diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e6b6b47ec..ea56712fd 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ tmp/**/*
diff --git a/app/controllers/comments_controller.rb b/app/controllers/comments_controller.rb
index b81d78cbc..76dbd0533 100644
--- a/app/controllers/comments_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/comments_controller.rb
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ class CommentsController < ApplicationController
flash[:notice] = "Comment posted"
redirect_to posts_path(@comment.post)
+ format.js
diff --git a/app/models/post.rb b/app/models/post.rb
index 13310e6f9..494d4c8e1 100644
--- a/app/models/post.rb
+++ b/app/models/post.rb
@@ -44,11 +44,19 @@ class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
def medium_file_path
- "#{Rails.root}/public/data/medium/#{file_path_prefix}#{md5}.jpg"
+ if has_medium?
+ "#{Rails.root}/public/data/medium/#{file_path_prefix}#{md5}.jpg"
+ else
+ file_path
+ end
def large_file_path
- "#{Rails.root}/public/data/large/#{file_path_prefix}#{md5}.jpg"
+ if has_large?
+ "#{Rails.root}/public/data/large/#{file_path_prefix}#{md5}.jpg"
+ else
+ file_path
+ end
def preview_file_path
diff --git a/app/views/comments/create.js.rjs b/app/views/comments/create.js.rjs
index e69de29bb..ca608485d 100644
--- a/app/views/comments/create.js.rjs
+++ b/app/views/comments/create.js.rjs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+page.insert_html(:bottom, "div.comments-for-post[data-post-id=#{@comment.post_id}] div.list-of-comments", :partial => "comments/partials/show/comment", :locals => {:comment => @comment})
diff --git a/app/views/comments/index.html.haml b/app/views/comments/index.html.haml
index 390b6c3a8..f83de3a65 100644
--- a/app/views/comments/index.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/comments/index.html.haml
@@ -1,2 +1,7 @@
-- @posts.each do |post|
- = @post.id
\ No newline at end of file
+%div{:class => "comments"}
+ %div{:class => "index"}
+ - @posts.each do |post|
+ %div{:class => "preview"}
+ = image_tag(post.medium_file_url)
+ = render :partial => "comments/partials/index/list", :locals => {:post => post, :comments => post.comments}
+ %div{:class => "clearfix"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/comments/partials/new/_form.html.haml b/app/views/comments/partials/new/_form.html.haml
index 0f0956a11..5d5dbdbc8 100644
--- a/app/views/comments/partials/new/_form.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/comments/partials/new/_form.html.haml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
%div{:class => "comment-preview dtext"}
-= form_tag(comments_path) do
+= form_tag(comments_path, :remote => true) do
= hidden_field "comment", "post_id", :value => post.id
= text_area "comment", "body", :size => "60x7"
diff --git a/app/views/comments/partials/show/_comment.html.haml b/app/views/comments/partials/show/_comment.html.haml
index 5259d029f..d49db71eb 100644
--- a/app/views/comments/partials/show/_comment.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/comments/partials/show/_comment.html.haml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
%div= format_text(comment.body)
- %span{:class => "link"} Quote
+ %span{:class => "link"} Reply
- if CurrentUser.user.is_janitor? || CurrentUser.user.id == comment.creator_id
%li= link_to "Delete", comment_path(comment.id), :confirm => "Do you really want to delete this comment?", :method => :delete
%li= link_to "Vote up", comment_vote_path(comment.id, :is_positive => true), :method => :post
diff --git a/app/views/posts/partials/show/_edit.html.erb b/app/views/posts/partials/show/_edit.html.erb
index 1db239b01..4bdb3e7d0 100644
--- a/app/views/posts/partials/show/_edit.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/posts/partials/show/_edit.html.erb
@@ -41,6 +41,11 @@
<% end %>
+ <%= f.label :parent_id, "Parent" %>
+ <%= f.text_field :parent_id, :size => 5 %>
+ .css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ visibility: 'visible',
+ left: -j*(width/cells),
+ top: -i*(height/rows)
+ })
+ .parent()
+ .addClass('ui-effects-explode')
+ .css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ width: width/cells,
+ height: height/rows,
+ left: offset.left + j*(width/cells) + (o.options.mode == 'show' ? (j-Math.floor(cells/2))*(width/cells) : 0),
+ top: offset.top + i*(height/rows) + (o.options.mode == 'show' ? (i-Math.floor(rows/2))*(height/rows) : 0),
+ opacity: o.options.mode == 'show' ? 0 : 1
+ }).animate({
+ left: offset.left + j*(width/cells) + (o.options.mode == 'show' ? 0 : (j-Math.floor(cells/2))*(width/cells)),
+ top: offset.top + i*(height/rows) + (o.options.mode == 'show' ? 0 : (i-Math.floor(rows/2))*(height/rows)),
+ opacity: o.options.mode == 'show' ? 1 : 0
+ }, o.duration || 500);
+ }
+ }
+ // Set a timeout, to call the callback approx. when the other animations have finished
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ o.options.mode == 'show' ? el.css({ visibility: 'visible' }) : el.css({ visibility: 'visible' }).hide();
+ if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(el[0]); // Callback
+ el.dequeue();
+ $('div.ui-effects-explode').remove();
+ }, o.duration || 500);
+ });
+ * jQuery UI Effects Fade 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Fade
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.effects.core.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+$.effects.fade = function(o) {
+ return this.queue(function() {
+ var elem = $(this),
+ mode = $.effects.setMode(elem, o.options.mode || 'hide');
+ elem.animate({ opacity: mode }, {
+ queue: false,
+ duration: o.duration,
+ easing: o.options.easing,
+ complete: function() {
+ (o.callback && o.callback.apply(this, arguments));
+ elem.dequeue();
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ * jQuery UI Effects Fold 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Fold
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.effects.core.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+$.effects.fold = function(o) {
+ return this.queue(function() {
+ // Create element
+ var el = $(this), props = ['position','top','left'];
+ // Set options
+ var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'hide'); // Set Mode
+ var size = o.options.size || 15; // Default fold size
+ var horizFirst = !(!o.options.horizFirst); // Ensure a boolean value
+ var duration = o.duration ? o.duration / 2 : $.fx.speeds._default / 2;
+ // Adjust
+ $.effects.save(el, props); el.show(); // Save & Show
+ var wrapper = $.effects.createWrapper(el).css({overflow:'hidden'}); // Create Wrapper
+ var widthFirst = ((mode == 'show') != horizFirst);
+ var ref = widthFirst ? ['width', 'height'] : ['height', 'width'];
+ var distance = widthFirst ? [wrapper.width(), wrapper.height()] : [wrapper.height(), wrapper.width()];
+ var percent = /([0-9]+)%/.exec(size);
+ if(percent) size = parseInt(percent[1],10) / 100 * distance[mode == 'hide' ? 0 : 1];
+ if(mode == 'show') wrapper.css(horizFirst ? {height: 0, width: size} : {height: size, width: 0}); // Shift
+ // Animation
+ var animation1 = {}, animation2 = {};
+ animation1[ref[0]] = mode == 'show' ? distance[0] : size;
+ animation2[ref[1]] = mode == 'show' ? distance[1] : 0;
+ // Animate
+ wrapper.animate(animation1, duration, o.options.easing)
+ .animate(animation2, duration, o.options.easing, function() {
+ if(mode == 'hide') el.hide(); // Hide
+ $.effects.restore(el, props); $.effects.removeWrapper(el); // Restore
+ if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(el[0], arguments); // Callback
+ el.dequeue();
+ });
+ });
+ * jQuery UI Effects Highlight 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Highlight
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.effects.core.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+$.effects.highlight = function(o) {
+ return this.queue(function() {
+ var elem = $(this),
+ props = ['backgroundImage', 'backgroundColor', 'opacity'],
+ mode = $.effects.setMode(elem, o.options.mode || 'show'),
+ animation = {
+ backgroundColor: elem.css('backgroundColor')
+ };
+ if (mode == 'hide') {
+ animation.opacity = 0;
+ }
+ $.effects.save(elem, props);
+ elem
+ .show()
+ .css({
+ backgroundImage: 'none',
+ backgroundColor: o.options.color || '#ffff99'
+ })
+ .animate(animation, {
+ queue: false,
+ duration: o.duration,
+ easing: o.options.easing,
+ complete: function() {
+ (mode == 'hide' && elem.hide());
+ $.effects.restore(elem, props);
+ (mode == 'show' && !$.support.opacity && this.style.removeAttribute('filter'));
+ (o.callback && o.callback.apply(this, arguments));
+ elem.dequeue();
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ * jQuery UI Effects Pulsate 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Pulsate
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.effects.core.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+$.effects.pulsate = function(o) {
+ return this.queue(function() {
+ var elem = $(this),
+ mode = $.effects.setMode(elem, o.options.mode || 'show');
+ times = ((o.options.times || 5) * 2) - 1;
+ duration = o.duration ? o.duration / 2 : $.fx.speeds._default / 2,
+ isVisible = elem.is(':visible'),
+ animateTo = 0;
+ if (!isVisible) {
+ elem.css('opacity', 0).show();
+ animateTo = 1;
+ }
+ if ((mode == 'hide' && isVisible) || (mode == 'show' && !isVisible)) {
+ times--;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) {
+ elem.animate({ opacity: animateTo }, duration, o.options.easing);
+ animateTo = (animateTo + 1) % 2;
+ }
+ elem.animate({ opacity: animateTo }, duration, o.options.easing, function() {
+ if (animateTo == 0) {
+ elem.hide();
+ }
+ (o.callback && o.callback.apply(this, arguments));
+ });
+ elem
+ .queue('fx', function() { elem.dequeue(); })
+ .dequeue();
+ });
+ * jQuery UI Effects Scale 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Scale
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.effects.core.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+$.effects.puff = function(o) {
+ return this.queue(function() {
+ var elem = $(this),
+ mode = $.effects.setMode(elem, o.options.mode || 'hide'),
+ percent = parseInt(o.options.percent, 10) || 150,
+ factor = percent / 100,
+ original = { height: elem.height(), width: elem.width() };
+ $.extend(o.options, {
+ fade: true,
+ mode: mode,
+ percent: mode == 'hide' ? percent : 100,
+ from: mode == 'hide'
+ ? original
+ : {
+ height: original.height * factor,
+ width: original.width * factor
+ }
+ });
+ elem.effect('scale', o.options, o.duration, o.callback);
+ elem.dequeue();
+ });
+$.effects.scale = function(o) {
+ return this.queue(function() {
+ // Create element
+ var el = $(this);
+ // Set options
+ var options = $.extend(true, {}, o.options);
+ var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'effect'); // Set Mode
+ var percent = parseInt(o.options.percent,10) || (parseInt(o.options.percent,10) == 0 ? 0 : (mode == 'hide' ? 0 : 100)); // Set default scaling percent
+ var direction = o.options.direction || 'both'; // Set default axis
+ var origin = o.options.origin; // The origin of the scaling
+ if (mode != 'effect') { // Set default origin and restore for show/hide
+ options.origin = origin || ['middle','center'];
+ options.restore = true;
+ }
+ var original = {height: el.height(), width: el.width()}; // Save original
+ el.from = o.options.from || (mode == 'show' ? {height: 0, width: 0} : original); // Default from state
+ // Adjust
+ var factor = { // Set scaling factor
+ y: direction != 'horizontal' ? (percent / 100) : 1,
+ x: direction != 'vertical' ? (percent / 100) : 1
+ };
+ el.to = {height: original.height * factor.y, width: original.width * factor.x}; // Set to state
+ if (o.options.fade) { // Fade option to support puff
+ if (mode == 'show') {el.from.opacity = 0; el.to.opacity = 1;};
+ if (mode == 'hide') {el.from.opacity = 1; el.to.opacity = 0;};
+ };
+ // Animation
+ options.from = el.from; options.to = el.to; options.mode = mode;
+ // Animate
+ el.effect('size', options, o.duration, o.callback);
+ el.dequeue();
+ });
+$.effects.size = function(o) {
+ return this.queue(function() {
+ // Create element
+ var el = $(this), props = ['position','top','left','width','height','overflow','opacity'];
+ var props1 = ['position','top','left','overflow','opacity']; // Always restore
+ var props2 = ['width','height','overflow']; // Copy for children
+ var cProps = ['fontSize'];
+ var vProps = ['borderTopWidth', 'borderBottomWidth', 'paddingTop', 'paddingBottom'];
+ var hProps = ['borderLeftWidth', 'borderRightWidth', 'paddingLeft', 'paddingRight'];
+ // Set options
+ var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'effect'); // Set Mode
+ var restore = o.options.restore || false; // Default restore
+ var scale = o.options.scale || 'both'; // Default scale mode
+ var origin = o.options.origin; // The origin of the sizing
+ var original = {height: el.height(), width: el.width()}; // Save original
+ el.from = o.options.from || original; // Default from state
+ el.to = o.options.to || original; // Default to state
+ // Adjust
+ if (origin) { // Calculate baseline shifts
+ var baseline = $.effects.getBaseline(origin, original);
+ el.from.top = (original.height - el.from.height) * baseline.y;
+ el.from.left = (original.width - el.from.width) * baseline.x;
+ el.to.top = (original.height - el.to.height) * baseline.y;
+ el.to.left = (original.width - el.to.width) * baseline.x;
+ };
+ var factor = { // Set scaling factor
+ from: {y: el.from.height / original.height, x: el.from.width / original.width},
+ to: {y: el.to.height / original.height, x: el.to.width / original.width}
+ };
+ if (scale == 'box' || scale == 'both') { // Scale the css box
+ if (factor.from.y != factor.to.y) { // Vertical props scaling
+ props = props.concat(vProps);
+ el.from = $.effects.setTransition(el, vProps, factor.from.y, el.from);
+ el.to = $.effects.setTransition(el, vProps, factor.to.y, el.to);
+ };
+ if (factor.from.x != factor.to.x) { // Horizontal props scaling
+ props = props.concat(hProps);
+ el.from = $.effects.setTransition(el, hProps, factor.from.x, el.from);
+ el.to = $.effects.setTransition(el, hProps, factor.to.x, el.to);
+ };
+ };
+ if (scale == 'content' || scale == 'both') { // Scale the content
+ if (factor.from.y != factor.to.y) { // Vertical props scaling
+ props = props.concat(cProps);
+ el.from = $.effects.setTransition(el, cProps, factor.from.y, el.from);
+ el.to = $.effects.setTransition(el, cProps, factor.to.y, el.to);
+ };
+ };
+ $.effects.save(el, restore ? props : props1); el.show(); // Save & Show
+ $.effects.createWrapper(el); // Create Wrapper
+ el.css('overflow','hidden').css(el.from); // Shift
+ // Animate
+ if (scale == 'content' || scale == 'both') { // Scale the children
+ vProps = vProps.concat(['marginTop','marginBottom']).concat(cProps); // Add margins/font-size
+ hProps = hProps.concat(['marginLeft','marginRight']); // Add margins
+ props2 = props.concat(vProps).concat(hProps); // Concat
+ el.find("*[width]").each(function(){
+ child = $(this);
+ if (restore) $.effects.save(child, props2);
+ var c_original = {height: child.height(), width: child.width()}; // Save original
+ child.from = {height: c_original.height * factor.from.y, width: c_original.width * factor.from.x};
+ child.to = {height: c_original.height * factor.to.y, width: c_original.width * factor.to.x};
+ if (factor.from.y != factor.to.y) { // Vertical props scaling
+ child.from = $.effects.setTransition(child, vProps, factor.from.y, child.from);
+ child.to = $.effects.setTransition(child, vProps, factor.to.y, child.to);
+ };
+ if (factor.from.x != factor.to.x) { // Horizontal props scaling
+ child.from = $.effects.setTransition(child, hProps, factor.from.x, child.from);
+ child.to = $.effects.setTransition(child, hProps, factor.to.x, child.to);
+ };
+ child.css(child.from); // Shift children
+ child.animate(child.to, o.duration, o.options.easing, function(){
+ if (restore) $.effects.restore(child, props2); // Restore children
+ }); // Animate children
+ });
+ };
+ // Animate
+ el.animate(el.to, { queue: false, duration: o.duration, easing: o.options.easing, complete: function() {
+ if (el.to.opacity === 0) {
+ el.css('opacity', el.from.opacity);
+ }
+ if(mode == 'hide') el.hide(); // Hide
+ $.effects.restore(el, restore ? props : props1); $.effects.removeWrapper(el); // Restore
+ if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(this, arguments); // Callback
+ el.dequeue();
+ }});
+ });
+ * jQuery UI Effects Shake 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Shake
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.effects.core.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+$.effects.shake = function(o) {
+ return this.queue(function() {
+ // Create element
+ var el = $(this), props = ['position','top','left'];
+ // Set options
+ var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'effect'); // Set Mode
+ var direction = o.options.direction || 'left'; // Default direction
+ var distance = o.options.distance || 20; // Default distance
+ var times = o.options.times || 3; // Default # of times
+ var speed = o.duration || o.options.duration || 140; // Default speed per shake
+ // Adjust
+ $.effects.save(el, props); el.show(); // Save & Show
+ $.effects.createWrapper(el); // Create Wrapper
+ var ref = (direction == 'up' || direction == 'down') ? 'top' : 'left';
+ var motion = (direction == 'up' || direction == 'left') ? 'pos' : 'neg';
+ // Animation
+ var animation = {}, animation1 = {}, animation2 = {};
+ animation[ref] = (motion == 'pos' ? '-=' : '+=') + distance;
+ animation1[ref] = (motion == 'pos' ? '+=' : '-=') + distance * 2;
+ animation2[ref] = (motion == 'pos' ? '-=' : '+=') + distance * 2;
+ // Animate
+ el.animate(animation, speed, o.options.easing);
+ for (var i = 1; i < times; i++) { // Shakes
+ el.animate(animation1, speed, o.options.easing).animate(animation2, speed, o.options.easing);
+ };
+ el.animate(animation1, speed, o.options.easing).
+ animate(animation, speed / 2, o.options.easing, function(){ // Last shake
+ $.effects.restore(el, props); $.effects.removeWrapper(el); // Restore
+ if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(this, arguments); // Callback
+ });
+ el.queue('fx', function() { el.dequeue(); });
+ el.dequeue();
+ });
+ * jQuery UI Effects Slide 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Slide
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.effects.core.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+$.effects.slide = function(o) {
+ return this.queue(function() {
+ // Create element
+ var el = $(this), props = ['position','top','left'];
+ // Set options
+ var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'show'); // Set Mode
+ var direction = o.options.direction || 'left'; // Default Direction
+ // Adjust
+ $.effects.save(el, props); el.show(); // Save & Show
+ $.effects.createWrapper(el).css({overflow:'hidden'}); // Create Wrapper
+ var ref = (direction == 'up' || direction == 'down') ? 'top' : 'left';
+ var motion = (direction == 'up' || direction == 'left') ? 'pos' : 'neg';
+ var distance = o.options.distance || (ref == 'top' ? el.outerHeight({margin:true}) : el.outerWidth({margin:true}));
+ if (mode == 'show') el.css(ref, motion == 'pos' ? -distance : distance); // Shift
+ // Animation
+ var animation = {};
+ animation[ref] = (mode == 'show' ? (motion == 'pos' ? '+=' : '-=') : (motion == 'pos' ? '-=' : '+=')) + distance;
+ // Animate
+ el.animate(animation, { queue: false, duration: o.duration, easing: o.options.easing, complete: function() {
+ if(mode == 'hide') el.hide(); // Hide
+ $.effects.restore(el, props); $.effects.removeWrapper(el); // Restore
+ if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(this, arguments); // Callback
+ el.dequeue();
+ }});
+ });
+ * jQuery UI Effects Transfer 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Transfer
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.effects.core.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+$.effects.transfer = function(o) {
+ return this.queue(function() {
+ var elem = $(this),
+ target = $(o.options.to),
+ endPosition = target.offset(),
+ animation = {
+ top: endPosition.top,
+ left: endPosition.left,
+ height: target.innerHeight(),
+ width: target.innerWidth()
+ },
+ startPosition = elem.offset(),
+ transfer = $('')
+ .appendTo(document.body)
+ .addClass(o.options.className)
+ .css({
+ top: startPosition.top,
+ left: startPosition.left,
+ height: elem.innerHeight(),
+ width: elem.innerWidth(),
+ position: 'absolute'
+ })
+ .animate(animation, o.duration, o.options.easing, function() {
+ transfer.remove();
+ (o.callback && o.callback.apply(elem[0], arguments));
+ elem.dequeue();
+ });
+ });
+ * jQuery UI Accordion 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Accordion
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.ui.core.js
+ * jquery.ui.widget.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+$.widget( "ui.accordion", {
+ options: {
+ active: 0,
+ animated: "slide",
+ autoHeight: true,
+ clearStyle: false,
+ collapsible: false,
+ event: "click",
+ fillSpace: false,
+ header: "> li > :first-child,> :not(li):even",
+ icons: {
+ header: "ui-icon-triangle-1-e",
+ headerSelected: "ui-icon-triangle-1-s"
+ },
+ navigation: false,
+ navigationFilter: function() {
+ return this.href.toLowerCase() === location.href.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ },
+ _create: function() {
+ var self = this,
+ options = self.options;
+ self.running = 0;
+ self.element
+ .addClass( "ui-accordion ui-widget ui-helper-reset" )
+ // in lack of child-selectors in CSS
+ // we need to mark top-LIs in a UL-accordion for some IE-fix
+ .children( "li" )
+ .addClass( "ui-accordion-li-fix" );
+ self.headers = self.element.find( options.header )
+ .addClass( "ui-accordion-header ui-helper-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-all" )
+ .bind( "mouseenter.accordion", function() {
+ if ( options.disabled ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $( this ).addClass( "ui-state-hover" );
+ })
+ .bind( "mouseleave.accordion", function() {
+ if ( options.disabled ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $( this ).removeClass( "ui-state-hover" );
+ })
+ .bind( "focus.accordion", function() {
+ if ( options.disabled ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $( this ).addClass( "ui-state-focus" );
+ })
+ .bind( "blur.accordion", function() {
+ if ( options.disabled ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $( this ).removeClass( "ui-state-focus" );
+ });
+ self.headers.next()
+ .addClass( "ui-accordion-content ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom" );
+ if ( options.navigation ) {
+ var current = self.element.find( "a" ).filter( options.navigationFilter ).eq( 0 );
+ if ( current.length ) {
+ var header = current.closest( ".ui-accordion-header" );
+ if ( header.length ) {
+ // anchor within header
+ self.active = header;
+ } else {
+ // anchor within content
+ self.active = current.closest( ".ui-accordion-content" ).prev();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self.active = self._findActive( self.active || options.active )
+ .addClass( "ui-state-default ui-state-active" )
+ .toggleClass( "ui-corner-all ui-corner-top" );
+ self.active.next().addClass( "ui-accordion-content-active" );
+ self._createIcons();
+ self.resize();
+ // ARIA
+ self.element.attr( "role", "tablist" );
+ self.headers
+ .attr( "role", "tab" )
+ .bind( "keydown.accordion", function( event ) {
+ return self._keydown( event );
+ })
+ .next()
+ .attr( "role", "tabpanel" );
+ self.headers
+ .not( self.active || "" )
+ .attr({
+ "aria-expanded": "false",
+ tabIndex: -1
+ })
+ .next()
+ .hide();
+ // make sure at least one header is in the tab order
+ if ( !self.active.length ) {
+ self.headers.eq( 0 ).attr( "tabIndex", 0 );
+ } else {
+ self.active
+ .attr({
+ "aria-expanded": "true",
+ tabIndex: 0
+ });
+ }
+ // only need links in tab order for Safari
+ if ( !$.browser.safari ) {
+ self.headers.find( "a" ).attr( "tabIndex", -1 );
+ }
+ if ( options.event ) {
+ self.headers.bind( options.event.split(" ").join(".accordion ") + ".accordion", function(event) {
+ self._clickHandler.call( self, event, this );
+ event.preventDefault();
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _createIcons: function() {
+ var options = this.options;
+ if ( options.icons ) {
+ $( "" )
+ .addClass( "ui-icon " + options.icons.header )
+ .prependTo( this.headers );
+ this.active.children( ".ui-icon" )
+ .toggleClass(options.icons.header)
+ .toggleClass(options.icons.headerSelected);
+ this.element.addClass( "ui-accordion-icons" );
+ }
+ },
+ _destroyIcons: function() {
+ this.headers.children( ".ui-icon" ).remove();
+ this.element.removeClass( "ui-accordion-icons" );
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ var options = this.options;
+ this.element
+ .removeClass( "ui-accordion ui-widget ui-helper-reset" )
+ .removeAttr( "role" );
+ this.headers
+ .unbind( ".accordion" )
+ .removeClass( "ui-accordion-header ui-accordion-disabled ui-helper-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-state-active ui-state-disabled ui-corner-top" )
+ .removeAttr( "role" )
+ .removeAttr( "aria-expanded" )
+ .removeAttr( "tabIndex" );
+ this.headers.find( "a" ).removeAttr( "tabIndex" );
+ this._destroyIcons();
+ var contents = this.headers.next()
+ .css( "display", "" )
+ .removeAttr( "role" )
+ .removeClass( "ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom ui-accordion-content ui-accordion-content-active ui-accordion-disabled ui-state-disabled" );
+ if ( options.autoHeight || options.fillHeight ) {
+ contents.css( "height", "" );
+ }
+ return $.Widget.prototype.destroy.call( this );
+ },
+ _setOption: function( key, value ) {
+ $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply( this, arguments );
+ if ( key == "active" ) {
+ this.activate( value );
+ }
+ if ( key == "icons" ) {
+ this._destroyIcons();
+ if ( value ) {
+ this._createIcons();
+ }
+ }
+ // #5332 - opacity doesn't cascade to positioned elements in IE
+ // so we need to add the disabled class to the headers and panels
+ if ( key == "disabled" ) {
+ this.headers.add(this.headers.next())
+ [ value ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ](
+ "ui-accordion-disabled ui-state-disabled" );
+ }
+ },
+ _keydown: function( event ) {
+ if ( this.options.disabled || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var keyCode = $.ui.keyCode,
+ length = this.headers.length,
+ currentIndex = this.headers.index( event.target ),
+ toFocus = false;
+ switch ( event.keyCode ) {
+ case keyCode.RIGHT:
+ case keyCode.DOWN:
+ toFocus = this.headers[ ( currentIndex + 1 ) % length ];
+ break;
+ case keyCode.LEFT:
+ case keyCode.UP:
+ toFocus = this.headers[ ( currentIndex - 1 + length ) % length ];
+ break;
+ case keyCode.SPACE:
+ case keyCode.ENTER:
+ this._clickHandler( { target: event.target }, event.target );
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ if ( toFocus ) {
+ $( event.target ).attr( "tabIndex", -1 );
+ $( toFocus ).attr( "tabIndex", 0 );
+ toFocus.focus();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ resize: function() {
+ var options = this.options,
+ maxHeight;
+ if ( options.fillSpace ) {
+ if ( $.browser.msie ) {
+ var defOverflow = this.element.parent().css( "overflow" );
+ this.element.parent().css( "overflow", "hidden");
+ }
+ maxHeight = this.element.parent().height();
+ if ($.browser.msie) {
+ this.element.parent().css( "overflow", defOverflow );
+ }
+ this.headers.each(function() {
+ maxHeight -= $( this ).outerHeight( true );
+ });
+ this.headers.next()
+ .each(function() {
+ $( this ).height( Math.max( 0, maxHeight -
+ $( this ).innerHeight() + $( this ).height() ) );
+ })
+ .css( "overflow", "auto" );
+ } else if ( options.autoHeight ) {
+ maxHeight = 0;
+ this.headers.next()
+ .each(function() {
+ maxHeight = Math.max( maxHeight, $( this ).height( "" ).height() );
+ })
+ .height( maxHeight );
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ activate: function( index ) {
+ // TODO this gets called on init, changing the option without an explicit call for that
+ this.options.active = index;
+ // call clickHandler with custom event
+ var active = this._findActive( index )[ 0 ];
+ this._clickHandler( { target: active }, active );
+ return this;
+ },
+ _findActive: function( selector ) {
+ return selector
+ ? typeof selector === "number"
+ ? this.headers.filter( ":eq(" + selector + ")" )
+ : this.headers.not( this.headers.not( selector ) )
+ : selector === false
+ ? $( [] )
+ : this.headers.filter( ":eq(0)" );
+ },
+ // TODO isn't event.target enough? why the separate target argument?
+ _clickHandler: function( event, target ) {
+ var options = this.options;
+ if ( options.disabled ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // called only when using activate(false) to close all parts programmatically
+ if ( !event.target ) {
+ if ( !options.collapsible ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.active
+ .removeClass( "ui-state-active ui-corner-top" )
+ .addClass( "ui-state-default ui-corner-all" )
+ .children( ".ui-icon" )
+ .removeClass( options.icons.headerSelected )
+ .addClass( options.icons.header );
+ this.active.next().addClass( "ui-accordion-content-active" );
+ var toHide = this.active.next(),
+ data = {
+ options: options,
+ newHeader: $( [] ),
+ oldHeader: options.active,
+ newContent: $( [] ),
+ oldContent: toHide
+ },
+ toShow = ( this.active = $( [] ) );
+ this._toggle( toShow, toHide, data );
+ return;
+ }
+ // get the click target
+ var clicked = $( event.currentTarget || target ),
+ clickedIsActive = clicked[0] === this.active[0];
+ // TODO the option is changed, is that correct?
+ // TODO if it is correct, shouldn't that happen after determining that the click is valid?
+ options.active = options.collapsible && clickedIsActive ?
+ false :
+ this.headers.index( clicked );
+ // if animations are still active, or the active header is the target, ignore click
+ if ( this.running || ( !options.collapsible && clickedIsActive ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // switch classes
+ this.active
+ .removeClass( "ui-state-active ui-corner-top" )
+ .addClass( "ui-state-default ui-corner-all" )
+ .children( ".ui-icon" )
+ .removeClass( options.icons.headerSelected )
+ .addClass( options.icons.header );
+ if ( !clickedIsActive ) {
+ clicked
+ .removeClass( "ui-state-default ui-corner-all" )
+ .addClass( "ui-state-active ui-corner-top" )
+ .children( ".ui-icon" )
+ .removeClass( options.icons.header )
+ .addClass( options.icons.headerSelected );
+ clicked
+ .next()
+ .addClass( "ui-accordion-content-active" );
+ }
+ // find elements to show and hide
+ var toShow = clicked.next(),
+ toHide = this.active.next(),
+ data = {
+ options: options,
+ newHeader: clickedIsActive && options.collapsible ? $([]) : clicked,
+ oldHeader: this.active,
+ newContent: clickedIsActive && options.collapsible ? $([]) : toShow,
+ oldContent: toHide
+ },
+ down = this.headers.index( this.active[0] ) > this.headers.index( clicked[0] );
+ this.active = clickedIsActive ? $([]) : clicked;
+ this._toggle( toShow, toHide, data, clickedIsActive, down );
+ return;
+ },
+ _toggle: function( toShow, toHide, data, clickedIsActive, down ) {
+ var self = this,
+ options = self.options;
+ self.toShow = toShow;
+ self.toHide = toHide;
+ self.data = data;
+ var complete = function() {
+ if ( !self ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return self._completed.apply( self, arguments );
+ };
+ // trigger changestart event
+ self._trigger( "changestart", null, self.data );
+ // count elements to animate
+ self.running = toHide.size() === 0 ? toShow.size() : toHide.size();
+ if ( options.animated ) {
+ var animOptions = {};
+ if ( options.collapsible && clickedIsActive ) {
+ animOptions = {
+ toShow: $( [] ),
+ toHide: toHide,
+ complete: complete,
+ down: down,
+ autoHeight: options.autoHeight || options.fillSpace
+ };
+ } else {
+ animOptions = {
+ toShow: toShow,
+ toHide: toHide,
+ complete: complete,
+ down: down,
+ autoHeight: options.autoHeight || options.fillSpace
+ };
+ }
+ if ( !options.proxied ) {
+ options.proxied = options.animated;
+ }
+ if ( !options.proxiedDuration ) {
+ options.proxiedDuration = options.duration;
+ }
+ options.animated = $.isFunction( options.proxied ) ?
+ options.proxied( animOptions ) :
+ options.proxied;
+ options.duration = $.isFunction( options.proxiedDuration ) ?
+ options.proxiedDuration( animOptions ) :
+ options.proxiedDuration;
+ var animations = $.ui.accordion.animations,
+ duration = options.duration,
+ easing = options.animated;
+ if ( easing && !animations[ easing ] && !$.easing[ easing ] ) {
+ easing = "slide";
+ }
+ if ( !animations[ easing ] ) {
+ animations[ easing ] = function( options ) {
+ this.slide( options, {
+ easing: easing,
+ duration: duration || 700
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ animations[ easing ]( animOptions );
+ } else {
+ if ( options.collapsible && clickedIsActive ) {
+ toShow.toggle();
+ } else {
+ toHide.hide();
+ toShow.show();
+ }
+ complete( true );
+ }
+ // TODO assert that the blur and focus triggers are really necessary, remove otherwise
+ toHide.prev()
+ .attr({
+ "aria-expanded": "false",
+ tabIndex: -1
+ })
+ .blur();
+ toShow.prev()
+ .attr({
+ "aria-expanded": "true",
+ tabIndex: 0
+ })
+ .focus();
+ },
+ _completed: function( cancel ) {
+ this.running = cancel ? 0 : --this.running;
+ if ( this.running ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( this.options.clearStyle ) {
+ this.toShow.add( this.toHide ).css({
+ height: "",
+ overflow: ""
+ });
+ }
+ // other classes are removed before the animation; this one needs to stay until completed
+ this.toHide.removeClass( "ui-accordion-content-active" );
+ this._trigger( "change", null, this.data );
+ }
+$.extend( $.ui.accordion, {
+ version: "1.8.4",
+ animations: {
+ slide: function( options, additions ) {
+ options = $.extend({
+ easing: "swing",
+ duration: 300
+ }, options, additions );
+ if ( !options.toHide.size() ) {
+ options.toShow.animate({
+ height: "show",
+ paddingTop: "show",
+ paddingBottom: "show"
+ }, options );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( !options.toShow.size() ) {
+ options.toHide.animate({
+ height: "hide",
+ paddingTop: "hide",
+ paddingBottom: "hide"
+ }, options );
+ return;
+ }
+ var overflow = options.toShow.css( "overflow" ),
+ percentDone = 0,
+ showProps = {},
+ hideProps = {},
+ fxAttrs = [ "height", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom" ],
+ originalWidth;
+ // fix width before calculating height of hidden element
+ var s = options.toShow;
+ originalWidth = s[0].style.width;
+ s.width( parseInt( s.parent().width(), 10 )
+ - parseInt( s.css( "paddingLeft" ), 10 )
+ - parseInt( s.css( "paddingRight" ), 10 )
+ - ( parseInt( s.css( "borderLeftWidth" ), 10 ) || 0 )
+ - ( parseInt( s.css( "borderRightWidth" ), 10) || 0 ) );
+ $.each( fxAttrs, function( i, prop ) {
+ hideProps[ prop ] = "hide";
+ var parts = ( "" + $.css( options.toShow[0], prop ) ).match( /^([\d+-.]+)(.*)$/ );
+ showProps[ prop ] = {
+ value: parts[ 1 ],
+ unit: parts[ 2 ] || "px"
+ };
+ });
+ options.toShow.css({ height: 0, overflow: "hidden" }).show();
+ options.toHide
+ .filter( ":hidden" )
+ .each( options.complete )
+ .end()
+ .filter( ":visible" )
+ .animate( hideProps, {
+ step: function( now, settings ) {
+ // only calculate the percent when animating height
+ // IE gets very inconsistent results when animating elements
+ // with small values, which is common for padding
+ if ( settings.prop == "height" ) {
+ percentDone = ( settings.end - settings.start === 0 ) ? 0 :
+ ( settings.now - settings.start ) / ( settings.end - settings.start );
+ }
+ options.toShow[ 0 ].style[ settings.prop ] =
+ ( percentDone * showProps[ settings.prop ].value )
+ + showProps[ settings.prop ].unit;
+ },
+ duration: options.duration,
+ easing: options.easing,
+ complete: function() {
+ if ( !options.autoHeight ) {
+ options.toShow.css( "height", "" );
+ }
+ options.toShow.css({
+ width: originalWidth,
+ overflow: overflow
+ });
+ options.complete();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ bounceslide: function( options ) {
+ this.slide( options, {
+ easing: options.down ? "easeOutBounce" : "swing",
+ duration: options.down ? 1000 : 200
+ });
+ }
+ }
+})( jQuery );
+ * jQuery UI Autocomplete 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Autocomplete
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.ui.core.js
+ * jquery.ui.widget.js
+ * jquery.ui.position.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+$.widget( "ui.autocomplete", {
+ options: {
+ appendTo: "body",
+ delay: 300,
+ minLength: 1,
+ position: {
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ collision: "none"
+ },
+ source: null
+ },
+ _create: function() {
+ var self = this,
+ doc = this.element[ 0 ].ownerDocument;
+ this.element
+ .addClass( "ui-autocomplete-input" )
+ .attr( "autocomplete", "off" )
+ // TODO verify these actually work as intended
+ .attr({
+ role: "textbox",
+ "aria-autocomplete": "list",
+ "aria-haspopup": "true"
+ })
+ .bind( "keydown.autocomplete", function( event ) {
+ if ( self.options.disabled ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var keyCode = $.ui.keyCode;
+ switch( event.keyCode ) {
+ case keyCode.PAGE_UP:
+ self._move( "previousPage", event );
+ break;
+ case keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
+ self._move( "nextPage", event );
+ break;
+ case keyCode.UP:
+ self._move( "previous", event );
+ // prevent moving cursor to beginning of text field in some browsers
+ event.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ case keyCode.DOWN:
+ self._move( "next", event );
+ // prevent moving cursor to end of text field in some browsers
+ event.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ case keyCode.ENTER:
+ case keyCode.NUMPAD_ENTER:
+ // when menu is open or has focus
+ if ( self.menu.element.is( ":visible" ) ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ //passthrough - ENTER and TAB both select the current element
+ case keyCode.TAB:
+ if ( !self.menu.active ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ self.menu.select( event );
+ break;
+ case keyCode.ESCAPE:
+ self.element.val( self.term );
+ self.close( event );
+ break;
+ default:
+ // keypress is triggered before the input value is changed
+ clearTimeout( self.searching );
+ self.searching = setTimeout(function() {
+ // only search if the value has changed
+ if ( self.term != self.element.val() ) {
+ self.selectedItem = null;
+ self.search( null, event );
+ }
+ }, self.options.delay );
+ break;
+ }
+ })
+ .bind( "focus.autocomplete", function() {
+ if ( self.options.disabled ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ self.selectedItem = null;
+ self.previous = self.element.val();
+ })
+ .bind( "blur.autocomplete", function( event ) {
+ if ( self.options.disabled ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ clearTimeout( self.searching );
+ // clicks on the menu (or a button to trigger a search) will cause a blur event
+ self.closing = setTimeout(function() {
+ self.close( event );
+ self._change( event );
+ }, 150 );
+ });
+ this._initSource();
+ this.response = function() {
+ return self._response.apply( self, arguments );
+ };
+ this.menu = $( "" )
+ .addClass( "ui-autocomplete" )
+ .appendTo( $( this.options.appendTo || "body", doc )[0] )
+ // prevent the close-on-blur in case of a "slow" click on the menu (long mousedown)
+ .mousedown(function( event ) {
+ // clicking on the scrollbar causes focus to shift to the body
+ // but we can't detect a mouseup or a click immediately afterward
+ // so we have to track the next mousedown and close the menu if
+ // the user clicks somewhere outside of the autocomplete
+ var menuElement = self.menu.element[ 0 ];
+ if ( event.target === menuElement ) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ $( document ).one( 'mousedown', function( event ) {
+ if ( event.target !== self.element[ 0 ] &&
+ event.target !== menuElement &&
+ !$.ui.contains( menuElement, event.target ) ) {
+ self.close();
+ }
+ });
+ }, 1 );
+ }
+ // use another timeout to make sure the blur-event-handler on the input was already triggered
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ clearTimeout( self.closing );
+ }, 13);
+ })
+ .menu({
+ focus: function( event, ui ) {
+ var item = ui.item.data( "item.autocomplete" );
+ if ( false !== self._trigger( "focus", null, { item: item } ) ) {
+ // use value to match what will end up in the input, if it was a key event
+ if ( /^key/.test(event.originalEvent.type) ) {
+ self.element.val( item.value );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ selected: function( event, ui ) {
+ var item = ui.item.data( "item.autocomplete" ),
+ previous = self.previous;
+ // only trigger when focus was lost (click on menu)
+ if ( self.element[0] !== doc.activeElement ) {
+ self.element.focus();
+ self.previous = previous;
+ }
+ if ( false !== self._trigger( "select", event, { item: item } ) ) {
+ self.element.val( item.value );
+ }
+ self.close( event );
+ self.selectedItem = item;
+ },
+ blur: function( event, ui ) {
+ // don't set the value of the text field if it's already correct
+ // this prevents moving the cursor unnecessarily
+ if ( self.menu.element.is(":visible") &&
+ ( self.element.val() !== self.term ) ) {
+ self.element.val( self.term );
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .zIndex( this.element.zIndex() + 1 )
+ // workaround for jQuery bug #5781 http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/5781
+ .css({ top: 0, left: 0 })
+ .hide()
+ .data( "menu" );
+ if ( $.fn.bgiframe ) {
+ this.menu.element.bgiframe();
+ }
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ this.element
+ .removeClass( "ui-autocomplete-input" )
+ .removeAttr( "autocomplete" )
+ .removeAttr( "role" )
+ .removeAttr( "aria-autocomplete" )
+ .removeAttr( "aria-haspopup" );
+ this.menu.element.remove();
+ $.Widget.prototype.destroy.call( this );
+ },
+ _setOption: function( key, value ) {
+ $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply( this, arguments );
+ if ( key === "source" ) {
+ this._initSource();
+ }
+ if ( key === "appendTo" ) {
+ this.menu.element.appendTo( $( value || "body", this.element[0].ownerDocument )[0] )
+ }
+ },
+ _initSource: function() {
+ var array,
+ url;
+ if ( $.isArray(this.options.source) ) {
+ array = this.options.source;
+ this.source = function( request, response ) {
+ response( $.ui.autocomplete.filter(array, request.term) );
+ };
+ } else if ( typeof this.options.source === "string" ) {
+ url = this.options.source;
+ this.source = function( request, response ) {
+ $.getJSON( url, request, response );
+ };
+ } else {
+ this.source = this.options.source;
+ }
+ },
+ search: function( value, event ) {
+ value = value != null ? value : this.element.val();
+ if ( value.length < this.options.minLength ) {
+ return this.close( event );
+ }
+ clearTimeout( this.closing );
+ if ( this._trigger("search") === false ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return this._search( value );
+ },
+ _search: function( value ) {
+ this.term = this.element
+ .addClass( "ui-autocomplete-loading" )
+ // always save the actual value, not the one passed as an argument
+ .val();
+ this.source( { term: value }, this.response );
+ },
+ _response: function( content ) {
+ if ( content.length ) {
+ content = this._normalize( content );
+ this._suggest( content );
+ this._trigger( "open" );
+ } else {
+ this.close();
+ }
+ this.element.removeClass( "ui-autocomplete-loading" );
+ },
+ close: function( event ) {
+ clearTimeout( this.closing );
+ if ( this.menu.element.is(":visible") ) {
+ this._trigger( "close", event );
+ this.menu.element.hide();
+ this.menu.deactivate();
+ }
+ },
+ _change: function( event ) {
+ if ( this.previous !== this.element.val() ) {
+ this._trigger( "change", event, { item: this.selectedItem } );
+ }
+ },
+ _normalize: function( items ) {
+ // assume all items have the right format when the first item is complete
+ if ( items.length && items[0].label && items[0].value ) {
+ return items;
+ }
+ return $.map( items, function(item) {
+ if ( typeof item === "string" ) {
+ return {
+ label: item,
+ value: item
+ };
+ }
+ return $.extend({
+ label: item.label || item.value,
+ value: item.value || item.label
+ }, item );
+ });
+ },
+ _suggest: function( items ) {
+ var ul = this.menu.element
+ .empty()
+ .zIndex( this.element.zIndex() + 1 ),
+ menuWidth,
+ textWidth;
+ this._renderMenu( ul, items );
+ // TODO refresh should check if the active item is still in the dom, removing the need for a manual deactivate
+ this.menu.deactivate();
+ this.menu.refresh();
+ this.menu.element.show().position( $.extend({
+ of: this.element
+ }, this.options.position ));
+ menuWidth = ul.width( "" ).outerWidth();
+ textWidth = this.element.outerWidth();
+ ul.outerWidth( Math.max( menuWidth, textWidth ) );
+ },
+ _renderMenu: function( ul, items ) {
+ var self = this;
+ $.each( items, function( index, item ) {
+ self._renderItem( ul, item );
+ });
+ },
+ _renderItem: function( ul, item) {
+ return $( "" )
+ .data( "item.autocomplete", item )
+ .append( $( "" ).text( item.label ) )
+ .appendTo( ul );
+ },
+ _move: function( direction, event ) {
+ if ( !this.menu.element.is(":visible") ) {
+ this.search( null, event );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( this.menu.first() && /^previous/.test(direction) ||
+ this.menu.last() && /^next/.test(direction) ) {
+ this.element.val( this.term );
+ this.menu.deactivate();
+ return;
+ }
+ this.menu[ direction ]( event );
+ },
+ widget: function() {
+ return this.menu.element;
+ }
+$.extend( $.ui.autocomplete, {
+ escapeRegex: function( value ) {
+ return value.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
+ },
+ filter: function(array, term) {
+ var matcher = new RegExp( $.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(term), "i" );
+ return $.grep( array, function(value) {
+ return matcher.test( value.label || value.value || value );
+ });
+ }
+}( jQuery ));
+ * jQuery UI Menu (not officially released)
+ *
+ * This widget isn't yet finished and the API is subject to change. We plan to finish
+ * it for the next release. You're welcome to give it a try anyway and give us feedback,
+ * as long as you're okay with migrating your code later on. We can help with that, too.
