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails/asset_tag_ext.rb
- 52.94 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- # The following options can be changed by creating an initializer in config/initializers/jrails.rb
- 2
- 3
- # jRails does NOT use jQuery.noConflict() by default
- 4
- # to use jQuery.noConflict() , use:
- 5
- # ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHelper::JQUERY_VAR = 'jQuery'
- 6
- 7
- 8
- JRails.load_config
- 1
- 9
- 10
- if JRails.google?
- 1
- 11
- ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper.register_javascript_expansion :jrails => ["jrails#{".min" if JRails.compressed?}"]
- 0
- 12
- else
- 13
- ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper.register_javascript_expansion :jrails => ["jquery#{".min" if JRails.compressed?}","jquery-ui#{".min" if JRails.compressed?}","jquery-ui-i18n#{".min" if JRails.compressed?}","jrails#{".min" if JRails.compressed?}"]
- 1
- 14
- end
- 15
- 16
- 17
- ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper.module_eval do
- 1
- 18
- def yield_authenticity_javascript
- 1
- 19
- 20
- <script type='text/javascript'>
- 21
- //<![CDATA[
- 22
- window._auth_token = '#{form_authenticity_token}';
- 0
- 23
- $(document).ajaxSend(function(event, xhr, s) {
- 24
- if (typeof(window._auth_token) == "undefined") return;
- 25
- if (s.data && s.data.match(new RegExp("\\bauthenticity_token="))) return;
- 26
- if (s.data)
- 27
- s.data += "&";
- 28
- else {
- 29
- s.data = "";
- 30
- xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", s.contentType);
- 31
- }
- 32
- s.data += "authenticity_token=" + encodeURIComponent(window._auth_token);
- 33
- });
- 34
- //]]>
- 35
- </script>
- 36
- 37
- end
- 38
- 39
- def javascript_include_tag_with_jquery(*source)
- 1
- 40
- if source.first == :jrails
- 5
- 41
- javascripts = []
- 0
- 42
- if JRails.google?
- 0
- 43
- javascripts \
- 44
- << javascript_include_tag_without_jquery(JRails.jquery_path) \
- 45
- << javascript_include_tag_without_jquery(JRails.jqueryui_path) \
- 46
- << javascript_include_tag_without_jquery(JRails.jqueryui_i18n_path) \
- 47
- end
- 0
- 48
- javascripts << javascript_include_tag_without_jquery(*source)
- 0
- 49
- javascripts << yield_authenticity_javascript if protect_against_forgery?
- 0
- 50
- javascripts.join("\n")
- 0
- 51
- else
- 52
- javascript_include_tag_without_jquery(*source)
- 5
- 53
- end
- 54
- end
- 55
- alias_method_chain :javascript_include_tag, :jquery
- 1
- 56
- end
- ./vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails/jquery_selector_assertions.rb
- 89.47 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- #
- 2
- # jQuery Selector Assertions (modifications to the prototype/scriptaculous assertions)
- 3
- #
- 4
- # From http://pastie.org/303776
- 5
- #
- 6
- # 1. Make sure to use '#' prefix when referring to element IDs in assert_select_rjs(),
- 7
- # like this:
- 8
- # assert_select_rjs :replace_html, '#someid'
- 9
- # instead of prototype convention:
- 10
- # assert_select_rjs :replace_html, 'someid'
- 11
- #
- 12
- # We monkey-patch some RJS-matching constants for assert_select_rjs to work
- 13
- # with jQuery-based code as opposed to Prototype's:
- 14
- #
- 15
- #
- 16
- module JRails
- 1
- 17
- module SelectorAssertions
- 1
- 18
- def self.included(base)
- 1
- 19
- self.constants.each do |cnst|
- 1
- 20
- if base.const_defined? cnst
- 4
- 21
- base.send(:remove_const,cnst)
- 4
- 22
- end
- 23
- end
- 24
- end
- 25
- 26
- silence_warnings do
- 1
- 27
- RJS_PATTERN_HTML = "\"((\\\\\"|[^\"])*)\""
- 1
- 28
- RJS_ANY_ID = "[\"']([^\"])*[\"']"
- 1
- 29
- 30
- 1
- 31
- :chained_replace => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.replaceWith\\(#{RJS_PATTERN_HTML}\\)",
