Rename commands, hooks, net messages and timers to conform to guidelines

This commit is contained in:
Samuel Williams 2020-12-21 22:03:55 +00:00 committed by Brandon Sturgeon
parent e61bc43386
commit 735b0c73af
6 changed files with 29 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
util.AddNetworkString( "cfc_di_ping" )
util.AddNetworkString( "cfc_di_loaded" )
util.AddNetworkString( "cfc_di_shutdown" )
util.AddNetworkString( "CFC_DisconnectInterface_Ping" )
util.AddNetworkString( "CFC_DisconnectInterface_Loaded" )
util.AddNetworkString( "CFC_DisconnectInterface_Shutdown" )
CreateConVar( "cfc_disconnect_interface_status_endpoint", "", FCVAR_REPLICATED + FCVAR_ARCHIVE + FCVAR_PROTECTED )
CreateConVar( "cfc_disconnect_interface_restart_time", 180, FCVAR_REPLICATED + FCVAR_ARCHIVE + FCVAR_PROTECTED )

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@ -56,18 +56,18 @@ function api.getState()
return api.stateOverride or api.state
concommand.Add( "cfc_di_testcrash", function()
concommand.Add( "cfc_disconnect_interface_test_crash", function()
api.stateOverride = api.SERVER_DOWN
end )
concommand.Add( "cfc_di_testnointernet", function()
concommand.Add( "cfc_disconnect_interface_test_nointernet", function()
api.stateOverride = api.NO_INTERNET
end )
concommand.Add( "cfc_di_testrestart", function()
concommand.Add( "cfc_disconnect_interface_test_restart", function()
api.stateOverride = api.SERVER_UP
end )
concommand.Add( "cfc_di_testrecover", function()
concommand.Add( "cfc_disconnect_interface_test_recover", function()
api.stateOverride = nil
end )

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ function dTimer.Simple( delay, f )
dTimer.idCounter = dTimer.idCounter + 1
hook.Add( "Think", "cfc_di_detatched_timer", function()
hook.Add( "Think", "CFC_DisconnectInterface_DetatchedTimer", function()
local time = SysTime()
for id, curTimer in pairs( dTimer.timers ) do

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@ -66,19 +66,19 @@ local function secondsAsTime( s )
local function rejoin()
timer.Simple( 1, function()
dTimer.Simple( 1, function()
RunConsoleCommand( "snd_restart" ) -- Restarts sound engine, good practice?
RunConsoleCommand( "retry" )
end )
local function leave()
timer.Simple( 1, function()
dTimer.Simple( 1, function()
RunConsoleCommand( "disconnect" )
end )
hook.Add( "InitPostEntity", "cfc_di_getGame", async( function()
hook.Add( "InitPostEntity", "CFC_DisconnectInterface_GetGame", async( function()
success, GAME_CODE = await( NP.http.fetch( GAME_URL ) )
GAME_CODE = success and GAME_CODE
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ local function addButtonsBar( frame )
timer.Simple( 0.25, function()
dTimer.Simple( 0.25, function()
showMessage( "You'll have the option to respawn your props when you rejoin." )
end )
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ local function createInterface()
hook.Add( "cfc_di_crashTick", "cfc_di_interfaceUpdate", function( isCrashing, _timeDown, _apiState )
hook.Add( "CFC_CrashTick", "CFC_DisconnectInterface_InterfaceUpdate", function( isCrashing, _timeDown, _apiState )
timeDown = _timeDown
if _apiState ~= CFCCrashAPI.PINGING_API then
apiState = _apiState

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ local lastPong
local pongerStatus = false
local pingLoopRunning = false
net.Receive( "cfc_di_ping", function()
net.Receive( "CFC_DisconnectInterface_Ping", function()
if CFCCrashAPI.stateOverride then return end
if PING_MISS > 0 then -- Allow some pings before actually starting crash systems. ( Avoid bugs on join stutter. )
@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ net.Receive( "cfc_di_ping", function()
end )
local function shutdown()
dTimer.Remove( "cfc_di_startup" )
hook.Remove( "Tick", "cfc_di_tick" )
dTimer.Remove( "CFC_DisconnectInterface_Startup" )
hook.Remove( "Tick", "CFC_DisconnectInterface_CrashChecker" )
net.Receive( "cfc_di_shutdown", shutdown )
hook.Add( "ShutDown", "cfc_di_shutdown", shutdown )
net.Receive( "CFC_DisconnectInterface_Shutdown", shutdown )
hook.Add( "ShutDown", "CFC_DisconnectInterface_Cleanup", shutdown )
local function _pingLoop()
if pingLoopRunning then return end
@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ local function checkCrashTick()
hook.Run( "cfc_di_crashTick", pongerStatus, timedown, CFCCrashAPI.getState() )
hook.Run( "CFC_CrashTick", pongerStatus, timedown, CFCCrashAPI.getState() )
-- Ping the server when the client is ready.
dTimer.Create( "cfc_di_startup", 0.01, 0, function()
dTimer.Create( "CFC_DisconnectInterface_Startup", 0.01, 0, function()
if LocalPlayer():IsValid() then
dTimer.Remove( "cfc_di_startup" )
dTimer.Remove( "CFC_DisconnectInterface_Startup" )
net.Start( "cfc_di_loaded" )
net.Start( "CFC_DisconnectInterface_Loaded" )
print( "cfc_disconnect_interface loaded." )
hook.Add( "Tick", "cfc_di_tick", checkCrashTick )
hook.Add( "Tick", "CFC_DisconnectInterface_CrashChecker", checkCrashTick )
end )

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@ -3,25 +3,25 @@ local PING_TIME = 1
local players = {}
local function ping( ply )
net.Start( "cfc_di_ping" )
net.Start( "CFC_DisconnectInterface_Ping" )
net.Send( ply or players )
net.Receive( "cfc_di_loaded", function( len, ply )
net.Receive( "CFC_DisconnectInterface_Loaded", function( len, ply )
if not IsValid( ply ) then return end
if not table.HasValue( players, ply ) then
table.insert( players, ply )
end )
hook.Add( "PlayerDisconnected", "crashsys", function( ply )
hook.Add( "PlayerDisconnected", "CFC_DisconnectInterface_UnregisterPlayer", function( ply )
ping( ply ) -- Stop menu popping up while they are leaving
table.RemoveByValue( players, ply )
end )
timer.Create( "cfc_di_pingTimer", PING_TIME, 0, ping )
timer.Create( "CFC_DisconnectInterface_PingTimer", PING_TIME, 0, ping )
hook.Add( "ShutDown", "cfc_di", function()
net.Start( "cfc_di_shutdown" )
hook.Add( "ShutDown", "CFC_DisconnectInterface_ForwardShutdown", function()
net.Start( "CFC_DisconnectInterface_Shutdown" )
net.Send( players )
end )