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Menu
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.ui.core.js
+ * jquery.ui.widget.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+$.widget("ui.menu", {
+ _create: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ this.element
+ .addClass("ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all")
+ .attr({
+ role: "listbox",
+ "aria-activedescendant": "ui-active-menuitem"
+ })
+ .click(function( event ) {
+ if ( !$( event.target ).closest( ".ui-menu-item a" ).length ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // temporary
+ event.preventDefault();
+ self.select( event );
+ });
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ refresh: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ // don't refresh list items that are already adapted
+ var items = this.element.children("li:not(.ui-menu-item):has(a)")
+ .addClass("ui-menu-item")
+ .attr("role", "menuitem");
+ items.children("a")
+ .addClass("ui-corner-all")
+ .attr("tabindex", -1)
+ // mouseenter doesn't work with event delegation
+ .mouseenter(function( event ) {
+ self.activate( event, $(this).parent() );
+ })
+ .mouseleave(function() {
+ self.deactivate();
+ });
+ },
+ activate: function( event, item ) {
+ this.deactivate();
+ if (this.hasScroll()) {
+ var offset = item.offset().top - this.element.offset().top,
+ scroll = this.element.attr("scrollTop"),
+ elementHeight = this.element.height();
+ if (offset < 0) {
+ this.element.attr("scrollTop", scroll + offset);
+ } else if (offset > elementHeight) {
+ this.element.attr("scrollTop", scroll + offset - elementHeight + item.height());
+ }
+ }
+ this.active = item.eq(0)
+ .children("a")
+ .addClass("ui-state-hover")
+ .attr("id", "ui-active-menuitem")
+ .end();
+ this._trigger("focus", event, { item: item });
+ },
+ deactivate: function() {
+ if (!this.active) { return; }
+ this.active.children("a")
+ .removeClass("ui-state-hover")
+ .removeAttr("id");
+ this._trigger("blur");
+ this.active = null;
+ },
+ next: function(event) {
+ this.move("next", ".ui-menu-item:first", event);
+ },
+ previous: function(event) {
+ this.move("prev", ".ui-menu-item:last", event);
+ },
+ first: function() {
+ return this.active && !this.active.prevAll(".ui-menu-item").length;
+ },
+ last: function() {
+ return this.active && !this.active.nextAll(".ui-menu-item").length;
+ },
+ move: function(direction, edge, event) {
+ if (!this.active) {
+ this.activate(event, this.element.children(edge));
+ return;
+ }
+ var next = this.active[direction + "All"](".ui-menu-item").eq(0);
+ if (next.length) {
+ this.activate(event, next);
+ } else {
+ this.activate(event, this.element.children(edge));
+ }
+ },
+ // TODO merge with previousPage
+ nextPage: function(event) {
+ if (this.hasScroll()) {
+ // TODO merge with no-scroll-else
+ if (!this.active || this.last()) {
+ this.activate(event, this.element.children(":first"));
+ return;
+ }
+ var base = this.active.offset().top,
+ height = this.element.height(),
+ result = this.element.children("li").filter(function() {
+ var close = $(this).offset().top - base - height + $(this).height();
+ // TODO improve approximation
+ return close < 10 && close > -10;
+ });
+ // TODO try to catch this earlier when scrollTop indicates the last page anyway
+ if (!result.length) {
+ result = this.element.children(":last");
+ }
+ this.activate(event, result);
+ } else {
+ this.activate(event, this.element.children(!this.active || this.last() ? ":first" : ":last"));
+ }
+ },
+ // TODO merge with nextPage
+ previousPage: function(event) {
+ if (this.hasScroll()) {
+ // TODO merge with no-scroll-else
+ if (!this.active || this.first()) {
+ this.activate(event, this.element.children(":last"));
+ return;
+ }
+ var base = this.active.offset().top,
+ height = this.element.height();
+ result = this.element.children("li").filter(function() {
+ var close = $(this).offset().top - base + height - $(this).height();
+ // TODO improve approximation
+ return close < 10 && close > -10;
+ });
+ // TODO try to catch this earlier when scrollTop indicates the last page anyway
+ if (!result.length) {
+ result = this.element.children(":first");
+ }
+ this.activate(event, result);
+ } else {
+ this.activate(event, this.element.children(!this.active || this.first() ? ":last" : ":first"));
+ }
+ },
+ hasScroll: function() {
+ return this.element.height() < this.element.attr("scrollHeight");
+ },
+ select: function( event ) {
+ this._trigger("selected", event, { item: this.active });
+ }
+ * jQuery UI Button 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Button
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.ui.core.js
+ * jquery.ui.widget.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+var lastActive,
+ baseClasses = "ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all",
+ stateClasses = "ui-state-hover ui-state-active ",
+ typeClasses = "ui-button-icons-only ui-button-icon-only ui-button-text-icons ui-button-text-icon-primary ui-button-text-icon-secondary ui-button-text-only",
+ formResetHandler = function( event ) {
+ $( ":ui-button", event.target.form ).each(function() {
+ var inst = $( this ).data( "button" );
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ inst.refresh();
+ }, 1 );
+ });
+ },
+ radioGroup = function( radio ) {
+ var name = radio.name,
+ form = radio.form,
+ radios = $( [] );
+ if ( name ) {
+ if ( form ) {
+ radios = $( form ).find( "[name='" + name + "']" );
+ } else {
+ radios = $( "[name='" + name + "']", radio.ownerDocument )
+ .filter(function() {
+ return !this.form;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return radios;
+ };
+$.widget( "ui.button", {
+ options: {
+ text: true,
+ label: null,
+ icons: {
+ primary: null,
+ secondary: null
+ }
+ },
+ _create: function() {
+ this.element.closest( "form" )
+ .unbind( "reset.button" )
+ .bind( "reset.button", formResetHandler );
+ this._determineButtonType();
+ this.hasTitle = !!this.buttonElement.attr( "title" );
+ var self = this,
+ options = this.options,
+ toggleButton = this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio",
+ hoverClass = "ui-state-hover" + ( !toggleButton ? " ui-state-active" : "" ),
+ focusClass = "ui-state-focus";
+ if ( options.label === null ) {
+ options.label = this.buttonElement.html();
+ }
+ if ( this.element.is( ":disabled" ) ) {
+ options.disabled = true;
+ }
+ this.buttonElement
+ .addClass( baseClasses )
+ .attr( "role", "button" )
+ .bind( "mouseenter.button", function() {
+ if ( options.disabled ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $( this ).addClass( "ui-state-hover" );
+ if ( this === lastActive ) {
+ $( this ).addClass( "ui-state-active" );
+ }
+ })
+ .bind( "mouseleave.button", function() {
+ if ( options.disabled ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $( this ).removeClass( hoverClass );
+ })
+ .bind( "focus.button", function() {
+ // no need to check disabled, focus won't be triggered anyway
+ $( this ).addClass( focusClass );
+ })
+ .bind( "blur.button", function() {
+ $( this ).removeClass( focusClass );
+ });
+ if ( toggleButton ) {
+ this.element.bind( "change.button", function() {
+ self.refresh();
+ });
+ }
+ if ( this.type === "checkbox" ) {
+ this.buttonElement.bind( "click.button", function() {
+ if ( options.disabled ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $( this ).toggleClass( "ui-state-active" );
+ self.buttonElement.attr( "aria-pressed", self.element[0].checked );
+ });
+ } else if ( this.type === "radio" ) {
+ this.buttonElement.bind( "click.button", function() {
+ if ( options.disabled ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $( this ).addClass( "ui-state-active" );
+ self.buttonElement.attr( "aria-pressed", true );
+ var radio = self.element[ 0 ];
+ radioGroup( radio )
+ .not( radio )
+ .map(function() {
+ return $( this ).button( "widget" )[ 0 ];
+ })
+ .removeClass( "ui-state-active" )
+ .attr( "aria-pressed", false );
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.buttonElement
+ .bind( "mousedown.button", function() {
+ if ( options.disabled ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $( this ).addClass( "ui-state-active" );
+ lastActive = this;
+ $( document ).one( "mouseup", function() {
+ lastActive = null;
+ });
+ })
+ .bind( "mouseup.button", function() {
+ if ( options.disabled ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $( this ).removeClass( "ui-state-active" );
+ })
+ .bind( "keydown.button", function(event) {
+ if ( options.disabled ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( event.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.SPACE || event.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ENTER ) {
+ $( this ).addClass( "ui-state-active" );
+ }
+ })
+ .bind( "keyup.button", function() {
+ $( this ).removeClass( "ui-state-active" );
+ });
+ if ( this.buttonElement.is("a") ) {
+ this.buttonElement.keyup(function(event) {
+ if ( event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.SPACE ) {
+ // TODO pass through original event correctly (just as 2nd argument doesn't work)
+ $( this ).click();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: pull out $.Widget's handling for the disabled option into
+ // $.Widget.prototype._setOptionDisabled so it's easy to proxy and can
+ // be overridden by individual plugins
+ this._setOption( "disabled", options.disabled );
+ },
+ _determineButtonType: function() {
+ if ( this.element.is(":checkbox") ) {
+ this.type = "checkbox";
+ } else {
+ if ( this.element.is(":radio") ) {
+ this.type = "radio";
+ } else {
+ if ( this.element.is("input") ) {
+ this.type = "input";
+ } else {
+ this.type = "button";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio" ) {
+ // we don't search against the document in case the element
+ // is disconnected from the DOM
+ this.buttonElement = this.element.parents().last()
+ .find( "label[for=" + this.element.attr("id") + "]" );
+ this.element.addClass( "ui-helper-hidden-accessible" );
+ var checked = this.element.is( ":checked" );
+ if ( checked ) {
+ this.buttonElement.addClass( "ui-state-active" );
+ }
+ this.buttonElement.attr( "aria-pressed", checked );
+ } else {
+ this.buttonElement = this.element;
+ }
+ },
+ widget: function() {
+ return this.buttonElement;
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ this.element
+ .removeClass( "ui-helper-hidden-accessible" );
+ this.buttonElement
+ .removeClass( baseClasses + " " + stateClasses + " " + typeClasses )
+ .removeAttr( "role" )
+ .removeAttr( "aria-pressed" )
+ .html( this.buttonElement.find(".ui-button-text").html() );
+ if ( !this.hasTitle ) {
+ this.buttonElement.removeAttr( "title" );
+ }
+ $.Widget.prototype.destroy.call( this );
+ },
+ _setOption: function( key, value ) {
+ $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply( this, arguments );
+ if ( key === "disabled" ) {
+ if ( value ) {
+ this.element.attr( "disabled", true );
+ } else {
+ this.element.removeAttr( "disabled" );
+ }
+ }
+ this._resetButton();
+ },
+ refresh: function() {
+ var isDisabled = this.element.is( ":disabled" );
+ if ( isDisabled !== this.options.disabled ) {
+ this._setOption( "disabled", isDisabled );
+ }
+ if ( this.type === "radio" ) {
+ radioGroup( this.element[0] ).each(function() {
+ if ( $( this ).is( ":checked" ) ) {
+ $( this ).button( "widget" )
+ .addClass( "ui-state-active" )
+ .attr( "aria-pressed", true );
+ } else {
+ $( this ).button( "widget" )
+ .removeClass( "ui-state-active" )
+ .attr( "aria-pressed", false );
+ }
+ });
+ } else if ( this.type === "checkbox" ) {
+ if ( this.element.is( ":checked" ) ) {
+ this.buttonElement
+ .addClass( "ui-state-active" )
+ .attr( "aria-pressed", true );
+ } else {
+ this.buttonElement
+ .removeClass( "ui-state-active" )
+ .attr( "aria-pressed", false );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _resetButton: function() {
+ if ( this.type === "input" ) {
+ if ( this.options.label ) {
+ this.element.val( this.options.label );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ var buttonElement = this.buttonElement.removeClass( typeClasses ),
+ buttonText = $( "" )
+ .addClass( "ui-button-text" )
+ .html( this.options.label )
+ .appendTo( buttonElement.empty() )
+ .text(),
+ icons = this.options.icons,
+ multipleIcons = icons.primary && icons.secondary;
+ if ( icons.primary || icons.secondary ) {
+ buttonElement.addClass( "ui-button-text-icon" +
+ ( multipleIcons ? "s" : ( icons.primary ? "-primary" : "-secondary" ) ) );
+ if ( icons.primary ) {
+ buttonElement.prepend( "" );
+ }
+ if ( icons.secondary ) {
+ buttonElement.append( "" );
+ }
+ if ( !this.options.text ) {
+ buttonElement
+ .addClass( multipleIcons ? "ui-button-icons-only" : "ui-button-icon-only" )
+ .removeClass( "ui-button-text-icons ui-button-text-icon-primary ui-button-text-icon-secondary" );
+ if ( !this.hasTitle ) {
+ buttonElement.attr( "title", buttonText );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ buttonElement.addClass( "ui-button-text-only" );
+ }
+ }
+$.widget( "ui.buttonset", {
+ _create: function() {
+ this.element.addClass( "ui-buttonset" );
+ this._init();
+ },
+ _init: function() {
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ _setOption: function( key, value ) {
+ if ( key === "disabled" ) {
+ this.buttons.button( "option", key, value );
+ }
+ $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply( this, arguments );
+ },
+ refresh: function() {
+ this.buttons = this.element.find( ":button, :submit, :reset, :checkbox, :radio, a, :data(button)" )
+ .filter( ":ui-button" )
+ .button( "refresh" )
+ .end()
+ .not( ":ui-button" )
+ .button()
+ .end()
+ .map(function() {
+ return $( this ).button( "widget" )[ 0 ];
+ })
+ .removeClass( "ui-corner-all ui-corner-left ui-corner-right" )
+ .filter( ":first" )
+ .addClass( "ui-corner-left" )
+ .end()
+ .filter( ":last" )
+ .addClass( "ui-corner-right" )
+ .end()
+ .end();
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ this.element.removeClass( "ui-buttonset" );
+ this.buttons
+ .map(function() {
+ return $( this ).button( "widget" )[ 0 ];
+ })
+ .removeClass( "ui-corner-left ui-corner-right" )
+ .end()
+ .button( "destroy" );
+ $.Widget.prototype.destroy.call( this );
+ }
+}( jQuery ) );
+ * jQuery UI Datepicker 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Datepicker
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.ui.core.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+$.extend($.ui, { datepicker: { version: "1.8.4" } });
+var PROP_NAME = 'datepicker';
+var dpuuid = new Date().getTime();
+/* Date picker manager.
+ Use the singleton instance of this class, $.datepicker, to interact with the date picker.
+ Settings for (groups of) date pickers are maintained in an instance object,
+ allowing multiple different settings on the same page. */
+function Datepicker() {
+ this.debug = false; // Change this to true to start debugging
+ this._curInst = null; // The current instance in use
+ this._keyEvent = false; // If the last event was a key event
+ this._disabledInputs = []; // List of date picker inputs that have been disabled
+ this._datepickerShowing = false; // True if the popup picker is showing , false if not
+ this._inDialog = false; // True if showing within a "dialog", false if not
+ this._mainDivId = 'ui-datepicker-div'; // The ID of the main datepicker division
+ this._inlineClass = 'ui-datepicker-inline'; // The name of the inline marker class
+ this._appendClass = 'ui-datepicker-append'; // The name of the append marker class
+ this._triggerClass = 'ui-datepicker-trigger'; // The name of the trigger marker class
+ this._dialogClass = 'ui-datepicker-dialog'; // The name of the dialog marker class
+ this._disableClass = 'ui-datepicker-disabled'; // The name of the disabled covering marker class
+ this._unselectableClass = 'ui-datepicker-unselectable'; // The name of the unselectable cell marker class
+ this._currentClass = 'ui-datepicker-current-day'; // The name of the current day marker class
+ this._dayOverClass = 'ui-datepicker-days-cell-over'; // The name of the day hover marker class
+ this.regional = []; // Available regional settings, indexed by language code
+ this.regional[''] = { // Default regional settings
+ closeText: 'Done', // Display text for close link
+ prevText: 'Prev', // Display text for previous month link
+ nextText: 'Next', // Display text for next month link
+ currentText: 'Today', // Display text for current month link
+ monthNames: ['January','February','March','April','May','June',
+ 'July','August','September','October','November','December'], // Names of months for drop-down and formatting
+ monthNamesShort: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], // For formatting
+ dayNames: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'], // For formatting
+ dayNamesShort: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'], // For formatting
+ dayNamesMin: ['Su','Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa'], // Column headings for days starting at Sunday
+ weekHeader: 'Wk', // Column header for week of the year
+ dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy', // See format options on parseDate
+ firstDay: 0, // The first day of the week, Sun = 0, Mon = 1, ...
+ isRTL: false, // True if right-to-left language, false if left-to-right
+ showMonthAfterYear: false, // True if the year select precedes month, false for month then year
+ yearSuffix: '' // Additional text to append to the year in the month headers
+ };
+ this._defaults = { // Global defaults for all the date picker instances
+ showOn: 'focus', // 'focus' for popup on focus,
+ // 'button' for trigger button, or 'both' for either
+ showAnim: 'fadeIn', // Name of jQuery animation for popup
+ showOptions: {}, // Options for enhanced animations
+ defaultDate: null, // Used when field is blank: actual date,
+ // +/-number for offset from today, null for today
+ appendText: '', // Display text following the input box, e.g. showing the format
+ buttonText: '...', // Text for trigger button
+ buttonImage: '', // URL for trigger button image
+ buttonImageOnly: false, // True if the image appears alone, false if it appears on a button
+ hideIfNoPrevNext: false, // True to hide next/previous month links
+ // if not applicable, false to just disable them
+ navigationAsDateFormat: false, // True if date formatting applied to prev/today/next links
+ gotoCurrent: false, // True if today link goes back to current selection instead
+ changeMonth: false, // True if month can be selected directly, false if only prev/next
+ changeYear: false, // True if year can be selected directly, false if only prev/next
+ yearRange: 'c-10:c+10', // Range of years to display in drop-down,
+ // either relative to today's year (-nn:+nn), relative to currently displayed year
+ // (c-nn:c+nn), absolute (nnnn:nnnn), or a combination of the above (nnnn:-n)
+ showOtherMonths: false, // True to show dates in other months, false to leave blank
+ selectOtherMonths: false, // True to allow selection of dates in other months, false for unselectable
+ showWeek: false, // True to show week of the year, false to not show it
+ calculateWeek: this.iso8601Week, // How to calculate the week of the year,
+ // takes a Date and returns the number of the week for it
+ shortYearCutoff: '+10', // Short year values < this are in the current century,
+ // > this are in the previous century,
+ // string value starting with '+' for current year + value
+ minDate: null, // The earliest selectable date, or null for no limit
+ maxDate: null, // The latest selectable date, or null for no limit
+ duration: 'fast', // Duration of display/closure
+ beforeShowDay: null, // Function that takes a date and returns an array with
+ // [0] = true if selectable, false if not, [1] = custom CSS class name(s) or '',
+ // [2] = cell title (optional), e.g. $.datepicker.noWeekends
+ beforeShow: null, // Function that takes an input field and
+ // returns a set of custom settings for the date picker
+ onSelect: null, // Define a callback function when a date is selected
+ onChangeMonthYear: null, // Define a callback function when the month or year is changed
+ onClose: null, // Define a callback function when the datepicker is closed
+ numberOfMonths: 1, // Number of months to show at a time
+ showCurrentAtPos: 0, // The position in multipe months at which to show the current month (starting at 0)
+ stepMonths: 1, // Number of months to step back/forward
+ stepBigMonths: 12, // Number of months to step back/forward for the big links
+ altField: '', // Selector for an alternate field to store selected dates into
+ altFormat: '', // The date format to use for the alternate field
+ constrainInput: true, // The input is constrained by the current date format
+ showButtonPanel: false, // True to show button panel, false to not show it
+ autoSize: false // True to size the input for the date format, false to leave as is
+ };
+ $.extend(this._defaults, this.regional['']);
+ this.dpDiv = $('');
+$.extend(Datepicker.prototype, {
+ /* Class name added to elements to indicate already configured with a date picker. */
+ markerClassName: 'hasDatepicker',
+ /* Debug logging (if enabled). */
+ log: function () {
+ if (this.debug)
+ console.log.apply('', arguments);
+ },
+ // TODO rename to "widget" when switching to widget factory
+ _widgetDatepicker: function() {
+ return this.dpDiv;
+ },
+ /* Override the default settings for all instances of the date picker.
+ @param settings object - the new settings to use as defaults (anonymous object)
+ @return the manager object */
+ setDefaults: function(settings) {
+ extendRemove(this._defaults, settings || {});
+ return this;
+ },
+ /* Attach the date picker to a jQuery selection.
+ @param target element - the target input field or division or span
+ @param settings object - the new settings to use for this date picker instance (anonymous) */
+ _attachDatepicker: function(target, settings) {
+ // check for settings on the control itself - in namespace 'date:'
+ var inlineSettings = null;
+ for (var attrName in this._defaults) {
+ var attrValue = target.getAttribute('date:' + attrName);
+ if (attrValue) {
+ inlineSettings = inlineSettings || {};
+ try {
+ inlineSettings[attrName] = eval(attrValue);
+ } catch (err) {
+ inlineSettings[attrName] = attrValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ var inline = (nodeName == 'div' || nodeName == 'span');
+ if (!target.id) {
+ this.uuid += 1;
+ target.id = 'dp' + this.uuid;
+ }
+ var inst = this._newInst($(target), inline);
+ inst.settings = $.extend({}, settings || {}, inlineSettings || {});
+ if (nodeName == 'input') {
+ this._connectDatepicker(target, inst);
+ } else if (inline) {
+ this._inlineDatepicker(target, inst);
+ }
+ },
+ /* Create a new instance object. */
+ _newInst: function(target, inline) {
+ var id = target[0].id.replace(/([^A-Za-z0-9_])/g, '\\\\$1'); // escape jQuery meta chars
+ return {id: id, input: target, // associated target
+ selectedDay: 0, selectedMonth: 0, selectedYear: 0, // current selection
+ drawMonth: 0, drawYear: 0, // month being drawn
+ inline: inline, // is datepicker inline or not
+ dpDiv: (!inline ? this.dpDiv : // presentation div
+ $(''))};
+ },
+ /* Attach the date picker to an input field. */
+ _connectDatepicker: function(target, inst) {
+ var input = $(target);
+ inst.append = $([]);
+ inst.trigger = $([]);
+ if (input.hasClass(this.markerClassName))
+ return;
+ this._attachments(input, inst);
+ input.addClass(this.markerClassName).keydown(this._doKeyDown).
+ keypress(this._doKeyPress).keyup(this._doKeyUp).
+ bind("setData.datepicker", function(event, key, value) {
+ inst.settings[key] = value;
+ }).bind("getData.datepicker", function(event, key) {
+ return this._get(inst, key);
+ });
+ this._autoSize(inst);
+ $.data(target, PROP_NAME, inst);
+ },
+ /* Make attachments based on settings. */
+ _attachments: function(input, inst) {
+ var appendText = this._get(inst, 'appendText');
+ var isRTL = this._get(inst, 'isRTL');
+ if (inst.append)
+ inst.append.remove();
+ if (appendText) {
+ inst.append = $('' + appendText + '');
+ input[isRTL ? 'before' : 'after'](inst.append);
+ }
+ input.unbind('focus', this._showDatepicker);
+ if (inst.trigger)
+ inst.trigger.remove();
+ var showOn = this._get(inst, 'showOn');
+ if (showOn == 'focus' || showOn == 'both') // pop-up date picker when in the marked field
+ input.focus(this._showDatepicker);
+ if (showOn == 'button' || showOn == 'both') { // pop-up date picker when button clicked
+ var buttonText = this._get(inst, 'buttonText');
+ var buttonImage = this._get(inst, 'buttonImage');
+ inst.trigger = $(this._get(inst, 'buttonImageOnly') ?
+ $('
+ attr({ src: buttonImage, alt: buttonText, title: buttonText }) :
+ $('').addClass(this._triggerClass).
+ html(buttonImage == '' ? buttonText : $('
+ { src:buttonImage, alt:buttonText, title:buttonText })));
+ input[isRTL ? 'before' : 'after'](inst.trigger);
+ inst.trigger.click(function() {
+ if ($.datepicker._datepickerShowing && $.datepicker._lastInput == input[0])
+ $.datepicker._hideDatepicker();
+ else
+ $.datepicker._showDatepicker(input[0]);
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ /* Apply the maximum length for the date format. */
+ _autoSize: function(inst) {
+ if (this._get(inst, 'autoSize') && !inst.inline) {
+ var date = new Date(2009, 12 - 1, 20); // Ensure double digits
+ var dateFormat = this._get(inst, 'dateFormat');
+ if (dateFormat.match(/[DM]/)) {
+ var findMax = function(names) {
+ var max = 0;
+ var maxI = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+ if (names[i].length > max) {
+ max = names[i].length;
+ maxI = i;
+ }
+ }
+ return maxI;
+ };
+ date.setMonth(findMax(this._get(inst, (dateFormat.match(/MM/) ?
+ 'monthNames' : 'monthNamesShort'))));
+ date.setDate(findMax(this._get(inst, (dateFormat.match(/DD/) ?
+ 'dayNames' : 'dayNamesShort'))) + 20 - date.getDay());
+ }
+ inst.input.attr('size', this._formatDate(inst, date).length);
+ }
+ },
+ /* Attach an inline date picker to a div. */
+ _inlineDatepicker: function(target, inst) {
+ var divSpan = $(target);
+ if (divSpan.hasClass(this.markerClassName))
+ return;
+ divSpan.addClass(this.markerClassName).append(inst.dpDiv).
+ bind("setData.datepicker", function(event, key, value){
+ inst.settings[key] = value;
+ }).bind("getData.datepicker", function(event, key){
+ return this._get(inst, key);
+ });
+ $.data(target, PROP_NAME, inst);
+ this._setDate(inst, this._getDefaultDate(inst), true);
+ this._updateDatepicker(inst);
+ this._updateAlternate(inst);
+ },
+ /* Pop-up the date picker in a "dialog" box.
+ @param input element - ignored
+ @param date string or Date - the initial date to display
+ @param onSelect function - the function to call when a date is selected
+ @param settings object - update the dialog date picker instance's settings (anonymous object)
+ @param pos int[2] - coordinates for the dialog's position within the screen or
+ event - with x/y coordinates or
+ leave empty for default (screen centre)
+ @return the manager object */
+ _dialogDatepicker: function(input, date, onSelect, settings, pos) {
+ var inst = this._dialogInst; // internal instance
+ if (!inst) {
+ this.uuid += 1;
+ var id = 'dp' + this.uuid;
+ this._dialogInput = $('');
+ this._dialogInput.keydown(this._doKeyDown);
+ $('body').append(this._dialogInput);
+ inst = this._dialogInst = this._newInst(this._dialogInput, false);
+ inst.settings = {};
+ $.data(this._dialogInput[0], PROP_NAME, inst);
+ }
+ extendRemove(inst.settings, settings || {});
+ date = (date && date.constructor == Date ? this._formatDate(inst, date) : date);
+ this._dialogInput.val(date);
+ this._pos = (pos ? (pos.length ? pos : [pos.pageX, pos.pageY]) : null);
+ if (!this._pos) {
+ var browserWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
+ var browserHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
+ var scrollX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft;
+ var scrollY = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
+ this._pos = // should use actual width/height below
+ [(browserWidth / 2) - 100 + scrollX, (browserHeight / 2) - 150 + scrollY];
+ }
+ // move input on screen for focus, but hidden behind dialog
+ this._dialogInput.css('left', (this._pos[0] + 20) + 'px').css('top', this._pos[1] + 'px');
+ inst.settings.onSelect = onSelect;
+ this._inDialog = true;
+ this.dpDiv.addClass(this._dialogClass);
+ this._showDatepicker(this._dialogInput[0]);
+ if ($.blockUI)
+ $.blockUI(this.dpDiv);
+ $.data(this._dialogInput[0], PROP_NAME, inst);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /* Detach a datepicker from its control.
+ @param target element - the target input field or division or span */
+ _destroyDatepicker: function(target) {
+ var $target = $(target);
+ var inst = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
+ if (!$target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ $.removeData(target, PROP_NAME);
+ if (nodeName == 'input') {
+ inst.append.remove();
+ inst.trigger.remove();
+ $target.removeClass(this.markerClassName).
+ unbind('focus', this._showDatepicker).
+ unbind('keydown', this._doKeyDown).
+ unbind('keypress', this._doKeyPress).
+ unbind('keyup', this._doKeyUp);
+ } else if (nodeName == 'div' || nodeName == 'span')
+ $target.removeClass(this.markerClassName).empty();
+ },
+ /* Enable the date picker to a jQuery selection.
+ @param target element - the target input field or division or span */
+ _enableDatepicker: function(target) {
+ var $target = $(target);
+ var inst = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
+ if (!$target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ if (nodeName == 'input') {
+ target.disabled = false;
+ inst.trigger.filter('button').
+ each(function() { this.disabled = false; }).end().
+ filter('img').css({opacity: '1.0', cursor: ''});
+ }
+ else if (nodeName == 'div' || nodeName == 'span') {
+ var inline = $target.children('.' + this._inlineClass);
+ inline.children().removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+ }
+ this._disabledInputs = $.map(this._disabledInputs,
+ function(value) { return (value == target ? null : value); }); // delete entry
+ },
+ /* Disable the date picker to a jQuery selection.
+ @param target element - the target input field or division or span */
+ _disableDatepicker: function(target) {
+ var $target = $(target);
+ var inst = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
+ if (!$target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ if (nodeName == 'input') {
+ target.disabled = true;
+ inst.trigger.filter('button').
+ each(function() { this.disabled = true; }).end().
+ filter('img').css({opacity: '0.5', cursor: 'default'});
+ }
+ else if (nodeName == 'div' || nodeName == 'span') {
+ var inline = $target.children('.' + this._inlineClass);
+ inline.children().addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+ }
+ this._disabledInputs = $.map(this._disabledInputs,
+ function(value) { return (value == target ? null : value); }); // delete entry
+ this._disabledInputs[this._disabledInputs.length] = target;
+ },
+ /* Is the first field in a jQuery collection disabled as a datepicker?
+ @param target element - the target input field or division or span
+ @return boolean - true if disabled, false if enabled */
+ _isDisabledDatepicker: function(target) {
+ if (!target) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._disabledInputs.length; i++) {
+ if (this._disabledInputs[i] == target)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ /* Retrieve the instance data for the target control.
+ @param target element - the target input field or division or span
+ @return object - the associated instance data
+ @throws error if a jQuery problem getting data */
+ _getInst: function(target) {
+ try {
+ return $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ throw 'Missing instance data for this datepicker';
+ }
+ },
+ /* Update or retrieve the settings for a date picker attached to an input field or division.
+ @param target element - the target input field or division or span
+ @param name object - the new settings to update or
+ string - the name of the setting to change or retrieve,
+ when retrieving also 'all' for all instance settings or
+ 'defaults' for all global defaults
+ @param value any - the new value for the setting
+ (omit if above is an object or to retrieve a value) */
+ _optionDatepicker: function(target, name, value) {
+ var inst = this._getInst(target);
+ if (arguments.length == 2 && typeof name == 'string') {
+ return (name == 'defaults' ? $.extend({}, $.datepicker._defaults) :
+ (inst ? (name == 'all' ? $.extend({}, inst.settings) :
+ this._get(inst, name)) : null));
+ }
+ var settings = name || {};
+ if (typeof name == 'string') {
+ settings = {};
+ settings[name] = value;
+ }
+ if (inst) {
+ if (this._curInst == inst) {
+ this._hideDatepicker();
+ }
+ var date = this._getDateDatepicker(target, true);
+ extendRemove(inst.settings, settings);
+ this._attachments($(target), inst);
+ this._autoSize(inst);
+ this._setDateDatepicker(target, date);
+ this._updateDatepicker(inst);
+ }
+ },
+ // change method deprecated
+ _changeDatepicker: function(target, name, value) {
+ this._optionDatepicker(target, name, value);
+ },
+ /* Redraw the date picker attached to an input field or division.
+ @param target element - the target input field or division or span */
+ _refreshDatepicker: function(target) {
+ var inst = this._getInst(target);
+ if (inst) {
+ this._updateDatepicker(inst);
+ }
+ },
+ /* Set the dates for a jQuery selection.
+ @param target element - the target input field or division or span
+ @param date Date - the new date */
+ _setDateDatepicker: function(target, date) {
+ var inst = this._getInst(target);
+ if (inst) {
+ this._setDate(inst, date);
+ this._updateDatepicker(inst);
+ this._updateAlternate(inst);
+ }
+ },
+ /* Get the date(s) for the first entry in a jQuery selection.