- 32
- :chained_replace_html => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.updateWith\\(#{RJS_PATTERN_HTML}\\)",
- 33
- :replace_html => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.html\\(#{RJS_PATTERN_HTML}\\)",
- 34
- :replace => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.replaceWith\\(#{RJS_PATTERN_HTML}\\)",
- 35
- :insert_top => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.prepend\\(#{RJS_PATTERN_HTML}\\)",
- 36
- :insert_bottom => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.append\\(#{RJS_PATTERN_HTML}\\)",
- 37
- :effect => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.effect\\(",
- 38
- :highlight => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.effect\\('highlight'"
- 39
- }
- 40
- 41
- [:remove, :show, :hide, :toggle, :reset ].each do |action|
- 1
- 42
- RJS_STATEMENTS[action] = "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.#{action}\\(\\)"
- 5
- 43
- end
- 44
- 45
- RJS_STATEMENTS[:any] = Regexp.new("(#{RJS_STATEMENTS.values.join('|')})")
- 1
- 46
- 1
- 47
- end
- 48
- end
- 49
- end
- 50
- 51
- if (defined? ActionController::Assertions)
- 1
- 52
- module ActionController::Assertions::SelectorAssertions
- 0
- 53
- include JRails::SelectorAssertions
- 0
- 54
- end
- 55
- else
- 56
- module ActionDispatch::Assertions::SelectorAssertions
- 1
- 57
- include JRails::SelectorAssertions
- 1
- 58
- end
- 59
- end
- 60
- ./vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails/jrails.rb
- 29.22 % covered
- #
- Hits
- 1
- module JRails
- 1
- 2
- @@config = {
- 1
- 3
- :google => false,
- 4
- :jquery_version => "1.4.2",
- 5
- :jqueryui_version => "1.8.4",
- 6
- :compressed => true
- 7
- }
- 8
- 9
- def self.load_config
- 1
- 10
- config_file = File.join(Rails.root, "config", "jrails.yml")
- 1
- 11
- if File.exist? config_file
- 1
- 12
- loaded_config = YAML.load_file(config_file)
- 1
- 13
- if loaded_config and loaded_config.key? Rails.env
- 1
- 14
- @@config.merge!(loaded_config[Rails.env].symbolize_keys)
- 1
- 15
- if google?
- 1
- 16
- @@jquery_path = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/#{@@config[:jquery_version]}/jquery#{".min" if compressed?}.js"
- 0
- 17
- @@jqueryui_path = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/#{@@config[:jqueryui_version]}/jquery-ui#{".min" if compressed?}.js"
- 0
- 18
- @@jqueryui_i18n_path = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/#{@@config[:jqueryui_version]}/i18n/jquery-ui-i18n#{".min" if compressed?}.js"
- 0
- 19
- end
- 20
- else
- 21
- raise Exception.new "Failed finding '#{Rails.env}' environment in config. check your 'config/jrails.yml' or delete that file "
- 0
- 22
- end
- 23
- end
- 24
- end
- 25
- 26
- def self.config ; @@config ; end
- 1
- 27
- def self.google? ; @@config[:google] ; end
- 3
- 28
- def self.compressed? ; @@config[:compressed] ; end
- 5
- 29
- def self.jquery_path ; @@jquery_path ; end
- 1
- 30
- def self.jqueryui_path ; @@jqueryui_path ; end
- 1
- 31
- def self.jqueryui_i18n_path ; @@jqueryui_i18n_path ; end
- 1
- 32
- end
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 36
- module ActionView
- 1
- 37
- module Helpers
- 1
- 38
- 39
- module JavaScriptHelper
- 1
- 40
- 41
- # This function can be used to render rjs inline
- 42
- #
- 43
- # <%= javascript_function do |page|
- 44
- # page.replace_html :list, :partial => 'list', :object => @list
- 45
- # end %>
- 46
- #
- 47
- def javascript_function(*args, &block)
- 1
- 48
- html_options = args.extract_options!
- 0
- 49
- function = args[0] || ''
- 0
- 50
- 51
- html_options.symbolize_keys!
- 0
- 52
- function = update_page(&block) if block_given?
