Adding message alerting players of prop restoration

This commit is contained in:
Bleck 2020-04-10 03:52:13 -05:00 committed by Brandon Sturgeon
parent 50296327c4
commit 22d027ef7a
2 changed files with 15 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ api.NO_INTERNET = 2
api.SERVER_UP = 4
local DEV_MODE = false
local DEV_MODE = true
api.inDebug = false
api.debugMode = api.INACTIVE

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@ -263,11 +263,17 @@ local function addButtonsBar( frame )
local buttonBarHeight = 90
local buttonBarOffset = 90
local barPanel = vgui.Create( "DPanel", frame )
barPanel:SetSize( frameW, buttonBarHeight )
barPanel:SetPos( 0, frameH - buttonBarHeight - buttonBarOffset )
barPanel.Paint = nil
function barPanel:Think()
function barPanel:Think()
if not self.showOnce then
showMessage( "You'll have the option to respawn your props when you rejoin." )
self.showOnce = true
if not self.disconMode then return end
if apiState ~= crashApi.SERVER_UP then return end
if self.backUp then return end
@ -281,6 +287,7 @@ local function addButtonsBar( frame )
barPanel.reconBtn:SetDisabled( true )
barPanel.reconBtn.dontEnable = true
barPanel.disconBtn:SetDisabled( true )
if not barPanel.disconMode then
showMessage( "Reconnecting..." )
@ -291,7 +298,7 @@ local function addButtonsBar( frame )
end )
-- Color( 74, 251, 191 ), nil, Color( 74, 251, 191 ), Color( 64, 141, 131 ) )
-- Reconnect button will usually start as disabled
barPanel.reconBtn:SetDisabled( true )
barPanel.reconBtn:SetDisabled( false )
barPanel.disconBtn = makeButton( barPanel, "DISCONNECT", 0.75, function( self )
if not barPanel.disconMode then
showMessage( getDisconnectMessage() )
@ -305,6 +312,11 @@ local function addButtonsBar( frame )
barPanel.reconBtn:SetText( "YES" )
timer.Simple( 0.25, function()
showMessage( "You'll have the option to respawn your props when you rejoin." )
end )
barPanel.disconMode = false
self:SetText( "DISCONNECT" )
self.hoverOutlineCol = Color( 255, 255, 255 )