+ @param target element - the target input field or division or span
+ @param noDefault boolean - true if no default date is to be used
+ @return Date - the current date */
+ _getDateDatepicker: function(target, noDefault) {
+ var inst = this._getInst(target);
+ if (inst && !inst.inline)
+ this._setDateFromField(inst, noDefault);
+ return (inst ? this._getDate(inst) : null);
+ },
+ /* Handle keystrokes. */
+ _doKeyDown: function(event) {
+ var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(event.target);
+ var handled = true;
+ var isRTL = inst.dpDiv.is('.ui-datepicker-rtl');
+ inst._keyEvent = true;
+ if ($.datepicker._datepickerShowing)
+ switch (event.keyCode) {
+ case 9: $.datepicker._hideDatepicker();
+ handled = false;
+ break; // hide on tab out
+ case 13: var sel = $('td.' + $.datepicker._dayOverClass, inst.dpDiv).
+ add($('td.' + $.datepicker._currentClass, inst.dpDiv));
+ if (sel[0])
+ $.datepicker._selectDay(event.target, inst.selectedMonth, inst.selectedYear, sel[0]);
+ else
+ $.datepicker._hideDatepicker();
+ return false; // don't submit the form
+ break; // select the value on enter
+ case 27: $.datepicker._hideDatepicker();
+ break; // hide on escape
+ case 33: $.datepicker._adjustDate(event.target, (event.ctrlKey ?
+ -$.datepicker._get(inst, 'stepBigMonths') :
+ -$.datepicker._get(inst, 'stepMonths')), 'M');
+ break; // previous month/year on page up/+ ctrl
+ case 34: $.datepicker._adjustDate(event.target, (event.ctrlKey ?
+ +$.datepicker._get(inst, 'stepBigMonths') :
+ +$.datepicker._get(inst, 'stepMonths')), 'M');
+ break; // next month/year on page down/+ ctrl
+ case 35: if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) $.datepicker._clearDate(event.target);
+ handled = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;
+ break; // clear on ctrl or command +end
+ case 36: if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) $.datepicker._gotoToday(event.target);
+ handled = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;
+ break; // current on ctrl or command +home
+ case 37: if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) $.datepicker._adjustDate(event.target, (isRTL ? +1 : -1), 'D');
+ handled = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;
+ // -1 day on ctrl or command +left
+ if (event.originalEvent.altKey) $.datepicker._adjustDate(event.target, (event.ctrlKey ?
+ -$.datepicker._get(inst, 'stepBigMonths') :
+ -$.datepicker._get(inst, 'stepMonths')), 'M');
+ // next month/year on alt +left on Mac
+ break;
+ case 38: if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) $.datepicker._adjustDate(event.target, -7, 'D');
+ handled = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;
+ break; // -1 week on ctrl or command +up
+ case 39: if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) $.datepicker._adjustDate(event.target, (isRTL ? -1 : +1), 'D');
+ handled = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;
+ // +1 day on ctrl or command +right
+ if (event.originalEvent.altKey) $.datepicker._adjustDate(event.target, (event.ctrlKey ?
+ +$.datepicker._get(inst, 'stepBigMonths') :
+ +$.datepicker._get(inst, 'stepMonths')), 'M');
+ // next month/year on alt +right
+ break;
+ case 40: if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) $.datepicker._adjustDate(event.target, +7, 'D');
+ handled = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;
+ break; // +1 week on ctrl or command +down
+ default: handled = false;
+ }
+ else if (event.keyCode == 36 && event.ctrlKey) // display the date picker on ctrl+home
+ $.datepicker._showDatepicker(this);
+ else {
+ handled = false;
+ }
+ if (handled) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ },
+ /* Filter entered characters - based on date format. */
+ _doKeyPress: function(event) {
+ var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(event.target);
+ if ($.datepicker._get(inst, 'constrainInput')) {
+ var chars = $.datepicker._possibleChars($.datepicker._get(inst, 'dateFormat'));
+ var chr = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode == undefined ? event.keyCode : event.charCode);
+ return event.ctrlKey || (chr < ' ' || !chars || chars.indexOf(chr) > -1);
+ }
+ },
+ /* Synchronise manual entry and field/alternate field. */
+ _doKeyUp: function(event) {
+ var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(event.target);
+ if (inst.input.val() != inst.lastVal) {
+ try {
+ var date = $.datepicker.parseDate($.datepicker._get(inst, 'dateFormat'),
+ (inst.input ? inst.input.val() : null),
+ $.datepicker._getFormatConfig(inst));
+ if (date) { // only if valid
+ $.datepicker._setDateFromField(inst);
+ $.datepicker._updateAlternate(inst);
+ $.datepicker._updateDatepicker(inst);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (event) {
+ $.datepicker.log(event);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ /* Pop-up the date picker for a given input field.
+ @param input element - the input field attached to the date picker or
+ event - if triggered by focus */
+ _showDatepicker: function(input) {
+ input = input.target || input;
+ if (input.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'input') // find from button/image trigger
+ input = $('input', input.parentNode)[0];
+ if ($.datepicker._isDisabledDatepicker(input) || $.datepicker._lastInput == input) // already here
+ return;
+ var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(input);
+ if ($.datepicker._curInst && $.datepicker._curInst != inst) {
+ $.datepicker._curInst.dpDiv.stop(true, true);
+ }
+ var beforeShow = $.datepicker._get(inst, 'beforeShow');
+ extendRemove(inst.settings, (beforeShow ? beforeShow.apply(input, [input, inst]) : {}));
+ inst.lastVal = null;
+ $.datepicker._lastInput = input;
+ $.datepicker._setDateFromField(inst);
+ if ($.datepicker._inDialog) // hide cursor
+ input.value = '';
+ if (!$.datepicker._pos) { // position below input
+ $.datepicker._pos = $.datepicker._findPos(input);
+ $.datepicker._pos[1] += input.offsetHeight; // add the height
+ }
+ var isFixed = false;
+ $(input).parents().each(function() {
+ isFixed |= $(this).css('position') == 'fixed';
+ return !isFixed;
+ });
+ if (isFixed && $.browser.opera) { // correction for Opera when fixed and scrolled
+ $.datepicker._pos[0] -= document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
+ $.datepicker._pos[1] -= document.documentElement.scrollTop;
+ }
+ var offset = {left: $.datepicker._pos[0], top: $.datepicker._pos[1]};
+ $.datepicker._pos = null;
+ // determine sizing offscreen
+ inst.dpDiv.css({position: 'absolute', display: 'block', top: '-1000px'});
+ $.datepicker._updateDatepicker(inst);
+ // fix width for dynamic number of date pickers
+ // and adjust position before showing
+ offset = $.datepicker._checkOffset(inst, offset, isFixed);
+ inst.dpDiv.css({position: ($.datepicker._inDialog && $.blockUI ?
+ 'static' : (isFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute')), display: 'none',
+ left: offset.left + 'px', top: offset.top + 'px'});
+ if (!inst.inline) {
+ var showAnim = $.datepicker._get(inst, 'showAnim');
+ var duration = $.datepicker._get(inst, 'duration');
+ var postProcess = function() {
+ $.datepicker._datepickerShowing = true;
+ var borders = $.datepicker._getBorders(inst.dpDiv);
+ inst.dpDiv.find('iframe.ui-datepicker-cover'). // IE6- only
+ css({left: -borders[0], top: -borders[1],
+ width: inst.dpDiv.outerWidth(), height: inst.dpDiv.outerHeight()});
+ };
+ inst.dpDiv.zIndex($(input).zIndex()+1);
+ if ($.effects && $.effects[showAnim])
+ inst.dpDiv.show(showAnim, $.datepicker._get(inst, 'showOptions'), duration, postProcess);
+ else
+ inst.dpDiv[showAnim || 'show']((showAnim ? duration : null), postProcess);
+ if (!showAnim || !duration)
+ postProcess();
+ if (inst.input.is(':visible') && !inst.input.is(':disabled'))
+ inst.input.focus();
+ $.datepicker._curInst = inst;
+ }
+ },
+ /* Generate the date picker content. */
+ _updateDatepicker: function(inst) {
+ var self = this;
+ var borders = $.datepicker._getBorders(inst.dpDiv);
+ inst.dpDiv.empty().append(this._generateHTML(inst))
+ .find('iframe.ui-datepicker-cover') // IE6- only
+ .css({left: -borders[0], top: -borders[1],
+ width: inst.dpDiv.outerWidth(), height: inst.dpDiv.outerHeight()})
+ .end()
+ .find('button, .ui-datepicker-prev, .ui-datepicker-next, .ui-datepicker-calendar td a')
+ .bind('mouseout', function(){
+ $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover');
+ if(this.className.indexOf('ui-datepicker-prev') != -1) $(this).removeClass('ui-datepicker-prev-hover');
+ if(this.className.indexOf('ui-datepicker-next') != -1) $(this).removeClass('ui-datepicker-next-hover');
+ })
+ .bind('mouseover', function(){
+ if (!self._isDisabledDatepicker( inst.inline ? inst.dpDiv.parent()[0] : inst.input[0])) {
+ $(this).parents('.ui-datepicker-calendar').find('a').removeClass('ui-state-hover');
+ $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover');
+ if(this.className.indexOf('ui-datepicker-prev') != -1) $(this).addClass('ui-datepicker-prev-hover');
+ if(this.className.indexOf('ui-datepicker-next') != -1) $(this).addClass('ui-datepicker-next-hover');
+ }
+ })
+ .end()
+ .find('.' + this._dayOverClass + ' a')
+ .trigger('mouseover')
+ .end();
+ var numMonths = this._getNumberOfMonths(inst);
+ var cols = numMonths[1];
+ var width = 17;
+ if (cols > 1)
+ inst.dpDiv.addClass('ui-datepicker-multi-' + cols).css('width', (width * cols) + 'em');
+ else
+ inst.dpDiv.removeClass('ui-datepicker-multi-2 ui-datepicker-multi-3 ui-datepicker-multi-4').width('');
+ inst.dpDiv[(numMonths[0] != 1 || numMonths[1] != 1 ? 'add' : 'remove') +
+ 'Class']('ui-datepicker-multi');
+ inst.dpDiv[(this._get(inst, 'isRTL') ? 'add' : 'remove') +
+ 'Class']('ui-datepicker-rtl');
+ if (inst == $.datepicker._curInst && $.datepicker._datepickerShowing && inst.input &&
+ inst.input.is(':visible') && !inst.input.is(':disabled'))
+ inst.input.focus();
+ },
+ /* Retrieve the size of left and top borders for an element.
+ @param elem (jQuery object) the element of interest
+ @return (number[2]) the left and top borders */
+ _getBorders: function(elem) {
+ var convert = function(value) {
+ return {thin: 1, medium: 2, thick: 3}[value] || value;
+ };
+ return [parseFloat(convert(elem.css('border-left-width'))),
+ parseFloat(convert(elem.css('border-top-width')))];
+ },
+ /* Check positioning to remain on screen. */
+ _checkOffset: function(inst, offset, isFixed) {
+ var dpWidth = inst.dpDiv.outerWidth();
+ var dpHeight = inst.dpDiv.outerHeight();
+ var inputWidth = inst.input ? inst.input.outerWidth() : 0;
+ var inputHeight = inst.input ? inst.input.outerHeight() : 0;
+ var viewWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth + $(document).scrollLeft();
+ var viewHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight + $(document).scrollTop();
+ offset.left -= (this._get(inst, 'isRTL') ? (dpWidth - inputWidth) : 0);
+ offset.left -= (isFixed && offset.left == inst.input.offset().left) ? $(document).scrollLeft() : 0;
+ offset.top -= (isFixed && offset.top == (inst.input.offset().top + inputHeight)) ? $(document).scrollTop() : 0;
+ // now check if datepicker is showing outside window viewport - move to a better place if so.
+ offset.left -= Math.min(offset.left, (offset.left + dpWidth > viewWidth && viewWidth > dpWidth) ?
+ Math.abs(offset.left + dpWidth - viewWidth) : 0);
+ offset.top -= Math.min(offset.top, (offset.top + dpHeight > viewHeight && viewHeight > dpHeight) ?
+ Math.abs(dpHeight + inputHeight) : 0);
+ return offset;
+ },
+ /* Find an object's position on the screen. */
+ _findPos: function(obj) {
+ var inst = this._getInst(obj);
+ var isRTL = this._get(inst, 'isRTL');
+ while (obj && (obj.type == 'hidden' || obj.nodeType != 1)) {
+ obj = obj[isRTL ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling'];
+ }
+ var position = $(obj).offset();
+ return [position.left, position.top];
+ },
+ /* Hide the date picker from view.
+ @param input element - the input field attached to the date picker */
+ _hideDatepicker: function(input) {
+ var inst = this._curInst;
+ if (!inst || (input && inst != $.data(input, PROP_NAME)))
+ return;
+ if (this._datepickerShowing) {
+ var showAnim = this._get(inst, 'showAnim');
+ var duration = this._get(inst, 'duration');
+ var postProcess = function() {
+ $.datepicker._tidyDialog(inst);
+ this._curInst = null;
+ };
+ if ($.effects && $.effects[showAnim])
+ inst.dpDiv.hide(showAnim, $.datepicker._get(inst, 'showOptions'), duration, postProcess);
+ else
+ inst.dpDiv[(showAnim == 'slideDown' ? 'slideUp' :
+ (showAnim == 'fadeIn' ? 'fadeOut' : 'hide'))]((showAnim ? duration : null), postProcess);
+ if (!showAnim)
+ postProcess();
+ var onClose = this._get(inst, 'onClose');
+ if (onClose)
+ onClose.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null),
+ [(inst.input ? inst.input.val() : ''), inst]); // trigger custom callback
+ this._datepickerShowing = false;
+ this._lastInput = null;
+ if (this._inDialog) {
+ this._dialogInput.css({ position: 'absolute', left: '0', top: '-100px' });
+ if ($.blockUI) {
+ $.unblockUI();
+ $('body').append(this.dpDiv);
+ }
+ }
+ this._inDialog = false;
+ }
+ },
+ /* Tidy up after a dialog display. */
+ _tidyDialog: function(inst) {
+ inst.dpDiv.removeClass(this._dialogClass).unbind('.ui-datepicker-calendar');
+ },
+ /* Close date picker if clicked elsewhere. */
+ _checkExternalClick: function(event) {
+ if (!$.datepicker._curInst)
+ return;
+ var $target = $(event.target);
+ if ($target[0].id != $.datepicker._mainDivId &&
+ $target.parents('#' + $.datepicker._mainDivId).length == 0 &&
+ !$target.hasClass($.datepicker.markerClassName) &&
+ !$target.hasClass($.datepicker._triggerClass) &&
+ $.datepicker._datepickerShowing && !($.datepicker._inDialog && $.blockUI))
+ $.datepicker._hideDatepicker();
+ },
+ /* Adjust one of the date sub-fields. */
+ _adjustDate: function(id, offset, period) {
+ var target = $(id);
+ var inst = this._getInst(target[0]);
+ if (this._isDisabledDatepicker(target[0])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._adjustInstDate(inst, offset +
+ (period == 'M' ? this._get(inst, 'showCurrentAtPos') : 0), // undo positioning
+ period);
+ this._updateDatepicker(inst);
+ },
+ /* Action for current link. */
+ _gotoToday: function(id) {
+ var target = $(id);
+ var inst = this._getInst(target[0]);
+ if (this._get(inst, 'gotoCurrent') && inst.currentDay) {
+ inst.selectedDay = inst.currentDay;
+ inst.drawMonth = inst.selectedMonth = inst.currentMonth;
+ inst.drawYear = inst.selectedYear = inst.currentYear;
+ }
+ else {
+ var date = new Date();
+ inst.selectedDay = date.getDate();
+ inst.drawMonth = inst.selectedMonth = date.getMonth();
+ inst.drawYear = inst.selectedYear = date.getFullYear();
+ }
+ this._notifyChange(inst);
+ this._adjustDate(target);
+ },
+ /* Action for selecting a new month/year. */
+ _selectMonthYear: function(id, select, period) {
+ var target = $(id);
+ var inst = this._getInst(target[0]);
+ inst._selectingMonthYear = false;
+ inst['selected' + (period == 'M' ? 'Month' : 'Year')] =
+ inst['draw' + (period == 'M' ? 'Month' : 'Year')] =
+ parseInt(select.options[select.selectedIndex].value,10);
+ this._notifyChange(inst);
+ this._adjustDate(target);
+ },
+ /* Restore input focus after not changing month/year. */
+ _clickMonthYear: function(id) {
+ var target = $(id);
+ var inst = this._getInst(target[0]);
+ if (inst.input && inst._selectingMonthYear) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ inst.input.focus();
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ inst._selectingMonthYear = !inst._selectingMonthYear;
+ },
+ /* Action for selecting a day. */
+ _selectDay: function(id, month, year, td) {
+ var target = $(id);
+ if ($(td).hasClass(this._unselectableClass) || this._isDisabledDatepicker(target[0])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var inst = this._getInst(target[0]);
+ inst.selectedDay = inst.currentDay = $('a', td).html();
+ inst.selectedMonth = inst.currentMonth = month;
+ inst.selectedYear = inst.currentYear = year;
+ this._selectDate(id, this._formatDate(inst,
+ inst.currentDay, inst.currentMonth, inst.currentYear));
+ },
+ /* Erase the input field and hide the date picker. */
+ _clearDate: function(id) {
+ var target = $(id);
+ var inst = this._getInst(target[0]);
+ this._selectDate(target, '');
+ },
+ /* Update the input field with the selected date. */
+ _selectDate: function(id, dateStr) {
+ var target = $(id);
+ var inst = this._getInst(target[0]);
+ dateStr = (dateStr != null ? dateStr : this._formatDate(inst));
+ if (inst.input)
+ inst.input.val(dateStr);
+ this._updateAlternate(inst);
+ var onSelect = this._get(inst, 'onSelect');
+ if (onSelect)
+ onSelect.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null), [dateStr, inst]); // trigger custom callback
+ else if (inst.input)
+ inst.input.trigger('change'); // fire the change event
+ if (inst.inline)
+ this._updateDatepicker(inst);
+ else {
+ this._hideDatepicker();
+ this._lastInput = inst.input[0];
+ if (typeof(inst.input[0]) != 'object')
+ inst.input.focus(); // restore focus
+ this._lastInput = null;
+ }
+ },
+ /* Update any alternate field to synchronise with the main field. */
+ _updateAlternate: function(inst) {
+ var altField = this._get(inst, 'altField');
+ if (altField) { // update alternate field too
+ var altFormat = this._get(inst, 'altFormat') || this._get(inst, 'dateFormat');
+ var date = this._getDate(inst);
+ var dateStr = this.formatDate(altFormat, date, this._getFormatConfig(inst));
+ $(altField).each(function() { $(this).val(dateStr); });
+ }
+ },
+ /* Set as beforeShowDay function to prevent selection of weekends.
+ @param date Date - the date to customise
+ @return [boolean, string] - is this date selectable?, what is its CSS class? */
+ noWeekends: function(date) {
+ var day = date.getDay();
+ return [(day > 0 && day < 6), ''];
+ },
+ /* Set as calculateWeek to determine the week of the year based on the ISO 8601 definition.
+ @param date Date - the date to get the week for
+ @return number - the number of the week within the year that contains this date */
+ iso8601Week: function(date) {
+ var checkDate = new Date(date.getTime());
+ // Find Thursday of this week starting on Monday
+ checkDate.setDate(checkDate.getDate() + 4 - (checkDate.getDay() || 7));
+ var time = checkDate.getTime();
+ checkDate.setMonth(0); // Compare with Jan 1
+ checkDate.setDate(1);
+ return Math.floor(Math.round((time - checkDate) / 86400000) / 7) + 1;
+ },
+ /* Parse a string value into a date object.
+ See formatDate below for the possible formats.
+ @param format string - the expected format of the date
+ @param value string - the date in the above format
+ @param settings Object - attributes include:
+ shortYearCutoff number - the cutoff year for determining the century (optional)
+ dayNamesShort string[7] - abbreviated names of the days from Sunday (optional)
+ dayNames string[7] - names of the days from Sunday (optional)
+ monthNamesShort string[12] - abbreviated names of the months (optional)
+ monthNames string[12] - names of the months (optional)
+ @return Date - the extracted date value or null if value is blank */
+ parseDate: function (format, value, settings) {
+ if (format == null || value == null)
+ throw 'Invalid arguments';
+ value = (typeof value == 'object' ? value.toString() : value + '');
+ if (value == '')
+ return null;
+ var shortYearCutoff = (settings ? settings.shortYearCutoff : null) || this._defaults.shortYearCutoff;
+ var dayNamesShort = (settings ? settings.dayNamesShort : null) || this._defaults.dayNamesShort;
+ var dayNames = (settings ? settings.dayNames : null) || this._defaults.dayNames;
+ var monthNamesShort = (settings ? settings.monthNamesShort : null) || this._defaults.monthNamesShort;
+ var monthNames = (settings ? settings.monthNames : null) || this._defaults.monthNames;
+ var year = -1;
+ var month = -1;
+ var day = -1;
+ var doy = -1;
+ var literal = false;
+ // Check whether a format character is doubled
+ var lookAhead = function(match) {
+ var matches = (iFormat + 1 < format.length && format.charAt(iFormat + 1) == match);
+ if (matches)
+ iFormat++;
+ return matches;
+ };
+ // Extract a number from the string value
+ var getNumber = function(match) {
+ lookAhead(match);
+ var size = (match == '@' ? 14 : (match == '!' ? 20 :
+ (match == 'y' ? 4 : (match == 'o' ? 3 : 2))));
+ var digits = new RegExp('^\\d{1,' + size + '}');
+ var num = value.substring(iValue).match(digits);
+ if (!num)
+ throw 'Missing number at position ' + iValue;
+ iValue += num[0].length;
+ return parseInt(num[0], 10);
+ };
+ // Extract a name from the string value and convert to an index
+ var getName = function(match, shortNames, longNames) {
+ var names = (lookAhead(match) ? longNames : shortNames);
+ for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+ if (value.substr(iValue, names[i].length) == names[i]) {
+ iValue += names[i].length;
+ return i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ throw 'Unknown name at position ' + iValue;
+ };
+ // Confirm that a literal character matches the string value
+ var checkLiteral = function() {
+ if (value.charAt(iValue) != format.charAt(iFormat))
+ throw 'Unexpected literal at position ' + iValue;
+ iValue++;
+ };
+ var iValue = 0;
+ for (var iFormat = 0; iFormat < format.length; iFormat++) {
+ if (literal)
+ if (format.charAt(iFormat) == "'" && !lookAhead("'"))
+ literal = false;
+ else
+ checkLiteral();
+ else
+ switch (format.charAt(iFormat)) {
+ case 'd':
+ day = getNumber('d');
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ getName('D', dayNamesShort, dayNames);
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ doy = getNumber('o');
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ month = getNumber('m');
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+ month = getName('M', monthNamesShort, monthNames);
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ year = getNumber('y');
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ var date = new Date(getNumber('@'));
+ year = date.getFullYear();
+ month = date.getMonth() + 1;
+ day = date.getDate();
+ break;
+ case '!':
+ var date = new Date((getNumber('!') - this._ticksTo1970) / 10000);
+ year = date.getFullYear();
+ month = date.getMonth() + 1;
+ day = date.getDate();
+ break;
+ case "'":
+ if (lookAhead("'"))
+ checkLiteral();
+ else
+ literal = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ checkLiteral();
+ }
+ }
+ if (year == -1)
+ year = new Date().getFullYear();
+ else if (year < 100)
+ year += new Date().getFullYear() - new Date().getFullYear() % 100 +
+ (year <= shortYearCutoff ? 0 : -100);
+ if (doy > -1) {
+ month = 1;
+ day = doy;
+ do {
+ var dim = this._getDaysInMonth(year, month - 1);
+ if (day <= dim)
+ break;
+ month++;
+ day -= dim;
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ var date = this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(year, month - 1, day));
+ if (date.getFullYear() != year || date.getMonth() + 1 != month || date.getDate() != day)
+ throw 'Invalid date'; // E.g. 31/02/*
+ return date;
+ },
+ /* Standard date formats. */
+ ATOM: 'yy-mm-dd', // RFC 3339 (ISO 8601)
+ COOKIE: 'D, dd M yy',
+ ISO_8601: 'yy-mm-dd',
+ RFC_822: 'D, d M y',
+ RFC_850: 'DD, dd-M-y',
+ RFC_1036: 'D, d M y',
+ RFC_1123: 'D, d M yy',
+ RFC_2822: 'D, d M yy',
+ RSS: 'D, d M y', // RFC 822
+ TICKS: '!',
+ W3C: 'yy-mm-dd', // ISO 8601
+ _ticksTo1970: (((1970 - 1) * 365 + Math.floor(1970 / 4) - Math.floor(1970 / 100) +
+ Math.floor(1970 / 400)) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 10000000),
+ /* Format a date object into a string value.
+ The format can be combinations of the following:
+ d - day of month (no leading zero)
+ dd - day of month (two digit)
+ o - day of year (no leading zeros)
+ oo - day of year (three digit)
+ D - day name short
+ DD - day name long
+ m - month of year (no leading zero)
+ mm - month of year (two digit)
+ M - month name short
+ MM - month name long
+ y - year (two digit)
+ yy - year (four digit)
+ @ - Unix timestamp (ms since 01/01/1970)
+ ! - Windows ticks (100ns since 01/01/0001)
+ '...' - literal text
+ '' - single quote
+ @param format string - the desired format of the date
+ @param date Date - the date value to format
+ @param settings Object - attributes include:
+ dayNamesShort string[7] - abbreviated names of the days from Sunday (optional)
+ dayNames string[7] - names of the days from Sunday (optional)
+ monthNamesShort string[12] - abbreviated names of the months (optional)
+ monthNames string[12] - names of the months (optional)
+ @return string - the date in the above format */
+ formatDate: function (format, date, settings) {
+ if (!date)
+ return '';
+ var dayNamesShort = (settings ? settings.dayNamesShort : null) || this._defaults.dayNamesShort;
+ var dayNames = (settings ? settings.dayNames : null) || this._defaults.dayNames;
+ var monthNamesShort = (settings ? settings.monthNamesShort : null) || this._defaults.monthNamesShort;
+ var monthNames = (settings ? settings.monthNames : null) || this._defaults.monthNames;
+ // Check whether a format character is doubled
+ var lookAhead = function(match) {
+ var matches = (iFormat + 1 < format.length && format.charAt(iFormat + 1) == match);
+ if (matches)
+ iFormat++;
+ return matches;
+ };
+ // Format a number, with leading zero if necessary
+ var formatNumber = function(match, value, len) {
+ var num = '' + value;
+ if (lookAhead(match))
+ while (num.length < len)
+ num = '0' + num;
+ return num;
+ };
+ // Format a name, short or long as requested
+ var formatName = function(match, value, shortNames, longNames) {
+ return (lookAhead(match) ? longNames[value] : shortNames[value]);
+ };
+ var output = '';
+ var literal = false;
+ if (date)
+ for (var iFormat = 0; iFormat < format.length; iFormat++) {
+ if (literal)
+ if (format.charAt(iFormat) == "'" && !lookAhead("'"))
+ literal = false;
+ else
+ output += format.charAt(iFormat);
+ else
+ switch (format.charAt(iFormat)) {
+ case 'd':
+ output += formatNumber('d', date.getDate(), 2);
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ output += formatName('D', date.getDay(), dayNamesShort, dayNames);
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ output += formatNumber('o',
+ (date.getTime() - new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 0).getTime()) / 86400000, 3);
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ output += formatNumber('m', date.getMonth() + 1, 2);
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+ output += formatName('M', date.getMonth(), monthNamesShort, monthNames);
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ output += (lookAhead('y') ? date.getFullYear() :
+ (date.getYear() % 100 < 10 ? '0' : '') + date.getYear() % 100);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ output += date.getTime();
+ break;
+ case '!':
+ output += date.getTime() * 10000 + this._ticksTo1970;
+ break;
+ case "'":
+ if (lookAhead("'"))
+ output += "'";
+ else
+ literal = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ output += format.charAt(iFormat);
+ }
+ }
+ return output;
+ },
+ /* Extract all possible characters from the date format. */
+ _possibleChars: function (format) {
+ var chars = '';
+ var literal = false;
+ // Check whether a format character is doubled
+ var lookAhead = function(match) {
+ var matches = (iFormat + 1 < format.length && format.charAt(iFormat + 1) == match);
+ if (matches)
+ iFormat++;
+ return matches;
+ };
+ for (var iFormat = 0; iFormat < format.length; iFormat++)
+ if (literal)
+ if (format.charAt(iFormat) == "'" && !lookAhead("'"))
+ literal = false;
+ else
+ chars += format.charAt(iFormat);
+ else
+ switch (format.charAt(iFormat)) {
+ case 'd': case 'm': case 'y': case '@':
+ chars += '0123456789';
+ break;
+ case 'D': case 'M':
+ return null; // Accept anything
+ case "'":
+ if (lookAhead("'"))
+ chars += "'";
+ else
+ literal = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ chars += format.charAt(iFormat);
+ }
+ return chars;
+ },
+ /* Get a setting value, defaulting if necessary. */
+ _get: function(inst, name) {
+ return inst.settings[name] !== undefined ?
+ inst.settings[name] : this._defaults[name];
+ },
+ /* Parse existing date and initialise date picker. */
+ _setDateFromField: function(inst, noDefault) {
+ if (inst.input.val() == inst.lastVal) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var dateFormat = this._get(inst, 'dateFormat');
+ var dates = inst.lastVal = inst.input ? inst.input.val() : null;
+ var date, defaultDate;
+ date = defaultDate = this._getDefaultDate(inst);
+ var settings = this._getFormatConfig(inst);
+ try {
+ date = this.parseDate(dateFormat, dates, settings) || defaultDate;
+ } catch (event) {
+ this.log(event);
+ dates = (noDefault ? '' : dates);
+ }
+ inst.selectedDay = date.getDate();
+ inst.drawMonth = inst.selectedMonth = date.getMonth();
+ inst.drawYear = inst.selectedYear = date.getFullYear();
+ inst.currentDay = (dates ? date.getDate() : 0);
+ inst.currentMonth = (dates ? date.getMonth() : 0);
+ inst.currentYear = (dates ? date.getFullYear() : 0);
+ this._adjustInstDate(inst);
+ },
+ /* Retrieve the default date shown on opening. */
+ _getDefaultDate: function(inst) {
+ return this._restrictMinMax(inst,
+ this._determineDate(inst, this._get(inst, 'defaultDate'), new Date()));
+ },
+ /* A date may be specified as an exact value or a relative one. */
+ _determineDate: function(inst, date, defaultDate) {
+ var offsetNumeric = function(offset) {
+ var date = new Date();
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() + offset);
+ return date;
+ };
+ var offsetString = function(offset) {
+ try {
+ return $.datepicker.parseDate($.datepicker._get(inst, 'dateFormat'),
+ offset, $.datepicker._getFormatConfig(inst));
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ // Ignore
+ }
+ var date = (offset.toLowerCase().match(/^c/) ?
+ $.datepicker._getDate(inst) : null) || new Date();
+ var year = date.getFullYear();
+ var month = date.getMonth();
+ var day = date.getDate();
+ var pattern = /([+-]?[0-9]+)\s*(d|D|w|W|m|M|y|Y)?/g;
+ var matches = pattern.exec(offset);
+ while (matches) {
+ switch (matches[2] || 'd') {
+ case 'd' : case 'D' :
+ day += parseInt(matches[1],10); break;
+ case 'w' : case 'W' :
+ day += parseInt(matches[1],10) * 7; break;
+ case 'm' : case 'M' :
+ month += parseInt(matches[1],10);
+ day = Math.min(day, $.datepicker._getDaysInMonth(year, month));
+ break;
+ case 'y': case 'Y' :
+ year += parseInt(matches[1],10);
+ day = Math.min(day, $.datepicker._getDaysInMonth(year, month));
+ break;
+ }
+ matches = pattern.exec(offset);
+ }
+ return new Date(year, month, day);
+ };
+ date = (date == null ? defaultDate : (typeof date == 'string' ? offsetString(date) :
+ (typeof date == 'number' ? (isNaN(date) ? defaultDate : offsetNumeric(date)) : date)));
+ date = (date && date.toString() == 'Invalid Date' ? defaultDate : date);
+ if (date) {
+ date.setHours(0);
+ date.setMinutes(0);
+ date.setSeconds(0);
+ date.setMilliseconds(0);
+ }
+ return this._daylightSavingAdjust(date);
+ },
+ /* Handle switch to/from daylight saving.
+ Hours may be non-zero on daylight saving cut-over:
+ > 12 when midnight changeover, but then cannot generate
+ midnight datetime, so jump to 1AM, otherwise reset.
+ @param date (Date) the date to check
+ @return (Date) the corrected date */
+ _daylightSavingAdjust: function(date) {
+ if (!date) return null;
+ date.setHours(date.getHours() > 12 ? date.getHours() + 2 : 0);
+ return date;
+ },
+ /* Set the date(s) directly. */
+ _setDate: function(inst, date, noChange) {
+ var clear = !(date);
+ var origMonth = inst.selectedMonth;
+ var origYear = inst.selectedYear;
+ date = this._restrictMinMax(inst, this._determineDate(inst, date, new Date()));
+ inst.selectedDay = inst.currentDay = date.getDate();
+ inst.drawMonth = inst.selectedMonth = inst.currentMonth = date.getMonth();
+ inst.drawYear = inst.selectedYear = inst.currentYear = date.getFullYear();
+ if ((origMonth != inst.selectedMonth || origYear != inst.selectedYear) && !noChange)
+ this._notifyChange(inst);
+ this._adjustInstDate(inst);
+ if (inst.input) {
+ inst.input.val(clear ? '' : this._formatDate(inst));
+ }
+ },
+ /* Retrieve the date(s) directly. */
+ _getDate: function(inst) {
+ var startDate = (!inst.currentYear || (inst.input && inst.input.val() == '') ? null :
+ this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(
+ inst.currentYear, inst.currentMonth, inst.currentDay)));
+ return startDate;
+ },
+ /* Generate the HTML for the current state of the date picker. */
+ _generateHTML: function(inst) {
+ var today = new Date();
+ today = this._daylightSavingAdjust(
+ new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate())); // clear time
+ var isRTL = this._get(inst, 'isRTL');
+ var showButtonPanel = this._get(inst, 'showButtonPanel');
+ var hideIfNoPrevNext = this._get(inst, 'hideIfNoPrevNext');
+ var navigationAsDateFormat = this._get(inst, 'navigationAsDateFormat');
+ var numMonths = this._getNumberOfMonths(inst);
+ var showCurrentAtPos = this._get(inst, 'showCurrentAtPos');
+ var stepMonths = this._get(inst, 'stepMonths');
+ var isMultiMonth = (numMonths[0] != 1 || numMonths[1] != 1);
+ var currentDate = this._daylightSavingAdjust((!inst.currentDay ? new Date(9999, 9, 9) :
+ new Date(inst.currentYear, inst.currentMonth, inst.currentDay)));
+ var minDate = this._getMinMaxDate(inst, 'min');
+ var maxDate = this._getMinMaxDate(inst, 'max');
+ var drawMonth = inst.drawMonth - showCurrentAtPos;
+ var drawYear = inst.drawYear;
+ if (drawMonth < 0) {
+ drawMonth += 12;
+ drawYear--;
+ }
+ if (maxDate) {
+ var maxDraw = this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(maxDate.getFullYear(),
+ maxDate.getMonth() - (numMonths[0] * numMonths[1]) + 1, maxDate.getDate()));
+ maxDraw = (minDate && maxDraw < minDate ? minDate : maxDraw);
+ while (this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(drawYear, drawMonth, 1)) > maxDraw) {
+ drawMonth--;
+ if (drawMonth < 0) {
+ drawMonth = 11;
+ drawYear--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inst.drawMonth = drawMonth;
+ inst.drawYear = drawYear;
+ var prevText = this._get(inst, 'prevText');
+ prevText = (!navigationAsDateFormat ? prevText : this.formatDate(prevText,
+ this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(drawYear, drawMonth - stepMonths, 1)),
+ this._getFormatConfig(inst)));
+ var prev = (this._canAdjustMonth(inst, -1, drawYear, drawMonth) ?
+ '' + prevText + '' :
+ (hideIfNoPrevNext ? '' : '' + prevText + ''));
+ var nextText = this._get(inst, 'nextText');
+ nextText = (!navigationAsDateFormat ? nextText : this.formatDate(nextText,
+ this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(drawYear, drawMonth + stepMonths, 1)),
+ this._getFormatConfig(inst)));
+ var next = (this._canAdjustMonth(inst, +1, drawYear, drawMonth) ?
+ '' + nextText + '' :
+ (hideIfNoPrevNext ? '' : '' + nextText + ''));
+ var currentText = this._get(inst, 'currentText');
+ var gotoDate = (this._get(inst, 'gotoCurrent') && inst.currentDay ? currentDate : today);
+ currentText = (!navigationAsDateFormat ? currentText :
+ this.formatDate(currentText, gotoDate, this._getFormatConfig(inst)));
+ var controls = (!inst.inline ? '' : '');
+ var buttonPanel = (showButtonPanel) ? '' + (isRTL ? controls : '') +
+ (this._isInRange(inst, gotoDate) ? '' : '') + (isRTL ? '' : controls) + '
' : '';
+ var firstDay = parseInt(this._get(inst, 'firstDay'),10);
+ firstDay = (isNaN(firstDay) ? 0 : firstDay);
+ var showWeek = this._get(inst, 'showWeek');
+ var dayNames = this._get(inst, 'dayNames');
+ var dayNamesShort = this._get(inst, 'dayNamesShort');
+ var dayNamesMin = this._get(inst, 'dayNamesMin');
+ var monthNames = this._get(inst, 'monthNames');
+ var monthNamesShort = this._get(inst, 'monthNamesShort');
+ var beforeShowDay = this._get(inst, 'beforeShowDay');
+ var showOtherMonths = this._get(inst, 'showOtherMonths');
+ var selectOtherMonths = this._get(inst, 'selectOtherMonths');
+ var calculateWeek = this._get(inst, 'calculateWeek') || this.iso8601Week;
+ var defaultDate = this._getDefaultDate(inst);
+ var html = '';
+ for (var row = 0; row < numMonths[0]; row++) {
+ var group = '';
+ for (var col = 0; col < numMonths[1]; col++) {
+ var selectedDate = this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(drawYear, drawMonth, inst.selectedDay));
+ var cornerClass = ' ui-corner-all';
+ var calender = '';
+ if (isMultiMonth) {
+ calender += '';
+ }
+ calender += '
' +
+ '';
+ var thead = (showWeek ? '' + this._get(inst, 'weekHeader') + ' | ' : '');
+ for (var dow = 0; dow < 7; dow++) { // days of the week
+ var day = (dow + firstDay) % 7;
+ thead += '= 5 ? ' class="ui-datepicker-week-end"' : '') + '>' +
+ '' + dayNamesMin[day] + ' | ';
+ }
+ calender += thead + '
+ var daysInMonth = this._getDaysInMonth(drawYear, drawMonth);
+ if (drawYear == inst.selectedYear && drawMonth == inst.selectedMonth)
+ inst.selectedDay = Math.min(inst.selectedDay, daysInMonth);
+ var leadDays = (this._getFirstDayOfMonth(drawYear, drawMonth) - firstDay + 7) % 7;
+ var numRows = (isMultiMonth ? 6 : Math.ceil((leadDays + daysInMonth) / 7)); // calculate the number of rows to generate
+ var printDate = this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(drawYear, drawMonth, 1 - leadDays));
+ for (var dRow = 0; dRow < numRows; dRow++) { // create date picker rows
+ calender += '';
+ var tbody = (!showWeek ? '' : '' +
+ this._get(inst, 'calculateWeek')(printDate) + ' | ');
+ for (var dow = 0; dow < 7; dow++) { // create date picker days
+ var daySettings = (beforeShowDay ?