- 0
- 53
- javascript_tag(function)
- 0
- 54
- end
- 55
- 56
- def jquery_id(id)
- 1
- 57
- id.to_s.count('#.*,>+~:[/ ') == 0 ? "##{id}" : id
- 0
- 58
- end
- 59
- 60
- def jquery_ids(ids)
- 1
- 61
- Array(ids).map{|id| jquery_id(id)}.join(',')
- 0
- 62
- end
- 63
- 64
- end
- 65
- 66
- module PrototypeHelper
- 1
- 67
- 68
- 1
- 69
- 70
- unless const_defined? :JQUERY_VAR
- 1
- 71
- JQUERY_VAR = 'jQuery'
- 1
- 72
- end
- 73
- 74
- unless const_defined? :JQCALLBACKS
- 1
- 75
- JQCALLBACKS = Set.new([ :beforeSend, :complete, :error, :success ] + (100..599).to_a)
- 1
- 76
- #instance_eval { remove_const :AJAX_OPTIONS }
- 77
- remove_const(:AJAX_OPTIONS) if const_defined?(:AJAX_OPTIONS)
- 1
- 78
- AJAX_OPTIONS = Set.new([ :before, :after, :condition, :url,
- 1
- 79
- :asynchronous, :method, :insertion, :position,
- 80
- :form, :with, :update, :script ]).merge(JQCALLBACKS)
- 81
- end
- 82
- 83
- def periodically_call_remote(options = {})
- 1
- 84
- frequency = options[:frequency] || 10 # every ten seconds by default
- 0
- 85
- code = "setInterval(function() {#{remote_function(options)}}, #{frequency} * 1000)"
- 0
- 86
- javascript_tag(code)
- 0
- 87
- end
- 88
- 89
- def remote_function(options)
- 1
- 90
- javascript_options = options_for_ajax(options)
- 0
- 91
- 92
- update = ''
- 0
- 93
- if options[:update] && options[:update].is_a?(Hash)
- 0
- 94
- update = []
- 0
- 95
- update << "success:'#{options[:update][:success]}'" if options[:update][:success]
- 0
- 96
- update << "failure:'#{options[:update][:failure]}'" if options[:update][:failure]
- 0
- 97
- update = '{' + update.join(',') + '}'
- 0
- 98
- elsif options[:update]
- 99
- update << "'#{options[:update]}'"
- 0
- 100
- end
- 101
- 102
- function = "#{JQUERY_VAR}.ajax(#{javascript_options})"
- 0
- 103
- 104
- function = "#{options[:before]}; #{function}" if options[:before]
- 0
- 105
- function = "#{function}; #{options[:after]}" if options[:after]
- 0
- 106
- function = "if (#{options[:condition]}) { #{function}; }" if options[:condition]
- 0
- 107
- function = "if (confirm('#{escape_javascript(options[:confirm])}')) { #{function}; }" if options[:confirm]
- 0
- 108
- return function
- 0
- 109
- end
- 110
- 111
- class JavaScriptGenerator
- 1
- 112
- module GeneratorMethods
- 1
- 113
- 114
- def insert_html(position, id, *options_for_render)
- 1
- 115
- insertion = position.to_s.downcase
- 0
- 116
- insertion = 'append' if insertion == 'bottom'
- 0
- 117
- insertion = 'prepend' if insertion == 'top'
- 0
- 118
- call "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_id(id)}\").#{insertion}", render(*options_for_render)
- 0
- 119
- end
- 120
- 121
- def replace_html(id, *options_for_render)
- 1
- 122
- insert_html(:html, id, *options_for_render)
- 0
- 123
- end
- 124
- 125
- def replace(id, *options_for_render)
- 1
- 126
- call "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_id(id)}\").replaceWith", render(*options_for_render)
- 0
- 127
- end
- 128
- 129
- def remove(*ids)
- 1
- 130
- call "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_ids(ids)}\").remove"
- 0
- 131
- end
- 132
- 133
- def show(*ids)
- 1
- 134
- call "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_ids(ids)}\").show"
- 0
- 135
- end
- 136
- 137
- def hide(*ids)
- 1
- 138
- call "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_ids(ids)}\").hide"
- 0
- 139
- end
- 140
- 141
- def toggle(*ids)
- 1
- 142
- call "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_ids(ids)}\").toggle"
- 0
- 143
- end
- 144
- 145
- def jquery_id(id)
- 1
- 146
- id.to_s.count('#.*,>+~:[/ ') == 0 ? "##{id}" : id
- 0
- 147
- end
- 148
- 149
- def jquery_ids(ids)
- 1
- 150
- Array(ids).map{|id| jquery_id(id)}.join(',')
- 0
- 151
- end
- 152
- 153
- end
- 154
- end
- 155
- 156
- protected
- 1
- 157
- def options_for_ajax(options)
- 1
- 158
- js_options = build_callbacks(options)
