Hands preview. Requires seq_admire sequence to be present in the hands model.

This commit is contained in:
YuRaNnNzZZ 2020-10-17 04:11:41 +03:00
parent 8910977990
commit a840484446
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 75F9B884851C26D7

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@ -555,7 +555,12 @@ function Menu.Setup()
Menu.Right = Frame:Add( "DPropertySheet" )
Menu.Right:Dock( RIGHT )
Menu.Right:SetSize( 430, 0 )
Menu.Right.OnActiveTabChanged = function( self, oldTab, newTab )
Menu.IsHandsTabActive = newTab.IsHandsTab
timer.Simple( 0, function() Menu.UpdateFromConvars() end )
local modeltab = Menu.Right:Add( "DPropertySheet" )
Menu.Right:AddSheet( "Model", modeltab, "icon16/user.png" )
@ -654,8 +659,10 @@ function Menu.Setup()
local handtab = Menu.Right:Add( "DPropertySheet" )
Menu.Right:AddSheet( "Hands", handtab, "icon16/attach.png" )
local handtab = Menu.Right:Add( "DPropertySheet" )
local htb = Menu.Right:AddSheet( "Hands", handtab, "icon16/attach.png" )
htb.Tab.IsHandsTab = true
local t = handtab:Add( "DLabel" )
t:SetPos( 129, 1 )
@ -1431,6 +1438,12 @@ function Menu.Setup()
return string.Implode( " ", newname )
function Menu.PlayHandsPreviewAnimation( panel, playermodel )
local iSeq = panel.Entity:LookupSequence( "seq_admire" )
if ( iSeq > 0 ) then panel.Entity:ResetSequence( iSeq ) end
function Menu.PlayPreviewAnimation( panel, playermodel )
if ( !panel or !IsValid( panel.Entity ) ) then return end
@ -1451,9 +1464,11 @@ function Menu.Setup()
-- Updating
function Menu.UpdateBodyGroups( pnl, val )
local handsTabActive = Menu.IsHandsTabActive
if ( pnl.type == "bgroup" ) then
mdl.Entity:SetBodygroup( pnl.typenum, math.Round( val ) )
if ( not handsTabActive ) then mdl.Entity:SetBodygroup( pnl.typenum, math.Round( val ) ) end
local str = string.Explode( " ", GetConVar( "cl_playerbodygroups" ):GetString() )
if ( #str < pnl.typenum + 1 ) then for i = 1, pnl.typenum + 1 do str[ i ] = str[ i ] or 0 end end
@ -1462,7 +1477,7 @@ function Menu.Setup()
elseif ( pnl.type == "flex" ) then
mdl.Entity:SetFlexWeight( pnl.typenum, math.Round( val, 2 ) )
if ( not handsTabActive ) then mdl.Entity:SetFlexWeight( pnl.typenum, math.Round( val, 2 ) ) end
local str = string.Explode( " ", GetConVar( "cl_playerflexes" ):GetString() )
if ( #str < pnl.typenum + 1 ) then for i = 1, pnl.typenum + 1 do str[ i ] = str[ i ] or 0 end end
@ -1471,7 +1486,7 @@ function Menu.Setup()
elseif ( pnl.type == "skin" ) then
mdl.Entity:SetSkin( math.Round( val ) )
if ( not handsTabActive ) then mdl.Entity:SetSkin( math.Round( val ) ) end
RunConsoleCommand( "cl_playerskin", math.Round( val ) )
@ -1569,6 +1584,26 @@ function Menu.Setup()
function Menu.UpdateFromConvars()
if ( Menu.IsHandsTabActive ) then
local model = LocalPlayer():GetInfo( "cl_playerhands" )
if ( model == "" ) then
model = LocalPlayer():GetInfo( "cl_playermodel" )
local mdlhands = player_manager.TranslatePlayerHands( model )
util.PrecacheModel( mdlhands.model )
mdl:SetModel( mdlhands.model )
mdl.Entity:SetSkin( mdlhands.skin )
mdl.Entity:SetBodyGroups( mdlhands.body )
mdl.Entity.GetPlayerColor = function() return Vector( GetConVar( "cl_playercolor" ):GetString() ) end
Menu.PlayHandsPreviewAnimation( mdl, model )
local model = LocalPlayer():GetInfo( "cl_playermodel" )
local modelname = player_manager.TranslatePlayerModel( model )
@ -1611,9 +1646,40 @@ function Menu.Setup()
function mdl:DragMouseRelease() self.Pressed = false end
function mdl:RunAnimation() -- override to restart hands animation
if ( Menu.IsHandsTabActive and self.Entity:GetCycle() > 0.99 ) then
self.Entity:SetCycle( 0 )
self.Entity:FrameAdvance( ( RealTime() - self.LastPaint ) * self.m_fAnimSpeed )
local handsang = Angle( 0, 180, 0 )
function mdl:LayoutEntity( Entity )
if ( self.bAnimated ) then self:RunAnimation() end
if ( Menu.IsHandsTabActive ) then
self.WasHandsTab = true
self:SetFOV( 65 )
self.Angles = handsang
self.Pos = vector_origin
Entity:SetAngles( self.Angles )
Entity:SetPos( self.Pos )
elseif ( self.WasHandsTab ) then -- reset position on tab switch
self.WasHandsTab = false
self:SetFOV( 36 )
self.Pos = Vector( -100, 0, -61 )
self.Angles = Angle( 0, 0, 0 )
if ( self.Pressed == MOUSE_LEFT ) then
local mx, my = gui.MousePos()
self.Angles = self.Angles - Angle( 0, ( self.PressX or mx ) - mx, 0 )