+ beforeShowDay.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null), [printDate]) : [true, '']);
+ var otherMonth = (printDate.getMonth() != drawMonth);
+ var unselectable = (otherMonth && !selectOtherMonths) || !daySettings[0] ||
+ (minDate && printDate < minDate) || (maxDate && printDate > maxDate);
+ tbody += '' + // actions
+ (otherMonth && !showOtherMonths ? ' ' : // display for other months
+ (unselectable ? '' + printDate.getDate() + '' : '' + printDate.getDate() + '')) + ' | '; // display selectable date
+ printDate.setDate(printDate.getDate() + 1);
+ printDate = this._daylightSavingAdjust(printDate);
+ }
+ calender += tbody + '
+ }
+ drawMonth++;
+ if (drawMonth > 11) {
+ drawMonth = 0;
+ drawYear++;
+ }
+ calender += '
' + (isMultiMonth ? '
' +
+ ((numMonths[0] > 0 && col == numMonths[1]-1) ? '' : '') : '');
+ group += calender;
+ }
+ html += group;
+ }
+ html += buttonPanel + ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version,10) < 7 && !inst.inline ?
+ '' : '');
+ inst._keyEvent = false;
+ return html;
+ },
+ /* Generate the month and year header. */
+ _generateMonthYearHeader: function(inst, drawMonth, drawYear, minDate, maxDate,
+ secondary, monthNames, monthNamesShort) {
+ var changeMonth = this._get(inst, 'changeMonth');
+ var changeYear = this._get(inst, 'changeYear');
+ var showMonthAfterYear = this._get(inst, 'showMonthAfterYear');
+ var html = '';
+ var monthHtml = '';
+ // month selection
+ if (secondary || !changeMonth)
+ monthHtml += '' + monthNames[drawMonth] + '';
+ else {
+ var inMinYear = (minDate && minDate.getFullYear() == drawYear);
+ var inMaxYear = (maxDate && maxDate.getFullYear() == drawYear);
+ monthHtml += '';
+ }
+ if (!showMonthAfterYear)
+ html += monthHtml + (secondary || !(changeMonth && changeYear) ? ' ' : '');
+ // year selection
+ if (secondary || !changeYear)
+ html += '' + drawYear + '';
+ else {
+ // determine range of years to display
+ var years = this._get(inst, 'yearRange').split(':');
+ var thisYear = new Date().getFullYear();
+ var determineYear = function(value) {
+ var year = (value.match(/c[+-].*/) ? drawYear + parseInt(value.substring(1), 10) :
+ (value.match(/[+-].*/) ? thisYear + parseInt(value, 10) :
+ parseInt(value, 10)));
+ return (isNaN(year) ? thisYear : year);
+ };
+ var year = determineYear(years[0]);
+ var endYear = Math.max(year, determineYear(years[1] || ''));
+ year = (minDate ? Math.max(year, minDate.getFullYear()) : year);
+ endYear = (maxDate ? Math.min(endYear, maxDate.getFullYear()) : endYear);
+ html += '';
+ }
+ html += this._get(inst, 'yearSuffix');
+ if (showMonthAfterYear)
+ html += (secondary || !(changeMonth && changeYear) ? ' ' : '') + monthHtml;
+ html += '
'; // Close datepicker_header
+ return html;
+ },
+ /* Adjust one of the date sub-fields. */
+ _adjustInstDate: function(inst, offset, period) {
+ var year = inst.drawYear + (period == 'Y' ? offset : 0);
+ var month = inst.drawMonth + (period == 'M' ? offset : 0);
+ var day = Math.min(inst.selectedDay, this._getDaysInMonth(year, month)) +
+ (period == 'D' ? offset : 0);
+ var date = this._restrictMinMax(inst,
+ this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(year, month, day)));
+ inst.selectedDay = date.getDate();
+ inst.drawMonth = inst.selectedMonth = date.getMonth();
+ inst.drawYear = inst.selectedYear = date.getFullYear();
+ if (period == 'M' || period == 'Y')
+ this._notifyChange(inst);
+ },
+ /* Ensure a date is within any min/max bounds. */
+ _restrictMinMax: function(inst, date) {
+ var minDate = this._getMinMaxDate(inst, 'min');
+ var maxDate = this._getMinMaxDate(inst, 'max');
+ date = (minDate && date < minDate ? minDate : date);
+ date = (maxDate && date > maxDate ? maxDate : date);
+ return date;
+ },
+ /* Notify change of month/year. */
+ _notifyChange: function(inst) {
+ var onChange = this._get(inst, 'onChangeMonthYear');
+ if (onChange)
+ onChange.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null),
+ [inst.selectedYear, inst.selectedMonth + 1, inst]);
+ },
+ /* Determine the number of months to show. */
+ _getNumberOfMonths: function(inst) {
+ var numMonths = this._get(inst, 'numberOfMonths');
+ return (numMonths == null ? [1, 1] : (typeof numMonths == 'number' ? [1, numMonths] : numMonths));
+ },
+ /* Determine the current maximum date - ensure no time components are set. */
+ _getMinMaxDate: function(inst, minMax) {
+ return this._determineDate(inst, this._get(inst, minMax + 'Date'), null);
+ },
+ /* Find the number of days in a given month. */
+ _getDaysInMonth: function(year, month) {
+ return 32 - new Date(year, month, 32).getDate();
+ },
+ /* Find the day of the week of the first of a month. */
+ _getFirstDayOfMonth: function(year, month) {
+ return new Date(year, month, 1).getDay();
+ },
+ /* Determines if we should allow a "next/prev" month display change. */
+ _canAdjustMonth: function(inst, offset, curYear, curMonth) {
+ var numMonths = this._getNumberOfMonths(inst);
+ var date = this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(curYear,
+ curMonth + (offset < 0 ? offset : numMonths[0] * numMonths[1]), 1));
+ if (offset < 0)
+ date.setDate(this._getDaysInMonth(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()));
+ return this._isInRange(inst, date);
+ },
+ /* Is the given date in the accepted range? */
+ _isInRange: function(inst, date) {
+ var minDate = this._getMinMaxDate(inst, 'min');
+ var maxDate = this._getMinMaxDate(inst, 'max');
+ return ((!minDate || date.getTime() >= minDate.getTime()) &&
+ (!maxDate || date.getTime() <= maxDate.getTime()));
+ },
+ /* Provide the configuration settings for formatting/parsing. */
+ _getFormatConfig: function(inst) {
+ var shortYearCutoff = this._get(inst, 'shortYearCutoff');
+ shortYearCutoff = (typeof shortYearCutoff != 'string' ? shortYearCutoff :
+ new Date().getFullYear() % 100 + parseInt(shortYearCutoff, 10));
+ return {shortYearCutoff: shortYearCutoff,
+ dayNamesShort: this._get(inst, 'dayNamesShort'), dayNames: this._get(inst, 'dayNames'),
+ monthNamesShort: this._get(inst, 'monthNamesShort'), monthNames: this._get(inst, 'monthNames')};
+ },
+ /* Format the given date for display. */
+ _formatDate: function(inst, day, month, year) {
+ if (!day) {
+ inst.currentDay = inst.selectedDay;
+ inst.currentMonth = inst.selectedMonth;
+ inst.currentYear = inst.selectedYear;
+ }
+ var date = (day ? (typeof day == 'object' ? day :
+ this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(year, month, day))) :
+ this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(inst.currentYear, inst.currentMonth, inst.currentDay)));
+ return this.formatDate(this._get(inst, 'dateFormat'), date, this._getFormatConfig(inst));
+ }
+/* jQuery extend now ignores nulls! */
+function extendRemove(target, props) {
+ $.extend(target, props);
+ for (var name in props)
+ if (props[name] == null || props[name] == undefined)
+ target[name] = props[name];
+ return target;
+/* Determine whether an object is an array. */
+function isArray(a) {
+ return (a && (($.browser.safari && typeof a == 'object' && a.length) ||
+ (a.constructor && a.constructor.toString().match(/\Array\(\)/))));
+/* Invoke the datepicker functionality.
+ @param options string - a command, optionally followed by additional parameters or
+ Object - settings for attaching new datepicker functionality
+ @return jQuery object */
+$.fn.datepicker = function(options){
+ /* Initialise the date picker. */
+ if (!$.datepicker.initialized) {
+ $(document).mousedown($.datepicker._checkExternalClick).
+ find('body').append($.datepicker.dpDiv);
+ $.datepicker.initialized = true;
+ }
+ var otherArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ if (typeof options == 'string' && (options == 'isDisabled' || options == 'getDate' || options == 'widget'))
+ return $.datepicker['_' + options + 'Datepicker'].
+ apply($.datepicker, [this[0]].concat(otherArgs));
+ if (options == 'option' && arguments.length == 2 && typeof arguments[1] == 'string')
+ return $.datepicker['_' + options + 'Datepicker'].
+ apply($.datepicker, [this[0]].concat(otherArgs));
+ return this.each(function() {
+ typeof options == 'string' ?
+ $.datepicker['_' + options + 'Datepicker'].
+ apply($.datepicker, [this].concat(otherArgs)) :
+ $.datepicker._attachDatepicker(this, options);
+ });
+$.datepicker = new Datepicker(); // singleton instance
+$.datepicker.initialized = false;
+$.datepicker.uuid = new Date().getTime();
+$.datepicker.version = "1.8.4";
+// Workaround for #4055
+// Add another global to avoid noConflict issues with inline event handlers
+window['DP_jQuery_' + dpuuid] = $;
+ * jQuery UI Dialog 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Dialog
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.ui.core.js
+ * jquery.ui.widget.js
+ * jquery.ui.button.js
+ * jquery.ui.draggable.js
+ * jquery.ui.mouse.js
+ * jquery.ui.position.js
+ * jquery.ui.resizable.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+var uiDialogClasses =
+ 'ui-dialog ' +
+ 'ui-widget ' +
+ 'ui-widget-content ' +
+ 'ui-corner-all ';
+$.widget("ui.dialog", {
+ options: {
+ autoOpen: true,
+ buttons: {},
+ closeOnEscape: true,
+ closeText: 'close',
+ dialogClass: '',
+ draggable: true,
+ hide: null,
+ height: 'auto',
+ maxHeight: false,
+ maxWidth: false,
+ minHeight: 150,
+ minWidth: 150,
+ modal: false,
+ position: {
+ my: 'center',
+ at: 'center',
+ of: window,
+ collision: 'fit',
+ // ensure that the titlebar is never outside the document
+ using: function(pos) {
+ var topOffset = $(this).css(pos).offset().top;
+ if (topOffset < 0) {
+ $(this).css('top', pos.top - topOffset);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ resizable: true,
+ show: null,
+ stack: true,
+ title: '',
+ width: 300,
+ zIndex: 1000
+ },
+ _create: function() {
+ this.originalTitle = this.element.attr('title');
+ // #5742 - .attr() might return a DOMElement
+ if ( typeof this.originalTitle !== "string" ) {
+ this.originalTitle = "";
+ }
+ var self = this,
+ options = self.options,
+ title = options.title || self.originalTitle || ' ',
+ titleId = $.ui.dialog.getTitleId(self.element),
+ uiDialog = (self.uiDialog = $(''))
+ .appendTo(document.body)
+ .hide()
+ .addClass(uiDialogClasses + options.dialogClass)
+ .css({
+ zIndex: options.zIndex
+ })
+ // setting tabIndex makes the div focusable
+ // setting outline to 0 prevents a border on focus in Mozilla
+ .attr('tabIndex', -1).css('outline', 0).keydown(function(event) {
+ if (options.closeOnEscape && event.keyCode &&
+ event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) {
+ self.close(event);
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ })
+ .attr({
+ role: 'dialog',
+ 'aria-labelledby': titleId
+ })
+ .mousedown(function(event) {
+ self.moveToTop(false, event);
+ }),
+ uiDialogContent = self.element
+ .show()
+ .removeAttr('title')
+ .addClass(
+ 'ui-dialog-content ' +
+ 'ui-widget-content')
+ .appendTo(uiDialog),
+ uiDialogTitlebar = (self.uiDialogTitlebar = $(''))
+ .addClass(
+ 'ui-dialog-titlebar ' +
+ 'ui-widget-header ' +
+ 'ui-corner-all ' +
+ 'ui-helper-clearfix'
+ )
+ .prependTo(uiDialog),
+ uiDialogTitlebarClose = $('')
+ .addClass(
+ 'ui-dialog-titlebar-close ' +
+ 'ui-corner-all'
+ )
+ .attr('role', 'button')
+ .hover(
+ function() {
+ uiDialogTitlebarClose.addClass('ui-state-hover');
+ },
+ function() {
+ uiDialogTitlebarClose.removeClass('ui-state-hover');
+ }
+ )
+ .focus(function() {
+ uiDialogTitlebarClose.addClass('ui-state-focus');
+ })
+ .blur(function() {
+ uiDialogTitlebarClose.removeClass('ui-state-focus');
+ })
+ .click(function(event) {
+ self.close(event);
+ return false;
+ })
+ .appendTo(uiDialogTitlebar),
+ uiDialogTitlebarCloseText = (self.uiDialogTitlebarCloseText = $(''))
+ .addClass(
+ 'ui-icon ' +
+ 'ui-icon-closethick'
+ )
+ .text(options.closeText)
+ .appendTo(uiDialogTitlebarClose),
+ uiDialogTitle = $('')
+ .addClass('ui-dialog-title')
+ .attr('id', titleId)
+ .html(title)
+ .prependTo(uiDialogTitlebar);
+ //handling of deprecated beforeclose (vs beforeClose) option
+ //Ticket #4669 http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/4669
+ //TODO: remove in 1.9pre
+ if ($.isFunction(options.beforeclose) && !$.isFunction(options.beforeClose)) {
+ options.beforeClose = options.beforeclose;
+ }
+ uiDialogTitlebar.find("*").add(uiDialogTitlebar).disableSelection();
+ if (options.draggable && $.fn.draggable) {
+ self._makeDraggable();
+ }
+ if (options.resizable && $.fn.resizable) {
+ self._makeResizable();
+ }
+ self._createButtons(options.buttons);
+ self._isOpen = false;
+ if ($.fn.bgiframe) {
+ uiDialog.bgiframe();
+ }
+ },
+ _init: function() {
+ if ( this.options.autoOpen ) {
+ this.open();
+ }
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ if (self.overlay) {
+ self.overlay.destroy();
+ }
+ self.uiDialog.hide();
+ self.element
+ .unbind('.dialog')
+ .removeData('dialog')
+ .removeClass('ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content')
+ .hide().appendTo('body');
+ self.uiDialog.remove();
+ if (self.originalTitle) {
+ self.element.attr('title', self.originalTitle);
+ }
+ return self;
+ },
+ widget: function() {
+ return this.uiDialog;
+ },
+ close: function(event) {
+ var self = this,
+ maxZ;
+ if (false === self._trigger('beforeClose', event)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (self.overlay) {
+ self.overlay.destroy();
+ }
+ self.uiDialog.unbind('keypress.ui-dialog');
+ self._isOpen = false;
+ if (self.options.hide) {
+ self.uiDialog.hide(self.options.hide, function() {
+ self._trigger('close', event);
+ });
+ } else {
+ self.uiDialog.hide();
+ self._trigger('close', event);
+ }
+ $.ui.dialog.overlay.resize();
+ // adjust the maxZ to allow other modal dialogs to continue to work (see #4309)
+ if (self.options.modal) {
+ maxZ = 0;
+ $('.ui-dialog').each(function() {
+ if (this !== self.uiDialog[0]) {
+ maxZ = Math.max(maxZ, $(this).css('z-index'));
+ }
+ });
+ $.ui.dialog.maxZ = maxZ;
+ }
+ return self;
+ },
+ isOpen: function() {
+ return this._isOpen;
+ },
+ // the force parameter allows us to move modal dialogs to their correct
+ // position on open
+ moveToTop: function(force, event) {
+ var self = this,
+ options = self.options,
+ saveScroll;
+ if ((options.modal && !force) ||
+ (!options.stack && !options.modal)) {
+ return self._trigger('focus', event);
+ }
+ if (options.zIndex > $.ui.dialog.maxZ) {
+ $.ui.dialog.maxZ = options.zIndex;
+ }
+ if (self.overlay) {
+ $.ui.dialog.maxZ += 1;
+ self.overlay.$el.css('z-index', $.ui.dialog.overlay.maxZ = $.ui.dialog.maxZ);
+ }
+ //Save and then restore scroll since Opera 9.5+ resets when parent z-Index is changed.
+ // http://ui.jquery.com/bugs/ticket/3193
+ saveScroll = { scrollTop: self.element.attr('scrollTop'), scrollLeft: self.element.attr('scrollLeft') };
+ $.ui.dialog.maxZ += 1;
+ self.uiDialog.css('z-index', $.ui.dialog.maxZ);
+ self.element.attr(saveScroll);
+ self._trigger('focus', event);
+ return self;
+ },
+ open: function() {
+ if (this._isOpen) { return; }
+ var self = this,
+ options = self.options,
+ uiDialog = self.uiDialog;
+ self.overlay = options.modal ? new $.ui.dialog.overlay(self) : null;
+ if (uiDialog.next().length) {
+ uiDialog.appendTo('body');
+ }
+ self._size();
+ self._position(options.position);
+ uiDialog.show(options.show);
+ self.moveToTop(true);
+ // prevent tabbing out of modal dialogs
+ if (options.modal) {
+ uiDialog.bind('keypress.ui-dialog', function(event) {
+ if (event.keyCode !== $.ui.keyCode.TAB) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var tabbables = $(':tabbable', this),
+ first = tabbables.filter(':first'),
+ last = tabbables.filter(':last');
+ if (event.target === last[0] && !event.shiftKey) {
+ first.focus(1);
+ return false;
+ } else if (event.target === first[0] && event.shiftKey) {
+ last.focus(1);
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // set focus to the first tabbable element in the content area or the first button
+ // if there are no tabbable elements, set focus on the dialog itself
+ $(self.element.find(':tabbable').get().concat(
+ uiDialog.find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane :tabbable').get().concat(
+ uiDialog.get()))).eq(0).focus();
+ self._trigger('open');
+ self._isOpen = true;
+ return self;
+ },
+ _createButtons: function(buttons) {
+ var self = this,
+ hasButtons = false,
+ uiDialogButtonPane = $('')
+ .addClass(
+ 'ui-dialog-buttonpane ' +
+ 'ui-widget-content ' +
+ 'ui-helper-clearfix'
+ ),
+ uiButtonSet = $( "" )
+ .addClass( "ui-dialog-buttonset" )
+ .appendTo( uiDialogButtonPane );
+ // if we already have a button pane, remove it
+ self.uiDialog.find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane').remove();
+ if (typeof buttons === 'object' && buttons !== null) {
+ $.each(buttons, function() {
+ return !(hasButtons = true);
+ });
+ }
+ if (hasButtons) {
+ $.each(buttons, function(name, fn) {
+ var button = $('')
+ .text(name)
+ .click(function() { fn.apply(self.element[0], arguments); })
+ .appendTo(uiButtonSet);
+ if ($.fn.button) {
+ button.button();
+ }
+ });
+ uiDialogButtonPane.appendTo(self.uiDialog);
+ }
+ },
+ _makeDraggable: function() {
+ var self = this,
+ options = self.options,
+ doc = $(document),
+ heightBeforeDrag;
+ function filteredUi(ui) {
+ return {
+ position: ui.position,
+ offset: ui.offset
+ };
+ }
+ self.uiDialog.draggable({
+ cancel: '.ui-dialog-content, .ui-dialog-titlebar-close',
+ handle: '.ui-dialog-titlebar',
+ containment: 'document',
+ start: function(event, ui) {
+ heightBeforeDrag = options.height === "auto" ? "auto" : $(this).height();
+ $(this).height($(this).height()).addClass("ui-dialog-dragging");
+ self._trigger('dragStart', event, filteredUi(ui));
+ },
+ drag: function(event, ui) {
+ self._trigger('drag', event, filteredUi(ui));
+ },
+ stop: function(event, ui) {
+ options.position = [ui.position.left - doc.scrollLeft(),
+ ui.position.top - doc.scrollTop()];
+ $(this).removeClass("ui-dialog-dragging").height(heightBeforeDrag);
+ self._trigger('dragStop', event, filteredUi(ui));
+ $.ui.dialog.overlay.resize();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _makeResizable: function(handles) {
+ handles = (handles === undefined ? this.options.resizable : handles);
+ var self = this,
+ options = self.options,
+ // .ui-resizable has position: relative defined in the stylesheet
+ // but dialogs have to use absolute or fixed positioning
+ position = self.uiDialog.css('position'),
+ resizeHandles = (typeof handles === 'string' ?
+ handles :
+ 'n,e,s,w,se,sw,ne,nw'
+ );
+ function filteredUi(ui) {
+ return {
+ originalPosition: ui.originalPosition,
+ originalSize: ui.originalSize,
+ position: ui.position,
+ size: ui.size
+ };
+ }
+ self.uiDialog.resizable({
+ cancel: '.ui-dialog-content',
+ containment: 'document',
+ alsoResize: self.element,
+ maxWidth: options.maxWidth,
+ maxHeight: options.maxHeight,
+ minWidth: options.minWidth,
+ minHeight: self._minHeight(),
+ handles: resizeHandles,
+ start: function(event, ui) {
+ $(this).addClass("ui-dialog-resizing");
+ self._trigger('resizeStart', event, filteredUi(ui));
+ },
+ resize: function(event, ui) {
+ self._trigger('resize', event, filteredUi(ui));
+ },
+ stop: function(event, ui) {
+ $(this).removeClass("ui-dialog-resizing");
+ options.height = $(this).height();
+ options.width = $(this).width();
+ self._trigger('resizeStop', event, filteredUi(ui));
+ $.ui.dialog.overlay.resize();
+ }
+ })
+ .css('position', position)
+ .find('.ui-resizable-se').addClass('ui-icon ui-icon-grip-diagonal-se');
+ },
+ _minHeight: function() {
+ var options = this.options;
+ if (options.height === 'auto') {
+ return options.minHeight;
+ } else {
+ return Math.min(options.minHeight, options.height);
+ }
+ },
+ _position: function(position) {
+ var myAt = [],
+ offset = [0, 0],
+ isVisible;
+ if (position) {
+ // deep extending converts arrays to objects in jQuery <= 1.3.2 :-(
+ // if (typeof position == 'string' || $.isArray(position)) {
+ // myAt = $.isArray(position) ? position : position.split(' ');
+ if (typeof position === 'string' || (typeof position === 'object' && '0' in position)) {
+ myAt = position.split ? position.split(' ') : [position[0], position[1]];
+ if (myAt.length === 1) {
+ myAt[1] = myAt[0];
+ }
+ $.each(['left', 'top'], function(i, offsetPosition) {
+ if (+myAt[i] === myAt[i]) {
+ offset[i] = myAt[i];
+ myAt[i] = offsetPosition;
+ }
+ });
+ position = {
+ my: myAt.join(" "),
+ at: myAt.join(" "),
+ offset: offset.join(" ")
+ };
+ }
+ position = $.extend({}, $.ui.dialog.prototype.options.position, position);
+ } else {
+ position = $.ui.dialog.prototype.options.position;
+ }
+ // need to show the dialog to get the actual offset in the position plugin
+ isVisible = this.uiDialog.is(':visible');
+ if (!isVisible) {
+ this.uiDialog.show();
+ }
+ this.uiDialog
+ // workaround for jQuery bug #5781 http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/5781
+ .css({ top: 0, left: 0 })
+ .position(position);
+ if (!isVisible) {
+ this.uiDialog.hide();
+ }
+ },
+ _setOption: function(key, value){
+ var self = this,
+ uiDialog = self.uiDialog,
+ isResizable = uiDialog.is(':data(resizable)'),
+ resize = false;
+ switch (key) {
+ //handling of deprecated beforeclose (vs beforeClose) option
+ //Ticket #4669 http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/4669
+ //TODO: remove in 1.9pre
+ case "beforeclose":
+ key = "beforeClose";
+ break;
+ case "buttons":
+ self._createButtons(value);
+ resize = true;
+ break;
+ case "closeText":
+ // convert whatever was passed in to a string, for text() to not throw up
+ self.uiDialogTitlebarCloseText.text("" + value);
+ break;
+ case "dialogClass":
+ uiDialog
+ .removeClass(self.options.dialogClass)
+ .addClass(uiDialogClasses + value);
+ break;
+ case "disabled":
+ if (value) {
+ uiDialog.addClass('ui-dialog-disabled');
+ } else {
+ uiDialog.removeClass('ui-dialog-disabled');
+ }
+ break;
+ case "draggable":
+ if (value) {
+ self._makeDraggable();
+ } else {
+ uiDialog.draggable('destroy');
+ }
+ break;
+ case "height":
+ resize = true;
+ break;
+ case "maxHeight":
+ if (isResizable) {
+ uiDialog.resizable('option', 'maxHeight', value);
+ }
+ resize = true;
+ break;
+ case "maxWidth":
+ if (isResizable) {
+ uiDialog.resizable('option', 'maxWidth', value);
+ }
+ resize = true;
+ break;
+ case "minHeight":
+ if (isResizable) {
+ uiDialog.resizable('option', 'minHeight', value);
+ }
+ resize = true;
+ break;
+ case "minWidth":
+ if (isResizable) {
+ uiDialog.resizable('option', 'minWidth', value);
+ }
+ resize = true;
+ break;
+ case "position":
+ self._position(value);
+ break;
+ case "resizable":
+ // currently resizable, becoming non-resizable
+ if (isResizable && !value) {
+ uiDialog.resizable('destroy');
+ }
+ // currently resizable, changing handles
+ if (isResizable && typeof value === 'string') {
+ uiDialog.resizable('option', 'handles', value);
+ }
+ // currently non-resizable, becoming resizable
+ if (!isResizable && value !== false) {
+ self._makeResizable(value);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "title":
+ // convert whatever was passed in o a string, for html() to not throw up
+ $(".ui-dialog-title", self.uiDialogTitlebar).html("" + (value || ' '));
+ break;
+ case "width":
+ resize = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(self, arguments);
+ if (resize) {
+ self._size();
+ }
+ },
+ _size: function() {
+ /* If the user has resized the dialog, the .ui-dialog and .ui-dialog-content
+ * divs will both have width and height set, so we need to reset them
+ */
+ var options = this.options,
+ nonContentHeight;
+ // reset content sizing
+ // hide for non content measurement because height: 0 doesn't work in IE quirks mode (see #4350)
+ this.element.css({
+ width: 'auto',
+ minHeight: 0,
+ height: 0
+ });
+ if (options.minWidth > options.width) {
+ options.width = options.minWidth;
+ }
+ // reset wrapper sizing
+ // determine the height of all the non-content elements
+ nonContentHeight = this.uiDialog.css({
+ height: 'auto',
+ width: options.width
+ })
+ .height();
+ this.element
+ .css(options.height === 'auto' ? {
+ minHeight: Math.max(options.minHeight - nonContentHeight, 0),
+ height: 'auto'
+ } : {
+ minHeight: 0,
+ height: Math.max(options.height - nonContentHeight, 0)
+ })
+ .show();
+ if (this.uiDialog.is(':data(resizable)')) {
+ this.uiDialog.resizable('option', 'minHeight', this._minHeight());
+ }
+ }
+$.extend($.ui.dialog, {
+ version: "1.8.4",
+ uuid: 0,
+ maxZ: 0,
+ getTitleId: function($el) {
+ var id = $el.attr('id');
+ if (!id) {
+ this.uuid += 1;
+ id = this.uuid;
+ }
+ return 'ui-dialog-title-' + id;
+ },
+ overlay: function(dialog) {
+ this.$el = $.ui.dialog.overlay.create(dialog);
+ }
+$.extend($.ui.dialog.overlay, {
+ instances: [],
+ // reuse old instances due to IE memory leak with alpha transparency (see #5185)
+ oldInstances: [],
+ maxZ: 0,
+ events: $.map('focus,mousedown,mouseup,keydown,keypress,click'.split(','),
+ function(event) { return event + '.dialog-overlay'; }).join(' '),
+ create: function(dialog) {
+ if (this.instances.length === 0) {
+ // prevent use of anchors and inputs
+ // we use a setTimeout in case the overlay is created from an
+ // event that we're going to be cancelling (see #2804)
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ // handle $(el).dialog().dialog('close') (see #4065)
+ if ($.ui.dialog.overlay.instances.length) {
+ $(document).bind($.ui.dialog.overlay.events, function(event) {
+ // stop events if the z-index of the target is < the z-index of the overlay
+ return ($(event.target).zIndex() >= $.ui.dialog.overlay.maxZ);
+ });
+ }
+ }, 1);
+ // allow closing by pressing the escape key
+ $(document).bind('keydown.dialog-overlay', function(event) {
+ if (dialog.options.closeOnEscape && event.keyCode &&
+ event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) {
+ dialog.close(event);
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
+ // handle window resize
+ $(window).bind('resize.dialog-overlay', $.ui.dialog.overlay.resize);
+ }
+ var $el = (this.oldInstances.pop() || $('').addClass('ui-widget-overlay'))
+ .appendTo(document.body)
+ .css({
+ width: this.width(),
+ height: this.height()
+ });
+ if ($.fn.bgiframe) {
+ $el.bgiframe();
+ }
+ this.instances.push($el);
+ return $el;
+ },
+ destroy: function($el) {
+ this.oldInstances.push(this.instances.splice($.inArray($el, this.instances), 1)[0]);
+ if (this.instances.length === 0) {
+ $([document, window]).unbind('.dialog-overlay');
+ }
+ $el.remove();
+ // adjust the maxZ to allow other modal dialogs to continue to work (see #4309)
+ var maxZ = 0;
+ $.each(this.instances, function() {
+ maxZ = Math.max(maxZ, this.css('z-index'));
+ });
+ this.maxZ = maxZ;
+ },
+ height: function() {
+ var scrollHeight,
+ offsetHeight;
+ // handle IE 6
+ if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7) {
+ scrollHeight = Math.max(
+ document.documentElement.scrollHeight,
+ document.body.scrollHeight
+ );
+ offsetHeight = Math.max(
+ document.documentElement.offsetHeight,
+ document.body.offsetHeight
+ );
+ if (scrollHeight < offsetHeight) {
+ return $(window).height() + 'px';
+ } else {
+ return scrollHeight + 'px';
+ }
+ // handle "good" browsers
+ } else {
+ return $(document).height() + 'px';
+ }
+ },
+ width: function() {
+ var scrollWidth,
+ offsetWidth;
+ // handle IE 6
+ if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7) {
+ scrollWidth = Math.max(
+ document.documentElement.scrollWidth,
+ document.body.scrollWidth
+ );
+ offsetWidth = Math.max(
+ document.documentElement.offsetWidth,
+ document.body.offsetWidth
+ );
+ if (scrollWidth < offsetWidth) {
+ return $(window).width() + 'px';
+ } else {
+ return scrollWidth + 'px';
+ }
+ // handle "good" browsers
+ } else {
+ return $(document).width() + 'px';
+ }
+ },
+ resize: function() {
+ /* If the dialog is draggable and the user drags it past the
+ * right edge of the window, the document becomes wider so we
+ * need to stretch the overlay. If the user then drags the
+ * dialog back to the left, the document will become narrower,
+ * so we need to shrink the overlay to the appropriate size.
+ * This is handled by shrinking the overlay before setting it
+ * to the full document size.
+ */
+ var $overlays = $([]);
+ $.each($.ui.dialog.overlay.instances, function() {
+ $overlays = $overlays.add(this);
+ });
+ $overlays.css({
+ width: 0,
+ height: 0
+ }).css({
+ width: $.ui.dialog.overlay.width(),
+ height: $.ui.dialog.overlay.height()
+ });
+ }
+$.extend($.ui.dialog.overlay.prototype, {
+ destroy: function() {
+ $.ui.dialog.overlay.destroy(this.$el);
+ }
+ * jQuery UI Position 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Position
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+$.ui = $.ui || {};
+var horizontalPositions = /left|center|right/,
+ horizontalDefault = "center",
+ verticalPositions = /top|center|bottom/,
+ verticalDefault = "center",
+ _position = $.fn.position,
+ _offset = $.fn.offset;
+$.fn.position = function( options ) {
+ if ( !options || !options.of ) {
+ return _position.apply( this, arguments );
+ }
+ // make a copy, we don't want to modify arguments
+ options = $.extend( {}, options );
+ var target = $( options.of ),
+ collision = ( options.collision || "flip" ).split( " " ),
+ offset = options.offset ? options.offset.split( " " ) : [ 0, 0 ],
+ targetWidth,
+ targetHeight,
+ basePosition;
+ if ( options.of.nodeType === 9 ) {
+ targetWidth = target.width();
+ targetHeight = target.height();
+ basePosition = { top: 0, left: 0 };
+ } else if ( options.of.scrollTo && options.of.document ) {
+ targetWidth = target.width();
+ targetHeight = target.height();
+ basePosition = { top: target.scrollTop(), left: target.scrollLeft() };
+ } else if ( options.of.preventDefault ) {
+ // force left top to allow flipping
+ options.at = "left top";
+ targetWidth = targetHeight = 0;
+ basePosition = { top: options.of.pageY, left: options.of.pageX };
+ } else {
+ targetWidth = target.outerWidth();
+ targetHeight = target.outerHeight();
+ basePosition = target.offset();
+ }
+ // force my and at to have valid horizontal and veritcal positions
+ // if a value is missing or invalid, it will be converted to center
+ $.each( [ "my", "at" ], function() {
+ var pos = ( options[this] || "" ).split( " " );
+ if ( pos.length === 1) {
+ pos = horizontalPositions.test( pos[0] ) ?
+ pos.concat( [verticalDefault] ) :
+ verticalPositions.test( pos[0] ) ?
+ [ horizontalDefault ].concat( pos ) :
+ [ horizontalDefault, verticalDefault ];
+ }
+ pos[ 0 ] = horizontalPositions.test( pos[0] ) ? pos[ 0 ] : horizontalDefault;
+ pos[ 1 ] = verticalPositions.test( pos[1] ) ? pos[ 1 ] : verticalDefault;
+ options[ this ] = pos;
+ });
+ // normalize collision option
+ if ( collision.length === 1 ) {
+ collision[ 1 ] = collision[ 0 ];
+ }
+ // normalize offset option
+ offset[ 0 ] = parseInt( offset[0], 10 ) || 0;
+ if ( offset.length === 1 ) {
+ offset[ 1 ] = offset[ 0 ];
+ }
+ offset[ 1 ] = parseInt( offset[1], 10 ) || 0;
+ if ( options.at[0] === "right" ) {
+ basePosition.left += targetWidth;
+ } else if (options.at[0] === horizontalDefault ) {
+ basePosition.left += targetWidth / 2;
+ }
+ if ( options.at[1] === "bottom" ) {
+ basePosition.top += targetHeight;
+ } else if ( options.at[1] === verticalDefault ) {
+ basePosition.top += targetHeight / 2;
+ }
+ basePosition.left += offset[ 0 ];
+ basePosition.top += offset[ 1 ];
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var elem = $( this ),
+ elemWidth = elem.outerWidth(),
+ elemHeight = elem.outerHeight(),
+ position = $.extend( {}, basePosition );
+ if ( options.my[0] === "right" ) {
+ position.left -= elemWidth;
+ } else if ( options.my[0] === horizontalDefault ) {
+ position.left -= elemWidth / 2;
+ }
+ if ( options.my[1] === "bottom" ) {
+ position.top -= elemHeight;
+ } else if ( options.my[1] === verticalDefault ) {
+ position.top -= elemHeight / 2;
+ }
+ // prevent fractions (see #5280)
+ position.left = parseInt( position.left );
+ position.top = parseInt( position.top );
+ $.each( [ "left", "top" ], function( i, dir ) {
+ if ( $.ui.position[ collision[i] ] ) {
+ $.ui.position[ collision[i] ][ dir ]( position, {
+ targetWidth: targetWidth,
+ targetHeight: targetHeight,
+ elemWidth: elemWidth,
+ elemHeight: elemHeight,
+ offset: offset,
+ my: options.my,
+ at: options.at
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ if ( $.fn.bgiframe ) {
+ elem.bgiframe();
+ }
+ elem.offset( $.extend( position, { using: options.using } ) );
+ });
+$.ui.position = {
+ fit: {
+ left: function( position, data ) {
+ var win = $( window ),
+ over = position.left + data.elemWidth - win.width() - win.scrollLeft();
+ position.left = over > 0 ? position.left - over : Math.max( 0, position.left );
+ },
+ top: function( position, data ) {
+ var win = $( window ),
+ over = position.top + data.elemHeight - win.height() - win.scrollTop();
+ position.top = over > 0 ? position.top - over : Math.max( 0, position.top );
+ }
+ },
+ flip: {
+ left: function( position, data ) {
+ if ( data.at[0] === "center" ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var win = $( window ),
+ over = position.left + data.elemWidth - win.width() - win.scrollLeft(),
+ myOffset = data.my[ 0 ] === "left" ?
+ -data.elemWidth :
+ data.my[ 0 ] === "right" ?
+ data.elemWidth :
+ 0,
+ offset = -2 * data.offset[ 0 ];
+ position.left += position.left < 0 ?
+ myOffset + data.targetWidth + offset :
+ over > 0 ?
+ myOffset - data.targetWidth + offset :
+ 0;
+ },
+ top: function( position, data ) {
+ if ( data.at[1] === "center" ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var win = $( window ),
+ over = position.top + data.elemHeight - win.height() - win.scrollTop(),
+ myOffset = data.my[ 1 ] === "top" ?
+ -data.elemHeight :
+ data.my[ 1 ] === "bottom" ?
+ data.elemHeight :
+ 0,
+ atOffset = data.at[ 1 ] === "top" ?
+ data.targetHeight :
+ -data.targetHeight,
+ offset = -2 * data.offset[ 1 ];
+ position.top += position.top < 0 ?
+ myOffset + data.targetHeight + offset :
+ over > 0 ?