- 0
- 159
- 160
- url_options = options[:url]
- 0
- 161
- url_options = url_options.merge(:escape => false) if url_options.is_a?(Hash)
- 0
- 162
- js_options['url'] = "'#{url_for(url_options)}'"
- 0
- 163
- js_options['async'] = false if options[:type] == :synchronous
- 0
- 164
- js_options['type'] = options[:method] ? method_option_to_s(options[:method]) : ( options[:form] ? "'post'" : nil )
- 0
- 165
- js_options['dataType'] = options[:datatype] ? "'#{options[:datatype]}'" : (options[:update] ? nil : "'script'")
- 0
- 166
- 167
- if options[:form]
- 0
- 168
- js_options['data'] = "#{JQUERY_VAR}.param(#{JQUERY_VAR}(this).serializeArray())"
- 0
- 169
- elsif options[:submit]
- 170
- js_options['data'] = "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"##{options[:submit]}:input\").serialize()"
- 0
- 171
- elsif options[:with]
- 172
- js_options['data'] = options[:with].gsub("Form.serialize(this.form)","#{JQUERY_VAR}.param(#{JQUERY_VAR}(this.form).serializeArray())")
- 0
- 173
- end
- 174
- 175
- js_options['type'] ||= "'post'"
- 0
- 176
- if options[:method]
- 0
- 177
- if method_option_to_s(options[:method]) == "'put'" || method_option_to_s(options[:method]) == "'delete'"
- 0
- 178
- js_options['type'] = "'post'"
- 0
- 179
- if js_options['data']
- 0
- 180
- js_options['data'] << " + '&"
- 0
- 181
- else
- 182
- js_options['data'] = "'"
- 0
- 183
- end
- 184
- js_options['data'] << "_method=#{options[:method]}'"
- 0
- 185
- end
- 186
- end
- 187
- 188
- if USE_PROTECTION && respond_to?('protect_against_forgery?') && protect_against_forgery?
- 0
- 189
- if js_options['data']
- 0
- 190
- js_options['data'] << " + '&"
- 0
- 191
- else
- 192
- js_options['data'] = "'"
- 0
- 193
- end
- 194
- js_options['data'] << "#{request_forgery_protection_token}=' + encodeURIComponent('#{escape_javascript form_authenticity_token}')"
- 0
- 195
- end
- 196
- js_options['data'] = "''" if js_options['type'] == "'post'" && js_options['data'].nil?
- 0
- 197
- options_for_javascript(js_options.reject {|key, value| value.nil?})
- 0
- 198
- end
- 199
- 200
- def build_update_for_success(html_id, insertion=nil)
- 1
- 201
- insertion = build_insertion(insertion)
- 0
- 202
- "#{JQUERY_VAR}('#{jquery_id(html_id)}').#{insertion}(request);"
- 0
- 203
- end
- 204
- 205
- def build_update_for_error(html_id, insertion=nil)
- 1
- 206
- insertion = build_insertion(insertion)
- 0
- 207
- "#{JQUERY_VAR}('#{jquery_id(html_id)}').#{insertion}(request.responseText);"
- 0
- 208
- end
- 209
- 210
- def build_insertion(insertion)
- 1
- 211
- insertion = insertion ? insertion.to_s.downcase : 'html'
- 0
- 212
- insertion = 'append' if insertion == 'bottom'
- 0
- 213
- insertion = 'prepend' if insertion == 'top'
- 0
- 214
- insertion
- 0
- 215
- end
- 216
- 217
- def build_observer(klass, name, options = {})
- 1
- 218
- if options[:with] && (options[:with] !~ /[\{=(.]/)
- 0
- 219
- options[:with] = "'#{options[:with]}=' + value"
- 0
- 220
- else
- 221
- options[:with] ||= 'value' unless options[:function]
- 0
- 222
- end
- 223
- 224
- callback = options[:function] || remote_function(options)
- 0
- 225
- javascript = "#{JQUERY_VAR}('#{jquery_id(name)}').delayedObserver("
- 0
- 226
- javascript << "#{options[:frequency] || 0}, "
- 0
- 227
- javascript << "function(element, value) {"
- 0
- 228
- javascript << "#{callback}}"
- 0
- 229
- #javascript << ", '#{options[:on]}'" if options[:on]
- 230
- javascript << ")"
- 0
- 231
- javascript_tag(javascript)
- 0
- 232
- end
- 233
- 234
- def build_callbacks(options)
- 1
- 235
- callbacks = {}
- 0
- 236
- options[:beforeSend] = '';
- 0
- 237
- [:uninitialized,:loading].each do |key|
- 0
- 238
- options[:beforeSend] << (options[key].last == ';' ? options.delete(key) : options.delete(key) << ';') if options[key]
- 0
- 239
- end
- 240
- options.delete(:beforeSend) if options[:beforeSend].blank?
