5. This would be a good time to rewatch your favorite TV series installment, cook & have breakfast/lunch/dinner, walk the dog, clean your room, etc.<br>
6. To confirm the installation worked, open the web browser of your choice and enter `http://localhost:3000` into the address bar and see if the website loads correctly.
The postgres server accepts outside connections which you can use to connect with a local client. Use `localhost:34517` to connect to a database named `danbooru2` with the user `danbooru`. Leave the password blank, anything will work.
There is no script that performs these steps for you, as you need to split them up to match your infrastructure.
Running a single machine install in production is possible, but is likely to be somewhat sluggish due to contention in disk between postgresql and elasticsearch.
Minimum RAM is 4GB. You will need to adjust values in config files to match how much RAM is available.
If you are targeting more than a hundred thousand posts and reasonable user volumes, you probably want to procure yourself a database server. See tuning guides for postgresql and elasticsearch for help planning these requirements.