+ myOffset + atOffset + offset :
+ 0;
+ }
+ }
+// offset setter from jQuery 1.4
+if ( !$.offset.setOffset ) {
+ $.offset.setOffset = function( elem, options ) {
+ // set position first, in-case top/left are set even on static elem
+ if ( /static/.test( $.curCSS( elem, "position" ) ) ) {
+ elem.style.position = "relative";
+ }
+ var curElem = $( elem ),
+ curOffset = curElem.offset(),
+ curTop = parseInt( $.curCSS( elem, "top", true ), 10 ) || 0,
+ curLeft = parseInt( $.curCSS( elem, "left", true ), 10) || 0,
+ props = {
+ top: (options.top - curOffset.top) + curTop,
+ left: (options.left - curOffset.left) + curLeft
+ };
+ if ( 'using' in options ) {
+ options.using.call( elem, props );
+ } else {
+ curElem.css( props );
+ }
+ };
+ $.fn.offset = function( options ) {
+ var elem = this[ 0 ];
+ if ( !elem || !elem.ownerDocument ) { return null; }
+ if ( options ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ $.offset.setOffset( this, options );
+ });
+ }
+ return _offset.call( this );
+ };
+}( jQuery ));
+ * jQuery UI Progressbar 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Progressbar
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.ui.core.js
+ * jquery.ui.widget.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+$.widget( "ui.progressbar", {
+ options: {
+ value: 0
+ },
+ min: 0,
+ max: 100,
+ _create: function() {
+ this.element
+ .addClass( "ui-progressbar ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" )
+ .attr({
+ role: "progressbar",
+ "aria-valuemin": this.min,
+ "aria-valuemax": this.max,
+ "aria-valuenow": this._value()
+ });
+ this.valueDiv = $( "" )
+ .appendTo( this.element );
+ this._refreshValue();
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ this.element
+ .removeClass( "ui-progressbar ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" )
+ .removeAttr( "role" )
+ .removeAttr( "aria-valuemin" )
+ .removeAttr( "aria-valuemax" )
+ .removeAttr( "aria-valuenow" );
+ this.valueDiv.remove();
+ $.Widget.prototype.destroy.apply( this, arguments );
+ },
+ value: function( newValue ) {
+ if ( newValue === undefined ) {
+ return this._value();
+ }
+ this._setOption( "value", newValue );
+ return this;
+ },
+ _setOption: function( key, value ) {
+ if ( key === "value" ) {
+ this.options.value = value;
+ this._refreshValue();
+ this._trigger( "change" );
+ }
+ $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply( this, arguments );
+ },
+ _value: function() {
+ var val = this.options.value;
+ // normalize invalid value
+ if ( typeof val !== "number" ) {
+ val = 0;
+ }
+ return Math.min( this.max, Math.max( this.min, val ) );
+ },
+ _refreshValue: function() {
+ var value = this.value();
+ this.valueDiv
+ .toggleClass( "ui-corner-right", value === this.max )
+ .width( value + "%" );
+ this.element.attr( "aria-valuenow", value );
+ }
+$.extend( $.ui.progressbar, {
+ version: "1.8.4"
+})( jQuery );
+ * jQuery UI Slider 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Slider
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.ui.core.js
+ * jquery.ui.mouse.js
+ * jquery.ui.widget.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+// number of pages in a slider
+// (how many times can you page up/down to go through the whole range)
+var numPages = 5;
+$.widget( "ui.slider", $.ui.mouse, {
+ widgetEventPrefix: "slide",
+ options: {
+ animate: false,
+ distance: 0,
+ max: 100,
+ min: 0,
+ orientation: "horizontal",
+ range: false,
+ step: 1,
+ value: 0,
+ values: null
+ },
+ _create: function() {
+ var self = this,
+ o = this.options;
+ this._keySliding = false;
+ this._mouseSliding = false;
+ this._animateOff = true;
+ this._handleIndex = null;
+ this._detectOrientation();
+ this._mouseInit();
+ this.element
+ .addClass( "ui-slider" +
+ " ui-slider-" + this.orientation +
+ " ui-widget" +
+ " ui-widget-content" +
+ " ui-corner-all" );
+ if ( o.disabled ) {
+ this.element.addClass( "ui-slider-disabled ui-disabled" );
+ }
+ this.range = $([]);
+ if ( o.range ) {
+ if ( o.range === true ) {
+ this.range = $( "" );
+ if ( !o.values ) {
+ o.values = [ this._valueMin(), this._valueMin() ];
+ }
+ if ( o.values.length && o.values.length !== 2 ) {
+ o.values = [ o.values[0], o.values[0] ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.range = $( "" );
+ }
+ this.range
+ .appendTo( this.element )
+ .addClass( "ui-slider-range" );
+ if ( o.range === "min" || o.range === "max" ) {
+ this.range.addClass( "ui-slider-range-" + o.range );
+ }
+ // note: this isn't the most fittingly semantic framework class for this element,
+ // but worked best visually with a variety of themes
+ this.range.addClass( "ui-widget-header" );
+ }
+ if ( $( ".ui-slider-handle", this.element ).length === 0 ) {
+ $( "" )
+ .appendTo( this.element )
+ .addClass( "ui-slider-handle" );
+ }
+ if ( o.values && o.values.length ) {
+ while ( $(".ui-slider-handle", this.element).length < o.values.length ) {
+ $( "" )
+ .appendTo( this.element )
+ .addClass( "ui-slider-handle" );
+ }
+ }
+ this.handles = $( ".ui-slider-handle", this.element )
+ .addClass( "ui-state-default" +
+ " ui-corner-all" );
+ this.handle = this.handles.eq( 0 );
+ this.handles.add( this.range ).filter( "a" )
+ .click(function( event ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ })
+ .hover(function() {
+ if ( !o.disabled ) {
+ $( this ).addClass( "ui-state-hover" );
+ }
+ }, function() {
+ $( this ).removeClass( "ui-state-hover" );
+ })
+ .focus(function() {
+ if ( !o.disabled ) {
+ $( ".ui-slider .ui-state-focus" ).removeClass( "ui-state-focus" );
+ $( this ).addClass( "ui-state-focus" );
+ } else {
+ $( this ).blur();
+ }
+ })
+ .blur(function() {
+ $( this ).removeClass( "ui-state-focus" );
+ });
+ this.handles.each(function( i ) {
+ $( this ).data( "index.ui-slider-handle", i );
+ });
+ this.handles
+ .keydown(function( event ) {
+ var ret = true,
+ index = $( this ).data( "index.ui-slider-handle" ),
+ allowed,
+ curVal,
+ newVal,
+ step;
+ if ( self.options.disabled ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch ( event.keyCode ) {
+ case $.ui.keyCode.HOME:
+ case $.ui.keyCode.END:
+ case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP:
+ case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
+ case $.ui.keyCode.UP:
+ case $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT:
+ case $.ui.keyCode.DOWN:
+ case $.ui.keyCode.LEFT:
+ ret = false;
+ if ( !self._keySliding ) {
+ self._keySliding = true;
+ $( this ).addClass( "ui-state-active" );
+ allowed = self._start( event, index );
+ if ( allowed === false ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ step = self.options.step;
+ if ( self.options.values && self.options.values.length ) {
+ curVal = newVal = self.values( index );
+ } else {
+ curVal = newVal = self.value();
+ }
+ switch ( event.keyCode ) {
+ case $.ui.keyCode.HOME:
+ newVal = self._valueMin();
+ break;
+ case $.ui.keyCode.END:
+ newVal = self._valueMax();
+ break;
+ case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP:
+ newVal = self._trimAlignValue( curVal + ( (self._valueMax() - self._valueMin()) / numPages ) );
+ break;
+ case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
+ newVal = self._trimAlignValue( curVal - ( (self._valueMax() - self._valueMin()) / numPages ) );
+ break;
+ case $.ui.keyCode.UP:
+ case $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT:
+ if ( curVal === self._valueMax() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ newVal = self._trimAlignValue( curVal + step );
+ break;
+ case $.ui.keyCode.DOWN:
+ case $.ui.keyCode.LEFT:
+ if ( curVal === self._valueMin() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ newVal = self._trimAlignValue( curVal - step );
+ break;
+ }
+ self._slide( event, index, newVal );
+ return ret;
+ })
+ .keyup(function( event ) {
+ var index = $( this ).data( "index.ui-slider-handle" );
+ if ( self._keySliding ) {
+ self._keySliding = false;
+ self._stop( event, index );
+ self._change( event, index );
+ $( this ).removeClass( "ui-state-active" );
+ }
+ });
+ this._refreshValue();
+ this._animateOff = false;
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ this.handles.remove();
+ this.range.remove();
+ this.element
+ .removeClass( "ui-slider" +
+ " ui-slider-horizontal" +
+ " ui-slider-vertical" +
+ " ui-slider-disabled" +
+ " ui-widget" +
+ " ui-widget-content" +
+ " ui-corner-all" )
+ .removeData( "slider" )
+ .unbind( ".slider" );
+ this._mouseDestroy();
+ return this;
+ },
+ _mouseCapture: function( event ) {
+ var o = this.options,
+ position,
+ normValue,
+ distance,
+ closestHandle,
+ self,
+ index,
+ allowed,
+ offset,
+ mouseOverHandle;
+ if ( o.disabled ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ this.elementSize = {
+ width: this.element.outerWidth(),
+ height: this.element.outerHeight()
+ };
+ this.elementOffset = this.element.offset();
+ position = { x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY };
+ normValue = this._normValueFromMouse( position );
+ distance = this._valueMax() - this._valueMin() + 1;
+ self = this;
+ this.handles.each(function( i ) {
+ var thisDistance = Math.abs( normValue - self.values(i) );
+ if ( distance > thisDistance ) {
+ distance = thisDistance;
+ closestHandle = $( this );
+ index = i;
+ }
+ });
+ // workaround for bug #3736 (if both handles of a range are at 0,
+ // the first is always used as the one with least distance,
+ // and moving it is obviously prevented by preventing negative ranges)
+ if( o.range === true && this.values(1) === o.min ) {
+ index += 1;
+ closestHandle = $( this.handles[index] );
+ }
+ allowed = this._start( event, index );
+ if ( allowed === false ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ this._mouseSliding = true;
+ self._handleIndex = index;
+ closestHandle
+ .addClass( "ui-state-active" )
+ .focus();
+ offset = closestHandle.offset();
+ mouseOverHandle = !$( event.target ).parents().andSelf().is( ".ui-slider-handle" );
+ this._clickOffset = mouseOverHandle ? { left: 0, top: 0 } : {
+ left: event.pageX - offset.left - ( closestHandle.width() / 2 ),
+ top: event.pageY - offset.top -
+ ( closestHandle.height() / 2 ) -
+ ( parseInt( closestHandle.css("borderTopWidth"), 10 ) || 0 ) -
+ ( parseInt( closestHandle.css("borderBottomWidth"), 10 ) || 0) +
+ ( parseInt( closestHandle.css("marginTop"), 10 ) || 0)
+ };
+ this._slide( event, index, normValue );
+ this._animateOff = true;
+ return true;
+ },
+ _mouseStart: function( event ) {
+ return true;
+ },
+ _mouseDrag: function( event ) {
+ var position = { x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY },
+ normValue = this._normValueFromMouse( position );
+ this._slide( event, this._handleIndex, normValue );
+ return false;
+ },
+ _mouseStop: function( event ) {
+ this.handles.removeClass( "ui-state-active" );
+ this._mouseSliding = false;
+ this._stop( event, this._handleIndex );
+ this._change( event, this._handleIndex );
+ this._handleIndex = null;
+ this._clickOffset = null;
+ this._animateOff = false;
+ return false;
+ },
+ _detectOrientation: function() {
+ this.orientation = ( this.options.orientation === "vertical" ) ? "vertical" : "horizontal";
+ },
+ _normValueFromMouse: function( position ) {
+ var pixelTotal,
+ pixelMouse,
+ percentMouse,
+ valueTotal,
+ valueMouse;
+ if ( this.orientation === "horizontal" ) {
+ pixelTotal = this.elementSize.width;
+ pixelMouse = position.x - this.elementOffset.left - ( this._clickOffset ? this._clickOffset.left : 0 );
+ } else {
+ pixelTotal = this.elementSize.height;
+ pixelMouse = position.y - this.elementOffset.top - ( this._clickOffset ? this._clickOffset.top : 0 );
+ }
+ percentMouse = ( pixelMouse / pixelTotal );
+ if ( percentMouse > 1 ) {
+ percentMouse = 1;
+ }
+ if ( percentMouse < 0 ) {
+ percentMouse = 0;
+ }
+ if ( this.orientation === "vertical" ) {
+ percentMouse = 1 - percentMouse;
+ }
+ valueTotal = this._valueMax() - this._valueMin();
+ valueMouse = this._valueMin() + percentMouse * valueTotal;
+ return this._trimAlignValue( valueMouse );
+ },
+ _start: function( event, index ) {
+ var uiHash = {
+ handle: this.handles[ index ],
+ value: this.value()
+ };
+ if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {
+ uiHash.value = this.values( index );
+ uiHash.values = this.values();
+ }
+ return this._trigger( "start", event, uiHash );
+ },
+ _slide: function( event, index, newVal ) {
+ var otherVal,
+ newValues,
+ allowed;
+ if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {
+ otherVal = this.values( index ? 0 : 1 );
+ if ( ( this.options.values.length === 2 && this.options.range === true ) &&
+ ( ( index === 0 && newVal > otherVal) || ( index === 1 && newVal < otherVal ) )
+ ) {
+ newVal = otherVal;
+ }
+ if ( newVal !== this.values( index ) ) {
+ newValues = this.values();
+ newValues[ index ] = newVal;
+ // A slide can be canceled by returning false from the slide callback
+ allowed = this._trigger( "slide", event, {
+ handle: this.handles[ index ],
+ value: newVal,
+ values: newValues
+ } );
+ otherVal = this.values( index ? 0 : 1 );
+ if ( allowed !== false ) {
+ this.values( index, newVal, true );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( newVal !== this.value() ) {
+ // A slide can be canceled by returning false from the slide callback
+ allowed = this._trigger( "slide", event, {
+ handle: this.handles[ index ],
+ value: newVal
+ } );
+ if ( allowed !== false ) {
+ this.value( newVal );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _stop: function( event, index ) {
+ var uiHash = {
+ handle: this.handles[ index ],
+ value: this.value()
+ };
+ if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {
+ uiHash.value = this.values( index );
+ uiHash.values = this.values();
+ }
+ this._trigger( "stop", event, uiHash );
+ },
+ _change: function( event, index ) {
+ if ( !this._keySliding && !this._mouseSliding ) {
+ var uiHash = {
+ handle: this.handles[ index ],
+ value: this.value()
+ };
+ if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {
+ uiHash.value = this.values( index );
+ uiHash.values = this.values();
+ }
+ this._trigger( "change", event, uiHash );
+ }
+ },
+ value: function( newValue ) {
+ if ( arguments.length ) {
+ this.options.value = this._trimAlignValue( newValue );
+ this._refreshValue();
+ this._change( null, 0 );
+ }
+ return this._value();
+ },
+ values: function( index, newValue ) {
+ var vals,
+ newValues,
+ i;
+ if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {
+ this.options.values[ index ] = this._trimAlignValue( newValue );
+ this._refreshValue();
+ this._change( null, index );
+ }
+ if ( arguments.length ) {
+ if ( $.isArray( arguments[ 0 ] ) ) {
+ vals = this.options.values;
+ newValues = arguments[ 0 ];
+ for ( i = 0; i < vals.length; i += 1 ) {
+ vals[ i ] = this._trimAlignValue( newValues[ i ] );
+ this._change( null, i );
+ }
+ this._refreshValue();
+ } else {
+ if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {
+ return this._values( index );
+ } else {
+ return this.value();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return this._values();
+ }
+ },
+ _setOption: function( key, value ) {
+ var i,
+ valsLength = 0;
+ if ( $.isArray( this.options.values ) ) {
+ valsLength = this.options.values.length;
+ }
+ $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply( this, arguments );
+ switch ( key ) {
+ case "disabled":
+ if ( value ) {
+ this.handles.filter( ".ui-state-focus" ).blur();
+ this.handles.removeClass( "ui-state-hover" );
+ this.handles.attr( "disabled", "disabled" );
+ this.element.addClass( "ui-disabled" );
+ } else {
+ this.handles.removeAttr( "disabled" );
+ this.element.removeClass( "ui-disabled" );
+ }
+ break;
+ case "orientation":
+ this._detectOrientation();
+ this.element
+ .removeClass( "ui-slider-horizontal ui-slider-vertical" )
+ .addClass( "ui-slider-" + this.orientation );
+ this._refreshValue();
+ break;
+ case "value":
+ this._animateOff = true;
+ this._refreshValue();
+ this._change( null, 0 );
+ this._animateOff = false;
+ break;
+ case "values":
+ this._animateOff = true;
+ this._refreshValue();
+ for ( i = 0; i < valsLength; i += 1 ) {
+ this._change( null, i );
+ }
+ this._animateOff = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ //internal value getter
+ // _value() returns value trimmed by min and max, aligned by step
+ _value: function() {
+ var val = this.options.value;
+ val = this._trimAlignValue( val );
+ return val;
+ },
+ //internal values getter
+ // _values() returns array of values trimmed by min and max, aligned by step
+ // _values( index ) returns single value trimmed by min and max, aligned by step
+ _values: function( index ) {
+ var val,
+ vals,
+ i;
+ if ( arguments.length ) {
+ val = this.options.values[ index ];
+ val = this._trimAlignValue( val );
+ return val;
+ } else {
+ // .slice() creates a copy of the array
+ // this copy gets trimmed by min and max and then returned
+ vals = this.options.values.slice();
+ for ( i = 0; i < vals.length; i+= 1) {
+ vals[ i ] = this._trimAlignValue( vals[ i ] );
+ }
+ return vals;
+ }
+ },
+ // returns the step-aligned value that val is closest to, between (inclusive) min and max
+ _trimAlignValue: function( val ) {
+ if ( val < this._valueMin() ) {
+ return this._valueMin();
+ }
+ if ( val > this._valueMax() ) {
+ return this._valueMax();
+ }
+ var step = ( this.options.step > 0 ) ? this.options.step : 1,
+ valModStep = val % step,
+ alignValue = val - valModStep;
+ if ( Math.abs(valModStep) * 2 >= step ) {
+ alignValue += ( valModStep > 0 ) ? step : ( -step );
+ }
+ // Since JavaScript has problems with large floats, round
+ // the final value to 5 digits after the decimal point (see #4124)
+ return parseFloat( alignValue.toFixed(5) );
+ },
+ _valueMin: function() {
+ return this.options.min;
+ },
+ _valueMax: function() {
+ return this.options.max;
+ },
+ _refreshValue: function() {
+ var oRange = this.options.range,
+ o = this.options,
+ self = this,
+ animate = ( !this._animateOff ) ? o.animate : false,
+ valPercent,
+ _set = {},
+ lastValPercent,
+ value,
+ valueMin,
+ valueMax;
+ if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {
+ this.handles.each(function( i, j ) {
+ valPercent = ( self.values(i) - self._valueMin() ) / ( self._valueMax() - self._valueMin() ) * 100;
+ _set[ self.orientation === "horizontal" ? "left" : "bottom" ] = valPercent + "%";
+ $( this ).stop( 1, 1 )[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( _set, o.animate );
+ if ( self.options.range === true ) {
+ if ( self.orientation === "horizontal" ) {
+ if ( i === 0 ) {
+ self.range.stop( 1, 1 )[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { left: valPercent + "%" }, o.animate );
+ }
+ if ( i === 1 ) {
+ self.range[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { width: ( valPercent - lastValPercent ) + "%" }, { queue: false, duration: o.animate } );
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( i === 0 ) {
+ self.range.stop( 1, 1 )[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { bottom: ( valPercent ) + "%" }, o.animate );
+ }
+ if ( i === 1 ) {
+ self.range[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { height: ( valPercent - lastValPercent ) + "%" }, { queue: false, duration: o.animate } );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lastValPercent = valPercent;
+ });
+ } else {
+ value = this.value();
+ valueMin = this._valueMin();
+ valueMax = this._valueMax();
+ valPercent = ( valueMax !== valueMin ) ?
+ ( value - valueMin ) / ( valueMax - valueMin ) * 100 :
+ 0;
+ _set[ self.orientation === "horizontal" ? "left" : "bottom" ] = valPercent + "%";
+ this.handle.stop( 1, 1 )[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( _set, o.animate );
+ if ( oRange === "min" && this.orientation === "horizontal" ) {
+ this.range.stop( 1, 1 )[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { width: valPercent + "%" }, o.animate );
+ }
+ if ( oRange === "max" && this.orientation === "horizontal" ) {
+ this.range[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { width: ( 100 - valPercent ) + "%" }, { queue: false, duration: o.animate } );
+ }
+ if ( oRange === "min" && this.orientation === "vertical" ) {
+ this.range.stop( 1, 1 )[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { height: valPercent + "%" }, o.animate );
+ }
+ if ( oRange === "max" && this.orientation === "vertical" ) {
+ this.range[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { height: ( 100 - valPercent ) + "%" }, { queue: false, duration: o.animate } );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+$.extend( $.ui.slider, {
+ version: "1.8.4"
+ * jQuery UI Tabs 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Tabs
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * jquery.ui.core.js
+ * jquery.ui.widget.js
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+var tabId = 0,
+ listId = 0;
+function getNextTabId() {
+ return ++tabId;
+function getNextListId() {
+ return ++listId;
+$.widget( "ui.tabs", {
+ options: {
+ add: null,
+ ajaxOptions: null,
+ cache: false,
+ cookie: null, // e.g. { expires: 7, path: '/', domain: 'jquery.com', secure: true }
+ collapsible: false,
+ disable: null,
+ disabled: [],
+ enable: null,
+ event: "click",
+ fx: null, // e.g. { height: 'toggle', opacity: 'toggle', duration: 200 }
+ idPrefix: "ui-tabs-",
+ load: null,
+ panelTemplate: "",
+ remove: null,
+ select: null,
+ show: null,
+ spinner: "Loading…",
+ tabTemplate: "#{label}"
+ },
+ _create: function() {
+ this._tabify( true );
+ },
+ _setOption: function( key, value ) {
+ if ( key == "selected" ) {
+ if (this.options.collapsible && value == this.options.selected ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.select( value );
+ } else {
+ this.options[ key ] = value;
+ this._tabify();
+ }
+ },
+ _tabId: function( a ) {
+ return a.title && a.title.replace( /\s/g, "_" ).replace( /[^A-Za-z0-9\-_:\.]/g, "" ) ||
+ this.options.idPrefix + getNextTabId();
+ },
+ _sanitizeSelector: function( hash ) {
+ // we need this because an id may contain a ":"
+ return hash.replace( /:/g, "\\:" );
+ },
+ _cookie: function() {
+ var cookie = this.cookie ||
+ ( this.cookie = this.options.cookie.name || "ui-tabs-" + getNextListId() );
+ return $.cookie.apply( null, [ cookie ].concat( $.makeArray( arguments ) ) );
+ },
+ _ui: function( tab, panel ) {
+ return {
+ tab: tab,
+ panel: panel,
+ index: this.anchors.index( tab )
+ };
+ },
+ _cleanup: function() {
+ // restore all former loading tabs labels
+ this.lis.filter( ".ui-state-processing" )
+ .removeClass( "ui-state-processing" )
+ .find( "span:data(label.tabs)" )
+ .each(function() {
+ var el = $( this );
+ el.html( el.data( "label.tabs" ) ).removeData( "label.tabs" );
+ });
+ },
+ _tabify: function( init ) {
+ var self = this,
+ o = this.options,
+ fragmentId = /^#.+/; // Safari 2 reports '#' for an empty hash
+ this.list = this.element.find( "ol,ul" ).eq( 0 );
+ this.lis = $( "li:has(a[href])", this.list );
+ this.anchors = this.lis.map(function() {
+ return $( "a", this )[ 0 ];
+ });
+ this.panels = $( [] );
+ this.anchors.each(function( i, a ) {
+ var href = $( a ).attr( "href" );
+ // For dynamically created HTML that contains a hash as href IE < 8 expands
+ // such href to the full page url with hash and then misinterprets tab as ajax.
+ // Same consideration applies for an added tab with a fragment identifier
+ // since a[href=#fragment-identifier] does unexpectedly not match.
+ // Thus normalize href attribute...
+ var hrefBase = href.split( "#" )[ 0 ],
+ baseEl;
+ if ( hrefBase && ( hrefBase === location.toString().split( "#" )[ 0 ] ||
+ ( baseEl = $( "base" )[ 0 ]) && hrefBase === baseEl.href ) ) {
+ href = a.hash;
+ a.href = href;
+ }
+ // inline tab
+ if ( fragmentId.test( href ) ) {
+ self.panels = self.panels.add( self._sanitizeSelector( href ) );
+ // remote tab
+ // prevent loading the page itself if href is just "#"
+ } else if ( href !== "#" ) {
+ // required for restore on destroy
+ $.data( a, "href.tabs", href );
+ // TODO until #3808 is fixed strip fragment identifier from url
+ // (IE fails to load from such url)
+ $.data( a, "load.tabs", href.replace( /#.*$/, "" ) );
+ var id = self._tabId( a );
+ a.href = "#" + id;
+ var $panel = $( "#" + id );
+ if ( !$panel.length ) {
+ $panel = $( o.panelTemplate )
+ .attr( "id", id )
+ .addClass( "ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom" )
+ .insertAfter( self.panels[ i - 1 ] || self.list );
+ $panel.data( "destroy.tabs", true );
+ }
+ self.panels = self.panels.add( $panel );
+ // invalid tab href
+ } else {
+ o.disabled.push( i );
+ }
+ });
+ // initialization from scratch
+ if ( init ) {
+ // attach necessary classes for styling
+ this.element.addClass( "ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" );
+ this.list.addClass( "ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" );
+ this.lis.addClass( "ui-state-default ui-corner-top" );
+ this.panels.addClass( "ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom" );
+ // Selected tab
+ // use "selected" option or try to retrieve:
+ // 1. from fragment identifier in url
+ // 2. from cookie
+ // 3. from selected class attribute on
+ if ( o.selected === undefined ) {
+ if ( location.hash ) {
+ this.anchors.each(function( i, a ) {
+ if ( a.hash == location.hash ) {
+ o.selected = i;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if ( typeof o.selected !== "number" && o.cookie ) {
+ o.selected = parseInt( self._cookie(), 10 );
+ }
+ if ( typeof o.selected !== "number" && this.lis.filter( ".ui-tabs-selected" ).length ) {
+ o.selected = this.lis.index( this.lis.filter( ".ui-tabs-selected" ) );
+ }
+ o.selected = o.selected || ( this.lis.length ? 0 : -1 );
+ } else if ( o.selected === null ) { // usage of null is deprecated, TODO remove in next release
+ o.selected = -1;
+ }
+ // sanity check - default to first tab...
+ o.selected = ( ( o.selected >= 0 && this.anchors[ o.selected ] ) || o.selected < 0 )
+ ? o.selected
+ : 0;
+ // Take disabling tabs via class attribute from HTML
+ // into account and update option properly.
+ // A selected tab cannot become disabled.
+ o.disabled = $.unique( o.disabled.concat(
+ $.map( this.lis.filter( ".ui-state-disabled" ), function( n, i ) {
+ return self.lis.index( n );
+ })
+ ) ).sort();
+ if ( $.inArray( o.selected, o.disabled ) != -1 ) {
+ o.disabled.splice( $.inArray( o.selected, o.disabled ), 1 );
+ }
+ // highlight selected tab
+ this.panels.addClass( "ui-tabs-hide" );
+ this.lis.removeClass( "ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active" );
+ // check for length avoids error when initializing empty list
+ if ( o.selected >= 0 && this.anchors.length ) {
+ this.panels.eq( o.selected ).removeClass( "ui-tabs-hide" );
+ this.lis.eq( o.selected ).addClass( "ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active" );
+ // seems to be expected behavior that the show callback is fired
+ self.element.queue( "tabs", function() {
+ self._trigger( "show", null,
+ self._ui( self.anchors[ o.selected ], self.panels[ o.selected ] ) );
+ });
+ this.load( o.selected );
+ }
+ // clean up to avoid memory leaks in certain versions of IE 6
+ // TODO: namespace this event
+ $( window ).bind( "unload", function() {
+ self.lis.add( self.anchors ).unbind( ".tabs" );
+ self.lis = self.anchors = self.panels = null;
+ });
+ // update selected after add/remove
+ } else {
+ o.selected = this.lis.index( this.lis.filter( ".ui-tabs-selected" ) );
+ }
+ // update collapsible
+ // TODO: use .toggleClass()
+ this.element[ o.collapsible ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( "ui-tabs-collapsible" );
+ // set or update cookie after init and add/remove respectively
+ if ( o.cookie ) {
+ this._cookie( o.selected, o.cookie );
+ }
+ // disable tabs
+ for ( var i = 0, li; ( li = this.lis[ i ] ); i++ ) {
+ $( li )[ $.inArray( i, o.disabled ) != -1 &&
+ // TODO: use .toggleClass()
+ !$( li ).hasClass( "ui-tabs-selected" ) ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( "ui-state-disabled" );
+ }
+ // reset cache if switching from cached to not cached
+ if ( o.cache === false ) {
+ this.anchors.removeData( "cache.tabs" );
+ }
+ // remove all handlers before, tabify may run on existing tabs after add or option change
+ this.lis.add( this.anchors ).unbind( ".tabs" );
+ if ( o.event !== "mouseover" ) {
+ var addState = function( state, el ) {
+ if ( el.is( ":not(.ui-state-disabled)" ) ) {
+ el.addClass( "ui-state-" + state );
+ }
+ };
+ var removeState = function( state, el ) {
+ el.removeClass( "ui-state-" + state );
+ };
+ this.lis.bind( "mouseover.tabs" , function() {
+ addState( "hover", $( this ) );
+ });
+ this.lis.bind( "mouseout.tabs", function() {
+ removeState( "hover", $( this ) );
+ });
+ this.anchors.bind( "focus.tabs", function() {
+ addState( "focus", $( this ).closest( "li" ) );
+ });
+ this.anchors.bind( "blur.tabs", function() {
+ removeState( "focus", $( this ).closest( "li" ) );
+ });
+ }
+ // set up animations
+ var hideFx, showFx;
+ if ( o.fx ) {
+ if ( $.isArray( o.fx ) ) {
+ hideFx = o.fx[ 0 ];
+ showFx = o.fx[ 1 ];
+ } else {
+ hideFx = showFx = o.fx;
+ }
+ }
+ // Reset certain styles left over from animation
+ // and prevent IE's ClearType bug...
+ function resetStyle( $el, fx ) {
+ $el.css( "display", "" );
+ if ( !$.support.opacity && fx.opacity ) {
+ $el[ 0 ].style.removeAttribute( "filter" );
+ }
+ }
+ // Show a tab...
+ var showTab = showFx
+ ? function( clicked, $show ) {
+ $( clicked ).closest( "li" ).addClass( "ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active" );
+ $show.hide().removeClass( "ui-tabs-hide" ) // avoid flicker that way
+ .animate( showFx, showFx.duration || "normal", function() {
+ resetStyle( $show, showFx );
+ self._trigger( "show", null, self._ui( clicked, $show[ 0 ] ) );
+ });
+ }
+ : function( clicked, $show ) {
+ $( clicked ).closest( "li" ).addClass( "ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active" );
+ $show.removeClass( "ui-tabs-hide" );
+ self._trigger( "show", null, self._ui( clicked, $show[ 0 ] ) );
+ };
+ // Hide a tab, $show is optional...
+ var hideTab = hideFx
+ ? function( clicked, $hide ) {
+ $hide.animate( hideFx, hideFx.duration || "normal", function() {
+ self.lis.removeClass( "ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active" );
+ $hide.addClass( "ui-tabs-hide" );
+ resetStyle( $hide, hideFx );
+ self.element.dequeue( "tabs" );
+ });
+ }
+ : function( clicked, $hide, $show ) {
+ self.lis.removeClass( "ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active" );
+ $hide.addClass( "ui-tabs-hide" );
+ self.element.dequeue( "tabs" );
+ };
+ // attach tab event handler, unbind to avoid duplicates from former tabifying...
+ this.anchors.bind( o.event + ".tabs", function() {
+ var el = this,
+ $li = $(el).closest( "li" ),
+ $hide = self.panels.filter( ":not(.ui-tabs-hide)" ),
+ $show = $( self._sanitizeSelector( el.hash ) );
+ // If tab is already selected and not collapsible or tab disabled or
+ // or is already loading or click callback returns false stop here.
+ // Check if click handler returns false last so that it is not executed
+ // for a disabled or loading tab!
+ if ( ( $li.hasClass( "ui-tabs-selected" ) && !o.collapsible) ||
+ $li.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ) ||
+ $li.hasClass( "ui-state-processing" ) ||
+ self._trigger( "select", null, self._ui( this, $show[ 0 ] ) ) === false ) {
+ this.blur();
+ return false;
+ }
+ o.selected = self.anchors.index( this );
+ self.abort();
+ // if tab may be closed
+ if ( o.collapsible ) {
+ if ( $li.hasClass( "ui-tabs-selected" ) ) {
+ o.selected = -1;
+ if ( o.cookie ) {
+ self._cookie( o.selected, o.cookie );
+ }
+ self.element.queue( "tabs", function() {
+ hideTab( el, $hide );
+ }).dequeue( "tabs" );
+ this.blur();
+ return false;
+ } else if ( !$hide.length ) {
+ if ( o.cookie ) {
+ self._cookie( o.selected, o.cookie );
+ }
+ self.element.queue( "tabs", function() {
+ showTab( el, $show );
+ });
+ // TODO make passing in node possible, see also http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/3171
+ self.load( self.anchors.index( this ) );
+ this.blur();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( o.cookie ) {
+ self._cookie( o.selected, o.cookie );
+ }
+ // show new tab
+ if ( $show.length ) {
+ if ( $hide.length ) {
+ self.element.queue( "tabs", function() {
+ hideTab( el, $hide );
+ });
+ }
+ self.element.queue( "tabs", function() {
+ showTab( el, $show );
+ });
+ self.load( self.anchors.index( this ) );
+ } else {
+ throw "jQuery UI Tabs: Mismatching fragment identifier.";
+ }
+ // Prevent IE from keeping other link focussed when using the back button
+ // and remove dotted border from clicked link. This is controlled via CSS
+ // in modern browsers; blur() removes focus from address bar in Firefox
+ // which can become a usability and annoying problem with tabs('rotate').
+ if ( $.browser.msie ) {
+ this.blur();
+ }
+ });
+ // disable click in any case
+ this.anchors.bind( "click.tabs", function(){
+ return false;
+ });
+ },
+ _getIndex: function( index ) {
+ // meta-function to give users option to provide a href string instead of a numerical index.
+ // also sanitizes numerical indexes to valid values.
+ if ( typeof index == "string" ) {
+ index = this.anchors.index( this.anchors.filter( "[href$=" + index + "]" ) );
+ }
+ return index;
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ var o = this.options;
+ this.abort();
+ this.element
+ .unbind( ".tabs" )
+ .removeClass( "ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-tabs-collapsible" )
+ .removeData( "tabs" );
+ this.list.removeClass( "ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" );
+ this.anchors.each(function() {
+ var href = $.data( this, "href.tabs" );
+ if ( href ) {
+ this.href = href;
+ }
+ var $this = $( this ).unbind( ".tabs" );
+ $.each( [ "href", "load", "cache" ], function( i, prefix ) {
+ $this.removeData( prefix + ".tabs" );
+ });
+ });
+ this.lis.unbind( ".tabs" ).add( this.panels ).each(function() {
+ if ( $.data( this, "destroy.tabs" ) ) {
+ $( this ).remove();
+ } else {
+ $( this ).removeClass([
+ "ui-state-default",
+ "ui-corner-top",
+ "ui-tabs-selected",
+ "ui-state-active",
+ "ui-state-hover",
+ "ui-state-focus",
+ "ui-state-disabled",
+ "ui-tabs-panel",
+ "ui-widget-content",
+ "ui-corner-bottom",
+ "ui-tabs-hide"
+ ].join( " " ) );
+ }
+ });
+ if ( o.cookie ) {
+ this._cookie( null, o.cookie );
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ add: function( url, label, index ) {
+ if ( index === undefined ) {
+ index = this.anchors.length;
+ }
+ var self = this,
+ o = this.options,
+ $li = $( o.tabTemplate.replace( /#\{href\}/g, url ).replace( /#\{label\}/g, label ) ),
+ id = !url.indexOf( "#" ) ? url.replace( "#", "" ) : this._tabId( $( "a", $li )[ 0 ] );
+ $li.addClass( "ui-state-default ui-corner-top" ).data( "destroy.tabs", true );
+ // try to find an existing element before creating a new one
+ var $panel = $( "#" + id );
+ if ( !$panel.length ) {
+ $panel = $( o.panelTemplate )
+ .attr( "id", id )
+ .data( "destroy.tabs", true );
+ }
+ $panel.addClass( "ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom ui-tabs-hide" );
+ if ( index >= this.lis.length ) {
+ $li.appendTo( this.list );
+ $panel.appendTo( this.list[ 0 ].parentNode );
+ } else {
+ $li.insertBefore( this.lis[ index ] );
+ $panel.insertBefore( this.panels[ index ] );
+ }
+ o.disabled = $.map( o.disabled, function( n, i ) {
+ return n >= index ? ++n : n;
+ });
+ this._tabify();
+ if ( this.anchors.length == 1 ) {
+ o.selected = 0;
+ $li.addClass( "ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active" );
+ $panel.removeClass( "ui-tabs-hide" );
+ this.element.queue( "tabs", function() {
+ self._trigger( "show", null, self._ui( self.anchors[ 0 ], self.panels[ 0 ] ) );
+ });
+ this.load( 0 );
+ }
+ this._trigger( "add", null, this._ui( this.anchors[ index ], this.panels[ index ] ) );
+ return this;
+ },
+ remove: function( index ) {
+ index = this._getIndex( index );
+ var o = this.options,
+ $li = this.lis.eq( index ).remove(),
+ $panel = this.panels.eq( index ).remove();
+ // If selected tab was removed focus tab to the right or
+ // in case the last tab was removed the tab to the left.
+ if ( $li.hasClass( "ui-tabs-selected" ) && this.anchors.length > 1) {
+ this.select( index + ( index + 1 < this.anchors.length ? 1 : -1 ) );
+ }
+ o.disabled = $.map(
+ $.grep( o.disabled, function(n, i) {
+ return n != index;
+ }),
+ function( n, i ) {
+ return n >= index ? --n : n;
+ });
+ this._tabify();
+ this._trigger( "remove", null, this._ui( $li.find( "a" )[ 0 ], $panel[ 0 ] ) );
+ return this;
+ },
+ enable: function( index ) {
+ index = this._getIndex( index );
+ var o = this.options;
+ if ( $.inArray( index, o.disabled ) == -1 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.lis.eq( index ).removeClass( "ui-state-disabled" );
+ o.disabled = $.grep( o.disabled, function( n, i ) {
+ return n != index;
+ });
+ this._trigger( "enable", null, this._ui( this.anchors[ index ], this.panels[ index ] ) );
+ return this;
+ },
+ disable: function( index ) {
+ index = this._getIndex( index );
+ var self = this, o = this.options;
+ // cannot disable already selected tab
+ if ( index != o.selected ) {
+ this.lis.eq( index ).addClass( "ui-state-disabled" );
+ o.disabled.push( index );
+ o.disabled.sort();
+ this._trigger( "disable", null, this._ui( this.anchors[ index ], this.panels[ index ] ) );
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ select: function( index ) {
+ index = this._getIndex( index );
+ if ( index == -1 ) {
+ if ( this.options.collapsible && this.options.selected != -1 ) {
+ index = this.options.selected;
+ } else {
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ this.anchors.eq( index ).trigger( this.options.event + ".tabs" );
+ return this;
+ },
+ load: function( index ) {
+ index = this._getIndex( index );
+ var self = this,
+ o = this.options,
+ a = this.anchors.eq( index )[ 0 ],
+ url = $.data( a, "load.tabs" );
+ this.abort();
+ // not remote or from cache
+ if ( !url || this.element.queue( "tabs" ).length !== 0 && $.data( a, "cache.tabs" ) ) {
+ this.element.dequeue( "tabs" );
+ return;
+ }
+ // load remote from here on
+ this.lis.eq( index ).addClass( "ui-state-processing" );
+ if ( o.spinner ) {
+ var span = $( "span", a );
+ span.data( "label.tabs", span.html() ).html( o.spinner );
+ }
+ this.xhr = $.ajax( $.extend( {}, o.ajaxOptions, {
+ url: url,
+ success: function( r, s ) {
+ $( self._sanitizeSelector( a.hash ) ).html( r );
+ // take care of tab labels
+ self._cleanup();
+ if ( o.cache ) {
+ $.data( a, "cache.tabs", true );
+ }
+ self._trigger( "load", null, self._ui( self.anchors[ index ], self.panels[ index ] ) );
+ try {
+ o.ajaxOptions.success( r, s );
+ }
+ catch ( e ) {}
+ },
+ error: function( xhr, s, e ) {
+ // take care of tab labels
+ self._cleanup();
+ self._trigger( "load", null, self._ui( self.anchors[ index ], self.panels[ index ] ) );
+ try {
+ // Passing index avoid a race condition when this method is
+ // called after the user has selected another tab.