- 0
- 241
- options[:complete] = options.delete(:loaded) if options[:loaded]
- 0
- 242
- options[:error] = options.delete(:failure) if options[:failure]
- 0
- 243
- if options[:update]
- 0
- 244
- if options[:update].is_a?(Hash)
- 0
- 245
- options[:update][:error] = options[:update].delete(:failure) if options[:update][:failure]
- 0
- 246
- if options[:update][:success]
- 0
- 247
- options[:success] = build_update_for_success(options[:update][:success], options[:position]) << (options[:success] ? options[:success] : '')
- 0
- 248
- end
- 249
- if options[:update][:error]
- 0
- 250
- options[:error] = build_update_for_error(options[:update][:error], options[:position]) << (options[:error] ? options[:error] : '')
- 0
- 251
- end
- 252
- else
- 253
- options[:success] = build_update_for_success(options[:update], options[:position]) << (options[:success] ? options[:success] : '')
- 0
- 254
- end
- 255
- end
- 256
- options.each do |callback, code|
- 0
- 257
- if JQCALLBACKS.include?(callback)
- 0
- 258
- callbacks[callback] = "function(request){#{code}}"
- 0
- 259
- end
- 260
- end
- 261
- callbacks
- 0
- 262
- end
- 263
- 264
- end
- 265
- 266
- class JavaScriptElementProxy < JavaScriptProxy #:nodoc:
- 1
- 267
- 268
- unless const_defined? :JQUERY_VAR
- 1
- 269
- JQUERY_VAR = PrototypeHelper::JQUERY_VAR
- 1
- 270
- end
- 271
- 272
- def initialize(generator, id)
- 1
- 273
- id = id.to_s.count('#.*,>+~:[/ ') == 0 ? "##{id}" : id
- 0
- 274
- @id = id
- 0
- 275
- super(generator, "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{id}\")")
- 0
- 276
- end
- 277
- 278
- def replace_html(*options_for_render)
- 1
- 279
- call 'html', @generator.send(:render, *options_for_render)
- 0
- 280
- end
- 281
- 282
- def replace(*options_for_render)
- 1
- 283
- call 'replaceWith', @generator.send(:render, *options_for_render)
- 0
- 284
- end
- 285
- 286
- def reload(options_for_replace={})
- 1
- 287
- replace(options_for_replace.merge({ :partial => @id.to_s.sub(/^#/,'') }))
- 0
- 288
- end
- 289
- 290
- def value()
- 1
- 291
- call 'val()'
- 0
- 292
- end
- 293
- 294
- def value=(value)
- 1
- 295
- call 'val', value
- 0
- 296
- end
- 297
- 298
- end
- 299
- 300
- class JavaScriptElementCollectionProxy < JavaScriptCollectionProxy #:nodoc:\
- 1
- 301
- 302
- unless const_defined? :JQUERY_VAR
- 1
- 303
- JQUERY_VAR = PrototypeHelper::JQUERY_VAR
- 1
- 304
- end
- 305
- 306
- def initialize(generator, pattern)
- 1
- 307
- super(generator, "#{JQUERY_VAR}(#{pattern.to_json})")
- 0
- 308
- end
- 309
- end
- 310
- 311
- module ScriptaculousHelper
- 1
- 312
- 313
- unless const_defined? :JQUERY_VAR
- 1
- 314
- JQUERY_VAR = PrototypeHelper::JQUERY_VAR
- 1
- 315
- end
- 316
- 317
- unless const_defined? :SCRIPTACULOUS_EFFECTS
- 1
- 318
- 1
- 319
- :appear => {:method => 'fadeIn'},
- 320
- :blind_down => {:method => 'blind', :mode => 'show', :options => {:direction => 'vertical'}},
- 321
- :blind_up => {:method => 'blind', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:direction => 'vertical'}},
- 322
- :blind_right => {:method => 'blind', :mode => 'show', :options => {:direction => 'horizontal'}},
- 323
- :blind_left => {:method => 'blind', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:direction => 'horizontal'}},
- 324