+ // Pass the anchor that initiated this request allows
+ // loadError to manipulate the tab content panel via $(a.hash)
+ o.ajaxOptions.error( xhr, s, index, a );
+ }
+ catch ( e ) {}
+ }
+ } ) );
+ // last, so that load event is fired before show...
+ self.element.dequeue( "tabs" );
+ return this;
+ },
+ abort: function() {
+ // stop possibly running animations
+ this.element.queue( [] );
+ this.panels.stop( false, true );
+ // "tabs" queue must not contain more than two elements,
+ // which are the callbacks for the latest clicked tab...
+ this.element.queue( "tabs", this.element.queue( "tabs" ).splice( -2, 2 ) );
+ // terminate pending requests from other tabs
+ if ( this.xhr ) {
+ this.xhr.abort();
+ delete this.xhr;
+ }
+ // take care of tab labels
+ this._cleanup();
+ return this;
+ },
+ url: function( index, url ) {
+ this.anchors.eq( index ).removeData( "cache.tabs" ).data( "load.tabs", url );
+ return this;
+ },
+ length: function() {
+ return this.anchors.length;
+ }
+$.extend( $.ui.tabs, {
+ version: "1.8.4"
+ * Tabs Extensions
+ */
+ * Rotate
+ */
+$.extend( $.ui.tabs.prototype, {
+ rotation: null,
+ rotate: function( ms, continuing ) {
+ var self = this,
+ o = this.options;
+ var rotate = self._rotate || ( self._rotate = function( e ) {
+ clearTimeout( self.rotation );
+ self.rotation = setTimeout(function() {
+ var t = o.selected;
+ self.select( ++t < self.anchors.length ? t : 0 );
+ }, ms );
+ if ( e ) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ });
+ var stop = self._unrotate || ( self._unrotate = !continuing
+ ? function(e) {
+ if (e.clientX) { // in case of a true click
+ self.rotate(null);
+ }
+ }
+ : function( e ) {
+ t = o.selected;
+ rotate();
+ });
+ // start rotation
+ if ( ms ) {
+ this.element.bind( "tabsshow", rotate );
+ this.anchors.bind( o.event + ".tabs", stop );
+ rotate();
+ // stop rotation
+ } else {
+ clearTimeout( self.rotation );
+ this.element.unbind( "tabsshow", rotate );
+ this.anchors.unbind( o.event + ".tabs", stop );
+ delete this._rotate;
+ delete this._unrotate;
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+})( jQuery );
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+ * jQuery UI 1.8.4
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI
+ */
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+this._ui(this.anchors[a],this.panels[a]));return this}},disable:function(a){a=this._getIndex(a);var e=this.options;if(a!=e.selected){this.lis.eq(a).addClass("ui-state-disabled");e.disabled.push(a);e.disabled.sort();this._trigger("disable",null,this._ui(this.anchors[a],this.panels[a]))}return this},select:function(a){a=this._getIndex(a);if(a==-1)if(this.options.collapsible&&this.options.selected!=-1)a=this.options.selected;else return this;this.anchors.eq(a).trigger(this.options.event+".tabs");return this},
+load:function(a){a=this._getIndex(a);var e=this,b=this.options,c=this.anchors.eq(a)[0],h=d.data(c,"load.tabs");this.abort();if(!h||this.element.queue("tabs").length!==0&&d.data(c,"cache.tabs"))this.element.dequeue("tabs");else{this.lis.eq(a).addClass("ui-state-processing");if(b.spinner){var i=d("span",c);i.data("label.tabs",i.html()).html(b.spinner)}this.xhr=d.ajax(d.extend({},b.ajaxOptions,{url:h,success:function(k,n){d(e._sanitizeSelector(c.hash)).html(k);e._cleanup();b.cache&&d.data(c,"cache.tabs",
+true);e._trigger("load",null,e._ui(e.anchors[a],e.panels[a]));try{b.ajaxOptions.success(k,n)}catch(m){}},error:function(k,n){e._cleanup();e._trigger("load",null,e._ui(e.anchors[a],e.panels[a]));try{b.ajaxOptions.error(k,n,a,c)}catch(m){}}}));e.element.dequeue("tabs");return this}},abort:function(){this.element.queue([]);this.panels.stop(false,true);this.element.queue("tabs",this.element.queue("tabs").splice(-2,2));if(this.xhr){this.xhr.abort();delete this.xhr}this._cleanup();return this},url:function(a,
+e){this.anchors.eq(a).removeData("cache.tabs").data("load.tabs",e);return this},length:function(){return this.anchors.length}});d.extend(d.ui.tabs,{version:"1.8.4"});d.extend(d.ui.tabs.prototype,{rotation:null,rotate:function(a,e){var b=this,c=this.options,h=b._rotate||(b._rotate=function(i){clearTimeout(b.rotation);b.rotation=setTimeout(function(){var k=c.selected;b.select(++k)[^>]*$|^#([\w-]+)$/,
+ // Is it a simple selector
+ isSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/,
+ // Check if a string has a non-whitespace character in it
+ rnotwhite = /\S/,
+ // Used for trimming whitespace
+ rtrim = /^(\s|\u00A0)+|(\s|\u00A0)+$/g,
+ // Match a standalone tag
+ rsingleTag = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/,
+ // Keep a UserAgent string for use with jQuery.browser
+ userAgent = navigator.userAgent,
+ // For matching the engine and version of the browser
+ browserMatch,
+ // Has the ready events already been bound?
+ readyBound = false,
+ // The functions to execute on DOM ready
+ readyList = [],
+ // The ready event handler
+ DOMContentLoaded,
+ // Save a reference to some core methods
+ toString = Object.prototype.toString,
+ hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
+ push = Array.prototype.push,
+ slice = Array.prototype.slice,
+ indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;
+jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
+ init: function( selector, context ) {
+ var match, elem, ret, doc;
+ // Handle $(""), $(null), or $(undefined)
+ if ( !selector ) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Handle $(DOMElement)
+ if ( selector.nodeType ) {
+ this.context = this[0] = selector;
+ this.length = 1;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // The body element only exists once, optimize finding it
+ if ( selector === "body" && !context ) {
+ this.context = document;
+ this[0] = document.body;
+ this.selector = "body";
+ this.length = 1;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Handle HTML strings
+ if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
+ // Are we dealing with HTML string or an ID?
+ match = quickExpr.exec( selector );
+ // Verify a match, and that no context was specified for #id
+ if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) {
+ // HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
+ if ( match[1] ) {
+ doc = (context ? context.ownerDocument || context : document);
+ // If a single string is passed in and it's a single tag
+ // just do a createElement and skip the rest
+ ret = rsingleTag.exec( selector );
+ if ( ret ) {
+ if ( jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) {
+ selector = [ document.createElement( ret[1] ) ];
+ jQuery.fn.attr.call( selector, context, true );
+ } else {
+ selector = [ doc.createElement( ret[1] ) ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = buildFragment( [ match[1] ], [ doc ] );
+ selector = (ret.cacheable ? ret.fragment.cloneNode(true) : ret.fragment).childNodes;
+ }
+ return jQuery.merge( this, selector );
+ // HANDLE: $("#id")
+ } else {
+ elem = document.getElementById( match[2] );
+ if ( elem ) {
+ // Handle the case where IE and Opera return items
+ // by name instead of ID
+ if ( elem.id !== match[2] ) {
+ return rootjQuery.find( selector );
+ }
+ // Otherwise, we inject the element directly into the jQuery object
+ this.length = 1;
+ this[0] = elem;
+ }
+ this.context = document;
+ this.selector = selector;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // HANDLE: $("TAG")
+ } else if ( !context && /^\w+$/.test( selector ) ) {
+ this.selector = selector;
+ this.context = document;
+ selector = document.getElementsByTagName( selector );
+ return jQuery.merge( this, selector );
+ // HANDLE: $(expr, $(...))
+ } else if ( !context || context.jquery ) {
+ return (context || rootjQuery).find( selector );
+ // HANDLE: $(expr, context)
+ // (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr)
+ } else {
+ return jQuery( context ).find( selector );
+ }
+ // HANDLE: $(function)
+ // Shortcut for document ready
+ } else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) {
+ return rootjQuery.ready( selector );
+ }
+ if (selector.selector !== undefined) {
+ this.selector = selector.selector;
+ this.context = selector.context;
+ }
+ return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this );
+ },
+ // Start with an empty selector
+ selector: "",
+ // The current version of jQuery being used
+ jquery: "1.4.2",
+ // The default length of a jQuery object is 0
+ length: 0,
+ // The number of elements contained in the matched element set
+ size: function() {
+ return this.length;
+ },
+ toArray: function() {
+ return slice.call( this, 0 );
+ },
+ // Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR
+ // Get the whole matched element set as a clean array
+ get: function( num ) {
+ return num == null ?
+ // Return a 'clean' array
+ this.toArray() :
+ // Return just the object
+ ( num < 0 ? this.slice(num)[ 0 ] : this[ num ] );
+ },
+ // Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack
+ // (returning the new matched element set)
+ pushStack: function( elems, name, selector ) {
+ // Build a new jQuery matched element set
+ var ret = jQuery();
+ if ( jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) {
+ push.apply( ret, elems );
+ } else {
+ jQuery.merge( ret, elems );
+ }
+ // Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference)
+ ret.prevObject = this;
+ ret.context = this.context;
+ if ( name === "find" ) {
+ ret.selector = this.selector + (this.selector ? " " : "") + selector;
+ } else if ( name ) {
+ ret.selector = this.selector + "." + name + "(" + selector + ")";
+ }
+ // Return the newly-formed element set
+ return ret;
+ },
+ // Execute a callback for every element in the matched set.
+ // (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is
+ // only used internally.)
+ each: function( callback, args ) {
+ return jQuery.each( this, callback, args );
+ },
+ ready: function( fn ) {
+ // Attach the listeners
+ jQuery.bindReady();
+ // If the DOM is already ready
+ if ( jQuery.isReady ) {
+ // Execute the function immediately
+ fn.call( document, jQuery );
+ // Otherwise, remember the function for later
+ } else if ( readyList ) {
+ // Add the function to the wait list
+ readyList.push( fn );
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ eq: function( i ) {
+ return i === -1 ?
+ this.slice( i ) :
+ this.slice( i, +i + 1 );
+ },
+ first: function() {
+ return this.eq( 0 );
+ },
+ last: function() {
+ return this.eq( -1 );
+ },
+ slice: function() {
+ return this.pushStack( slice.apply( this, arguments ),
+ "slice", slice.call(arguments).join(",") );
+ },
+ map: function( callback ) {
+ return this.pushStack( jQuery.map(this, function( elem, i ) {
+ return callback.call( elem, i, elem );
+ }));
+ },
+ end: function() {
+ return this.prevObject || jQuery(null);
+ },
+ // For internal use only.
+ // Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method.
+ push: push,
+ sort: [].sort,
+ splice: [].splice
+// Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation
+jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn;
+jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
+ // copy reference to target object
+ var target = arguments[0] || {}, i = 1, length = arguments.length, deep = false, options, name, src, copy;
+ // Handle a deep copy situation
+ if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) {
+ deep = target;
+ target = arguments[1] || {};
+ // skip the boolean and the target
+ i = 2;
+ }
+ // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
+ if ( typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction(target) ) {
+ target = {};
+ }
+ // extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
+ if ( length === i ) {
+ target = this;
+ --i;
+ }
+ for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+ // Only deal with non-null/undefined values
+ if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) {
+ // Extend the base object
+ for ( name in options ) {
+ src = target[ name ];
+ copy = options[ name ];
+ // Prevent never-ending loop
+ if ( target === copy ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Recurse if we're merging object literal values or arrays
+ if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || jQuery.isArray(copy) ) ) {
+ var clone = src && ( jQuery.isPlainObject(src) || jQuery.isArray(src) ) ? src
+ : jQuery.isArray(copy) ? [] : {};
+ // Never move original objects, clone them
+ target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy );
+ // Don't bring in undefined values
+ } else if ( copy !== undefined ) {
+ target[ name ] = copy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the modified object
+ return target;
+ noConflict: function( deep ) {
+ window.$ = _$;
+ if ( deep ) {
+ window.jQuery = _jQuery;
+ }
+ return jQuery;
+ },
+ // Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs.
+ isReady: false,
+ // Handle when the DOM is ready
+ ready: function() {
+ // Make sure that the DOM is not already loaded
+ if ( !jQuery.isReady ) {
+ // Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
+ if ( !document.body ) {
+ return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 13 );
+ }
+ // Remember that the DOM is ready
+ jQuery.isReady = true;
+ // If there are functions bound, to execute
+ if ( readyList ) {
+ // Execute all of them
+ var fn, i = 0;
+ while ( (fn = readyList[ i++ ]) ) {
+ fn.call( document, jQuery );
+ }
+ // Reset the list of functions
+ readyList = null;
+ }
+ // Trigger any bound ready events
+ if ( jQuery.fn.triggerHandler ) {
+ jQuery( document ).triggerHandler( "ready" );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ bindReady: function() {
+ if ( readyBound ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ readyBound = true;
+ // Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the
+ // browser event has already occurred.
+ if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
+ return jQuery.ready();
+ }
+ // Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event
+ if ( document.addEventListener ) {
+ // Use the handy event callback
+ document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
+ // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
+ window.addEventListener( "load", jQuery.ready, false );
+ // If IE event model is used
+ } else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
+ // ensure firing before onload,
+ // maybe late but safe also for iframes
+ document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded);
+ // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
+ window.attachEvent( "onload", jQuery.ready );
+ // If IE and not a frame
+ // continually check to see if the document is ready
+ var toplevel = false;
+ try {
+ toplevel = window.frameElement == null;
+ } catch(e) {}
+ if ( document.documentElement.doScroll && toplevel ) {
+ doScrollCheck();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // See test/unit/core.js for details concerning isFunction.
+ // Since version 1.3, DOM methods and functions like alert
+ // aren't supported. They return false on IE (#2968).
+ isFunction: function( obj ) {
+ return toString.call(obj) === "[object Function]";
+ },
+ isArray: function( obj ) {
+ return toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]";
+ },
+ isPlainObject: function( obj ) {
+ // Must be an Object.
+ // Because of IE, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property.
+ // Make sure that DOM nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well
+ if ( !obj || toString.call(obj) !== "[object Object]" || obj.nodeType || obj.setInterval ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Not own constructor property must be Object
+ if ( obj.constructor
+ && !hasOwnProperty.call(obj, "constructor")
+ && !hasOwnProperty.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf") ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up,
+ // if last one is own, then all properties are own.
+ var key;
+ for ( key in obj ) {}
+ return key === undefined || hasOwnProperty.call( obj, key );
+ },
+ isEmptyObject: function( obj ) {
+ for ( var name in obj ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ error: function( msg ) {
+ throw msg;
+ },
+ parseJSON: function( data ) {
+ if ( typeof data !== "string" || !data ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Make sure leading/trailing whitespace is removed (IE can't handle it)
+ data = jQuery.trim( data );
+ // Make sure the incoming data is actual JSON
+ // Logic borrowed from http://json.org/json2.js
+ if ( /^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(data.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, "@")
+ .replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, "]")
+ .replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, "")) ) {
+ // Try to use the native JSON parser first
+ return window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ?
+ window.JSON.parse( data ) :
+ (new Function("return " + data))();
+ } else {
+ jQuery.error( "Invalid JSON: " + data );
+ }
+ },
+ noop: function() {},
+ // Evalulates a script in a global context
+ globalEval: function( data ) {
+ if ( data && rnotwhite.test(data) ) {
+ // Inspired by code by Andrea Giammarchi
+ // http://webreflection.blogspot.com/2007/08/global-scope-evaluation-and-dom.html
+ var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement,
+ script = document.createElement("script");
+ script.type = "text/javascript";
+ if ( jQuery.support.scriptEval ) {
+ script.appendChild( document.createTextNode( data ) );
+ } else {
+ script.text = data;
+ }
+ // Use insertBefore instead of appendChild to circumvent an IE6 bug.
+ // This arises when a base node is used (#2709).
+ head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild );
+ head.removeChild( script );
+ }
+ },
+ nodeName: function( elem, name ) {
+ return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() === name.toUpperCase();
+ },
+ // args is for internal usage only
+ each: function( object, callback, args ) {
+ var name, i = 0,
+ length = object.length,
+ isObj = length === undefined || jQuery.isFunction(object);
+ if ( args ) {
+ if ( isObj ) {
+ for ( name in object ) {
+ if ( callback.apply( object[ name ], args ) === false ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( ; i < length; ) {
+ if ( callback.apply( object[ i++ ], args ) === false ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // A special, fast, case for the most common use of each
+ } else {
+ if ( isObj ) {
+ for ( name in object ) {
+ if ( callback.call( object[ name ], name, object[ name ] ) === false ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( var value = object[0];
+ i < length && callback.call( value, i, value ) !== false; value = object[++i] ) {}
+ }
+ }
+ return object;
+ },
+ trim: function( text ) {
+ return (text || "").replace( rtrim, "" );
+ },
+ // results is for internal usage only
+ makeArray: function( array, results ) {
+ var ret = results || [];
+ if ( array != null ) {
+ // The window, strings (and functions) also have 'length'
+ // The extra typeof function check is to prevent crashes
+ // in Safari 2 (See: #3039)
+ if ( array.length == null || typeof array === "string" || jQuery.isFunction(array) || (typeof array !== "function" && array.setInterval) ) {
+ push.call( ret, array );
+ } else {
+ jQuery.merge( ret, array );
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ inArray: function( elem, array ) {
+ if ( array.indexOf ) {
+ return array.indexOf( elem );
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++ ) {
+ if ( array[ i ] === elem ) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ },
+ merge: function( first, second ) {
+ var i = first.length, j = 0;
+ if ( typeof second.length === "number" ) {
+ for ( var l = second.length; j < l; j++ ) {
+ first[ i++ ] = second[ j ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ while ( second[j] !== undefined ) {
+ first[ i++ ] = second[ j++ ];
+ }
+ }
+ first.length = i;
+ return first;
+ },
+ grep: function( elems, callback, inv ) {
+ var ret = [];
+ // Go through the array, only saving the items
+ // that pass the validator function
+ for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ ) {
+ if ( !inv !== !callback( elems[ i ], i ) ) {
+ ret.push( elems[ i ] );
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ // arg is for internal usage only
+ map: function( elems, callback, arg ) {
+ var ret = [], value;
+ // Go through the array, translating each of the items to their
+ // new value (or values).
+ for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ ) {
+ value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg );
+ if ( value != null ) {
+ ret[ ret.length ] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret.concat.apply( [], ret );
+ },
+ // A global GUID counter for objects
+ guid: 1,
+ proxy: function( fn, proxy, thisObject ) {
+ if ( arguments.length === 2 ) {
+ if ( typeof proxy === "string" ) {
+ thisObject = fn;
+ fn = thisObject[ proxy ];
+ proxy = undefined;
+ } else if ( proxy && !jQuery.isFunction( proxy ) ) {
+ thisObject = proxy;
+ proxy = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !proxy && fn ) {
+ proxy = function() {
+ return fn.apply( thisObject || this, arguments );
+ };
+ }
+ // Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed
+ if ( fn ) {
+ proxy.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || proxy.guid || jQuery.guid++;
+ }
+ // So proxy can be declared as an argument
+ return proxy;
+ },
+ // Use of jQuery.browser is frowned upon.
+ // More details: http://docs.jquery.com/Utilities/jQuery.browser
+ uaMatch: function( ua ) {
+ ua = ua.toLowerCase();
+ var match = /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||
+ /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||
+ /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||
+ !/compatible/.test( ua ) && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/.exec( ua ) ||
+ [];
+ return { browser: match[1] || "", version: match[2] || "0" };
+ },
+ browser: {}
+browserMatch = jQuery.uaMatch( userAgent );
+if ( browserMatch.browser ) {
+ jQuery.browser[ browserMatch.browser ] = true;
+ jQuery.browser.version = browserMatch.version;
+// Deprecated, use jQuery.browser.webkit instead
+if ( jQuery.browser.webkit ) {
+ jQuery.browser.safari = true;
+if ( indexOf ) {
+ jQuery.inArray = function( elem, array ) {
+ return indexOf.call( array, elem );
+ };
+// All jQuery objects should point back to these
+rootjQuery = jQuery(document);
+// Cleanup functions for the document ready method
+if ( document.addEventListener ) {
+ DOMContentLoaded = function() {
+ document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
+ jQuery.ready();
+ };
+} else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
+ DOMContentLoaded = function() {
+ // Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
+ if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
+ document.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded );
+ jQuery.ready();
+ }
+ };
+// The DOM ready check for Internet Explorer
+function doScrollCheck() {
+ if ( jQuery.isReady ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ // If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini
+ // http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
+ document.documentElement.doScroll("left");
+ } catch( error ) {
+ setTimeout( doScrollCheck, 1 );
+ return;
+ }
+ // and execute any waiting functions
+ jQuery.ready();
+function evalScript( i, elem ) {
+ if ( elem.src ) {
+ jQuery.ajax({
+ url: elem.src,
+ async: false,
+ dataType: "script"
+ });
+ } else {
+ jQuery.globalEval( elem.text || elem.textContent || elem.innerHTML || "" );
+ }
+ if ( elem.parentNode ) {
+ elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem );
+ }
+// Mutifunctional method to get and set values to a collection
+// The value/s can be optionally by executed if its a function
+function access( elems, key, value, exec, fn, pass ) {
+ var length = elems.length;
+ // Setting many attributes
+ if ( typeof key === "object" ) {
+ for ( var k in key ) {
+ access( elems, k, key[k], exec, fn, value );
+ }
+ return elems;
+ }
+ // Setting one attribute
+ if ( value !== undefined ) {
+ // Optionally, function values get executed if exec is true
+ exec = !pass && exec && jQuery.isFunction(value);
+ for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
+ fn( elems[i], key, exec ? value.call( elems[i], i, fn( elems[i], key ) ) : value, pass );
+ }
+ return elems;
+ }
+ // Getting an attribute
+ return length ? fn( elems[0], key ) : undefined;
+function now() {
+ return (new Date).getTime();
+(function() {
+ jQuery.support = {};
+ var root = document.documentElement,
+ script = document.createElement("script"),
+ div = document.createElement("div"),
+ id = "script" + now();
+ div.style.display = "none";
+ div.innerHTML = " a";
+ var all = div.getElementsByTagName("*"),
+ a = div.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
+ // Can't get basic test support
+ if ( !all || !all.length || !a ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ jQuery.support = {
+ // IE strips leading whitespace when .innerHTML is used
+ leadingWhitespace: div.firstChild.nodeType === 3,
+ // Make sure that tbody elements aren't automatically inserted
+ // IE will insert them into empty tables
+ tbody: !div.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length,
+ // Make sure that link elements get serialized correctly by innerHTML
+ // This requires a wrapper element in IE
+ htmlSerialize: !!div.getElementsByTagName("link").length,
+ // Get the style information from getAttribute
+ // (IE uses .cssText insted)
+ style: /red/.test( a.getAttribute("style") ),
+ // Make sure that URLs aren't manipulated
+ // (IE normalizes it by default)
+ hrefNormalized: a.getAttribute("href") === "/a",
+ // Make sure that element opacity exists
+ // (IE uses filter instead)
+ // Use a regex to work around a WebKit issue. See #5145
+ opacity: /^0.55$/.test( a.style.opacity ),
+ // Verify style float existence
+ // (IE uses styleFloat instead of cssFloat)
+ cssFloat: !!a.style.cssFloat,
+ // Make sure that if no value is specified for a checkbox
+ // that it defaults to "on".
+ // (WebKit defaults to "" instead)
+ checkOn: div.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value === "on",
+ // Make sure that a selected-by-default option has a working selected property.
+ // (WebKit defaults to false instead of true, IE too, if it's in an optgroup)
+ optSelected: document.createElement("select").appendChild( document.createElement("option") ).selected,
+ parentNode: div.removeChild( div.appendChild( document.createElement("div") ) ).parentNode === null,
+ // Will be defined later
+ deleteExpando: true,
+ checkClone: false,
+ scriptEval: false,
+ noCloneEvent: true,
+ boxModel: null
+ };
+ script.type = "text/javascript";
+ try {
+ script.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "window." + id + "=1;" ) );
+ } catch(e) {}
+ root.insertBefore( script, root.firstChild );
+ // Make sure that the execution of code works by injecting a script
+ // tag with appendChild/createTextNode
+ // (IE doesn't support this, fails, and uses .text instead)
+ if ( window[ id ] ) {
+ jQuery.support.scriptEval = true;
+ delete window[ id ];
+ }
+ // Test to see if it's possible to delete an expando from an element
+ // Fails in Internet Explorer
+ try {
+ delete script.test;
+ } catch(e) {
+ jQuery.support.deleteExpando = false;
+ }
+ root.removeChild( script );
+ if ( div.attachEvent && div.fireEvent ) {
+ div.attachEvent("onclick", function click() {
+ // Cloning a node shouldn't copy over any
+ // bound event handlers (IE does this)
+ jQuery.support.noCloneEvent = false;
+ div.detachEvent("onclick", click);
+ });
+ div.cloneNode(true).fireEvent("onclick");
+ }
+ div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.innerHTML = "";
+ var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ fragment.appendChild( div.firstChild );
+ // WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments
+ jQuery.support.checkClone = fragment.cloneNode(true).cloneNode(true).lastChild.checked;
+ // Figure out if the W3C box model works as expected
+ // document.body must exist before we can do this
+ jQuery(function() {
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.style.width = div.style.paddingLeft = "1px";
+ document.body.appendChild( div );
+ jQuery.boxModel = jQuery.support.boxModel = div.offsetWidth === 2;
+ document.body.removeChild( div ).style.display = 'none';
+ div = null;
+ });
+ // Technique from Juriy Zaytsev
+ // http://thinkweb2.com/projects/prototype/detecting-event-support-without-browser-sniffing/
+ var eventSupported = function( eventName ) {
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ eventName = "on" + eventName;
+ var isSupported = (eventName in el);
+ if ( !isSupported ) {
+ el.setAttribute(eventName, "return;");
+ isSupported = typeof el[eventName] === "function";
+ }
+ el = null;
+ return isSupported;
+ };
+ jQuery.support.submitBubbles = eventSupported("submit");
+ jQuery.support.changeBubbles = eventSupported("change");
+ // release memory in IE
+ root = script = div = all = a = null;
+jQuery.props = {
+ "for": "htmlFor",
+ "class": "className",
+ readonly: "readOnly",
+ maxlength: "maxLength",
+ cellspacing: "cellSpacing",
+ rowspan: "rowSpan",
+ colspan: "colSpan",
+ tabindex: "tabIndex",
+ usemap: "useMap",
+ frameborder: "frameBorder"
+var expando = "jQuery" + now(), uuid = 0, windowData = {};
+ cache: {},
+ expando:expando,
+ // The following elements throw uncatchable exceptions if you
+ // attempt to add expando properties to them.
+ noData: {
+ "embed": true,
+ "object": true,
+ "applet": true
+ },
+ data: function( elem, name, data ) {
+ if ( elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()] ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ elem = elem == window ?
+ windowData :
+ elem;
+ var id = elem[ expando ], cache = jQuery.cache, thisCache;
+ if ( !id && typeof name === "string" && data === undefined ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Compute a unique ID for the element
+ if ( !id ) {
+ id = ++uuid;
+ }
+ // Avoid generating a new cache unless none exists and we
+ // want to manipulate it.
+ if ( typeof name === "object" ) {
+ elem[ expando ] = id;
+ thisCache = cache[ id ] = jQuery.extend(true, {}, name);
+ } else if ( !cache[ id ] ) {
+ elem[ expando ] = id;
+ cache[ id ] = {};
+ }
+ thisCache = cache[ id ];
+ // Prevent overriding the named cache with undefined values
+ if ( data !== undefined ) {
+ thisCache[ name ] = data;
+ }
+ return typeof name === "string" ? thisCache[ name ] : thisCache;
+ },
+ removeData: function( elem, name ) {
+ if ( elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()] ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ elem = elem == window ?
+ windowData :
+ elem;
+ var id = elem[ expando ], cache = jQuery.cache, thisCache = cache[ id ];
+ // If we want to remove a specific section of the element's data
+ if ( name ) {
+ if ( thisCache ) {
+ // Remove the section of cache data
+ delete thisCache[ name ];
+ // If we've removed all the data, remove the element's cache
+ if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject(thisCache) ) {
+ jQuery.removeData( elem );
+ }
+ }
+ // Otherwise, we want to remove all of the element's data
+ } else {
+ if ( jQuery.support.deleteExpando ) {
+ delete elem[ jQuery.expando ];
+ } else if ( elem.removeAttribute ) {
+ elem.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando );
+ }
+ // Completely remove the data cache
+ delete cache[ id ];
+ }
+ }
+ data: function( key, value ) {
+ if ( typeof key === "undefined" && this.length ) {
+ return jQuery.data( this[0] );
+ } else if ( typeof key === "object" ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ jQuery.data( this, key );
+ });
+ }
+ var parts = key.split(".");
+ parts[1] = parts[1] ? "." + parts[1] : "";
+ if ( value === undefined ) {
+ var data = this.triggerHandler("getData" + parts[1] + "!", [parts[0]]);
+ if ( data === undefined && this.length ) {
+ data = jQuery.data( this[0], key );
+ }
+ return data === undefined && parts[1] ?
+ this.data( parts[0] ) :
+ data;
+ } else {
+ return this.trigger("setData" + parts[1] + "!", [parts[0], value]).each(function() {
+ jQuery.data( this, key, value );
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ removeData: function( key ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ jQuery.removeData( this, key );
+ });
+ }
+ queue: function( elem, type, data ) {
+ if ( !elem ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ type = (type || "fx") + "queue";
+ var q = jQuery.data( elem, type );
+ // Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup
+ if ( !data ) {
+ return q || [];
+ }
+ if ( !q || jQuery.isArray(data) ) {
+ q = jQuery.data( elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data) );
+ } else {
+ q.push( data );
+ }
+ return q;
+ },
+ dequeue: function( elem, type ) {
+ type = type || "fx";
+ var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ), fn = queue.shift();
+ // If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel
+ if ( fn === "inprogress" ) {
+ fn = queue.shift();
+ }
+ if ( fn ) {
+ // Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being
+ // automatically dequeued
+ if ( type === "fx" ) {
+ queue.unshift("inprogress");
+ }
+ fn.call(elem, function() {
+ jQuery.dequeue(elem, type);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ queue: function( type, data ) {
+ if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
+ data = type;
+ type = "fx";
+ }
+ if ( data === undefined ) {
+ return jQuery.queue( this[0], type );
+ }
+ return this.each(function( i, elem ) {
+ var queue = jQuery.queue( this, type, data );
+ if ( type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress" ) {
+ jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ dequeue: function( type ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
+ });
+ },
+ // Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission.
+ // http://blindsignals.com/index.php/2009/07/jquery-delay/
+ delay: function( time, type ) {
+ time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[time] || time : time;
+ type = type || "fx";
+ return this.queue( type, function() {
+ var elem = this;
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ jQuery.dequeue( elem, type );
+ }, time );
+ });
+ },
+ clearQueue: function( type ) {
+ return this.queue( type || "fx", [] );
+ }
+var rclass = /[\n\t]/g,
+ rspace = /\s+/,
+ rreturn = /\r/g,
+ rspecialurl = /href|src|style/,
+ rtype = /(button|input)/i,
+ rfocusable = /(button|input|object|select|textarea)/i,
+ rclickable = /^(a|area)$/i,
+ rradiocheck = /radio|checkbox/;
+ attr: function( name, value ) {
+ return access( this, name, value, true, jQuery.attr );
+ },
+ removeAttr: function( name, fn ) {
+ return this.each(function(){
+ jQuery.attr( this, name, "" );
+ if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ this.removeAttribute( name );
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ addClass: function( value ) {
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction(value) ) {
+ return this.each(function(i) {
+ var self = jQuery(this);
+ self.addClass( value.call(this, i, self.attr("class")) );
+ });
+ }
+ if ( value && typeof value === "string" ) {
+ var classNames = (value || "").split( rspace );
+ for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = this[i];
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ if ( !elem.className ) {
+ elem.className = value;
+ } else {
+ var className = " " + elem.className + " ", setClass = elem.className;
+ for ( var c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
+ if ( className.indexOf( " " + classNames[c] + " " ) < 0 ) {
+ setClass += " " + classNames[c];
+ }
+ }
+ elem.className = jQuery.trim( setClass );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ removeClass: function( value ) {
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction(value) ) {
+ return this.each(function(i) {
+ var self = jQuery(this);
+ self.removeClass( value.call(this, i, self.attr("class")) );
+ });
+ }
+ if ( (value && typeof value === "string") || value === undefined ) {
+ var classNames = (value || "").split(rspace);
+ for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = this[i];
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.className ) {
+ if ( value ) {
+ var className = (" " + elem.className + " ").replace(rclass, " ");
+ for ( var c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
+ className = className.replace(" " + classNames[c] + " ", " ");
+ }
+ elem.className = jQuery.trim( className );
+ } else {
+ elem.className = "";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ toggleClass: function( value, stateVal ) {
+ var type = typeof value, isBool = typeof stateVal === "boolean";
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+ return this.each(function(i) {
+ var self = jQuery(this);
+ self.toggleClass( value.call(this, i, self.attr("class"), stateVal), stateVal );
+ });
+ }
+ return this.each(function() {
+ if ( type === "string" ) {
+ // toggle individual class names
+ var className, i = 0, self = jQuery(this),
+ state = stateVal,
+ classNames = value.split( rspace );
+ while ( (className = classNames[ i++ ]) ) {
+ // check each className given, space seperated list
+ state = isBool ? state : !self.hasClass( className );
+ self[ state ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( className );
+ }
+ } else if ( type === "undefined" || type === "boolean" ) {
+ if ( this.className ) {
+ // store className if set
+ jQuery.data( this, "__className__", this.className );
+ }
+ // toggle whole className
+ this.className = this.className || value === false ? "" : jQuery.data( this, "__className__" ) || "";
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ hasClass: function( selector ) {
+ var className = " " + selector + " ";
+ for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(rclass, " ").indexOf( className ) > -1 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ val: function( value ) {
+ if ( value === undefined ) {
+ var elem = this[0];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "option" ) ) {
+ return (elem.attributes.value || {}).specified ? elem.value : elem.text;
+ }
+ // We need to handle select boxes special
+ if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "select" ) ) {
+ var index = elem.selectedIndex,
+ values = [],
+ options = elem.options,
+ one = elem.type === "select-one";
+ // Nothing was selected
+ if ( index < 0 ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Loop through all the selected options
+ for ( var i = one ? index : 0, max = one ? index + 1 : options.length; i < max; i++ ) {
+ var option = options[ i ];
+ if ( option.selected ) {
+ // Get the specifc value for the option
+ value = jQuery(option).val();
+ // We don't need an array for one selects
+ if ( one ) {
+ return value;
+ }
+ // Multi-Selects return an array
+ values.push( value );
+ }
+ }
+ return values;
+ }
+ // Handle the case where in Webkit "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified
+ if ( rradiocheck.test( elem.type ) && !jQuery.support.checkOn ) {
+ return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value;
+ }
+ // Everything else, we just grab the value
+ return (elem.value || "").replace(rreturn, "");
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ var isFunction = jQuery.isFunction(value);
+ return this.each(function(i) {
+ var self = jQuery(this), val = value;
+ if ( this.nodeType !== 1 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( isFunction ) {
+ val = value.call(this, i, self.val());
+ }
+ // Typecast each time if the value is a Function and the appended
+ // value is therefore different each time.
+ if ( typeof val === "number" ) {
+ val += "";
+ }
+ if ( jQuery.isArray(val) && rradiocheck.test( this.type ) ) {
+ this.checked = jQuery.inArray( self.val(), val ) >= 0;
+ } else if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "select" ) ) {
+ var values = jQuery.makeArray(val);
+ jQuery( "option", this ).each(function() {
+ this.selected = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(this).val(), values ) >= 0;
+ });
+ if ( !values.length ) {
+ this.selectedIndex = -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.value = val;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ attrFn: {
+ val: true,
+ css: true,
+ html: true,
+ text: true,
+ data: true,
+ width: true,
+ height: true,
+ offset: true
+ },
+ attr: function( elem, name, value, pass ) {
+ // don't set attributes on text and comment nodes
+ if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ if ( pass && name in jQuery.attrFn ) {
+ return jQuery(elem)[name](value);
+ }
+ var notxml = elem.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem ),
+ // Whether we are setting (or getting)
+ set = value !== undefined;
+ // Try to normalize/fix the name
+ name = notxml && jQuery.props[ name ] || name;
+ // Only do all the following if this is a node (faster for style)
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ // These attributes require special treatment
+ var special = rspecialurl.test( name );
+ // Safari mis-reports the default selected property of an option
+ // Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it
+ if ( name === "selected" && !jQuery.support.optSelected ) {
+ var parent = elem.parentNode;
+ if ( parent ) {
+ parent.selectedIndex;
+ // Make sure that it also works with optgroups, see #5701
+ if ( parent.parentNode ) {
+ parent.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If applicable, access the attribute via the DOM 0 way
+ if ( name in elem && notxml && !special ) {
+ if ( set ) {
+ // We can't allow the type property to be changed (since it causes problems in IE)
+ if ( name === "type" && rtype.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.parentNode ) {
+ jQuery.error( "type property can't be changed" );
+ }
+ elem[ name ] = value;
+ }
+ // browsers index elements by id/name on forms, give priority to attributes.
+ if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "form" ) && elem.getAttributeNode(name) ) {
+ return elem.getAttributeNode( name ).nodeValue;
+ }
+ // elem.tabIndex doesn't always return the correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set
+ // http://fluidproject.org/blog/2008/01/09/getting-setting-and-removing-tabindex-values-with-javascript/
+ if ( name === "tabIndex" ) {
+ var attributeNode = elem.getAttributeNode( "tabIndex" );
+ return attributeNode && attributeNode.specified ?
+ attributeNode.value :
+ rfocusable.test( elem.nodeName ) || rclickable.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.href ?
+ 0 :
+ undefined;
+ }
+ return elem[ name ];
+ }
+ if ( !jQuery.support.style && notxml && name === "style" ) {
+ if ( set ) {
+ elem.style.cssText = "" + value;
+ }
+ return elem.style.cssText;
+ }
+ if ( set ) {
+ // convert the value to a string (all browsers do this but IE) see #1070
+ elem.setAttribute( name, "" + value );
+ }
+ var attr = !jQuery.support.hrefNormalized && notxml && special ?