- :bounce_in => {:method => 'bounce', :mode => 'show', :options => {:direction => 'up'}},
- 325
- :bounce_out => {:method => 'bounce', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:direction => 'up'}},
- 326
- :drop_in => {:method => 'drop', :mode => 'show', :options => {:direction => 'up'}},
- 327
- :drop_out => {:method => 'drop', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:direction => 'down'}},
- 328
- :fade => {:method => 'fadeOut'},
- 329
- :fold_in => {:method => 'fold', :mode => 'hide'},
- 330
- :fold_out => {:method => 'fold', :mode => 'show'},
- 331
- :grow => {:method => 'scale', :mode => 'show'},
- 332
- :shrink => {:method => 'scale', :mode => 'hide'},
- 333
- :slide_down => {:method => 'slide', :mode => 'show', :options => {:direction => 'up'}},
- 334
- :slide_up => {:method => 'slide', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:direction => 'up'}},
- 335
- :slide_right => {:method => 'slide', :mode => 'show', :options => {:direction => 'left'}},
- 336
- :slide_left => {:method => 'slide', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:direction => 'left'}},
- 337
- :squish => {:method => 'scale', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:origin => "['top','left']"}},
- 338
- :switch_on => {:method => 'clip', :mode => 'show', :options => {:direction => 'vertical'}},
- 339
- :switch_off => {:method => 'clip', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:direction => 'vertical'}},
- 340
- :toggle_appear => {:method => 'fadeToggle'},
- 341
- :toggle_slide => {:method => 'slide', :mode => 'toggle', :options => {:direction => 'up'}},
- 342
- :toggle_blind => {:method => 'blind', :mode => 'toggle', :options => {:direction => 'vertical'}},
- 343
- }
- 344
- end
- 345
- 346
- def visual_effect(name, element_id = false, js_options = {})
- 1
- 347
- element = element_id ? element_id : "this"
- 0
- 348
- 349
- if SCRIPTACULOUS_EFFECTS.has_key? name.to_sym
- 0
- 350
- effect = SCRIPTACULOUS_EFFECTS[name.to_sym]
- 0
- 351
- name = effect[:method]
- 0
- 352
- mode = effect[:mode]
- 0
- 353
- js_options = js_options.merge(effect[:options]) if effect[:options]
- 0
- 354
- end
- 355
- 356
- [:color, :direction, :startcolor, :endcolor].each do |option|
- 0
- 357
- js_options[option] = "'#{js_options[option]}'" if js_options[option]
- 0
- 358
- end
- 359
- 360
- if js_options.has_key? :duration
- 0
- 361
- speed = js_options.delete :duration
- 0
- 362
- speed = (speed * 1000).to_i unless speed.nil?
- 0
- 363
- else
- 364
- speed = js_options.delete :speed
- 0
- 365
- end
- 366
- 367
- if ['fadeIn','fadeOut','fadeToggle'].include?(name)
- 0
- 368
- # 090905 - Jake - changed ' to \" so it passes assert_select_rjs with an id
- 369
- javascript = "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_id(element_id)}\").#{name}("
- 0
- 370
- javascript << "#{speed}" unless speed.nil?
- 0
- 371
- javascript << ");"
- 0
- 372
- else
- 373
- # 090905 - Jake - changed ' to \" so it passes "assert_select_rjs :effect, ID"
- 374
- javascript = "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_id(element_id)}\").#{mode || 'effect'}('#{name}'"
- 0
- 375
- javascript << ",#{options_for_javascript(js_options)}" unless speed.nil? && js_options.empty?
- 0
- 376
- javascript << ",#{speed}" unless speed.nil?
- 0
- 377
- javascript << ");"
- 0
- 378
- end
- 379
- 380
- end
- 381
- 382
- def sortable_element_js(element_id, options = {}) #:nodoc:
- 1
- 383
- #convert similar attributes
- 384
- options[:handle] = ".#{options[:handle]}" if options[:handle]
- 0
- 385
- if options[:tag] || options[:only]
- 0
- 386
- options[:items] = "> "
- 0
- 387
- options[:items] << options.delete(:tag) if options[:tag]
- 0
- 388
- options[:items] << ".#{options.delete(:only)}" if options[:only]
- 0
- 389
- end
- 390
- options[:connectWith] = options.delete(:containment).map {|x| "##{x}"} if options[:containment]
- 0
- 391
- options[:containment] = options.delete(:container) if options[:container]
- 0
- 392
- options[:dropOnEmpty] = false unless options[:dropOnEmpty]
- 0
- 393
- options[:helper] = "'clone'" if options[:ghosting] == true
- 0
- 394
- options[:axis] = case options.delete(:constraint)
- 0
- 395
- when "vertical", :vertical
- 396
- "y"
- 0
- 397
- when "horizontal", :horizontal
- 398
- "x"
- 0
- 399
- when false
- 400
- nil
- 0
- 401
- when nil
- 402
- "y"
- 0
- 403
- end
- 404
- options.delete(:axis) if options[:axis].nil?
- 0
- 405
- options.delete(:overlap)
- 0
- 406
- options.delete(:ghosting)
- 0
- 407
- 408
- if options[:onUpdate] || options[:url]
- 0
- 409
- if options[:format]
- 0
- 410
- options[:with] ||= "#{JQUERY_VAR}(this).sortable('serialize',{key:'#{element_id}[]', expression:#{options[:format]}})"
- 0
- 411
- options.delete(:format)
- 0
- 412
- else
- 413
- options[:with] ||= "#{JQUERY_VAR}(this).sortable('serialize',{key:'#{element_id}[]'})"
- 0
- 414
- end
- 415
- 416
- options[:onUpdate] ||= "function(){" + remote_function(options) + "}"
- 0
- 417
- end
- 418
- 419
- options.delete_if { |key, value| PrototypeHelper::AJAX_OPTIONS.include?(key) }
- 0
- 420
- options[:update] = options.delete(:onUpdate) if options[:onUpdate]
- 0
- 421
- 422
- [:axis, :cancel, :containment, :cursor, :handle, :tolerance, :items, :placeholder].each do |option|
- 0
- 423
- options[option] = "'#{options[option]}'" if options[option]
- 0
- 424
- end
- 425
- 426
- options[:connectWith] = array_or_string_for_javascript(options[:connectWith]) if options[:connectWith]
- 0
- 427
- 428
- %(#{JQUERY_VAR}('#{jquery_id(element_id)}').sortable(#{options_for_javascript(options)});)
- 0
- 429
- end
- 430
- 431
- def draggable_element_js(element_id, options = {})
- 1
- 432
- %(#{JQUERY_VAR}("#{jquery_id(element_id)}").draggable(#{options_for_javascript(options)});)
- 0
- 433
- end
- 434
- 435
- def drop_receiving_element_js(element_id, options = {})
- 1
- 436
- #convert similar options
- 437
- options[:hoverClass] = options.delete(:hoverclass) if options[:hoverclass]
- 0
- 438
- options[:drop] = options.delete(:onDrop) if options[:onDrop]
- 0
- 439
- 440
- if options[:drop] || options[:url]
- 0
- 441
- options[:with] ||= "'id=' + encodeURIComponent(#{JQUERY_VAR}(ui.draggable).attr('id'))"
- 0
- 442
- options[:drop] ||= "function(ev, ui){" + remote_function(options) + "}"
- 0
- 443
- end
- 444
- 445
- options.delete_if { |key, value| PrototypeHelper::AJAX_OPTIONS.include?(key) }
- 0
- 446
- 447
- options[:accept] = array_or_string_for_javascript(options[:accept]) if options[:accept]
- 0
- 448
- [:activeClass, :hoverClass, :tolerance].each do |option|
- 0
- 449
- options[option] = "'#{options[option]}'" if options[option]
- 0
- 450
- end
- 451
- 452
- %(#{JQUERY_VAR}('#{jquery_id(element_id)}').droppable(#{options_for_javascript(options)});)
- 0
- 453
- end
- 454
- 455
- end
- 456
- 457
- end
- 458
- end