+ // Some attributes require a special call on IE
+ elem.getAttribute( name, 2 ) :
+ elem.getAttribute( name );
+ // Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined
+ return attr === null ? undefined : attr;
+ }
+ // elem is actually elem.style ... set the style
+ // Using attr for specific style information is now deprecated. Use style instead.
+ return jQuery.style( elem, name, value );
+ }
+var rnamespaces = /\.(.*)$/,
+ fcleanup = function( nm ) {
+ return nm.replace(/[^\w\s\.\|`]/g, function( ch ) {
+ return "\\" + ch;
+ });
+ };
+ * A number of helper functions used for managing events.
+ * Many of the ideas behind this code originated from
+ * Dean Edwards' addEvent library.
+ */
+jQuery.event = {
+ // Bind an event to an element
+ // Original by Dean Edwards
+ add: function( elem, types, handler, data ) {
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // For whatever reason, IE has trouble passing the window object
+ // around, causing it to be cloned in the process
+ if ( elem.setInterval && ( elem !== window && !elem.frameElement ) ) {
+ elem = window;
+ }
+ var handleObjIn, handleObj;
+ if ( handler.handler ) {
+ handleObjIn = handler;
+ handler = handleObjIn.handler;
+ }
+ // Make sure that the function being executed has a unique ID
+ if ( !handler.guid ) {
+ handler.guid = jQuery.guid++;
+ }
+ // Init the element's event structure
+ var elemData = jQuery.data( elem );
+ // If no elemData is found then we must be trying to bind to one of the
+ // banned noData elements
+ if ( !elemData ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var events = elemData.events = elemData.events || {},
+ eventHandle = elemData.handle, eventHandle;
+ if ( !eventHandle ) {
+ elemData.handle = eventHandle = function() {
+ // Handle the second event of a trigger and when
+ // an event is called after a page has unloaded
+ return typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && !jQuery.event.triggered ?
+ jQuery.event.handle.apply( eventHandle.elem, arguments ) :
+ undefined;
+ };
+ }
+ // Add elem as a property of the handle function
+ // This is to prevent a memory leak with non-native events in IE.
+ eventHandle.elem = elem;
+ // Handle multiple events separated by a space
+ // jQuery(...).bind("mouseover mouseout", fn);
+ types = types.split(" ");
+ var type, i = 0, namespaces;
+ while ( (type = types[ i++ ]) ) {
+ handleObj = handleObjIn ?
+ jQuery.extend({}, handleObjIn) :
+ { handler: handler, data: data };
+ // Namespaced event handlers
+ if ( type.indexOf(".") > -1 ) {
+ namespaces = type.split(".");
+ type = namespaces.shift();
+ handleObj.namespace = namespaces.slice(0).sort().join(".");
+ } else {
+ namespaces = [];
+ handleObj.namespace = "";
+ }
+ handleObj.type = type;
+ handleObj.guid = handler.guid;
+ // Get the current list of functions bound to this event
+ var handlers = events[ type ],
+ special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+ // Init the event handler queue
+ if ( !handlers ) {
+ handlers = events[ type ] = [];
+ // Check for a special event handler
+ // Only use addEventListener/attachEvent if the special
+ // events handler returns false
+ if ( !special.setup || special.setup.call( elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle ) === false ) {
+ // Bind the global event handler to the element
+ if ( elem.addEventListener ) {
+ elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle, false );
+ } else if ( elem.attachEvent ) {
+ elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, eventHandle );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( special.add ) {
+ special.add.call( elem, handleObj );
+ if ( !handleObj.handler.guid ) {
+ handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the function to the element's handler list
+ handlers.push( handleObj );
+ // Keep track of which events have been used, for global triggering
+ jQuery.event.global[ type ] = true;
+ }
+ // Nullify elem to prevent memory leaks in IE
+ elem = null;
+ },
+ global: {},
+ // Detach an event or set of events from an element
+ remove: function( elem, types, handler, pos ) {
+ // don't do events on text and comment nodes
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var ret, type, fn, i = 0, all, namespaces, namespace, special, eventType, handleObj, origType,
+ elemData = jQuery.data( elem ),
+ events = elemData && elemData.events;
+ if ( !elemData || !events ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // types is actually an event object here
+ if ( types && types.type ) {
+ handler = types.handler;
+ types = types.type;
+ }
+ // Unbind all events for the element
+ if ( !types || typeof types === "string" && types.charAt(0) === "." ) {
+ types = types || "";
+ for ( type in events ) {
+ jQuery.event.remove( elem, type + types );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Handle multiple events separated by a space
+ // jQuery(...).unbind("mouseover mouseout", fn);
+ types = types.split(" ");
+ while ( (type = types[ i++ ]) ) {
+ origType = type;
+ handleObj = null;
+ all = type.indexOf(".") < 0;
+ namespaces = [];
+ if ( !all ) {
+ // Namespaced event handlers
+ namespaces = type.split(".");
+ type = namespaces.shift();
+ namespace = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" +
+ jQuery.map( namespaces.slice(0).sort(), fcleanup ).join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)")
+ }
+ eventType = events[ type ];
+ if ( !eventType ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( !handler ) {
+ for ( var j = 0; j < eventType.length; j++ ) {
+ handleObj = eventType[ j ];
+ if ( all || namespace.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
+ jQuery.event.remove( elem, origType, handleObj.handler, j );
+ eventType.splice( j--, 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+ for ( var j = pos || 0; j < eventType.length; j++ ) {
+ handleObj = eventType[ j ];
+ if ( handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) {
+ // remove the given handler for the given type
+ if ( all || namespace.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
+ if ( pos == null ) {
+ eventType.splice( j--, 1 );
+ }
+ if ( special.remove ) {
+ special.remove.call( elem, handleObj );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( pos != null ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // remove generic event handler if no more handlers exist
+ if ( eventType.length === 0 || pos != null && eventType.length === 1 ) {
+ if ( !special.teardown || special.teardown.call( elem, namespaces ) === false ) {
+ removeEvent( elem, type, elemData.handle );
+ }
+ ret = null;
+ delete events[ type ];
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the expando if it's no longer used
+ if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( events ) ) {
+ var handle = elemData.handle;
+ if ( handle ) {
+ handle.elem = null;
+ }
+ delete elemData.events;
+ delete elemData.handle;
+ if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( elemData ) ) {
+ jQuery.removeData( elem );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // bubbling is internal
+ trigger: function( event, data, elem /*, bubbling */ ) {
+ // Event object or event type
+ var type = event.type || event,
+ bubbling = arguments[3];
+ if ( !bubbling ) {
+ event = typeof event === "object" ?
+ // jQuery.Event object
+ event[expando] ? event :
+ // Object literal
+ jQuery.extend( jQuery.Event(type), event ) :
+ // Just the event type (string)
+ jQuery.Event(type);
+ if ( type.indexOf("!") >= 0 ) {
+ event.type = type = type.slice(0, -1);
+ event.exclusive = true;
+ }
+ // Handle a global trigger
+ if ( !elem ) {
+ // Don't bubble custom events when global (to avoid too much overhead)
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ // Only trigger if we've ever bound an event for it
+ if ( jQuery.event.global[ type ] ) {
+ jQuery.each( jQuery.cache, function() {
+ if ( this.events && this.events[type] ) {
+ jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, this.handle.elem );
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle triggering a single element
+ // don't do events on text and comment nodes
+ if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ // Clean up in case it is reused
+ event.result = undefined;
+ event.target = elem;
+ // Clone the incoming data, if any
+ data = jQuery.makeArray( data );
+ data.unshift( event );
+ }
+ event.currentTarget = elem;
+ // Trigger the event, it is assumed that "handle" is a function
+ var handle = jQuery.data( elem, "handle" );
+ if ( handle ) {
+ handle.apply( elem, data );
+ }
+ var parent = elem.parentNode || elem.ownerDocument;
+ // Trigger an inline bound script
+ try {
+ if ( !(elem && elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) ) {
+ if ( elem[ "on" + type ] && elem[ "on" + type ].apply( elem, data ) === false ) {
+ event.result = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // prevent IE from throwing an error for some elements with some event types, see #3533
+ } catch (e) {}
+ if ( !event.isPropagationStopped() && parent ) {
+ jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, parent, true );
+ } else if ( !event.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
+ var target = event.target, old,
+ isClick = jQuery.nodeName(target, "a") && type === "click",
+ special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+ if ( (!special._default || special._default.call( elem, event ) === false) &&
+ !isClick && !(target && target.nodeName && jQuery.noData[target.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) ) {
+ try {
+ if ( target[ type ] ) {
+ // Make sure that we don't accidentally re-trigger the onFOO events
+ old = target[ "on" + type ];
+ if ( old ) {
+ target[ "on" + type ] = null;
+ }
+ jQuery.event.triggered = true;
+ target[ type ]();
+ }
+ // prevent IE from throwing an error for some elements with some event types, see #3533
+ } catch (e) {}
+ if ( old ) {
+ target[ "on" + type ] = old;
+ }
+ jQuery.event.triggered = false;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ handle: function( event ) {
+ var all, handlers, namespaces, namespace, events;
+ event = arguments[0] = jQuery.event.fix( event || window.event );
+ event.currentTarget = this;
+ // Namespaced event handlers
+ all = event.type.indexOf(".") < 0 && !event.exclusive;
+ if ( !all ) {
+ namespaces = event.type.split(".");
+ event.type = namespaces.shift();
+ namespace = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.slice(0).sort().join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)");
+ }
+ var events = jQuery.data(this, "events"), handlers = events[ event.type ];
+ if ( events && handlers ) {
+ // Clone the handlers to prevent manipulation
+ handlers = handlers.slice(0);
+ for ( var j = 0, l = handlers.length; j < l; j++ ) {
+ var handleObj = handlers[ j ];
+ // Filter the functions by class
+ if ( all || namespace.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
+ // Pass in a reference to the handler function itself
+ // So that we can later remove it
+ event.handler = handleObj.handler;
+ event.data = handleObj.data;
+ event.handleObj = handleObj;
+ var ret = handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments );
+ if ( ret !== undefined ) {
+ event.result = ret;
+ if ( ret === false ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return event.result;
+ },
+ props: "altKey attrChange attrName bubbles button cancelable charCode clientX clientY ctrlKey currentTarget data detail eventPhase fromElement handler keyCode layerX layerY metaKey newValue offsetX offsetY originalTarget pageX pageY prevValue relatedNode relatedTarget screenX screenY shiftKey srcElement target toElement view wheelDelta which".split(" "),
+ fix: function( event ) {
+ if ( event[ expando ] ) {
+ return event;
+ }
+ // store a copy of the original event object
+ // and "clone" to set read-only properties
+ var originalEvent = event;
+ event = jQuery.Event( originalEvent );
+ for ( var i = this.props.length, prop; i; ) {
+ prop = this.props[ --i ];
+ event[ prop ] = originalEvent[ prop ];
+ }
+ // Fix target property, if necessary
+ if ( !event.target ) {
+ event.target = event.srcElement || document; // Fixes #1925 where srcElement might not be defined either
+ }
+ // check if target is a textnode (safari)
+ if ( event.target.nodeType === 3 ) {
+ event.target = event.target.parentNode;
+ }
+ // Add relatedTarget, if necessary
+ if ( !event.relatedTarget && event.fromElement ) {
+ event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement === event.target ? event.toElement : event.fromElement;
+ }
+ // Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
+ if ( event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null ) {
+ var doc = document.documentElement, body = document.body;
+ event.pageX = event.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
+ event.pageY = event.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0);
+ }
+ // Add which for key events
+ if ( !event.which && ((event.charCode || event.charCode === 0) ? event.charCode : event.keyCode) ) {
+ event.which = event.charCode || event.keyCode;
+ }
+ // Add metaKey to non-Mac browsers (use ctrl for PC's and Meta for Macs)
+ if ( !event.metaKey && event.ctrlKey ) {
+ event.metaKey = event.ctrlKey;
+ }
+ // Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right
+ // Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
+ if ( !event.which && event.button !== undefined ) {
+ event.which = (event.button & 1 ? 1 : ( event.button & 2 ? 3 : ( event.button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ));
+ }
+ return event;
+ },
+ // Deprecated, use jQuery.guid instead
+ guid: 1E8,
+ // Deprecated, use jQuery.proxy instead
+ proxy: jQuery.proxy,
+ special: {
+ ready: {
+ // Make sure the ready event is setup
+ setup: jQuery.bindReady,
+ teardown: jQuery.noop
+ },
+ live: {
+ add: function( handleObj ) {
+ jQuery.event.add( this, handleObj.origType, jQuery.extend({}, handleObj, {handler: liveHandler}) );
+ },
+ remove: function( handleObj ) {
+ var remove = true,
+ type = handleObj.origType.replace(rnamespaces, "");
+ jQuery.each( jQuery.data(this, "events").live || [], function() {
+ if ( type === this.origType.replace(rnamespaces, "") ) {
+ remove = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ if ( remove ) {
+ jQuery.event.remove( this, handleObj.origType, liveHandler );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ beforeunload: {
+ setup: function( data, namespaces, eventHandle ) {
+ // We only want to do this special case on windows
+ if ( this.setInterval ) {
+ this.onbeforeunload = eventHandle;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ teardown: function( namespaces, eventHandle ) {
+ if ( this.onbeforeunload === eventHandle ) {
+ this.onbeforeunload = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+var removeEvent = document.removeEventListener ?
+ function( elem, type, handle ) {
+ elem.removeEventListener( type, handle, false );
+ } :
+ function( elem, type, handle ) {
+ elem.detachEvent( "on" + type, handle );
+ };
+jQuery.Event = function( src ) {
+ // Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword
+ if ( !this.preventDefault ) {
+ return new jQuery.Event( src );
+ }
+ // Event object
+ if ( src && src.type ) {
+ this.originalEvent = src;
+ this.type = src.type;
+ // Event type
+ } else {
+ this.type = src;
+ }
+ // timeStamp is buggy for some events on Firefox(#3843)
+ // So we won't rely on the native value
+ this.timeStamp = now();
+ // Mark it as fixed
+ this[ expando ] = true;
+function returnFalse() {
+ return false;
+function returnTrue() {
+ return true;
+// jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding
+// http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20030331/ecma-script-binding.html
+jQuery.Event.prototype = {
+ preventDefault: function() {
+ this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
+ var e = this.originalEvent;
+ if ( !e ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // if preventDefault exists run it on the original event
+ if ( e.preventDefault ) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ // otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE)
+ e.returnValue = false;
+ },
+ stopPropagation: function() {
+ this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+ var e = this.originalEvent;
+ if ( !e ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // if stopPropagation exists run it on the original event
+ if ( e.stopPropagation ) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ // otherwise set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true (IE)
+ e.cancelBubble = true;
+ },
+ stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
+ this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+ this.stopPropagation();
+ },
+ isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse,
+ isPropagationStopped: returnFalse,
+ isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse
+// Checks if an event happened on an element within another element
+// Used in jQuery.event.special.mouseenter and mouseleave handlers
+var withinElement = function( event ) {
+ // Check if mouse(over|out) are still within the same parent element
+ var parent = event.relatedTarget;
+ // Firefox sometimes assigns relatedTarget a XUL element
+ // which we cannot access the parentNode property of
+ try {
+ // Traverse up the tree
+ while ( parent && parent !== this ) {
+ parent = parent.parentNode;
+ }
+ if ( parent !== this ) {
+ // set the correct event type
+ event.type = event.data;
+ // handle event if we actually just moused on to a non sub-element
+ jQuery.event.handle.apply( this, arguments );
+ }
+ // assuming we've left the element since we most likely mousedover a xul element
+ } catch(e) { }
+// In case of event delegation, we only need to rename the event.type,
+// liveHandler will take care of the rest.
+delegate = function( event ) {
+ event.type = event.data;
+ jQuery.event.handle.apply( this, arguments );
+// Create mouseenter and mouseleave events
+ mouseenter: "mouseover",
+ mouseleave: "mouseout"
+}, function( orig, fix ) {
+ jQuery.event.special[ orig ] = {
+ setup: function( data ) {
+ jQuery.event.add( this, fix, data && data.selector ? delegate : withinElement, orig );
+ },
+ teardown: function( data ) {
+ jQuery.event.remove( this, fix, data && data.selector ? delegate : withinElement );
+ }
+ };
+// submit delegation
+if ( !jQuery.support.submitBubbles ) {
+ jQuery.event.special.submit = {
+ setup: function( data, namespaces ) {
+ if ( this.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "form" ) {
+ jQuery.event.add(this, "click.specialSubmit", function( e ) {
+ var elem = e.target, type = elem.type;
+ if ( (type === "submit" || type === "image") && jQuery( elem ).closest("form").length ) {
+ return trigger( "submit", this, arguments );
+ }
+ });
+ jQuery.event.add(this, "keypress.specialSubmit", function( e ) {
+ var elem = e.target, type = elem.type;
+ if ( (type === "text" || type === "password") && jQuery( elem ).closest("form").length && e.keyCode === 13 ) {
+ return trigger( "submit", this, arguments );
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ teardown: function( namespaces ) {
+ jQuery.event.remove( this, ".specialSubmit" );
+ }
+ };
+// change delegation, happens here so we have bind.
+if ( !jQuery.support.changeBubbles ) {
+ var formElems = /textarea|input|select/i,
+ changeFilters,
+ getVal = function( elem ) {
+ var type = elem.type, val = elem.value;
+ if ( type === "radio" || type === "checkbox" ) {
+ val = elem.checked;
+ } else if ( type === "select-multiple" ) {
+ val = elem.selectedIndex > -1 ?
+ jQuery.map( elem.options, function( elem ) {
+ return elem.selected;
+ }).join("-") :
+ "";
+ } else if ( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "select" ) {
+ val = elem.selectedIndex;
+ }
+ return val;
+ },
+ testChange = function testChange( e ) {
+ var elem = e.target, data, val;
+ if ( !formElems.test( elem.nodeName ) || elem.readOnly ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ data = jQuery.data( elem, "_change_data" );
+ val = getVal(elem);
+ // the current data will be also retrieved by beforeactivate
+ if ( e.type !== "focusout" || elem.type !== "radio" ) {
+ jQuery.data( elem, "_change_data", val );
+ }
+ if ( data === undefined || val === data ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( data != null || val ) {
+ e.type = "change";
+ return jQuery.event.trigger( e, arguments[1], elem );
+ }
+ };
+ jQuery.event.special.change = {
+ filters: {
+ focusout: testChange,
+ click: function( e ) {
+ var elem = e.target, type = elem.type;
+ if ( type === "radio" || type === "checkbox" || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "select" ) {
+ return testChange.call( this, e );
+ }
+ },
+ // Change has to be called before submit
+ // Keydown will be called before keypress, which is used in submit-event delegation
+ keydown: function( e ) {
+ var elem = e.target, type = elem.type;
+ if ( (e.keyCode === 13 && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "textarea") ||
+ (e.keyCode === 32 && (type === "checkbox" || type === "radio")) ||
+ type === "select-multiple" ) {
+ return testChange.call( this, e );
+ }
+ },
+ // Beforeactivate happens also before the previous element is blurred
+ // with this event you can't trigger a change event, but you can store
+ // information/focus[in] is not needed anymore
+ beforeactivate: function( e ) {
+ var elem = e.target;
+ jQuery.data( elem, "_change_data", getVal(elem) );
+ }
+ },
+ setup: function( data, namespaces ) {
+ if ( this.type === "file" ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for ( var type in changeFilters ) {
+ jQuery.event.add( this, type + ".specialChange", changeFilters[type] );
+ }
+ return formElems.test( this.nodeName );
+ },
+ teardown: function( namespaces ) {
+ jQuery.event.remove( this, ".specialChange" );
+ return formElems.test( this.nodeName );
+ }
+ };
+ changeFilters = jQuery.event.special.change.filters;
+function trigger( type, elem, args ) {
+ args[0].type = type;
+ return jQuery.event.handle.apply( elem, args );
+// Create "bubbling" focus and blur events
+if ( document.addEventListener ) {
+ jQuery.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function( orig, fix ) {
+ jQuery.event.special[ fix ] = {
+ setup: function() {
+ this.addEventListener( orig, handler, true );
+ },
+ teardown: function() {
+ this.removeEventListener( orig, handler, true );
+ }
+ };
+ function handler( e ) {
+ e = jQuery.event.fix( e );
+ e.type = fix;
+ return jQuery.event.handle.call( this, e );
+ }
+ });
+jQuery.each(["bind", "one"], function( i, name ) {
+ jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( type, data, fn ) {
+ // Handle object literals
+ if ( typeof type === "object" ) {
+ for ( var key in type ) {
+ this[ name ](key, data, type[key], fn);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
+ fn = data;
+ data = undefined;
+ }
+ var handler = name === "one" ? jQuery.proxy( fn, function( event ) {
+ jQuery( this ).unbind( event, handler );
+ return fn.apply( this, arguments );
+ }) : fn;
+ if ( type === "unload" && name !== "one" ) {
+ this.one( type, data, fn );
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ jQuery.event.add( this[i], type, handler, data );
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ unbind: function( type, fn ) {
+ // Handle object literals
+ if ( typeof type === "object" && !type.preventDefault ) {
+ for ( var key in type ) {
+ this.unbind(key, type[key]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ jQuery.event.remove( this[i], type, fn );
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ delegate: function( selector, types, data, fn ) {
+ return this.live( types, data, fn, selector );
+ },
+ undelegate: function( selector, types, fn ) {
+ if ( arguments.length === 0 ) {
+ return this.unbind( "live" );
+ } else {
+ return this.die( types, null, fn, selector );
+ }
+ },
+ trigger: function( type, data ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this );
+ });
+ },
+ triggerHandler: function( type, data ) {
+ if ( this[0] ) {
+ var event = jQuery.Event( type );
+ event.preventDefault();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, this[0] );
+ return event.result;
+ }
+ },
+ toggle: function( fn ) {
+ // Save reference to arguments for access in closure
+ var args = arguments, i = 1;
+ // link all the functions, so any of them can unbind this click handler
+ while ( i < args.length ) {
+ jQuery.proxy( fn, args[ i++ ] );
+ }
+ return this.click( jQuery.proxy( fn, function( event ) {
+ // Figure out which function to execute
+ var lastToggle = ( jQuery.data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid ) || 0 ) % i;
+ jQuery.data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid, lastToggle + 1 );
+ // Make sure that clicks stop
+ event.preventDefault();
+ // and execute the function
+ return args[ lastToggle ].apply( this, arguments ) || false;
+ }));
+ },
+ hover: function( fnOver, fnOut ) {
+ return this.mouseenter( fnOver ).mouseleave( fnOut || fnOver );
+ }
+var liveMap = {
+ focus: "focusin",
+ blur: "focusout",
+ mouseenter: "mouseover",
+ mouseleave: "mouseout"
+jQuery.each(["live", "die"], function( i, name ) {
+ jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( types, data, fn, origSelector /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
+ var type, i = 0, match, namespaces, preType,
+ selector = origSelector || this.selector,
+ context = origSelector ? this : jQuery( this.context );
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
+ fn = data;
+ data = undefined;
+ }
+ types = (types || "").split(" ");
+ while ( (type = types[ i++ ]) != null ) {
+ match = rnamespaces.exec( type );
+ namespaces = "";
+ if ( match ) {
+ namespaces = match[0];
+ type = type.replace( rnamespaces, "" );
+ }
+ if ( type === "hover" ) {
+ types.push( "mouseenter" + namespaces, "mouseleave" + namespaces );
+ continue;
+ }
+ preType = type;
+ if ( type === "focus" || type === "blur" ) {
+ types.push( liveMap[ type ] + namespaces );
+ type = type + namespaces;
+ } else {
+ type = (liveMap[ type ] || type) + namespaces;
+ }
+ if ( name === "live" ) {
+ // bind live handler
+ context.each(function(){
+ jQuery.event.add( this, liveConvert( type, selector ),
+ { data: data, selector: selector, handler: fn, origType: type, origHandler: fn, preType: preType } );
+ });
+ } else {
+ // unbind live handler
+ context.unbind( liveConvert( type, selector ), fn );
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+function liveHandler( event ) {
+ var stop, elems = [], selectors = [], args = arguments,
+ related, match, handleObj, elem, j, i, l, data,
+ events = jQuery.data( this, "events" );
+ // Make sure we avoid non-left-click bubbling in Firefox (#3861)
+ if ( event.liveFired === this || !events || !events.live || event.button && event.type === "click" ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ event.liveFired = this;
+ var live = events.live.slice(0);
+ for ( j = 0; j < live.length; j++ ) {
+ handleObj = live[j];
+ if ( handleObj.origType.replace( rnamespaces, "" ) === event.type ) {
+ selectors.push( handleObj.selector );
+ } else {
+ live.splice( j--, 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ match = jQuery( event.target ).closest( selectors, event.currentTarget );
+ for ( i = 0, l = match.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ for ( j = 0; j < live.length; j++ ) {
+ handleObj = live[j];
+ if ( match[i].selector === handleObj.selector ) {
+ elem = match[i].elem;
+ related = null;
+ // Those two events require additional checking
+ if ( handleObj.preType === "mouseenter" || handleObj.preType === "mouseleave" ) {
+ related = jQuery( event.relatedTarget ).closest( handleObj.selector )[0];
+ }
+ if ( !related || related !== elem ) {
+ elems.push({ elem: elem, handleObj: handleObj });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for ( i = 0, l = elems.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ match = elems[i];
+ event.currentTarget = match.elem;
+ event.data = match.handleObj.data;
+ event.handleObj = match.handleObj;
+ if ( match.handleObj.origHandler.apply( match.elem, args ) === false ) {
+ stop = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return stop;
+function liveConvert( type, selector ) {
+ return "live." + (type && type !== "*" ? type + "." : "") + selector.replace(/\./g, "`").replace(/ /g, "&");
+jQuery.each( ("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick " +
+ "mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave " +
+ "change select submit keydown keypress keyup error").split(" "), function( i, name ) {
+ // Handle event binding
+ jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( fn ) {
+ return fn ? this.bind( name, fn ) : this.trigger( name );
+ };
+ if ( jQuery.attrFn ) {
+ jQuery.attrFn[ name ] = true;
+ }
+// Prevent memory leaks in IE
+// Window isn't included so as not to unbind existing unload events
+// More info:
+// - http://isaacschlueter.com/2006/10/msie-memory-leaks/
+if ( window.attachEvent && !window.addEventListener ) {
+ window.attachEvent("onunload", function() {
+ for ( var id in jQuery.cache ) {
+ if ( jQuery.cache[ id ].handle ) {
+ // Try/Catch is to handle iframes being unloaded, see #4280
+ try {
+ jQuery.event.remove( jQuery.cache[ id ].handle.elem );
+ } catch(e) {}
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - v1.0
+ * Copyright 2009, The Dojo Foundation
+ * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
+ * More information: http://sizzlejs.com/
+ */
+var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g,
+ done = 0,
+ toString = Object.prototype.toString,
+ hasDuplicate = false,
+ baseHasDuplicate = true;
+// Here we check if the JavaScript engine is using some sort of
+// optimization where it does not always call our comparision
+// function. If that is the case, discard the hasDuplicate value.
+// Thus far that includes Google Chrome.
+[0, 0].sort(function(){
+ baseHasDuplicate = false;
+ return 0;
+var Sizzle = function(selector, context, results, seed) {
+ results = results || [];
+ var origContext = context = context || document;
+ if ( context.nodeType !== 1 && context.nodeType !== 9 ) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) {
+ return results;
+ }
+ var parts = [], m, set, checkSet, extra, prune = true, contextXML = isXML(context),
+ soFar = selector;
+ // Reset the position of the chunker regexp (start from head)
+ while ( (chunker.exec(""), m = chunker.exec(soFar)) !== null ) {
+ soFar = m[3];
+ parts.push( m[1] );
+ if ( m[2] ) {
+ extra = m[3];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( parts.length > 1 && origPOS.exec( selector ) ) {
+ if ( parts.length === 2 && Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ) {
+ set = posProcess( parts[0] + parts[1], context );
+ } else {
+ set = Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ?
+ [ context ] :
+ Sizzle( parts.shift(), context );
+ while ( parts.length ) {
+ selector = parts.shift();
+ if ( Expr.relative[ selector ] ) {
+ selector += parts.shift();
+ }
+ set = posProcess( selector, set );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID
+ // (but not if it'll be faster if the inner selector is an ID)
+ if ( !seed && parts.length > 1 && context.nodeType === 9 && !contextXML &&
+ Expr.match.ID.test(parts[0]) && !Expr.match.ID.test(parts[parts.length - 1]) ) {
+ var ret = Sizzle.find( parts.shift(), context, contextXML );
+ context = ret.expr ? Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set )[0] : ret.set[0];
+ }
+ if ( context ) {
+ var ret = seed ?
+ { expr: parts.pop(), set: makeArray(seed) } :
+ Sizzle.find( parts.pop(), parts.length === 1 && (parts[0] === "~" || parts[0] === "+") && context.parentNode ? context.parentNode : context, contextXML );
+ set = ret.expr ? Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set ) : ret.set;
+ if ( parts.length > 0 ) {
+ checkSet = makeArray(set);
+ } else {
+ prune = false;
+ }
+ while ( parts.length ) {
+ var cur = parts.pop(), pop = cur;
+ if ( !Expr.relative[ cur ] ) {
+ cur = "";
+ } else {
+ pop = parts.pop();
+ }
+ if ( pop == null ) {
+ pop = context;
+ }
+ Expr.relative[ cur ]( checkSet, pop, contextXML );
+ }
+ } else {
+ checkSet = parts = [];
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !checkSet ) {
+ checkSet = set;
+ }
+ if ( !checkSet ) {
+ Sizzle.error( cur || selector );
+ }
+ if ( toString.call(checkSet) === "[object Array]" ) {
+ if ( !prune ) {
+ results.push.apply( results, checkSet );
+ } else if ( context && context.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( checkSet[i] && (checkSet[i] === true || checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 && contains(context, checkSet[i])) ) {
+ results.push( set[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( checkSet[i] && checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+ results.push( set[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ makeArray( checkSet, results );
+ }
+ if ( extra ) {
+ Sizzle( extra, origContext, results, seed );
+ Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );
+ }
+ return results;
+Sizzle.uniqueSort = function(results){
+ if ( sortOrder ) {
+ hasDuplicate = baseHasDuplicate;
+ results.sort(sortOrder);
+ if ( hasDuplicate ) {
+ for ( var i = 1; i < results.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( results[i] === results[i-1] ) {
+ results.splice(i--, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+Sizzle.matches = function(expr, set){
+ return Sizzle(expr, null, null, set);
+Sizzle.find = function(expr, context, isXML){
+ var set, match;
+ if ( !expr ) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, l = Expr.order.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var type = Expr.order[i], match;
+ if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) ) {
+ var left = match[1];
+ match.splice(1,1);
+ if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) !== "\\" ) {
+ match[1] = (match[1] || "").replace(/\\/g, "");
+ set = Expr.find[ type ]( match, context, isXML );
+ if ( set != null ) {
+ expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !set ) {
+ set = context.getElementsByTagName("*");
+ }
+ return {set: set, expr: expr};
+Sizzle.filter = function(expr, set, inplace, not){
+ var old = expr, result = [], curLoop = set, match, anyFound,
+ isXMLFilter = set && set[0] && isXML(set[0]);
+ while ( expr && set.length ) {
+ for ( var type in Expr.filter ) {
+ if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) != null && match[2] ) {
+ var filter = Expr.filter[ type ], found, item, left = match[1];
+ anyFound = false;
+ match.splice(1,1);
+ if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) === "\\" ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( curLoop === result ) {
+ result = [];
+ }
+ if ( Expr.preFilter[ type ] ) {
+ match = Expr.preFilter[ type ]( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXMLFilter );
+ if ( !match ) {
+ anyFound = found = true;
+ } else if ( match === true ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( match ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; (item = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( item ) {
+ found = filter( item, match, i, curLoop );
+ var pass = not ^ !!found;
+ if ( inplace && found != null ) {
+ if ( pass ) {
+ anyFound = true;
+ } else {
+ curLoop[i] = false;
+ }
+ } else if ( pass ) {
+ result.push( item );
+ anyFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( found !== undefined ) {
+ if ( !inplace ) {
+ curLoop = result;
+ }
+ expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
+ if ( !anyFound ) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Improper expression
+ if ( expr === old ) {
+ if ( anyFound == null ) {
+ Sizzle.error( expr );
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ old = expr;
+ }
+ return curLoop;
+Sizzle.error = function( msg ) {
+ throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg;
+var Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
+ order: [ "ID", "NAME", "TAG" ],
+ match: {
+ ID: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)/,
+ CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)/,
+ NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,
+ ATTR: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(['"]*)(.*?)\3|)\s*\]/,
+ TAG: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*-]|\\.)+)/,
+ CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\((even|odd|[\dn+-]*)\))?/,
+ POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^-]|$)/,
+ PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]?)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/
+ },
+ leftMatch: {},
+ attrMap: {
+ "class": "className",
+ "for": "htmlFor"
+ },
+ attrHandle: {
+ href: function(elem){
+ return elem.getAttribute("href");
+ }
+ },
+ relative: {
+ "+": function(checkSet, part){
+ var isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
+ isTag = isPartStr && !/\W/.test(part),
+ isPartStrNotTag = isPartStr && !isTag;
+ if ( isTag ) {
+ part = part.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length, elem; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( (elem = checkSet[i]) ) {
+ while ( (elem = elem.previousSibling) && elem.nodeType !== 1 ) {}
+ checkSet[i] = isPartStrNotTag || elem && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ?
+ elem || false :
+ elem === part;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( isPartStrNotTag ) {
+ Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
+ }
+ },
+ ">": function(checkSet, part){
+ var isPartStr = typeof part === "string";
+ if ( isPartStr && !/\W/.test(part) ) {
+ part = part.toLowerCase();
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ var parent = elem.parentNode;
+ checkSet[i] = parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ? parent : false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ checkSet[i] = isPartStr ?
+ elem.parentNode :
+ elem.parentNode === part;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( isPartStr ) {
+ Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
+ var doneName = done++, checkFn = dirCheck;
+ if ( typeof part === "string" && !/\W/.test(part) ) {
+ var nodeCheck = part = part.toLowerCase();
+ checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
+ }
+ checkFn("parentNode", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML);
+ },
+ "~": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
+ var doneName = done++, checkFn = dirCheck;
+ if ( typeof part === "string" && !/\W/.test(part) ) {
+ var nodeCheck = part = part.toLowerCase();
+ checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
+ }
+ checkFn("previousSibling", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML);
+ }
+ },
+ find: {
+ ID: function(match, context, isXML){
+ if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+ var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
+ return m ? [m] : [];
+ }
+ },
+ NAME: function(match, context){
+ if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== "undefined" ) {
+ var ret = [], results = context.getElementsByName(match[1]);
+ for ( var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( results[i].getAttribute("name") === match[1] ) {
+ ret.push( results[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ return ret.length === 0 ? null : ret;
+ }
+ },
+ TAG: function(match, context){
+ return context.getElementsByTagName(match[1]);
+ }
+ },
+ preFilter: {
+ CLASS: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML){
+ match = " " + match[1].replace(/\\/g, "") + " ";
+ if ( isXML ) {
+ return match;
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( elem ) {
+ if ( not ^ (elem.className && (" " + elem.className + " ").replace(/[\t\n]/g, " ").indexOf(match) >= 0) ) {
+ if ( !inplace ) {
+ result.push( elem );
+ }
+ } else if ( inplace ) {
+ curLoop[i] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ID: function(match){
+ return match[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
+ },
+ TAG: function(match, curLoop){
+ return match[1].toLowerCase();
+ },
+ CHILD: function(match){
+ if ( match[1] === "nth" ) {
+ // parse equations like 'even', 'odd', '5', '2n', '3n+2', '4n-1', '-n+6'
+ var test = /(-?)(\d*)n((?:\+|-)?\d*)/.exec(
+ match[2] === "even" && "2n" || match[2] === "odd" && "2n+1" ||
+ !/\D/.test( match[2] ) && "0n+" + match[2] || match[2]);
+ // calculate the numbers (first)n+(last) including if they are negative
+ match[2] = (test[1] + (test[2] || 1)) - 0;
+ match[3] = test[3] - 0;
+ }
+ // TODO: Move to normal caching system
+ match[0] = done++;
+ return match;
+ },
+ ATTR: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML){
+ var name = match[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
+ if ( !isXML && Expr.attrMap[name] ) {
+ match[1] = Expr.attrMap[name];
+ }
+ if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
+ match[4] = " " + match[4] + " ";
+ }
+ return match;
+ },
+ PSEUDO: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not){
+ if ( match[1] === "not" ) {
+ // If we're dealing with a complex expression, or a simple one
+ if ( ( chunker.exec(match[3]) || "" ).length > 1 || /^\w/.test(match[3]) ) {
+ match[3] = Sizzle(match[3], null, null, curLoop);
+ } else {
+ var ret = Sizzle.filter(match[3], curLoop, inplace, true ^ not);
+ if ( !inplace ) {
+ result.push.apply( result, ret );
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if ( Expr.match.POS.test( match[0] ) || Expr.match.CHILD.test( match[0] ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return match;
+ },
+ POS: function(match){
+ match.unshift( true );
+ return match;
+ }
+ },
+ filters: {
+ enabled: function(elem){
+ return elem.disabled === false && elem.type !== "hidden";
+ },
+ disabled: function(elem){
+ return elem.disabled === true;
+ },
+ checked: function(elem){
+ return elem.checked === true;
+ },
+ selected: function(elem){
+ // Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
+ // options in Safari work properly
+ elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+ return elem.selected === true;
+ },
+ parent: function(elem){
+ return !!elem.firstChild;
+ },
+ empty: function(elem){
+ return !elem.firstChild;
+ },
+ has: function(elem, i, match){
+ return !!Sizzle( match[3], elem ).length;
+ },
+ header: function(elem){
+ return /h\d/i.test( elem.nodeName );
+ },
+ text: function(elem){
+ return "text" === elem.type;
+ },
+ radio: function(elem){
+ return "radio" === elem.type;
+ },
+ checkbox: function(elem){
+ return "checkbox" === elem.type;
+ },
+ file: function(elem){
+ return "file" === elem.type;
+ },
+ password: function(elem){
+ return "password" === elem.type;
+ },
+ submit: function(elem){
+ return "submit" === elem.type;
+ },
+ image: function(elem){
+ return "image" === elem.type;
+ },
+ reset: function(elem){
+ return "reset" === elem.type;
+ },
+ button: function(elem){
+ return "button" === elem.type || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "button";
+ },
+ input: function(elem){
+ return /input|select|textarea|button/i.test(elem.nodeName);
+ }
+ },
+ setFilters: {
+ first: function(elem, i){
+ return i === 0;
+ },
+ last: function(elem, i, match, array){
+ return i === array.length - 1;
+ },
+ even: function(elem, i){
+ return i % 2 === 0;
+ },
+ odd: function(elem, i){
+ return i % 2 === 1;
+ },
+ lt: function(elem, i, match){
+ return i < match[3] - 0;
+ },
+ gt: function(elem, i, match){
+ return i > match[3] - 0;
+ },
+ nth: function(elem, i, match){
+ return match[3] - 0 === i;
+ },
+ eq: function(elem, i, match){
+ return match[3] - 0 === i;
+ }
+ },
+ filter: {
+ PSEUDO: function(elem, match, i, array){
+ var name = match[1], filter = Expr.filters[ name ];
+ if ( filter ) {
+ return filter( elem, i, match, array );
+ } else if ( name === "contains" ) {
+ return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText([ elem ]) || "").indexOf(match[3]) >= 0;
+ } else if ( name === "not" ) {
+ var not = match[3];
+ for ( var i = 0, l = not.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( not[i] === elem ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ Sizzle.error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + name );
+ }
+ },
+ CHILD: function(elem, match){
+ var type = match[1], node = elem;
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'only':
+ case 'first':
+ while ( (node = node.previousSibling) ) {
+ if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( type === "first" ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ node = elem;
+ case 'last':
+ while ( (node = node.nextSibling) ) {
+ if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ case 'nth':
+ var first = match[2], last = match[3];
+ if ( first === 1 && last === 0 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ var doneName = match[0],
+ parent = elem.parentNode;
+ if ( parent && (parent.sizcache !== doneName || !elem.nodeIndex) ) {
+ var count = 0;
+ for ( node = parent.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling ) {
+ if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ node.nodeIndex = ++count;
+ }
+ }
+ parent.sizcache = doneName;
+ }
+ var diff = elem.nodeIndex - last;
+ if ( first === 0 ) {
+ return diff === 0;
+ } else {
+ return ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ID: function(elem, match){
+ return elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.getAttribute("id") === match;
+ },
+ TAG: function(elem, match){
+ return (match === "*" && elem.nodeType === 1) || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === match;
+ },
+ CLASS: function(elem, match){
+ return (" " + (elem.className || elem.getAttribute("class")) + " ")
+ .indexOf( match ) > -1;
+ },
+ ATTR: function(elem, match){
+ var name = match[1],
+ result = Expr.attrHandle[ name ] ?
+ Expr.attrHandle[ name ]( elem ) :
+ elem[ name ] != null ?
+ elem[ name ] :
+ elem.getAttribute( name ),
+ value = result + "",
+ type = match[2],
+ check = match[4];
+ return result == null ?
+ type === "!=" :
+ type === "=" ?
+ value === check :
+ type === "*=" ?
+ value.indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+ type === "~=" ?
+ (" " + value + " ").indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+ !check ?
+ value && result !== false :
+ type === "!=" ?
+ value !== check :
+ type === "^=" ?
+ value.indexOf(check) === 0 :
+ type === "$=" ?
+ value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check :
+ type === "|=" ?
+ value === check || value.substr(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" :
+ false;
+ },
+ POS: function(elem, match, i, array){
+ var name = match[2], filter = Expr.setFilters[ name ];
+ if ( filter ) {
+ return filter( elem, i, match, array );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+var origPOS = Expr.match.POS;
+for ( var type in Expr.match ) {
+ Expr.match[ type ] = new RegExp( Expr.match[ type ].source + /(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source );
+ Expr.leftMatch[ type ] = new RegExp( /(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + Expr.match[ type ].source.replace(/\\(\d+)/g, function(all, num){
+ return "\\" + (num - 0 + 1);
+ }));
+var makeArray = function(array, results) {
+ array = Array.prototype.slice.call( array, 0 );
+ if ( results ) {
+ results.push.apply( results, array );
+ return results;
+ }
+ return array;
+// Perform a simple check to determine if the browser is capable of
+// converting a NodeList to an array using builtin methods.
+// Also verifies that the returned array holds DOM nodes
+// (which is not the case in the Blackberry browser)
+try {
+ Array.prototype.slice.call( document.documentElement.childNodes, 0 )[0].nodeType;
+// Provide a fallback method if it does not work
+} catch(e){
+ makeArray = function(array, results) {
+ var ret = results || [];
+ if ( toString.call(array) === "[object Array]" ) {
+ Array.prototype.push.apply( ret, array );
+ } else {
+ if ( typeof array.length === "number" ) {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ ret.push( array[i] );
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0; array[i]; i++ ) {
+ ret.push( array[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+var sortOrder;
+if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) {
+ sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+ if ( !a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ) {
+ if ( a == b ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ var ret = a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : a === b ? 0 : 1;
+ if ( ret === 0 ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+} else if ( "sourceIndex" in document.documentElement ) {
+ sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+ if ( !a.sourceIndex || !b.sourceIndex ) {
+ if ( a == b ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return a.sourceIndex ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ var ret = a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
+ if ( ret === 0 ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+} else if ( document.createRange ) {
+ sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+ if ( !a.ownerDocument || !b.ownerDocument ) {
+ if ( a == b ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return a.ownerDocument ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ var aRange = a.ownerDocument.createRange(), bRange = b.ownerDocument.createRange();
+ aRange.setStart(a, 0);
+ aRange.setEnd(a, 0);
+ bRange.setStart(b, 0);
+ bRange.setEnd(b, 0);
+ var ret = aRange.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_END, bRange);
+ if ( ret === 0 ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+// Utility function for retreiving the text value of an array of DOM nodes
+function getText( elems ) {
+ var ret = "", elem;
+ for ( var i = 0; elems[i]; i++ ) {
+ elem = elems[i];
+ // Get the text from text nodes and CDATA nodes
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 4 ) {
+ ret += elem.nodeValue;
+ // Traverse everything else, except comment nodes
+ } else if ( elem.nodeType !== 8 ) {
+ ret += getText( elem.childNodes );
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+// Check to see if the browser returns elements by name when
+// querying by getElementById (and provide a workaround)
+ // We're going to inject a fake input element with a specified name
+ var form = document.createElement("div"),
+ id = "script" + (new Date).getTime();
+ form.innerHTML = "";
+ // Inject it into the root element, check its status, and remove it quickly
+ var root = document.documentElement;
+ root.insertBefore( form, root.firstChild );
+ // The workaround has to do additional checks after a getElementById
+ // Which slows things down for other browsers (hence the branching)
+ if ( document.getElementById( id ) ) {
+ Expr.find.ID = function(match, context, isXML){
+ if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+ var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
+ return m ? m.id === match[1] || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && m.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === match[1] ? [m] : undefined : [];
+ }
+ };
+ Expr.filter.ID = function(elem, match){
+ var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
+ return elem.nodeType === 1 && node && node.nodeValue === match;
+ };
+ }
+ root.removeChild( form );
+ root = form = null; // release memory in IE
+ // Check to see if the browser returns only elements
+ // when doing getElementsByTagName("*")
+ // Create a fake element
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.appendChild( document.createComment("") );
+ // Make sure no comments are found
+ if ( div.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0 ) {
+ Expr.find.TAG = function(match, context){
+ var results = context.getElementsByTagName(match[1]);
+ // Filter out possible comments
+ if ( match[1] === "*" ) {
+ var tmp = [];
+ for ( var i = 0; results[i]; i++ ) {
+ if ( results[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+ tmp.push( results[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ results = tmp;
+ }
+ return results;
+ };
+ }
+ // Check to see if an attribute returns normalized href attributes
+ div.innerHTML = "";
+ if ( div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" &&
+ div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#" ) {
+ Expr.attrHandle.href = function(elem){
+ return elem.getAttribute("href", 2);
+ };
+ }
+ div = null; // release memory in IE
+if ( document.querySelectorAll ) {
+ (function(){
+ var oldSizzle = Sizzle, div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.innerHTML = "";
+ // Safari can't handle uppercase or unicode characters when
+ // in quirks mode.
+ if ( div.querySelectorAll && div.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Sizzle = function(query, context, extra, seed){
+ context = context || document;
+ // Only use querySelectorAll on non-XML documents
+ // (ID selectors don't work in non-HTML documents)
+ if ( !seed && context.nodeType === 9 && !isXML(context) ) {
+ try {
+ return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll(query), extra );
+ } catch(e){}
+ }
+ return oldSizzle(query, context, extra, seed);
+ };
+ for ( var prop in oldSizzle ) {
+ Sizzle[ prop ] = oldSizzle[ prop ];
+ }
+ div = null; // release memory in IE
+ })();
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.innerHTML = "";
+ // Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6)
+ // Also, make sure that getElementsByClassName actually exists
+ if ( !div.getElementsByClassName || div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Safari caches class attributes, doesn't catch changes (in 3.2)
+ div.lastChild.className = "e";
+ if ( div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Expr.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS");
+ Expr.find.CLASS = function(match, context, isXML) {
+ if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+ return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]);
+ }
+ };
+ div = null; // release memory in IE
+function dirNodeCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ var match = false;
+ while ( elem ) {
+ if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) {
+ match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !isXML ){
+ elem.sizcache = doneName;
+ elem.sizset = i;
+ }
+ if ( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === cur ) {
+ match = elem;
+ break;
+ }
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ }
+ checkSet[i] = match;
+ }
+ }
+function dirCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ var match = false;
+ while ( elem ) {
+ if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) {
+ match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ if ( !isXML ) {
+ elem.sizcache = doneName;
+ elem.sizset = i;
+ }
+ if ( typeof cur !== "string" ) {
+ if ( elem === cur ) {
+ match = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if ( Sizzle.filter( cur, [elem] ).length > 0 ) {
+ match = elem;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ }
+ checkSet[i] = match;
+ }
+ }
+var contains = document.compareDocumentPosition ? function(a, b){
+ return !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16);
+} : function(a, b){
+ return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true);
+var isXML = function(elem){
+ // documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist
+ // (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833)
+ var documentElement = (elem ? elem.ownerDocument || elem : 0).documentElement;
+ return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false;
+var posProcess = function(selector, context){
+ var tmpSet = [], later = "", match,
+ root = context.nodeType ? [context] : context;
+ // Position selectors must be done after the filter
+ // And so must :not(positional) so we move all PSEUDOs to the end
+ while ( (match = Expr.match.PSEUDO.exec( selector )) ) {
+ later += match[0];
+ selector = selector.replace( Expr.match.PSEUDO, "" );
+ }
+ selector = Expr.relative[selector] ? selector + "*" : selector;
+ for ( var i = 0, l = root.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ Sizzle( selector, root[i], tmpSet );
+ }
+ return Sizzle.filter( later, tmpSet );
+jQuery.find = Sizzle;
+jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors;
+jQuery.expr[":"] = jQuery.expr.filters;
+jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort;
+jQuery.text = getText;
+jQuery.isXMLDoc = isXML;
+jQuery.contains = contains;
+window.Sizzle = Sizzle;
+var runtil = /Until$/,
+ rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prevUntil|prevAll)/,
+ // Note: This RegExp should be improved, or likely pulled from Sizzle
+ rmultiselector = /,/,
+ slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+// Implement the identical functionality for filter and not
+var winnow = function( elements, qualifier, keep ) {
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( qualifier ) ) {
+ return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
+ return !!qualifier.call( elem, i, elem ) === keep;
+ });
+ } else if ( qualifier.nodeType ) {
+ return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
+ return (elem === qualifier) === keep;
+ });
+ } else if ( typeof qualifier === "string" ) {
+ var filtered = jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem ) {
+ return elem.nodeType === 1;
+ });
+ if ( isSimple.test( qualifier ) ) {
+ return jQuery.filter(qualifier, filtered, !keep);
+ } else {
+ qualifier = jQuery.filter( qualifier, filtered );
+ }
+ }
+ return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
+ return (jQuery.inArray( elem, qualifier ) >= 0) === keep;
+ });
+ find: function( selector ) {
+ var ret = this.pushStack( "", "find", selector ), length = 0;
+ for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ length = ret.length;
+ jQuery.find( selector, this[i], ret );
+ if ( i > 0 ) {
+ // Make sure that the results are unique
+ for ( var n = length; n < ret.length; n++ ) {
+ for ( var r = 0; r < length; r++ ) {
+ if ( ret[r] === ret[n] ) {
+ ret.splice(n--, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ has: function( target ) {
+ var targets = jQuery( target );
+ return this.filter(function() {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = targets.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( jQuery.contains( this, targets[i] ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ not: function( selector ) {
+ return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, false), "not", selector);
+ },
+ filter: function( selector ) {
+ return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, true), "filter", selector );
+ },
+ is: function( selector ) {
+ return !!selector && jQuery.filter( selector, this ).length > 0;
+ },
+ closest: function( selectors, context ) {
+ if ( jQuery.isArray( selectors ) ) {
+ var ret = [], cur = this[0], match, matches = {}, selector;
+ if ( cur && selectors.length ) {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = selectors.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ selector = selectors[i];
+ if ( !matches[selector] ) {
+ matches[selector] = jQuery.expr.match.POS.test( selector ) ?
+ jQuery( selector, context || this.context ) :
+ selector;
+ }
+ }
+ while ( cur && cur.ownerDocument && cur !== context ) {
+ for ( selector in matches ) {
+ match = matches[selector];
+ if ( match.jquery ? match.index(cur) > -1 : jQuery(cur).is(match) ) {
+ ret.push({ selector: selector, elem: cur });
+ delete matches[selector];
+ }
+ }
+ cur = cur.parentNode;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ var pos = jQuery.expr.match.POS.test( selectors ) ?
+ jQuery( selectors, context || this.context ) : null;
+ return this.map(function( i, cur ) {
+ while ( cur && cur.ownerDocument && cur !== context ) {
+ if ( pos ? pos.index(cur) > -1 : jQuery(cur).is(selectors) ) {
+ return cur;
+ }
+ cur = cur.parentNode;
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ },
+ // Determine the position of an element within
+ // the matched set of elements
+ index: function( elem ) {
+ if ( !elem || typeof elem === "string" ) {
+ return jQuery.inArray( this[0],
+ // If it receives a string, the selector is used
+ // If it receives nothing, the siblings are used
+ elem ? jQuery( elem ) : this.parent().children() );
+ }
+ // Locate the position of the desired element
+ return jQuery.inArray(
+ // If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used
+ elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem, this );
+ },
+ add: function( selector, context ) {
+ var set = typeof selector === "string" ?
+ jQuery( selector, context || this.context ) :
+ jQuery.makeArray( selector ),
+ all = jQuery.merge( this.get(), set );
+ return this.pushStack( isDisconnected( set[0] ) || isDisconnected( all[0] ) ?
+ all :
+ jQuery.unique( all ) );
+ },
+ andSelf: function() {
+ return this.add( this.prevObject );
+ }
+// A painfully simple check to see if an element is disconnected
+// from a document (should be improved, where feasible).
+function isDisconnected( node ) {
+ return !node || !node.parentNode || node.parentNode.nodeType === 11;
+ parent: function( elem ) {
+ var parent = elem.parentNode;
+ return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null;
+ },
+ parents: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode" );
+ },
+ parentsUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
+ return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode", until );
+ },
+ next: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "nextSibling" );
+ },
+ prev: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "previousSibling" );
+ },
+ nextAll: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling" );
+ },
+ prevAll: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling" );
+ },
+ nextUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
+ return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling", until );
+ },
+ prevUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
+ return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling", until );
+ },
+ siblings: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.sibling( elem.parentNode.firstChild, elem );
+ },
+ children: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.sibling( elem.firstChild );
+ },
+ contents: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "iframe" ) ?
+ elem.contentDocument || elem.contentWindow.document :
+ jQuery.makeArray( elem.childNodes );
+ }
+}, function( name, fn ) {
+ jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( until, selector ) {
+ var ret = jQuery.map( this, fn, until );
+ if ( !runtil.test( name ) ) {
+ selector = until;
+ }
+ if ( selector && typeof selector === "string" ) {
+ ret = jQuery.filter( selector, ret );
+ }
+ ret = this.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret;
+ if ( (this.length > 1 || rmultiselector.test( selector )) && rparentsprev.test( name ) ) {
+ ret = ret.reverse();
+ }
+ return this.pushStack( ret, name, slice.call(arguments).join(",") );
+ };
+ filter: function( expr, elems, not ) {
+ if ( not ) {
+ expr = ":not(" + expr + ")";
+ }
+ return jQuery.find.matches(expr, elems);
+ },
+ dir: function( elem, dir, until ) {
+ var matched = [], cur = elem[dir];
+ while ( cur && cur.nodeType !== 9 && (until === undefined || cur.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery( cur ).is( until )) ) {
+ if ( cur.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ matched.push( cur );
+ }
+ cur = cur[dir];
+ }
+ return matched;
+ },
+ nth: function( cur, result, dir, elem ) {
+ result = result || 1;
+ var num = 0;
+ for ( ; cur; cur = cur[dir] ) {
+ if ( cur.nodeType === 1 && ++num === result ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return cur;
+ },
+ sibling: function( n, elem ) {
+ var r = [];
+ for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) {
+ if ( n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem ) {
+ r.push( n );
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+var rinlinejQuery = / jQuery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g,
+ rleadingWhitespace = /^\s+/,
+ rxhtmlTag = /(<([\w:]+)[^>]*?)\/>/g,
+ rselfClosing = /^(?:area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)$/i,
+ rtagName = /<([\w:]+)/,
+ rtbody = /" + tag + ">";
+ },
+ wrapMap = {
+ option: [ 1, "" ],
+ legend: [ 1, "" ],
+ thead: [ 1, "" ],
+ tr: [ 2, "" ],
+ td: [ 3, "" ],
+ col: [ 2, "" ],
+ area: [ 1, "" ],
+ _default: [ 0, "", "" ]
+ };
+wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option;
+wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead;
+wrapMap.th = wrapMap.td;
+// IE can't serialize and
+ end
+ def javascript_include_tag_with_jquery(*source)
+ if source.first == :jrails
+ javascripts = []
+ if JRails.google?
+ javascripts \
+ << javascript_include_tag_without_jquery(JRails.jquery_path) \
+ << javascript_include_tag_without_jquery(JRails.jqueryui_path) \
+ << javascript_include_tag_without_jquery(JRails.jqueryui_i18n_path) \
+ end
+ javascripts << javascript_include_tag_without_jquery(*source)
+ javascripts << yield_authenticity_javascript if protect_against_forgery?
+ javascripts.join("\n")
+ else
+ javascript_include_tag_without_jquery(*source)
+ end
+ end
+ alias_method_chain :javascript_include_tag, :jquery
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails/jquery_selector_assertions.rb b/vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails/jquery_selector_assertions.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c64126420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails/jquery_selector_assertions.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# jQuery Selector Assertions (modifications to the prototype/scriptaculous assertions)
+# From http://pastie.org/303776
+# 1. Make sure to use '#' prefix when referring to element IDs in assert_select_rjs(),
+# like this:
+# assert_select_rjs :replace_html, '#someid'
+# instead of prototype convention:
+# assert_select_rjs :replace_html, 'someid'
+# We monkey-patch some RJS-matching constants for assert_select_rjs to work
+# with jQuery-based code as opposed to Prototype's:
+module JRails
+ module SelectorAssertions
+ def self.included(base)
+ self.constants.each do |cnst|
+ if base.const_defined? cnst
+ base.send(:remove_const,cnst)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ silence_warnings do
+ RJS_PATTERN_HTML = "\"((\\\\\"|[^\"])*)\""
+ RJS_ANY_ID = "[\"']([^\"])*[\"']"
+ :chained_replace => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.replaceWith\\(#{RJS_PATTERN_HTML}\\)",
+ :chained_replace_html => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.updateWith\\(#{RJS_PATTERN_HTML}\\)",
+ :replace_html => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.html\\(#{RJS_PATTERN_HTML}\\)",
+ :replace => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.replaceWith\\(#{RJS_PATTERN_HTML}\\)",
+ :insert_top => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.prepend\\(#{RJS_PATTERN_HTML}\\)",
+ :insert_bottom => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.append\\(#{RJS_PATTERN_HTML}\\)",
+ :effect => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.effect\\(",
+ :highlight => "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.effect\\('highlight'"
+ }
+ [:remove, :show, :hide, :toggle, :reset ].each do |action|
+ RJS_STATEMENTS[action] = "\(jQuery|$\)\\(#{RJS_ANY_ID}\\)\\.#{action}\\(\\)"
+ end
+ RJS_STATEMENTS[:any] = Regexp.new("(#{RJS_STATEMENTS.values.join('|')})")
+ end
+ end
+if (defined? ActionController::Assertions)
+ module ActionController::Assertions::SelectorAssertions
+ include JRails::SelectorAssertions
+ end
+ module ActionDispatch::Assertions::SelectorAssertions
+ include JRails::SelectorAssertions
+ end
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails/jrails.rb b/vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails/jrails.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4e28d6ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails/jrails.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+class JRails
+ @@config = {
+ :google => false,
+ :jquery_version => "1.4.2",
+ :jqueryui_version => "1.8.4",
+ :compressed => true
+ }
+ def self.load_config
+ config_file = File.join(Rails.root, "config", "jrails.yml")
+ if File.exist? config_file
+ loaded_config = YAML.load_file(config_file)
+ if loaded_config and loaded_config.key? Rails.env
+ @@config.merge!(loaded_config[Rails.env].symbolize_keys)
+ if google?
+ @@jquery_path = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/#{@@config[:jquery_version]}/jquery#{".min" if compressed?}.js"
+ @@jqueryui_path = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/#{@@config[:jqueryui_version]}/jquery-ui#{".min" if compressed?}.js"
+ @@jqueryui_i18n_path = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/#{@@config[:jqueryui_version]}/i18n/jquery-ui-i18n#{".min" if compressed?}.js"
+ end
+ else
+ raise Exception.new "Failed finding '#{Rails.env}' environment in config. check your 'config/jrails.yml' or delete that file "
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def self.config ; @@config ; end
+ def self.google? ; @@config[:google] ; end
+ def self.compressed? ; @@config[:compressed] ; end
+ def self.jquery_path ; @@jquery_path ; end
+ def self.jqueryui_path ; @@jqueryui_path ; end
+ def self.jqueryui_i18n_path ; @@jqueryui_i18n_path ; end
+module ActionView
+ module Helpers
+ module JavaScriptHelper
+ # This function can be used to render rjs inline
+ #
+ # <%= javascript_function do |page|
+ # page.replace_html :list, :partial => 'list', :object => @list
+ # end %>
+ #
+ def javascript_function(*args, &block)
+ html_options = args.extract_options!
+ function = args[0] || ''
+ html_options.symbolize_keys!
+ function = update_page(&block) if block_given?
+ javascript_tag(function)
+ end
+ def jquery_id(id)
+ id.to_s.count('#.*,>+~:[/ ') == 0 ? "##{id}" : id
+ end
+ def jquery_ids(ids)
+ Array(ids).map{|id| jquery_id(id)}.join(',')
+ end
+ end
+ module PrototypeHelper
+ unless const_defined? :JQUERY_VAR
+ JQUERY_VAR = 'jQuery'
+ end
+ unless const_defined? :JQCALLBACKS
+ JQCALLBACKS = Set.new([ :beforeSend, :complete, :error, :success ] + (100..599).to_a)
+ #instance_eval { remove_const :AJAX_OPTIONS }
+ remove_const(:AJAX_OPTIONS) if const_defined?(:AJAX_OPTIONS)
+ AJAX_OPTIONS = Set.new([ :before, :after, :condition, :url,
+ :asynchronous, :method, :insertion, :position,
+ :form, :with, :update, :script ]).merge(JQCALLBACKS)
+ end
+ def periodically_call_remote(options = {})
+ frequency = options[:frequency] || 10 # every ten seconds by default
+ code = "setInterval(function() {#{remote_function(options)}}, #{frequency} * 1000)"
+ javascript_tag(code)
+ end
+ def remote_function(options)
+ javascript_options = options_for_ajax(options)
+ update = ''
+ if options[:update] && options[:update].is_a?(Hash)
+ update = []
+ update << "success:'#{options[:update][:success]}'" if options[:update][:success]
+ update << "failure:'#{options[:update][:failure]}'" if options[:update][:failure]
+ update = '{' + update.join(',') + '}'
+ elsif options[:update]
+ update << "'#{options[:update]}'"
+ end
+ function = "#{JQUERY_VAR}.ajax(#{javascript_options})"
+ function = "#{options[:before]}; #{function}" if options[:before]
+ function = "#{function}; #{options[:after]}" if options[:after]
+ function = "if (#{options[:condition]}) { #{function}; }" if options[:condition]
+ function = "if (confirm('#{escape_javascript(options[:confirm])}')) { #{function}; }" if options[:confirm]
+ return function
+ end
+ class JavaScriptGenerator
+ module GeneratorMethods
+ def insert_html(position, id, *options_for_render)
+ insertion = position.to_s.downcase
+ insertion = 'append' if insertion == 'bottom'
+ insertion = 'prepend' if insertion == 'top'
+ call "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_id(id)}\").#{insertion}", render(*options_for_render)
+ end
+ def replace_html(id, *options_for_render)
+ insert_html(:html, id, *options_for_render)
+ end
+ def replace(id, *options_for_render)
+ call "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_id(id)}\").replaceWith", render(*options_for_render)
+ end
+ def remove(*ids)
+ call "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_ids(ids)}\").remove"
+ end
+ def show(*ids)
+ call "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_ids(ids)}\").show"
+ end
+ def hide(*ids)
+ call "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_ids(ids)}\").hide"
+ end
+ def toggle(*ids)
+ call "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_ids(ids)}\").toggle"
+ end
+ def jquery_id(id)
+ id.to_s.count('#.*,>+~:[/ ') == 0 ? "##{id}" : id
+ end
+ def jquery_ids(ids)
+ Array(ids).map{|id| jquery_id(id)}.join(',')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ def options_for_ajax(options)
+ js_options = build_callbacks(options)
+ url_options = options[:url]
+ url_options = url_options.merge(:escape => false) if url_options.is_a?(Hash)
+ js_options['url'] = "'#{url_for(url_options)}'"
+ js_options['async'] = false if options[:type] == :synchronous
+ js_options['type'] = options[:method] ? method_option_to_s(options[:method]) : ( options[:form] ? "'post'" : nil )
+ js_options['dataType'] = options[:datatype] ? "'#{options[:datatype]}'" : (options[:update] ? nil : "'script'")
+ if options[:form]
+ js_options['data'] = "#{JQUERY_VAR}.param(#{JQUERY_VAR}(this).serializeArray())"
+ elsif options[:submit]
+ js_options['data'] = "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"##{options[:submit]}:input\").serialize()"
+ elsif options[:with]
+ js_options['data'] = options[:with].gsub("Form.serialize(this.form)","#{JQUERY_VAR}.param(#{JQUERY_VAR}(this.form).serializeArray())")
+ end
+ js_options['type'] ||= "'post'"
+ if options[:method]
+ if method_option_to_s(options[:method]) == "'put'" || method_option_to_s(options[:method]) == "'delete'"
+ js_options['type'] = "'post'"
+ if js_options['data']
+ js_options['data'] << " + '&"
+ else
+ js_options['data'] = "'"
+ end
+ js_options['data'] << "_method=#{options[:method]}'"
+ end
+ end
+ if USE_PROTECTION && respond_to?('protect_against_forgery?') && protect_against_forgery?
+ if js_options['data']
+ js_options['data'] << " + '&"
+ else
+ js_options['data'] = "'"
+ end
+ js_options['data'] << "#{request_forgery_protection_token}=' + encodeURIComponent('#{escape_javascript form_authenticity_token}')"
+ end
+ js_options['data'] = "''" if js_options['type'] == "'post'" && js_options['data'].nil?
+ options_for_javascript(js_options.reject {|key, value| value.nil?})
+ end
+ def build_update_for_success(html_id, insertion=nil)
+ insertion = build_insertion(insertion)
+ "#{JQUERY_VAR}('#{jquery_id(html_id)}').#{insertion}(request);"
+ end
+ def build_update_for_error(html_id, insertion=nil)
+ insertion = build_insertion(insertion)
+ "#{JQUERY_VAR}('#{jquery_id(html_id)}').#{insertion}(request.responseText);"
+ end
+ def build_insertion(insertion)
+ insertion = insertion ? insertion.to_s.downcase : 'html'
+ insertion = 'append' if insertion == 'bottom'
+ insertion = 'prepend' if insertion == 'top'
+ insertion
+ end
+ def build_observer(klass, name, options = {})
+ if options[:with] && (options[:with] !~ /[\{=(.]/)
+ options[:with] = "'#{options[:with]}=' + value"
+ else
+ options[:with] ||= 'value' unless options[:function]
+ end
+ callback = options[:function] || remote_function(options)
+ javascript = "#{JQUERY_VAR}('#{jquery_id(name)}').delayedObserver("
+ javascript << "#{options[:frequency] || 0}, "
+ javascript << "function(element, value) {"
+ javascript << "#{callback}}"
+ #javascript << ", '#{options[:on]}'" if options[:on]
+ javascript << ")"
+ javascript_tag(javascript)
+ end
+ def build_callbacks(options)
+ callbacks = {}
+ options[:beforeSend] = '';
+ [:uninitialized,:loading].each do |key|
+ options[:beforeSend] << (options[key].last == ';' ? options.delete(key) : options.delete(key) << ';') if options[key]
+ end
+ options.delete(:beforeSend) if options[:beforeSend].blank?
+ options[:complete] = options.delete(:loaded) if options[:loaded]
+ options[:error] = options.delete(:failure) if options[:failure]
+ if options[:update]
+ if options[:update].is_a?(Hash)
+ options[:update][:error] = options[:update].delete(:failure) if options[:update][:failure]
+ if options[:update][:success]
+ options[:success] = build_update_for_success(options[:update][:success], options[:position]) << (options[:success] ? options[:success] : '')
+ end
+ if options[:update][:error]
+ options[:error] = build_update_for_error(options[:update][:error], options[:position]) << (options[:error] ? options[:error] : '')
+ end
+ else
+ options[:success] = build_update_for_success(options[:update], options[:position]) << (options[:success] ? options[:success] : '')
+ end
+ end
+ options.each do |callback, code|
+ if JQCALLBACKS.include?(callback)
+ callbacks[callback] = "function(request){#{code}}"
+ end
+ end
+ callbacks
+ end
+ end
+ class JavaScriptElementProxy < JavaScriptProxy #:nodoc:
+ unless const_defined? :JQUERY_VAR
+ JQUERY_VAR = PrototypeHelper::JQUERY_VAR
+ end
+ def initialize(generator, id)
+ id = id.to_s.count('#.*,>+~:[/ ') == 0 ? "##{id}" : id
+ @id = id
+ super(generator, "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{id}\")")
+ end
+ def replace_html(*options_for_render)
+ call 'html', @generator.send(:render, *options_for_render)
+ end
+ def replace(*options_for_render)
+ call 'replaceWith', @generator.send(:render, *options_for_render)
+ end
+ def reload(options_for_replace={})
+ replace(options_for_replace.merge({ :partial => @id.to_s.sub(/^#/,'') }))
+ end
+ def value()
+ call 'val()'
+ end
+ def value=(value)
+ call 'val', value
+ end
+ end
+ class JavaScriptElementCollectionProxy < JavaScriptCollectionProxy #:nodoc:\
+ unless const_defined? :JQUERY_VAR
+ JQUERY_VAR = PrototypeHelper::JQUERY_VAR
+ end
+ def initialize(generator, pattern)
+ super(generator, "#{JQUERY_VAR}(#{pattern.to_json})")
+ end
+ end
+ module ScriptaculousHelper
+ unless const_defined? :JQUERY_VAR
+ JQUERY_VAR = PrototypeHelper::JQUERY_VAR
+ end
+ unless const_defined? :SCRIPTACULOUS_EFFECTS
+ :appear => {:method => 'fadeIn'},
+ :blind_down => {:method => 'blind', :mode => 'show', :options => {:direction => 'vertical'}},
+ :blind_up => {:method => 'blind', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:direction => 'vertical'}},
+ :blind_right => {:method => 'blind', :mode => 'show', :options => {:direction => 'horizontal'}},
+ :blind_left => {:method => 'blind', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:direction => 'horizontal'}},
+ :bounce_in => {:method => 'bounce', :mode => 'show', :options => {:direction => 'up'}},
+ :bounce_out => {:method => 'bounce', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:direction => 'up'}},
+ :drop_in => {:method => 'drop', :mode => 'show', :options => {:direction => 'up'}},
+ :drop_out => {:method => 'drop', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:direction => 'down'}},
+ :fade => {:method => 'fadeOut'},
+ :fold_in => {:method => 'fold', :mode => 'hide'},
+ :fold_out => {:method => 'fold', :mode => 'show'},
+ :grow => {:method => 'scale', :mode => 'show'},
+ :shrink => {:method => 'scale', :mode => 'hide'},
+ :slide_down => {:method => 'slide', :mode => 'show', :options => {:direction => 'up'}},
+ :slide_up => {:method => 'slide', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:direction => 'up'}},
+ :slide_right => {:method => 'slide', :mode => 'show', :options => {:direction => 'left'}},
+ :slide_left => {:method => 'slide', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:direction => 'left'}},
+ :squish => {:method => 'scale', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:origin => "['top','left']"}},
+ :switch_on => {:method => 'clip', :mode => 'show', :options => {:direction => 'vertical'}},
+ :switch_off => {:method => 'clip', :mode => 'hide', :options => {:direction => 'vertical'}},
+ :toggle_appear => {:method => 'fadeToggle'},
+ :toggle_slide => {:method => 'slide', :mode => 'toggle', :options => {:direction => 'up'}},
+ :toggle_blind => {:method => 'blind', :mode => 'toggle', :options => {:direction => 'vertical'}},
+ }
+ end
+ def visual_effect(name, element_id = false, js_options = {})
+ element = element_id ? element_id : "this"
+ if SCRIPTACULOUS_EFFECTS.has_key? name.to_sym
+ effect = SCRIPTACULOUS_EFFECTS[name.to_sym]
+ name = effect[:method]
+ mode = effect[:mode]
+ js_options = js_options.merge(effect[:options]) if effect[:options]
+ end
+ [:color, :direction, :startcolor, :endcolor].each do |option|
+ js_options[option] = "'#{js_options[option]}'" if js_options[option]
+ end
+ if js_options.has_key? :duration
+ speed = js_options.delete :duration
+ speed = (speed * 1000).to_i unless speed.nil?
+ else
+ speed = js_options.delete :speed
+ end
+ if ['fadeIn','fadeOut','fadeToggle'].include?(name)
+ # 090905 - Jake - changed ' to \" so it passes assert_select_rjs with an id
+ javascript = "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_id(element_id)}\").#{name}("
+ javascript << "#{speed}" unless speed.nil?
+ javascript << ");"
+ else
+ # 090905 - Jake - changed ' to \" so it passes "assert_select_rjs :effect, ID"
+ javascript = "#{JQUERY_VAR}(\"#{jquery_id(element_id)}\").#{mode || 'effect'}('#{name}'"
+ javascript << ",#{options_for_javascript(js_options)}" unless speed.nil? && js_options.empty?
+ javascript << ",#{speed}" unless speed.nil?
+ javascript << ");"
+ end
+ end
+ def sortable_element_js(element_id, options = {}) #:nodoc:
+ #convert similar attributes
+ options[:handle] = ".#{options[:handle]}" if options[:handle]
+ if options[:tag] || options[:only]
+ options[:items] = "> "
+ options[:items] << options.delete(:tag) if options[:tag]
+ options[:items] << ".#{options.delete(:only)}" if options[:only]
+ end
+ options[:connectWith] = options.delete(:containment).map {|x| "##{x}"} if options[:containment]
+ options[:containment] = options.delete(:container) if options[:container]
+ options[:dropOnEmpty] = false unless options[:dropOnEmpty]
+ options[:helper] = "'clone'" if options[:ghosting] == true
+ options[:axis] = case options.delete(:constraint)
+ when "vertical", :vertical
+ "y"
+ when "horizontal", :horizontal
+ "x"
+ when false
+ nil
+ when nil
+ "y"
+ end
+ options.delete(:axis) if options[:axis].nil?
+ options.delete(:overlap)
+ options.delete(:ghosting)
+ if options[:onUpdate] || options[:url]
+ if options[:format]
+ options[:with] ||= "#{JQUERY_VAR}(this).sortable('serialize',{key:'#{element_id}[]', expression:#{options[:format]}})"
+ options.delete(:format)
+ else
+ options[:with] ||= "#{JQUERY_VAR}(this).sortable('serialize',{key:'#{element_id}[]'})"
+ end
+ options[:onUpdate] ||= "function(){" + remote_function(options) + "}"
+ end
+ options.delete_if { |key, value| PrototypeHelper::AJAX_OPTIONS.include?(key) }
+ options[:update] = options.delete(:onUpdate) if options[:onUpdate]
+ [:axis, :cancel, :containment, :cursor, :handle, :tolerance, :items, :placeholder].each do |option|
+ options[option] = "'#{options[option]}'" if options[option]
+ end
+ options[:connectWith] = array_or_string_for_javascript(options[:connectWith]) if options[:connectWith]
+ %(#{JQUERY_VAR}('#{jquery_id(element_id)}').sortable(#{options_for_javascript(options)});)
+ end
+ def draggable_element_js(element_id, options = {})
+ %(#{JQUERY_VAR}("#{jquery_id(element_id)}").draggable(#{options_for_javascript(options)});)
+ end
+ def drop_receiving_element_js(element_id, options = {})
+ #convert similar options
+ options[:hoverClass] = options.delete(:hoverclass) if options[:hoverclass]
+ options[:drop] = options.delete(:onDrop) if options[:onDrop]
+ if options[:drop] || options[:url]
+ options[:with] ||= "'id=' + encodeURIComponent(#{JQUERY_VAR}(ui.draggable).attr('id'))"
+ options[:drop] ||= "function(ev, ui){" + remote_function(options) + "}"
+ end
+ options.delete_if { |key, value| PrototypeHelper::AJAX_OPTIONS.include?(key) }
+ options[:accept] = array_or_string_for_javascript(options[:accept]) if options[:accept]
+ [:activeClass, :hoverClass, :tolerance].each do |option|
+ options[option] = "'#{options[option]}'" if options[option]
+ end
+ %(#{JQUERY_VAR}('#{jquery_id(element_id)}').droppable(#{options_for_javascript(options)});)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/tasks/jrails.rake b/vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/tasks/jrails.rake
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15806b3d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/tasks/jrails.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+namespace :jrails do
+ namespace :js do
+ desc "deprecated. Please use ./script/generator jrails"
+ task :install do
+ #puts "Copying files..."
+ #project_dir = RAILS_ROOT + '/public/javascripts/'
+ #scripts = Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '/javascripts/', '*.js')]
+ #FileUtils.cp(scripts, project_dir)
+ puts "please use ./script/generator jrails"
+ end
+ desc 'Remove the prototype / script.aculo.us javascript files'
+ task :scrub do
+ puts "Removing files..."
+ files = %W[controls.js dragdrop.js effects.js prototype.js]
+ project_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'javascripts')
+ files.each do |fname|
+ FileUtils.rm(File.join(project_dir, fname)) if File.exists?(File.join(project_dir, fname))
+ end
+ puts "files removed successfully."
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/jrails/rails/init.rb b/vendor/plugins/jrails/rails/init.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a1019482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/jrails/rails/init.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# The following options can be changed by creating an initializer in config/initializers/jrails.rb
+# jRails uses jQuery.noConflict() by default
+# to use the default jQuery variable, use:
+# ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHelper::JQUERY_VAR = '$'
+# ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHelper:: DISABLE_JQUERY_FORGERY_PROTECTION
+# Set this to disable forgery protection in ajax calls
+# This is handy if you want to use caching with ajax by injecting the forgery token via another means
+# for an example, see http://henrik.nyh.se/2008/05/rails-authenticity-token-with-jquery
+# ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHelper::DISABLE_JQUERY_FORGERY_PROTECTION = true
+#ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper::JAVASCRIPT_DEFAULT_SOURCES = ['jquery','jquery-ui','jrails']
+require 'jrails'
+require 'jquery_selector_assertions' if Rails.env.test?